Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1966, p. 2

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smoky richardsons scoop pass to blak inglis is caught in raidair the tanners press heipoler in an wort to gat into contention emst pounding the sports beat the tinneis in i first look at thf 196647 edition of the tinneis in action against two ol i ho leagues live teams dourly shows the aclon club is a conleiulei but thell have then hands lull with ever club in the gioiip theie aio m weak sisleis among the enti les it was obvious irom fiidav night s openei hespelei will as stiong as last oai they m mm lost to the puwcitul sealoith dub in their lust game at home oiangevillc the tin rent cellar dwellers with three losses in as main stalls supplied still opposition to the tanners beloiv bowing 43 in a game which ended up with two acton plaveis making a mp to the hospital bob mai shall who went with mmiav mauhincnt and jim cunningham to sick bav cox mod with blood was also mistaken loi a patient the blood was the tesult ol a donnybrook in hc peniltv bo hetween maichment ot the tanneis and milton of orangeville with bob in ilic middle milton lost most of his tronl teeth in the scullle while maiehment sulteied a seven stitch gash on his wust jim cunningham was stiuck in the eye bv a flying stick making his tup to the hospital necessary the raitpei s meanwhile used paul bodendistel for the first time monday and had george grasbv and jim sweeney in the lineup lollowing tudavs mi up which baned lour of the guelph area plaveis lioni plamg the team will not be able to use wayne hilson ml its tloubtlul whether jim fanelly will be allowed to pla but cleat ances ate expected for sweeney ind bodendistel the oha made no hones about it they intend to enforce the residence i emulations for every teuni in the league its causing some confusion right now hut in the long run it will work out best for everyone concerned providing it is enforced impartially cowrntr bob marshall was inrotmccl this week the oha will mil pioss attempts to include clinton and durham in ihe piesenl liw team int b gioupmg appaienth the ennie plot was the project of the northern convenei who cviclentlv dufn t consult the clinton team about its wishes fuithei o ii a investigation revvaled clinton did not relish plavmg in tins k ague too stiong thev said the oh a left it up in convenci m u shall 10 make the decision alter con feinng with the eistmg ic ims eailiei in tin season the league would gladlv have welcom ed two moie ctitiies hut at this late date with the schedule made- up and paitlv planl expansion would have created contusion and mam headaches plans who also underwav for an extension of the schedule when the loquest came thiough the league in tends to atld eight moie games loi each team to the piesent 16 it was decided further expansion was not possible this season but urged the oh a to solicit entries early next year so these problems would not crop up if there was amy doubt about which team in the eastern lootball lonlnuiie was most quahliod to be in the giev cup game it should have been dispelled satuidav hamilton ti- cats reputed lo be- the snonclbest team in the east weie no match lor ottawa rough ritleis ticats labomv nuclei a 29 point deficit on the twogame totalpoint series and a imputation as the original comeback heroes had to gamble eailv in the game on scoring a touchdown which would ignite then ollcnse such as it is rider coach frank clair xvas piepaied loi nisi such an eventuality he knew the tabbies would gamble on the long ball so he dispersed his lorces 10 match the need an intciception of hamiltons first desperate throw was all that was needed ottawa galloped over for a touchdown and vou might sa the tig was up lor the steel ciiv snarlers from that point then vaunted defense could not cope with the giant ottawa line and russ jackson i hamilton native who slipped through tlcat lingers iiicidcntailv nibbed the memory of previous defeats from the books with another peerless peifoimanee when the game was in the bag clan took him out for a substitute who continued to spur the rider attack the real big game will come this saturday in vancouver when the eastern rough riders meet the western roughtiders for the grey cup ottawa is favored to cart the cup back to the nations capital on ihe strength of their last two perform ances thats who this fuzzv laced one prefers although the western reps will be a much better club than hamilton beat bits i sports scribe brian mccnstall and denis gibbons took in the motredarne michigan state game at lansing michigan satuidav loi the mythical college crown both teams were undefeated pnoi to the game and classed onetwo in the rat ings its still that vvav thev battled to a 1010 draw people heaters in the geoigetown arem are drawing plenty of approving comments i mm