Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1966, p. 4

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the acton freo press thursday nowrrbr 24 166 esquesing sees problems in analysis of plunkett the 126 page plunkett report under sludv bv municipalities throughout halloa ami peel counties has been mel with ai- ied opinions monday night of last week esquesing township council agreed with only one item contained in the repoit the combination of the three high school areas in north hal ton clerk k c lindsnv- read a preliminary report during the meeting pinpointing esquesing councils reactions to date to ihe plunkett report following is the prelinvman report read b the clerk in evaluating the proposals in the plunkett review of the counties of halton and peel some of the proposals might have value if modified for in stance a combination of the present three high school areas in north halton might conceix ably cut down the cost of voca tional training in the areas pro viding some of the classes at each of the three schools and moving the pupils instead of irving lo provide a full oca tional setup in each of the three schools similark there might be merit in combining fire pro tection services although the present arrangement seems to work ver well and at a mini mum cost on the other hand road costs would be greatly increased not only would there be a large in crease in the number of super visory personnel but with the road mileage in the proposed northern county of 1028 miles and taking the medium rate of 200000 per mile the countv spends s3 000 00 and the town ship 100000 approximatch it would mean a road budget of 20s600000 less provincial jrrants of 102800000 and si 02800000 to be levied bv taa tion on the estimated assess ment or the north of 67 022 96s would mean a rale for roads of annroximatelv is mills as ac ainst a combined rate tounshin anrt countv for the ear 1966- of 7 9s4 mills the review takes two conn ties with a rcasonabh vvellbal anccd assessment halton 265765340 and peel 258 987 j9s adds them together and splits them across to come up with two counties with a com pletely unbalanced assessment the southern area with 457729 760 as against the northern area with an assessment of 67022- 955 or approximated 1 2 77 per cent of the total against 87 2 per cent for the southern area the review makes no provi sion or suggestion as to the div ision or adiustment of the de ixiuuie indebtedness ot the m ions iminu ipililies lo deal olilv with lhit ot the township tit is queitig ihe township has u ile hcntuie debt ot 682428 oil which the town of acton is re sponsible i of a small poi turn then the county til hullon has 850000 debentures ot which esquesing is liable loi i8419s and acton geoigetown milton and nassagaweva are liable loi the balance then acton has 205 968 debentures ot which is quesuig is liable foi 48 217 aud nassagaweva is also liable lot a pi i ion and also acton has 88 100 of dehentuios ot which tsquesing is liable loi 19 091 and peorgelown milton and nassaguvveva are all liable loi a poi lion geoigetown has 27 700 de hentnres til which esquesing is liable for 5 614 and also 186- mh ot which rsquesing is liable loi noitions then milton has dehentuios ol 678 000 of which isquesmg is liable foi 149 90s and nassagaweva is liable loi their poi tion ol the countv de benliuvs ot 5207 2s0 the suggested representation in the noithein countv is on- tirelv unsuitable pai ticiilailv foi those ol the present municipali lies who a iv allowed onlv one nicmbci on council and he elect ed for a three vear term if at the end of his leim he retires or is defeated a new nnn would have to be elected who would have no expenence in municipal affairs probahlv no knowledge of the particular problems con- cernini his area and no one to guide him similarlv if the man elected was incompetent or even lust not interested and such cases a iv bound to happen in the future iiist as the haw in the past the area would he with out competent representation for thiee veais again the rev tew after c plaining that it is peneiallv de sirable that local divisions should penerallv conform as far as is practical to the watei sheds pioceeds to draw a line diredlv across everv wateished in the area leivinc the he id w ners of 12 mile cieek 16 mile creek the credit rivei rtobxokc creek aiul the hum ber river all in the noithem countv nd the mouths of nil hut the h umber in ihe southern countv the estimate of f u t u i e growth in the review is some what out of line particularlv wuh regard to the township of esquesing since it estimates the population of the township of esquesing as 7 600 in 1980 and as the assessed population was 7 99 on october 1 1966 it is nassagaweya files answer to plunkett the proposed boundaries for the new rutal countv ot halton peel aie roo large and theie is no substantial amount of indiis