Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1966, p. 1

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m u council disputes plunkett boundaries growth restrictions acton courfciis submission to w j spooner minister of mun icipal affairs was unveiled for the first time wednesday even ing during a briefcouncil meet ing prior to members attending the north halton urban board meeting in milton the submission was compiled by a special committee compris ing deputy reeve r r parker and councillors c f leather- land and robert drinkwalter it is based on the majority opin ions of council members who had previously studied the plun kett report and prepared a one- page submission each for fur ther study at the urban board meeting council members from acton milton and georgetown each presented individual submis sions which were openly dis cussed following is the town of ac tons submission which will be presented to the minister the town of acton respect fully submits the following rec ommendations with respect to the plunkett report area acton agrees in principle with the creation or formation of rural peelhalton however we strongly urge that its boundaries be amended vmn 7j esquesing and nassagaweya would be enlarged to extend southerly to the base line 2 erin and a part of eramosa would be included i this would bring more of the natural rural area into the proposed north peelhalton county a large part of erin is orient- eclto acton and georgetown ancrxsupports schools in peel in 3apport of this orientation we refsvyou to a number of bank accounts in acton and georgetown of idents of the township oferin b number of erin residents using georgetown hospital c number of erin township resident serviced by acton and georgetown post offices d number of erin town ship residents exclusive of farms who are employed in north peelhalton n ii it would form a better school area iii it would create more of a natural boundary line at the north education acton concurs with the rec ommendation for a one level board of education however erin township and a portionof eramosa townshijr should beadded to the school system government structure the regional governmental set up is satisfactory the number of elected repre sentatives should be neviewed every five years and should be based on the population accord ing to the county assessment roll we submit the following is the proper division of responsi bilities county education police fire welfare parks library all streets and roads with a special assessment to each municipali ty for the maintenance of same local sewer water garb age recreation province justicecourt house and registry office distribution of county assets should be considered by a com- mitjtee of nine composed of two members from south halton two from north halton two from south peel and two from north peel with a representa tive appointed by the depart ment of municipal affairs who shall act as chairman and who shall have a vote local growth the town of acton objects vigorously arid strongly to the statements made throughout the report that there should be no further growth in north peelhalton new industries homes and subdivisions should be allow ed providing the municipality could supply adequate water supplyind sewage disposal or the newcomer could orwould make other satisfactory arrange ments ran n should never be prohibited from cofiveying land to thetrchildren or build ing on their own land- the department of planning and development must not place restrictions on planned develop ments further nneviors should be perniitlch vithn the county if the necessity for same is pro ven local rejfic the town of acton slronglv recommends that the local ad ministrative committee consist of lour elected representatives and a chairman who would be the county representative the election would be held in the same manner as the election of a board of trustees for a police village in a township a representation as outlined inthe report is not adequate of sufficient to carry on the ad ministration of the local affairs b local representatives would only hold meetings in the even ings c there would be closer iiai- son between the local munici pality and the county d there would not be so much responsibility in the hands of a few individuals e a five member board would have closer contact with all members of the local muni cipality the local administrative committee must be empowered to appoint local committees for parks recreation planning etc this is required a to continue the communi ty spirit this is essential in a rural municipality 1 b to manage and adminis ter the aforesaid special duties planning further development should be permitted and this should be under the guidance of a lo cal planning committee who would keep in close contact with the county planning board the local committees of ad justments should continue to- iict they are independent and at theattretirnc are fully fam iliar with the local area assessment and taxation there should be a county as sessment commissioner with assistants stationed throughout the county the county should produce a detailed statement of estimated receipts and expenditures of tire new county and also an estimate of the expenditures of each local municipality no change should be made until this is forthcoming and consid ered and approved by the de partment of municipal affairs ht ninetysecond year no 22 acton ontario thursday december 1 1966 authorized as second class moll by the post office department ottawa sixteen pages ten cents acclaimed to top posts voters go to polls ballot on council seek esquesing reeveship l a duby mayor h h hinton rfjeve dr f g oakes deputyreeve council candidates seek office during the municipal election tuesday december 6 ratepay ers will be asked to mark bal lots to elect six council mem bers onrly contesting the six seats arc candidates brendan ahernc robert drinkwalter mrs doris fryer robert lout- tet earl jviasalcs g w ipat mctccnzic charles perry ted tyler jr earl waller and wil liam williams following is a brief resume about each candidate listing his or her platform r j ahernc is married with two children and lives with his family at 51 meadvale road he is employed as a electronic tech nician he is secretary of the halton centennial program committee and was a member of parks board tor 1966 he is executive officer of the acton community credit union and also acton area representative of halton new democratic par ty riding association if heeled i promise to pro- on this board forthe past two years he has sat on the halton planning assoc he is comp leting the second yearbh coun cil with one year as assessment nd development chairman and the past year as roads chair man i feel the plunkett report is going to have a great impact on fhe future of our town as a member of a special committee set up by council to study and