Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1966, p. 13

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s- rqfteikiyers receive reports from mayor mayor reviews council year wmuw imk complete texts given oaetiah of council mayor les dubyfeviewed the year at nomtnatlon meeting last thurs- day b- mease pejarrftmeto express mf person appreciation to all members of council and the town office and wor staff for a job well done in 1966 and to assur th i have appreciated very snuch the great degree of cooperation they have always accorded me iamalsomost grateful to the company for whom i work who have been very generous in allowing ne the trme required to carry out the full round of duties that are involved in holding the office of mayor urgent mattersvery of ten necessitate leaving your reg ular work immediately o at tend to them you have been provided with copies of the auditors report- up to september 30 you may find some points you woold like to ask questions on once again tbls year we have made further improvement to our waterworks system by in stalling the new line from chur chill rd to yonge and mill sts for some years we have been urged by our engineers and the underwriters to provide more adequate flow and pressure to our downtown commercial ar ea this is now a reality while the business of it was negotiat- sd early in the year we defer red the actual work until re cently to qualify for the winter works subsidy which is always a saving to the municipality we have also almost finaliz ed three years of negotiation with neighboring municipalities to aid us in solving our garbage disposal headaches the dump has certainly been a problem and we know it was shared by many of our ratepayers at this point i can assure you we are prepared to move ahead in a new area under the landfill me thod or if need be by control led incineration before dump ing we have continued our side walk improvement program and have covered anoiher-approxi- matclyone and a halfmiles of walk our housing needs have been relieved to the extent of some 20 new homes in lakeview sub division and elsewhere this is consideraty more than we have been ble to accomplish for the past few years tthis has also al lowed usto get on with the completion of the unfinished subdivision and to initiate un derground lighting in acton im proved lighting has also been completed in other parts of town as recently as last tuesday night we accepted a tender for the installation of traffic lights at the mh1 and wain intersec tion you are all well aware that this is the climax of a very lengthy ordeal we have had with the powers that be who control the decisions in this ar ea we have already contracted tor the new road markings that will be required and whichrwill be done immediately the com plete installation of the lights will take 812 weeks due to the time required to make delivery of the equipment your council has had the foresight to take advantage of he subsidized program for mun icipalities with regard to addi tional firefighting equipment under the emo scheme few municipalities will qualify and the fact that we had our appli cation approved will mean a sa ving of 8500 to acton for equip ment we would have had to re place in a year or two in any case at full cost to the town we have an efficient and well equipped fire department and this will assure us of the contin uation of this calibre of protec tion our assessment this year has increased to date by 98257 and will ibe well over the 100000 by the year end in other words the assessment next years coun cil will work with will be ap proximately jtjioooo as comp- ps board chairman reports public school boards report two classes of esquesing ps afenomiipttior meeting was read pupils occupy two classrooms by chairman vic bristow tu i i have much pleasure rin submitting a progress report of 1966 plant operations 1966 bud get 264462 levy 107722 grant 156740 our september enrolment 912 pupils who are taught by 28 full time teachers two part- time teachers one music super visor two viceprincipals and two principals with one exception in each school the teachers who were engaged for 19667 school year are all experienced teachers miss gallaugher home econo mics and rotary teaching mr hines industrial arts and ro tary teaching miss ellis special opportunity class mrs titon mr urchuk and mrs terry ma- sales college graduate mr bateman returned to us after a two year absence and miss heller college grad were the re placement teachers mrs mary irwin teaches three half days each week we have renewed the floors and lighting in the stone school and added a fire escape which improvements have been ap proved for grant purposes the stone school has three good large classrooms and two smaller rooms one of which has been conditioned- for the special opportunity class it appears we must have another special class and classify them as jun ior and senior special opportu nity classes one room is being converted to a librarv in the stone school till speyside ps school addition is ready at rental of 100 per classroom per month it may toe interesting to you to oearn the 1966 september en rolment in north halton ac ton 91 esquesing 1370 george town 2372 milton- 1087 and nassagaweya 630 naasagawcya grades 7 and 8 girls and boys receive home ec onomics and industrial arts weekly at a rate of 3300 per year 196667 and esquesing ps board have a contract with us for remaining one and a half hours weekly at 75 monthly for 196667 school year to provide it he mtz ben nett