trial and commeicial assess ment to offset an increasing mill rate this will be one of the leading statements when nassagaweva township council s opinions and recommendations on thomas plunketts neds sludv are for warded to the minister of muni cipal aftairs and lo the- special halton countv committee which will bo studving the re ports at monday night meeting council made a final dratt ot recommendations and opinions the will be sent lo the minister and to the countv committee in the verv near future council dealt with the report tn eight dilterent categories education area gov eminent structure future giowth local representation planning assess ment and taxation and lurther recommendations as requested bv the special halton commit toe area a one tier svstem of government applied to the oun tv as it now exists was recom mended it was pointed out the suggested boundaries in plun kens report are too larjjc and there is substantial indust rial or commercial assessment to offset an increasing null rate in the northern rural countv education council accept ed the ideas of the township school board which stated the eight boards in the northern part of the countv should be melded into one boaul of odu cation covering high school- and vlementarv schools a similar amalgamation could take place in north peel south peel and south halton oakville and burlington aftei that was et fectivelv accomplished there would be three possibilities ac cording to the township board 1 maintain four hoards of education 2 amalgamate in to two boards as recommended bv plunkett or join into two countv boards hamelv halton and peel government struc ture the idea of having an i execunve committee of three was questioned along with the committees povveis gam the idea of having halton as one ic- gion was epicssed and it was luither stated all administialive bodies should betliiectlv lespon rible lo fhe ooiull council ol elected officials future growth accord mg to eouncil the question of tuturc growth is undeiestimal ed in plunkett s lepoi t one mii nicipalitv esquesing has atreatlv reached the total that what mr plunkett had suggest ed would not be reached until l80 in the leport it was sug gested growth wohuustjyl troni the lake and work up council countered with the idea that if growth goes from the south to the north then it could be more el fectivelv planned it the current countv is kept intact local representation council unammouslv opposed the idea ot having onlv one rep resentative lor esquesing and assagaweva because ol the larger population in esquesing it is possible nassagaweva would bo left without a re pie sentative representation should be considered on the basis ot aiea assessment and popul 1 lion not nist population it said planning the- planning re torted to in plunkett s repoit is not in keeping with the pic sent use ol land reeve william con i ter suggested if wo ic to be a dormilorx township then we should bo louitd with oikville and buihngton it was dec id ed to ivconimend hecause ot the influence ol the southern part rea il is moic kasihle to have lulure water i eqiiuemenls cotmni in trom the south assessment and txa- tion- the appointment of an assessment cmmissionei in the halton countv area was recom mended anit consideration should be given to total rural and urbin irea flirthfr recommenda tions should the plunkett report be enforced we suggest stronglv that the area south of milton which is serviced by the town should be included in the proposed halton peel area liulv siilv lo assume lliai it ha aliftulv eicecliil the hgiue in ihe review loi 1980 ujlie esti males lot olhei iiuinicipalilns in ihe itiinbuied counties ol hal ton and pool aie as amiialc as those lor rsquesing the isiuii lies in the review aie ol veiv little value i he proposed buiindaiies as sol out in the review sveni en- tuelv univasoiwhle it an cat aiul vest division weie neees sarv and no good reason lor sue h a itivislon has been ad- vaiued then ii shoulil have been drawn at eilhei the dun das street tu ihe ippei middle road but as said before the present hoiindiii ies make two taulv well balanced divisions with assessments that aieneailv compatible anil ni conipvlling ivasons have been advanced tui clianging them the aigiiiuiul that laiget units til adimnistia lion aiv oithei morv ollicienl oi moiv economical is lallacious it is well known tact that the laigvi the unit ol atlniinisliiiion ihe nioie expensive it is to op ei ale in regard lo assessment mm tax collection anv laigei unit would undouhtedlx make lot mine mistakes not that assess ment shouldn i bo supirvisvd possiblv i lorn the provincial lev el to assure as tar as possible the same standaids in all aieas but ihe mechanics requuc that xvheie there are so manv than gcs and divisions thai someone with an intimate knowlcelgc ol the- leinloiv should be in a pos i tion to make