visitois plans are on the books to put three in the communttv centre heie and long range view is to have the same setup as gooi uc town acton firefighter bantams dropped a 32 decision to milton heie last wednesday juves win isy one eton lions juveniles merely out on the ice last wed- ay to post a win over el- oha int b standings as of nov 21 1966 elralra team failed to ifqp for the scheduled trl- nutch so the game was l to acton gp w l t pt hespeler 3 2 0 i 4 acton 2 i 0 1 2 fergus 1 i 0 0 2 seaforth 1 1 0 0 2 orangevillc 3 0 0 3 0 tanners split in first two oha games edge duffs 43 monday in blood and thunder duel mic macs spoil home team debut hespeler mic mats scoied thtoe second period goals in a span ol less than two minutes erasing a m acton lead i 1 idav night then thev went on to pin n 64 detent on ihe runnel s in front ol 400 in si night hockov lans home debut loi the 1966 67 season and i lie leintiodue lion ol oil a inlei mediate hockcv in acton loi the inst lime in 16 veins mic macs spoiled both occlusions lot ihe tanneis thev checked them into the ice once thev gi tubbed the lead for the first period and a hall it looked like the lanncis would lilltwitheldmijia fust night pallet n bv pinning a doleal on ihe visitois midwav thiough the second pei lod they wilted ami beloie vpn could pal the top ol voui hat the last skating hespeler ciew pulled ahead thev added two iliad peiiod goals to put the game in the bag acton scored one moie in the last seconds ol pliv vsilh hespelei shoithunded your guys played like oui team did in then lust game against sealoith one hespelei oflicidl said dltei the game 1 he tanneis lned haul moved the puck well but between lac k waldo watson in ihe mic- mae mesh and a loose delonsi ihev couldnt cope with ihe hustling hespelei cievv added lo then woes was a pie game cliieolive lioni the oil a telling the club not lo use cilhci jim sweenev oi jim laiiellv ol last veais club and paul boclcn distel and wav ne hilson two new laces until liuthei checks weie made on then place ol lesidence this played havoc with the hntup and lioshman coach pied kcnlnei was lorced to piggle his line in an c i loi i to wawkmmll rpfflw5 os 4 come up willi a good coinhin alum he called on ioalkcopct glen hillock lo lake sweeneys place between the pipes hillock seiv- id up i spaikhng game he had no chance on the pucks which eluded hun scveial ol which acton plaveis passed onto hes pelei sticks up 1 1 on t kciitnoi had bkike inglis is a pivot between smok- ev richaidson and junioi beau mont his second line consisted ol diminutive got die bell be ivveen inn haines and haiold lownslev a thud llueesomc used onlv spottilv ihad jan rid dall at cenlie and dtinnv aihic uul beavci bavlei on the wings thev woie dubbed the kid line inn cunningham hill cm no muirav muehnicnl ind dennis saielci idled the iv louse posts doug smoky richaidson scoied the onlv oil ol the inst period on a pass lioni blake inglis which was the periods lone highlight outside of a bunt ol listiculls be- 1 ween match inenl of the i mneis and nigged mil mac boh heatln i iilglou mai chmcn look the decision hands clown inglis made it 2 0 loi the tan nei s at 3 24 ol the- second stana on a plav aiouncl the mic mac cage with beaumont and rich aulson bcloic hospelci got back in ihe hunt maichment lost the puck behind the acton net lo russell he passid in lioil lo continued on page thiee 2 the acton free press thursday november 24 1966 raiders dusters wallop jets orioles in sunday twin bill two resounding defeats weie pulled out ol the indus lal hockey league bag sunday night as dusteis and raideis pulled away liom onolcs and jets in the standings raiders broke a t hi ee wav tie lor second place ov blasting jots 135 in the opener league leading dusters shellacked the orioles 8 i in the nightcap foi their fou 1 1 h stiaight win with out a loss onolcs managed to aveil a shutout bv scoi ing in the last lew seconds ol plav jet goalie bob shoppard must have seen the mcdonald bro thers in his sleep lollowing the fust contest betvecen ihem stu mcdonald and voungei bro ther jim slacked seven pucks bdhind bob and assisted on an other stu rattled foui goals in and jim thice while ron hellci potted thice lo fashion ins own hat trick rich goidon di illcd a pan lor raiders and al mcnabb notch ed one in the assist department it was another pan of brothers mho dominated the brackets al mcnabb assisted on thice goals while brothel john accounted for a pair the mcdonald de tachment got three assists li stu and one from jim with ruddv holmes also assisting on one- ken buddha mi isaac alast minute replacement fillnlslto nets capablv loi raiders gary ritohje and noah ros 7cil hit the taiget twice apiece lor jets with ron mellon pull ing the string once and assist ing on another pair ham red phillips fred andrews and ed hilher revoicl eel one