public sohool with long ov erdue accommodation the board has submitted sketch plans for one library one class room and one general purpose room for assembly pt etc this presentation has been ap proved by the consultative committee and has been for warded to the department for tentative approval cost of m z bennett pub lic school roof repairs was 6069 and robert little public school roof was 11505 all repairs have been approved for grant purposes our junior safety patrols are doing a fine job and we are proud of them we believe that our staff are maintaining our high standard and improving all of the time ared lo 7245000 that started us off in 1966 and also the town of ac ton the people of acton have not been denied the genuine way to participate in next years centennial celebrations of con federations 100th birthday we have for all to see a very fine edifice in our centen nial library a much needed im proved service to our citizens both young and old through which we can now take our place with all communities from coast to coast and share in the general improvement of our country while at the same time we have satisfied a great need of our own community with the opening of the new library early next year and the moving of its operations we can now proceed to improve the facilities for our town at ministration staff toy perhaps ut ilizing the space that will be made available in the ymca building renovations would be considerable but this proposed extension of town office ifacilrt ies wih be done firstly to pro vide a better service to you the ratepayer with regard to the plunkett report of which ydu have heard much controversy your council has very seriously con sidered all of the aspects of the proposal and have already voic- edtheirapprovalsand disappro vals of certain recommendat ions included in the report and have come up with some coun ter recommendations if such a change of boundaries is made compulsory by senior levels of government we can only wait and see what will develop from here on tout in the meantime we must carry on in our best interests for the future just as hough the report did not exist we have been almost the whole of this year working with our engineers pressing for a thorough study and recom mendations to guide us in our deliberations with regard to in creasing our pollution control system better known i suppose as the town sewage disposal plant its capacity must be in creased by next years council whether we duplicate or triple our existing facilities or com plement them toy setting up a new system of tertiary treat ment to ease the load on our existing plant we have gone through the painfully slow tout necessary procedures to acquire signal lights at the eastern ave cross ing this was a budgeted item but there is some doubt if we can complete the work this year due to the colder weather this work called for street widening at the crossing involving as phalt work which could not be done until next summer but the work is approved and will be done i could go on at gseat length about other works we have been able to finalize such as the signing of a new ambulance contract etc but in view of other reports you will hear this evening i should bring my re marks to a close i want to say it was a privi lege and a pleasure to serve the ratepayers of acton in 1966 as your mayor apparently theres a variety of ways of taking the christmas holiday this year boxing day monday adds to the confusion h s holden optometrist 36 cork st east guelph phone ta 271m invest in the future of nassagaweya reelect anne macarthur for nassagaweya council on monday dscmnber 12 t for transportation to tha polk phone 8784842 during the nomburtkm and ratepayer meeting thursday of hut week at the robert uttte public school mayor lea duby re ported for council e g tyler sr reported for hy dro vic bristow reported for the pubuc school board ad chester anderson re ported for the ugh school board the reports in full are published on this page hydro school boards hydro commission solvent outline hs education the report of acton district high school board was read by chester anderson the finance chairman at nomination meet ing the official enrolment of ac ton district high school for the present term is 427 of this number 281 reside in acton the remainder in the portionof the townships of esojiesing and nassagaveyajoewedwrthinthe district v the school offers the fol lowing courses 5 year arts and science grades 913 4 years arts and science grades m2 4 year business and commerce presently being offered to the grade 11 level will extend to grade 12 next year special commercial course in grade 12 in addition to our enrol ment in acton district high school tuition is being paid for 37 students attending other schools to obtain courses not available at our sohool such as 5 year business and commerce 5 year of 4 yeat tech nology and trades or occupa tions course of these 26 are attending georgetown nine are at guelph and two are at mil ton although tuition is paid by the board students provide their own transportation the teaching staff consists of 25 teachers including princi pal and viceprincipal it is felt the calibre of staff is constantly improving and the record of graduates of the past year would tend to prove this point of 24 students eligible for grade 13 diplomas 18 ob tained these and in grade 12 43 oi the 56 students were success ful the total budget for lh 1966 operation is 285761 of this amount 184253 or more tuan 64 per cent represents tea chers salaries