the changes both as legaids lo the assessment loll and voters list accoichng to the review theie weie 4878 public school pupils in the live municipalities in peel countv to be included in the noithein countv and no secondare facilities whatevei ii the recommendation ot the re port weiv implemented the neai est high school to anv ol these pupils would be georgetown high school which would not have ihe capacitv to take care ot ihem and which is 10 to is miles lioni pupils in the neigh borhood ot ballvciov so that one ol the lust things the- suggested new bouul of edu cation would have lo do would be lo build another expensive high school and the noithein aiea would have to pav foi it despite the fact that the rate- pavers in albion caledon cale don east chmguacousv and to ronto goie are already paving for the central peel secondary school and the ratepayers in es quesing are paving on three sec ondarv schools and those in nassagaweva on two and those in acton geoigetown and mil ton are paving on one in each town another matter of which the review has taken no notice pio- hahlv because it xvas beneath then notice and concerned onlv one ot the foigolten municipali lies in the noithein aiea is the mattei ot the railwav bonus fund it onlv amounts to some s27o00oo which would pav hall of mi plunkett s tee but it was created a perpetual trust bv bv law ol the countv ot halton in 1891 and can t iitst be brushed aside although the preceding state ment was made public dining the meeting is was pointeel out council is still studving the plunkett repoit and intends to have a completed submission readv to the mimstei j spoonei other business transacted at the ijieeting included learning the department of transport had appiovcd in stallation of flashei signals at the cnr crossings on the thud and lourth lines approved pav ment of s100 to glen williams ladies soil ball team for winning the on tuio championship agreed to view a pioposed dump site suggested bv the town ol acton which is located on lot 27 concession 2 in the town ship in the- vicinitx of furview cenictnv il appioved an agree ment will be cli uvn up snecifv ma no burning ascounts totalling 186 80 weie ippiovod foi pavrmnl stop light tender county council briefs novenibei meeting ol otiulv council last at tin halton week k menthols sought clai h fca- t inn ol whclhei pei diem lates should be thai god to the countv bv ineniheis tiavcllmg to a con ventionon a sundav 1 1 appeal vd some- membci s thaiged and olhei s did not lt was iclei reel lo ihe peisonnel and linanee commiltev loi an answei wa i den ii ii llinlon asked ihe same two committees to pio- vltle o lepoit on piucliise ol alcoholic bevel ages bv ihe toun cil oi am committee lie sug gested the committees should puiehaso then own it it was iiiedod jlis comment lollovvetl sloi v m a toionlo nevvspapei which pui poi ted to expose the i ail ihe council had ovet spent its 2 s00 limit on entei lammenl and icictshincnts in 1 s rile- wat den also levelled a blast at an oakville- daily papci loi its itpoitsou so ci i led lun liiiuls ol the countv lie said the papoi icpottcd ihe wattle ii uluiilteel visiting ulalives oil 1 lecelll sludv torn to 1 ilglaiu willi the- implication it was an admission ol guilt vvuden lint itmn said he spent thiee houis ol his own tunc to visit lelatives in i nglatul wo aie not ac customed to this ivpc ol icpoil ing in the ikii i j i ol the coiinlv lie saiel suggesting i lie iitwspi pel should li isc lis it pin is on i le is ll w is k ii mil t lit ii ill in c on i i il inning association wis stiulvlllg file plllllkttt i poll ailel alll issin us dielsliill lain i lie illdllslllll toinilllllci lepoitod seeing a lilni pitpiicd lot ihe wiikich lndiisltiil com mission and decided to emplov a man to in ike- 1 stuilv on an 1nd11si11il pioniotion to piomote the lnteiesl ol school childien in ethnical lielels and assist both the- tluldion mil loe il in clusli v menibeis of tlu 10ids eom millee icpoiled tluv have isk ed countv engineel lo picpaie a repoit on stuns loi halton countv museum along countv 1 ouls ind piovinciil highwaxs 111 halton following a lequesi ihe ltmd commillee ivpoil- ed appioving an additional 10 tents no 1 hour pav foi men working night shit is during the vvintei and ihe board ol healths itquest loi a five per cent intiease m the hourly 1 all ot paiiiine health unit stall was approved assistant engineer robeit blau was mthoi ied to latlend an asphalt touise in march ol next veai with expenses paid the fmn ol wat not m lei sev co ltd was engaged to ton- duct a itv lew and evaluation ot sei vices piovided by halton countv health unit stall- at a eosi not to exceed 2 400 then lev lew is lo be a pilot study mm it is possible the linn will latci be engaged lo evaluate the entile- countv government oigan iation it was suggested a full time peisonnel diiectoi was needed