Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1966, p. 12

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slffp pro pi vr- r wrr vrrtr ims v tg prt- piriw ttwtyto deeenfar 1 w66 kfcr llpl ifej ife ellllli returned by acclamation no election h rockwood village trustees returned iter fjf the new mohawk moth at campbellville will probably be open by march 1967 owner bert day of acton reports the 26unit structure will have a 95seat coffee shop 75seat dining room and 50seat cocktail lounge if the applica tion for a liquor license is approved a banquet room on the second floor is planned for the future if the area seems to warrant it here the structure is shown as it appears just prior to being enclosed for the winter interior con struction will continue throughout the winter months i ospringi former residents pass away store sold euchre at school the former robertson store on the corner of highways 24 and 25 which had been acquired by the department of highways to provide a clear view at the corner was sold by auction on tuesday to george johnstone of ballinafad who intends to de molish it carolyn mcewan who suffer ed a fractured ankle recently in a fall from a horse was able to leave the hospital on wednes day and is now at home where she is able to get around on crutches i a former resident of this local ity in the person of robert young passed away recently in lomton and was buried in ever ton cemetery as a young man the family lived on the former storey farm on the 2nd line nnd it was she that built the present house and barn on the farm work was also received of the death of mrs dawson gibson of selkirk following a lengthy illness the deceased in former days had worked for the late mrs leske webb and was known in the village interment was in erin cemetery alec sinclair of british colum bia was a recent visitor with friends in the locality he was a son of the late mac sinclair wa wms meetings held rockwood misses minnie and colena nickell opened their home to the members of the rockwood presbyterian wa and wms for their november meeting recently there were 14 members and two visitors pres ent the president miss minnie nicken as her opening reading gave statements from letters written between dr albert sch weitzer and dr dooley concern ing their work among the peo- ples of the malasian peninsula following a hymn the devo tions were taken by mrs roy young whose scripture reading was psalm 27 mrs max milne gave the glad tidings prayer mrs j freeman took the study book on adventures in servic es this interesting talk con cerned the many years of ser vice of several missionaries among them dr goforth dr darby and jrpringlc the w arid welfare con veners reported on cards sent visits made to sick and shutins and to newcomers in the area mrs d d gray reported on the offering received during the special thankoffering service the offering for the evening was taken by miss elva pearen and dedicated by miss nickel the ladies returned their sun shine bags miss nickell announced the new study book was now avail able and will be purchased by the group an invitation to at tend a tea at the everton church of christ was read the induction service of rev sinclair who has been called to the ftockwoodeden mills ptes- bytehaa pastorate will be held on oecember i at eden mifls pr church the benediction was pronoun ced and the wa meeting fol lowed a social half hour fcf- teayad with a tofag and mrs sinclair of acton who lived for years on the farm now owned by russell smith on 15 sidcroad attendance from this locality at the nomination meeting in hillsburg on friday afternoon was very poor a euchre held friday evening at the school sponsored by greenock mimosa and ospringe womens institutes was very well attended with 21 tables in play the proceeds of 53 will be used to purchase furnishings for the staff room prizes were awarded to wo mens high mrs howard sin clair womens low mrs trysen- aar mens high w wood mens low keith switzerj- luck cup mrs ir ellis birthday mrs m jackson mr stewart mcdonald of ro chester ny and sister of new york visited during the week with their uncle and aunt mr and mrs david stewart miss mary robertson who for over 60 years has lived in cleve land ohio where she followed her profession as a nurse died wednesday miss robertson was a daughter of the late dugald and catherine robertson and lived in her early days on the farm on the highway now owned by dr ben wingrove malcolm mcleod of thornbury conduct ed a short service at everton cemetery attended by relatives and friends of the deceased mr and mrs douglas robert son and children and miss margy mclvor of guelph visit ed with the formers parents d g and mrs robertson friends of george b grundy are sorry to learn he is ill and expects to enter a toronto hos pital later in the week the ladies aid of the local presbyterian church met at the home erf mrs george fletcher for their november meeting the roll call was answered by an article for sale mrs fisher was in charge of the dts volional a deeper note than victory following a business session refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by mrs norman mckenzie and mrs bar ry clarke congratulations to mr and mrs jack marshall nee lorna bessey who wore married on friday evening rockwood the eramosa township nomination meeting was held november 25 in rock wood town hall at i pm at the close of nominations the meet- ing was called to order by clerk hindley who was appointed chairman for the occasion reeve cameron lush was call ed on as first speaker mr lush thanked the other members of council andj all tpwnship emp loyees for their cooperation during the past year the county council and con servation authority were among the many items of business men tioned the upped mill rate was explained and planning board activities along- with the joining of the guelph and suburban planning board as concern era mosa twp road improvements were reviewed and the- reeve expressed hopetbrafine cen tennial year with the eramosa committee mr lush thanked his mover and seconder and said he would stand for reelection deputy- reeve fred cox term ed the past year one of progress apd enlarged on county business regarding reforestation and the emergency measures commit tee mr cox explained the new countv assessment department with mr mcclung as county commissioner with a staff of 22 the new safety inspector is gilbert mdeachern of mount fo- rcst all welfare must now go- through the county as well as applications for the home for the aged with doug molellan as head of this department mr cox also let his name stand for reelection councillor earl mckenzie in his talk expressed his feeling that the new guelph suburban planning would be beneficial