make recommendations on this report i feel we must have a strong forward thinking council to bring pressure on the ont ario- government to assure us that if the proposed changes are to lake place we will not he burdened with a substantial increase in taxes through re duced assessment in the pro posed northern county also that we will have adequate rep resentation to assure the inter ests of the people are being con sidered at all times tect the interests of the people of acton to the best of my abil ity as a member of council r h bob drinkwalter is married with four children and lives with his family tit 160 churchill rd s he is employ ed as a quality control super visor in georgetown ami is a charier member of the acton community credit union ltd he is a past president of- the m 2 bennett home and school association and served in 1964 on the acton centennial com mittee he also filled a vacancy on acton planning board tor the remainder of 1964 and to diite has completed three years mrs doris fryer has lived in v both the administration and work committees i feel the ex perienced gained can be an asset to the community this exper ience certainly has created a desire to see unfinished work completed and necessary pro jects started garnet w pat mckenzic has been principal of the rob ert little public school since 1939 is a charter member of acton ys mens club and was international president during he 196364 term he is a mem ber of trinity united church served with the rcaf during world war ii and has served on many educational church and ymca boards he has served the town previously as a member of the recreation committee parks board and committee of adjustment he also served on the committee which raised funds for the com munity centre he is married md has one daughter and lives it 163 joffrev avenue voters will mark ballots tues day to name six councillors only the mayor reeve deputy- reeve hydro commissioners and public school board were ac claimed to office at the annual nomination meeting thursday in the robert little school au ditorium at the conclusion of the rate payers meeting it appeared 14 candidates might run for seats on council by 9 pm friday night when qualifications clos ed 10 candidates had indicated intentions to vie for the six council scats running for election are earl masalcs robert drinkwalter i william williams and mrs george fryer all 1966 council members along with newcomers g w mckenzic e tyler jr robert louttet charles perry earl waller and brendan ahernc during the nomination meet ing names began going up on the three large blackboards as soon as nominations opened at 730 pm by closing time one- hour later names were being proposed right up to the last minute a total of 40 names were listed for all positions open early in the evening it schjb ed there would be a race for all seats and not until candi dates were called on to declare themselves was it known that mayor lvs duby had been re turned by acclamation for an other two years reeve hinton would maintain his seat and dr f g oakes had been ac claimed as deputyreeve public school trustees return ed to office by acclamation in clude vic bristow doug man ning cyril bishop william ben son murray smith and orval chapman no changes were made in the hvdro commis sion with the following return ed to office e g tyler sr 14 years here j dr archie bull moh quits ride to polls c of g service transportation to the polls in acton on election day is being offered by the chamber of com merce in a campaign to get out the vote those who re quire a ride to the polls may call two numbers listed in a c of c ad this week to reach nielsens clothing store or the sports corner paul nielsen and roy good win are lining up volunteer driv ers- and will x fliose needing transportation arc picked up fend returned home after voting the service will be provided fitun 10 am till 7 pm next tuesday chamber members hope that older and infirm per- sons will avail themselves of the sendee acton for the past 45 years and has six children she is a char ter member of acton parks board serving for six years with the board she is a mem ber of acton womens institute nd was president lor six years three years ago while a mem ber of council she promoted the formation of the golden age club she is a member of st al bans church shcvsavs the traffic lights have been my main project this year your vote and confidence will help me to make our com munity a safer place to live in robert j louttet was born and raised in acton and receiv ed his education here he is employed at- the ford motor co in oakville and is a mem- oer of legion choraliers and plays an active role as chairman of the actoir legion minor sports he is married with one son and lives at 331 peel st he says i have always been keenly interested in the town ol acton and would hope if elected to keep our town on a steady and progressive growth according to our most sound economic system earl masalcs was burn and raised in acton and attended both public and high schools heiw jjcis married with three children and lives as 166 jeff ivy ave he is employed at wal kers home furnishings in guelph and is a member the acton ys mens club he is completing his first term of office as councillor having completed one term ou town council and serving on he says tl tie ratepayers believe my experience is worthy ol consideration i shall serve acton to the best of my ability i am vitally intcrcsted in any phase of municipal government that will make acton a better community in which to live pro- vided it is within our ability to pay charles vi perry is making his first bid lor town council and has been a resident of acton since 1963 he is employ ed by the canadian national railway as a station agent in town he is married with three children one boy and two girls the family resides at 176 jef frey avenue he says i am interested in the future of acton and if elect ed i will attempt to give rate payers sound government edward ted tyler jr was born and raised in acton and received his education both in acton and georgetown schools he and his wife with one daugh ter live at 350 peel st he is viccpreidcnt of a local truck ing firm president of acton cit izens band and a charter mem ber of the chamber of coin- meive he says each pnbleiii as it arise will be given con structive thoughts earl waller who lives at 91 agnes street is married with four children he has lived in acton or the past 27 years and is member- of the royal can adian legion branch 197 acton he lis contesting municipal of fice for the first time and says continued on page seven dr archie f bull halton countys medical officer of health since july of 1952 is re signing to take a promotion as regional medical officer with the ontario department of health in his letter of resignation received by the board of health on tuesday dr bull regrets his