of the total bud get provincial grant is estima ted lo be 18970up leaving 796061 to be raised from tax levy acton is required to pro vide 63535 or approximately 66 per cent of the total taxation as a result of requests from elementary school principals and inspectors the school is endeavoring to provide a modi fied occupations program for some students in grade 9 these tudcnts are given extra lime in home economics and indus trial arts and follow curricula best suited to their require ments asfar as facilities will permit hydro commission chairman ted tyler sr reported barring any major incidents in the next two months it would appear that the acton hydro electric commission can again report a most satisfactory year there has been an increase ol 9500 in revenue for the 10 moifhs ending october 31 this indicates that more and more people are taking advantage of hydros conveniences particular ly the hot water heating as our records indicate an increase of appoxtmately 600 in our flat rate water heater revenue also contributing to the in crease is supplementary heat ing a number of our customers have installed electric heat in basement rooms and other hard to heat areas total revenue for the 10 months is 263152 the cost of power paid to ontario hydro in 1966 is 174- 720 power cost for the same period last year was 188660 or a decrease of 13940 for 1966 we are attributing this decrease to the installation of capacitat- ors on our lines which have cor rected a costly power factor problem and to a lower interim rate beginning this year our interim rate had been reviewed on the basis of the new costing method which had been design- j to attain a greater degree of uniformity than previously and as a result this new rate repre- seiiud a decrease in cost for this municipality based on these figures it would appear that acton consu mers might enjov a rate change next ear however just this week we have been informed that the interim rate has been increased for 1967 based on our last months power consumpt ion it shows an increase in cost to the commission of 2600 on a 12 month period this is an approximate increase of 31200 this is one item over which the local commission has no control however when all facts and figures are known it could be that our regional office will recommend a review of the ratesanl we may mill have a reduction by the end of the year we will have a new hydro building completed this will cost in the neighborhood ol 75000 and will be paid for from available funds no debentures were nec essary to pay for triebuilding the contract price was 61350 but it does not include any elec trical work landscaping gravel- lingor walks we had a capital expenditure budget this year tor 31000 of which 90 per cent has been ex pended this budget inctudm all workpn the distribution system overhead and underground transformers meters street lighting which is reimbursed by the town water heater in stallations and control office equipment and other equipment for outside work this year we purchased a new 1966 vanjor meter reading purposes and utility vehtcletwe also purchased a post hole db ger which is mounted on our 1963 ford truck four new art cleciric homes have been comp leted this vear for a total of nine this does not include the medical centre or the new hyd ro building seventynine water beaters have been installed this year so far approximately 40 per cent on a rental basis this makes a total of 380 since the program was initiated in 1961 the acton free press thursday december 1 1966 b5 were right there when you need help when ffiefe a m oflmfatocjft a call to us gets criwi fat reliable service reasonable rates a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 74 cook st aden ont 1534640 we ve been appointed a westinghouse dishwasher specialist good for us great for you thinkmg of an automatk dishwasher if confusing talk about portables tadfeina sins models and installation has you ready ts give up and stay at the sink relax now you can take all your dishwasher ques tions to a dishwasher specialist thats right a specialist and get some straight answers westinghouse has taught m everything there is to know about dishwashers everything that is that we didnt know already westinghouse made us specialists ready to counsel you on every aspect of choosing an automatic dishwasher we know about dishwashers we can tell you how a dishwasher keeps your hands out of hot water 225 hours a year we can tefl yon in a minute why the westinghouse dual jetscrub wash action is the best one going or how the saninzejuwill get your dishes hospital clean the way you want them but more importantly we can tell you which model is exactly right for you portable or builtin by actually coming to your home and nidging by the size of your family your kitchen plan and yow plumbing and electrical arrangements we can select a unit that win meet all your dishwashing needs perfectly well see you through the instal- lation phase too as a matter of fact youve got a westinghouse dishwasher specialist for as long as youve got your dishwasher because we want to make sure that everything turns out as well as we said rt would and thatyotfreassarisfiedasweprornisexlybuvajuldbe come in and see our display of dmeaving wcsunghouse dishwashers ask us a few things about diahwaahers we think youll be impressed by the answers drop in tomorrow you dont need an appoincnent awsit 5 main st s 877 lei 3 georgetown westinghouse dishwasher specialist

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