he outlined road improvements and the need of the new sander purchased for 12432 while not finding fault with the members of the school board mr mc kenzie feels there is need for examination of the cost of edu cation he also let his name stand as nominated councillor jim milne gave a full report on the fire depart ment and remarked on the won derful job done by vplunteers he thanked council members for their help and cooperation in his first term or council and said how much he had enjoyed his year he was as yet undecid ed as to his intentions of nomi nation since his name was down for deputy reeve as well as councillor councillor duncan mcphedran told of eramosa s agreement with erin township on maint enance or the town line because of the unfavorable conditions for school bus travel eramosa now takes care of maintenance with erin paying 50 per cent of the cost mr mophcdran stated he feels nomination should be in the evening or on a saturday afternoon to allow a greater number oflaxpaycrs to attend he noted the necessity of a township garage but favors the purchase of a new township truck with the money available to council at present mr mc phedran thanked his nominators and allowed his name to stand for another year there were two nominated for the two available school board positions they were murray smeltzer and ross mc- doiigall both former members of the eramosa school board al lowing their names to stand they were elected by acclama tion many interesting facts and fi gures were produced by these men and it was regrettable that su lcw4arents oschool child- rcn were present to hear their reports murray smeltzer stat ed there were seven buses used each day for a total of 267 mil es with 505 pupils transported this is at a cost of 16530 per day which is 62c a mile or 327c pcr pupil he told or the 171 grades 7 and 8 pupils going by bus to guelph for classes in home eco nomics and technical training at a cost of 4 per pupil per term the insurance is 1 per pupil per year there were new desks bought in four classrooms at si825 each the rented por table classroom units are cost ing 190 per month each there is a township teaching staff of 21 teachers with an ac cumulated total of 34 summer courses i ross mcdougall stated the feeling that as yet eramosa was not ready for kindergar ten but hoped it would be pos sible in ihc not too distant ful- urc several tilms were shown at the schools during the year and a new duplicating- machine acclamation robert darpu who rockwood the nomination for trustees for the police vil lage of rockwood was held on friday evening november 25 the 1966 trustees norman brain donald hilts and ken neth murray were returned by for the village in the year ahead thus the township of eramo sa and the village of rockwood are both election free for at least another year was bought tor trie rockwood school he also announced plans for tree planting by the school board during the centennial year lloyd waddcll also a school board member was called on to speak on the new school now being buht this property cov es an area of 38 lots at a cost oi 1850 per lot it is very pos sible he slated that in the very near future the new rockwood centennial school will only teach to grade 6with all 7 and 8 pupils being transported to guelph franklin armstrong reported on the statistics pertaining to the fergus hospital in conclus ion he requested to be relieved of his duties the nominees over and ab ove council members were call ed on to affirm or reject their stand for nomination joseph oakes who had been nominated for reeve declined to give his decision at that time d h storey nominated for de puty reeve declined with thanks to his movers as dud carl wheel er who was nominated for coun cillor a few questions were asked of council and when these weresatisfartorilydealt whir the meeting closed with the ouecn at the closing time to qualify 9 pm on saturday the pres ent council were returned to of fice for another year by accla mation since no one had come forward to oppose the eramosa township coun cil tor 1967 will be reeve cam eron lush deputy reeve fred cox councillors earl mcken- zie james milne and duncan mcphedran was also nominated declined to stand for election the fire department and building lots were among the items discussed during the even ing also the installing of sewer and watermains in the future tor which a consulting engineer has now been appointed and will report late in 1967 the nominees thanked their movers and pledged their best albert the fuel king maltby says experience is like kissing a woman for the first time it grows on you speaking of experience we have it for fast efficient fuel oil service call maltby fuels main st rockwood 8569983 oes post inslallcctas one of the officers of peace rose chapter no 315 order of the eastern star was mrs r spielvogel of acton the installation took place in the ioof hall in georgetown lous no polar bear but all his cars are winterized for good transportation at reasonable cost visit lous used cars main st rockwood 8564235 for unbiased decisions reelect bob drinkwalter to council tuesday december 6th 1966 help you build complete roof planned protection safecoufecobeneral insurance horn alliuxstttlt wizhingto be safer with sjutoos broadroc homeowners fouit youll save money too homeowners check the big extras in safeco one policy covers everything no dan gerous gaps or overlaps you save money too for the finest most complete roof of planned protection call us today dennys insurance agency 17 mill st w acton 8530150 residences bill 8532645 harold 8532565 rrf your vote and influence to elect garnet pat mckenzie nipjjjmf for rhif3hik acton council rarararararasrararararab tuesday december 6 1966 bbbbbmbbbbbj will be sincerely appreciated edit toe misses on monday december 12 1966 make sure you vote many changes are in store for nassagaweya vote for a man who will be responsible to you your life savings may be at stake vote allan ackman reeve m nassagaweya 18 yiuvmuctpal experience for i ch 1248359 for year round pleasure please her and your whole family with a gift she and you can get enjoyment out of for many christmases to come choose a fine appliance from our store we now have a wider- thanever selection to choose from and the selection is now at its best listed below are a few suggested gift items electric fry pans coffee percolators electric kettles toaster irons hair dryers floor poushers mix masters blenders humidifiers carpet sweepers corning ware china ware boxed carving sets etc watch for our christmas sale cata10gue now in the mail layaway now for christmas small deposit holds your choice 22 mhl st i l f m it ed i kkl

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