assrsit each for the losers who served three ot the hour penalties levied dusters increased then lea gue lead in the second game bj overwhelming orioles 81 thev had a shutout going for neitninder clarence farmer sheppard until the last minute of play when onole john dunn unleashed a sizzlex which elud ed ihe le lgui s top netminder top pomlgcllci loi the win ners who icallv spread the scoi ing aiound was john cun ningham he notched a goal ard assisted on thioc others giant withus bi uco barber bob dolc tom oaklev ian johnson wavne shoppard and ed smith hit once apiece with baibei and johnson also re- ioi ding an assist each barry wilson was runner up in the point column with three veli irncd assists onolcs scivcd seven of the jame s eight penalties two of winch wire maors to ian john son and ron oboo bastell for illempling lo annihilate each olhci novices lose two close ones acton novices lost two dec is ions in tiicountv hockev this week thev weie edged 32 b milton heie wednesday and cuopped a 3 0 game to oakville milton built up a 3 0 load be loie the acton team replied with twej thud poi lod goals but tailed to connect with the equalizer 4 hetpalar twin under jack watson thwarts doug richardson in the first period of fridays oha int b opanar horo ww biampton took a 63 win fiom weston in the legion town league atom openet satuidav al lei noon selling the pattern lot most ol the games which loi low eel toid alton was the big gun lor brampton shooting lout goals while tim tayloi and dei nek dixon scoied one apiece lohn mchugh assisted on lour goals joe kenmer scott willi eis and tim tayloi on one each westons top goalgel tor was john scoyne he scoied twice his lust liom jelf shields sec- oiul unassisted rlekv holmes popped in the other both penalties wont to biamp ion a bench sentence st rved bv tim daigle uul a nipping lap lo joe kentnei st cathurincs lopped hamil ion s2 in the inst novice game- while- league leading niagaia falls blanked oshawa 40 in the second hall ol the doublehead ci john hansen rapped in three goals loi st kilts and assisted on one of two wayne- allan scor cd tor hamilton kevin mar eoiix and ivan hearns connect cd loi unassisted counters niagaia tails big shooter was beinie tayloi he scored all loui goals foi the league lead crs three unassisted and one with help from glen widawski baltimore just squeezed by cleveland 7 6 in the pec wee- opener springlield shaded ro- chestei 43 in the second game- randy marsh tony swim and hairy lavvson drilled two goals ipicce for baltimore and james mcnabb bagged one randv marsh also got two assists james mcnabb and david nor man one each jell goy rattled in lour goals loi cleveland peter moinson sniped two markers and got two assists as well with terrance roec and randy downes col lecling an assist each bob krul bagged a hat trick loi springliem in their conquest ol rochcstci all three goals un assisted he also assisted on david bi aulas counter rochester go two goals fiom the stick ol ronnie death the lust on a solo the second from gaiv fisher hovvaid coultrup hit the target once assisted bv bi uin storcv onlv penalties of the aftei noon were in the atom game- following arc- league sfatistics compiled bv charlie thomson this weeks scores bantams game of nov 17 1966 buffalo 5 pittsburg 6 team standings atoms g w l t pts brampton 2 10 13 weston 2 0 11 novice n tails 3 3 0 0 6 st cathannis 3 2 10 4 oshawa 3 12 0 2 h million 3 0 3 0 0 pee wees spnngtield 3 3 0 0 6 rochcslei 3 2 10 4 baltimore 3 12 0 2 cleveland 3 0 3 0 0 bantams butlalo 2 110 2 pittsburg 110 0 2 heishev i 0 i 0 0 bantam standings as of nov 17 we require mechanics and 1 apprentice good working conditions modern shop fringe benefits apply mac hunter truck sales ltd hwy 25 north milton 873121 scoring derby atoms g a pts tord alton b 4 0 4 john mcllugh b 0 4 4 ricky holmes w 3 0 3 john scoyne w 2 0 2 don nk divm b 2 0 2 tim tayloi b 112 novice bernie liyloi nt 8 0 k john hansen st c s 2 7 bill mikenio nt 3 2 5 rielcv baginski o 1 4 s wavne allan st c 3 1 4 david allen o 3 0 3 david moms o 1 1 2 pee wees pelci momson c 13 3 16 bob ki nl s 9 2 ii ron lout let r 3 3 6 jell gov c 6 0 6 ron death r 3 2 s jim mcnabb b 3 1 4 david braula s 2 2 4 randv mavdi b chris sehuls s 2 2 4 0 3 3 rodney gibbons r 0 2 2 bantams bien irwin b 2 1 3 rinv schuts b 2 1 3 bill sevcnnski b 2 1 3 gaith tavloi p 2 i 3 john last b 2 0 2 jack irwin p 2 0 2 gai rv masters p 1 1 2 including nov 17 game mayor wes beatty open new season mayor les duby and honorary president of the tanners wes beatty participated in the pre- gume ceremonies friday night welcoming oha intermediate hockey back to acton for the first time in 16 years both spoke briefly to the 400 fans at the opener between hes peler and the tanners the may or welcoming the mic macs to town as well as wishing the teams success mr beatty