itotge noble met 10 toionlo s pel sonne ollieei was lo he in vilcel lo a meeting ol the- pel soiuiel commit lee lo discuss 1 solution lo stall piohlems piiieliise ol a 780 cheque wining niachmc lot the llallon c ciilcnni il manoi was appi oved rngaging ol an assistant lamilv touselloi to assist hal ions lamilv counselloi k viviin was appioveil coiinlv asscssoi robel i heieli was dclegilcd lo attend a nicclin ol countv and dislncl assissois in i 01 onto in decern he 1 the count il appiovcd a s66 000 pav nit nl to milton disl i it t hospital as the lnsl ciuait ii ol its building grant menibeis endoised a it- solution irom niagaia tails titv council seeking an incitase fiom so lo 70 pel enl in the mixi ilium subsidv on capital expenth lines on homes loi the aged reeve he ib mei 1 v and deput vrccvc w a lloev ic- poi tctl on llicii attendance at in emo coliisc- at ainpnoi rieve mn iv noted the hosts had piovided an eight loot bed loi htm hi is six feel seven inches 1 ill and has tiouble sleep ing in an oidinaiv sicd bed new policy police list weeks charges investigations patrol miles a now policv laid down foi o p p de i ac h me n i s t it roug hou t the province was initialed this week all police detachments will issue a detailed weeklx ie poll on police activities to local newspape rs the it port de tails miles triv ellcd houis ol tlulv iccidonls invcstu itcd chaiues 1 nd mel e out t sessions attended this week ihe in si icpoit 1 10111 coip r ix m ison ol ac ion opp detachment gives 1 umipltle bieiktlown ol activi his liom tucsdav ovcinbci 1 to vlontlciv oviinbci i in the pasl week the acton municipal dclichnunt ol the online piovincial police paluif led 7s miles in ind loi 1 he- town ol cton with the pc 1 son nil having 1 total ol 178 vvoik houi s theie w is one- nunoi accident in which theie vveic no iniuiics a total ol t iv e chaucs vveii laid undei the lluhw t tt 1ii1c act antl etchl vv minus vvete issued to niotot tsts one miner disturbance ol 1 cttminal niutie was inuslmil cd iloniz with six niisccll ine oils ctiis at the detachment olliee one pusoncl vv is esoiteel lo halton cuuiiv j ill at milton ch tte d uncle 1 til- i c on ovcinbci 14 meiubcisol tlu detaehlllcnl lttendid eolllt at milton lot 1 pctiod ol thuc and npi h ill houi s on 1 numht 1 ol traffic cases in which seven convictions were legisltred il has been noted there is considciablt speeding in the iiea ol the schools and in other puts ol the town radai is be mg put in full opeiation at ihcsc points cpl r mason no s68 mutual aid sees new hall members of halton mutual aid 1 11 o serviecs lioni the- five fiie dcpaitments in ihe countv loured the new buihngton fire station on the guelph line 1101 th ol the- outen fhabelh wax it t lie 11 november mtum in- tiiesdiv ocemng of last week a bnel business met ling loi lowed oliceis were nominated for ific annu il januarv elections ralph elderfield of burling tun uluntccr file department w is he sole nominee loi presi den and is expected to step up 1 lii 1 vcmt as vice piesi ile 111 two nominees loi vice continued from puge one cording to instructions from eouncil and had received a price irom the building contractor keir construction for approx imaiely 11200 for a bridge 11 toss the school trcek to the lihiarv eillraiiie i ile niavoi stated cubbing foi lootings would be assembled this weekend and woik would pioteod as fast as materials ai 1 ived progress payment foi tonstruition amounting lo 21 s70 4s was approved councillor c f leatherland itpotted on a meeting held in kitohenei with central mort gage and mousing corporation at which time it was learned loans lot furlhei housing in atlon tluv year were not avail able as this years funds lor the area under the jurisdiction ol the kitchener oft ice had almost been used up it xvas also learn ed that in ihe event of a dire em eigoncv loans might be available- tins vear for one or two homes applications loi loans tan be made nexi veai however a special meeting of council has been called loi wednesdav november mi at 7 p m at which time memboi s will have ary opportunity to pei use the towns submission concerning the plunkett report following iqus the submission will be undei lev lew bv the north hal ion urban board at a mooting in millon the same evening council agreed to have town woikmen install the commiinilv chiislinis nee at the lormei post olfice following a itquesl liom tiinitv united church wo men who aiesponsoring a santa fin time situi dav dccembct i i was also agiecd to proclaim saluidav novimbei 26 as bov seoul apple dav in acton accounts totalling 10996 28 vveic appiovcd loi payment councillor tail masales in formed council acton boaid of bake sale draw for auxiliary a verv successful bake sale and ell aw was held tridav in simpson s store bv atlon auxih aiv to the noith halton assoeia tion i cm the mentallx retarded winner ol the quilt