resignation came at a time when the board was having dif ficulties with its public health nurses dr bull came to halton from newmarket in 1952 to head up the l health un h tc gra uated from the university of western ontario during the war he was a radar technician in the air force during the past 14 veals he has assisted in the development of haltons health facilities and assisted in the health units growth to meet the growing demand lor servic es his letter follows milton out nov 24 to the chairman of the board of health halton county health unit with regret 1 tell you that i must resign from the position of medical officer of health and director ol halton county health unit to accept the posi tion of regional medical officer with the provincial department of health it is unfortunate that this de cision had to be made at this particular lime and i assure that i have no wish to make your own position more dilli- cull may i express my apprecia tion to you and the board for your most helpful advice and support during the past year during my time in halton county i have gained a great deal of most useful experience and i am deeply indebted to all those who have contributed so much to providing a superior health service for the people of halton county yours very truly archie f bull md dim defence presented criticize convention expenses halton county council has been severely criticized by oakville councillors for what appears to be a 10345 over spending of county funds in 1965 lor entertaining convention tra velling and liquor a toronto newspaper expos ed l he situation in a frontpage story three weeks ago oakville mayor f mclean anderson has urged a provincial inquiry into llie overspending and oakville council approved a motion de ploring the expenditures a co- py of which has been sent in i lie department of municipal affairs the alleged overspending was first reported early this year by the county auditor in his annual report on 1965 opera tions after the motion was approv ed oakvllles treasurer john t t white submitted a review of the alleged overspending in which he claimed the najorilv of the expenditures are within the scope ol permissive legislation expenses questioned by oak ville council include the wardens dinner hon oring oakville reeve herb mer ry 1965 warden at 171481 a museum board christmas parly which cost 23150 an international plowing match display af mjllikcn cost ing 54793 public receptions totalling 297406 meetings and conventions for councillors and staff which totalled 987144 one convention in hamil ton itemized at 103890 for continued on page three douglas dawkins orval blown and wilfred mceacherii on december 6 ratepayers will go to the polls to choose six council members from among these candidates following the closing of no minations jack carpenter was chosen thait man for the rate payers meeting at which time reports were given these re ports appear elsewhere in this weeks issue with only 60 ratepapers pre sent for the meeting and re ports concise questions were at a minimum only two resi dents asked questions which were answered promptly there were about hail a doz en women in attendance george leslie wilfrid leslie merchants set christmas hours additional open store hours for busy christmas shoppers are announced by- the retail section ol the chamber of commerce to day the downtown merchants met to discuss store hours novem ber 23 when different propos als were considered it was realized these hours woud not satisfy all concerned but those present agreed on hours as pub lished this week and trust most merchants will follow the advertisement appears in this issue of the free press on paye 3 esquesing votes on monday for reeve three councillors esquesing township ratepay erswill go to the polls monday december 5 to elect a reeve from two candidates and three council members irom a slate of four candidates during the nomination meet ing at stewartlown hall mon day night former councillor george currie was acclaimed to the office of deputy reeve and william lawsonand russell mil ler were returned as school hoard trustees by acclamation contesting ihc office of reeve are incumbent george leslie and present deputy reeve wil- irid leslie seeking three seals on esquesing council arc incum bents tom hill and c f pal patterson and newcomers jam es goodlct and e george bates although the names are spell ed the same george and wilfrid leslie are not related but both are veteran campaigners for council mr hill and mr patterson have served one term of office mr goodlel is making his first bid lor township office but has served on georgetown coun cil and was deputy reeve of georgetown serving as halton countys lirsl chairman of the couulv assessment coinmitttce he also served on the former north halton district high school hoard mr bales is i newcomer to township politics battle for reeve council board contests for all but one of nassagaweya townships 10 el- ued municipal posts will be i id on monday december 12 at a rousing nomination ses sion mi vtundav evening 17 per sons including lour women were nominated for positions on council and school hoard anil not one declined the battles lor seals ou coun cil nd schiiol board the first lime ever lor a twoyear term shape up as follows reeve incumbent wil liam j coulter is being challen ged for the second consecutive year hv allan aekman presid ent of a dwnship ratepayers group coulter defeated aek man in a twoman race last de cern bv deputyreeve williaih lloev who defeated incumbent election dr b d young to win the seat last year was acclaimed to ol- licc lor the 196768 term lie is just completing his lirst term on ihc council council five candidates are seeking three seals includ ing the three incumbents ross gordon william malum and mrs anne mtcarthur a i gus goutouski is seeking a seat on council in the township lor the lirst time and mrs kla new ion who was defeated in her bid for a council seal two years ago is trying again school board trus tees horace blvlh chairman ol the board lor 1966 claude inglis vicechaii man and board members ail gibson and jack mcphail aie all seeking iv-elec- liiin the lillh member of the llr6 houd dr oli 1 1 young is not running lor a seat five newcomers entered the scluxil hoard race thcv include mrs willie inserv mrs frances sweet rolierl 1 gregg patrick redgrave and carlo bryce a lull report on the nomina tion meeting will be lound else where in this issue seek nassagaweya reeveship service the usual election service will be offered by ihc free press again next tuesday evening call 8532010 after 8 pan for election results with just one ballot to be counted results should be completed before too late and the service will likely close up about 10 pjn results will also be posted in the stationery store william coulter allan ackman

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