pres ident of beardmore and co sponsors of the tanners con gratulated the club on past sea sons and wished them well in the season ahead acton arena schedule friday november 25 8 30 p m orangeville vs acton tanners saturday november 26 912 noon figure skating 16 p m legion minor hockey 810 pm public skating sunday november 27 1011 30 am ind hockey 1 1 301 p m tanners prac tise 1 453 45 p m public skating 710 pm ind league hockey monday november 28 curling tuesday november 29 curling wednesday november 30 2 3pm mothers and pre school children public skatfng 610 pm tncounty hck key novice pee wee bantam midget thursday december 1 79 p m legion minor hockey 910 pm trifcounty juveniles i rebounding liom then loss in tiidays ope in i acton 1 annus edged oiaugcvillc dulleiins 4 3 montlav night blood and ihuiulci oh a int b battle on then bailiwick giuclling biuising contest with plaveis on both teams cai ivmg thou slicks and elbows high ihc- laiineis tiadcd goals with dill ic mils ovo the second and lluiel pciiods licloic lookic ian rulclall dulled the winning goal his second al 1 3 27 ol the thud pei lod unlike the pnii oils til lec tunes tile llllllleis wcic ahead oiancicvillc could not ovcicomc the one goal mai gin and ihc acton club hid us lust win in two stti is goalie jim sweeney was bic k in the nets loi the lionels he played an outstanding game es pcciallv with ihc acton club shoi lhancled dulloiins vceie- on ihc shoi i end ol the 21 penalties handed out as well is the seoic sci v ing juiie ol them which gave the ample oppoi liinities to bolhci sweenev ilivcis on both tc mis indulg cd in stick swinging episodes tiavcd tcmpcis erupted at 12 2s of the second pel uid with the teams lied al i i releiei ron btecn assessed dele use man mm i iv maichment ot ihe i iniuis and don millon of oiaugcvillc two iniiiulcs apiece loi their oun peisonal vindclta tile p in h it ik leaclud tin pnallv ho when ihev lesnnud while ihev u ft oil on tin in milton on the- receiving end ol one ol maichment s punches losl most ol his 1 1 uul licth marchiih nl susl inn cl a gash mi his thumb which icquucd scien slilchis ri i hiccn tliiew both plavcrs out ol ihc gallic vvh u oiilci wis icslmcd i en tin con fusion vvis icicle ct when in oil tint v polienn in ill civvies lned lo inloivciic ac ion plaveis and olllcials though it was in at tempt tj assiult marchmcnt and thev shooed bun oil with slicks inc line us when the teams played hock cv the tanneis had an edge oei dcilleiins coach tied kcnlnei added gcoigo giashy lo ihe defense anil paul bod n- ilistcl to tnd ivs lineup the team responded with in ill out crfoi t there was no scoring in ile itis period but the line of blake inglis smoktv ric4tttckon nncl junior beaumont were robbed bv netminder bob houarlh in ihc fns 10 minutes blake put ihe tanners ahead at the si minute maik of the second slan a on apass from d in arbic sports corner 124 milt st e at wilbur phone 8532160 wallets and keytainers for men and ladies clutch and french purges cigarette lighters available in matched sets from buxton and cooperweeks best quality leather goods at sports corner i in cc minutes lutci dulloims hid it up as lownley inle-icept- cd lowiislc j clearing pass and lammed it past a startled swee nev paul boilcntlistol and gonlie bell icanicil upto put ac inn ahead igain al t4 30 onlv to have oiingcvilfc knot the count al 18 1 1 with winless polling the inggei one of jhe most aggiessive lines on the ice gonlie bell j in riddali mil dan aibie put the i nun is in limit it i 16 of ihe tliiid poiiod wub ridtlal the in iiksintii undue mcdonald ik i it up loi oiangoville al 9 12 silling ihe stigc loi ridilalls winning goal it iurii at ii 27 lion a sirani- bli aioiuul tin oi angewlle net ii uold lownslev pukid it nr hi hind ihc int iclived to rul clall in 1 1 out and he made no mistake with a point blank shot first period vjo scoi ing f pens siiulel iirshv i title giashv marchniiiit second peiiod ah inglis i aibuj 6tx ow lownlev til mcdon aid 9 04 a p bodeiidisld ig bell 14 30 o j wmlcss mcoonald 18 ii pins gi ishv bob church i inglis s nun m march- nii nl and d milton each receiv- i il 2 uiiiiiilc roughing 10 mm hush tiultic i and grille niiscon clue i third peiiod aj ricldall bell h lownslev i 1 16 o ii mcdonald 9 12 a i ruldill ii towns lev 13 27 pens i itile beaumont bill chuich 2 wanloss boll bo th ndistc i davison wanless richardson 2 chain saw h0meute nn cuts 12 log in u stconds ftlls trs up to 3 in dlunhtr weighs only 12lbr i and chain does dozens of woodcutting chores perfectly balanced for mty handling rugged diecast unit stands up to hardest us get a ft dmonbuon today i a kerr son rr no 2 acton ontario tel 8531959 skate exchange tradein your old skates for new bauer skates gordon hardware limited reasonable tradein allowance

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