draw was bei nice jerrv of beaton on a ticket sold bv rubv lauslen there wis a fine amount ol baking donated for sale- parks management appeared ic- luctant to hold furthei meetings in v icvv ol possible amalgama tion of both parks boaid and rociealion c o m in 1 1 t e e the problem was turned ove- to the atlmimslialion toinniilui ol toiiiiiil loi invest 1g1t 1011 piesenl loi tlu iiiietiui wt-u- mavoi dllbv oinii lllol s mis dons rivei c i 1 eatheilaiul t g oakes fail masales ro boil dnnkwallei william wil hams wuh iteve ii h llinton ai riving at 9 v pm altei at lending a dinner sponsoitd bv the halton countv lue pi even lion bureau depute ieeve r r parker was unable lo alleml loi business icasons the the new abiltou at guelph relormalorv has been opened the firs shipment ol cattle aruved last week ii pio vides anothei niaikel loi local cattle 60 men attend church meeting responsibilities ol men in the chinch weie discussed at a meeting ol men in knox church tuesday evening presentations wen made bv tin- rev walter will 1 1 ol si andiivvs chinch i i in nl ic 1 lliighls ami george i i i uu loionlo assistant lo the tin e 1 loi ol iii shv lei lan men aboul 60 1111 na i lendi d litini tlie- in baptist unit- id ant li nlci ostil churthes hcie anil t in t e baptist chinches liom out ol limn mi witch spoke on church men and t lie 11 lav visitation in viting pei sons jo allentl church iisiiliiug 111 giowth in all thuiclus food for india fund benefits at bazaar over 200 was raised for ihe food lor india fund when ladies ol the baptist church held a sale in the- old post oft ice salur dax the special proiect xvas conxoned bx mrs g ralston assisted bv mrs h holvvig and mrs c landsborough baking rummage vegetables and other articles lound readx buxers the membci s of ihe commit lee gicallv appieciated the con tribulions irom church mem beis and friends to the success ol this venture piesidcnt are wes miller of oakville and glenn stringer of milton jim coulson of mdton was returned to office as set re tai x tieasurer william o sullivan of the fire marshal s office and mutual aid coordinator chief douglas wilson of oakxille spoke on the courses available at the ontario i ire college in graxenhurst and said municipalities should be encouraged to make it possible loi moic xolunteers to attend the courses chief wilson also outlinetpthe possibility ol hit- departments switching hum the present 10- 4 radio code to a code similar to that used bx the armed loi tes have you found the answer to aeoumulating money- one that guarantees results the mutual life of canada lzh representative robert s hart 341 orvill road acton phone 8531527 llufl service win provide you with plenty of hot water fbra0 your household needa hydros new hot water service a low monthly charge covers installation of a modern auto matic electric water heater all service and maintenance including replacement if necessary cost of elec our staff will be glad to tell you ell about this allinclusive hot water service acton hydro electric commission 3 elgin st n 8532410 lasl thuisdax oii tlavses in business oi yiniihon and man ayemenl and business i inunce touted the i old complex at oakville the students xxeit most 1111 piessed with ihe xisliuss ol ihe plant the nnmhei ol winkers the high device ol ssnihioma lion involved in auloinohilc as stmhlv and ihe qu ilitx testing ol the limshcil product the tup xias successful also in that the students weu ohlc to see in action sonic ol ihe theoielital piintiplec siludictl in tlass it was 1 ct succtsslul trip and in all likelihood wih be lopcaleel nct xeai in ihe yr ale 1 i classes a itatlultn is a lellow xvho is na lo hl uiamecl and knows mailing a letter your envelope should have cormct postitjf in upput fiyht eoifw tli rkime ol imtsio who thou id rttimvf tho lttof i 1 r ti m t n u m y c t street ni m r po i ufflco box or ruri i route nunitivr alo ipartmcnl or hihi no hlork 1 n cj uit number village i0v111 or it i and poilt one il in use provmi ton your nann tind com- plfito address in up per left lornor robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountain view s georgetown 111 mill st acton monday from 4 pm for appointment 8773971 c ffj a letter with the correct address is delivered right away a letter with a wrong address takes longer on its way for poitnl information r your tolephonp bonk yt how i iri7 harvey laverty heating plumbing and eavestroughing sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burner main street n 8569934 24 hour service rockwood announcing milton driving school now open learn to drive withconfidence licensed instructors dual control cars fully insured experienced instructors who are fully qualified to serve you we call for you and take you back 2 i for further information or for an appointment please call 878 3441

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