Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1966, p. 5

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wtfwfl ce nominations jjtoarfc 125 ewfcustostlc rate- payeta crowded in brookville jmim memtey night and lis- tenedlor close to three hours te one of the livelirat nomina- tfcm meetings in recent nassa gaweya township history following nominations for reeve deputy reevei three coun cil posts and ave positions on the township area school board 17 candidates spoke to ae ratepayers township clerktreasurer j c mctntyre was elected chairman of the meeting a brief sum mary of the speeches given by the nominated candidates is as follows r tsftvt whuam coulter summariied ms work on county council referring to his duties on the roads personnel and jnanor committees he said work delays have postponed the completion of the new man or from march to probably the end of december and outlined a threvyear plan of improve ment being used by the county roads department he told of nassagaweya coun cils presentation to the minister of mines regarding quarry oper ations in the township and re ferred to the brief concerning quarrying on the escarpment which was presented last wed nesday by representatives of the halton and hamilton region conservation authorities to the select committee of the ontario legislature on conservation this he described as being an important document the incumbent reeve in indi cating he would seek reelection said that regional government is on the way and within two years there will be some change it is our right to insure that we are going to have experienced men on council for the next two years he said indicating one of the mam reason whv four of the five members of the 1966 council favored having a two- year term deputy reeve william hoey acclaimed said he was pleased to see so many rate payers in attendance again this year i think it proves again that interest isnt lagging in nassagaweya he welcomed mayor les duby of acton and acton town administrator jack mcgeachie to the meeting during the year he said some matters were left unresolved but a tat bad been accomplish ed he 6ft was a busy year in municipal government and pointed to the releasing of the plunkett needs study and the formulation of a proponed zon ing bylaw by the township planning board he maintained the planning of nassagaweya should be considered as part of a plan of a larger area and sug gested everyone should be thinking along the line of build ing an area within an area he closed by indicating i hope we can do this successfully within the next two years c0vncilloh william ma- hon said he had been on coun cil for four years and mentioned his work on the legislation and bylaw committee along with councillor anne macarthur dur ing the past year he said all the bylaws passed by council since 190s were revised and up dated they will soon be put into book form referring to improvements made at a railway crossing he indicated that although the to tal cost was over 29000 onlv 3632 actually came out of the township funds in closing i do what i think is right if it happens to be what you like iknt khm hnm n lorn ire thats fine i hope its alwavs like that he declared he would seek reelection councillor anne macar- ttffur said she had fulfilled her promise of last year to trv to do her best and noted a change in attitude during the past year of council she said when ratepayers were called in to voice their opinions on thv possible establishment of- a wrecking yard this was con trary to the wav things used to happen and it was good as an example of the previous at titude of council she said rate payers were not consulted when campbell ville sand and gravel was established in the township and indicated the council of that day had made concessions to the company site said she was concerned about quarries last year and is even more concerned now some members of council talk of peaceful coexistence with the quarries site charged mrs macarthur said the in creased membership in plan ning board had assured everv part of the township of a better planning deal and said the board had worked hard toward the formatioa of an acceptable oning bytaw and official plan eme mid the first proposal of th planoinc consultants favor ed aim aaoias of 25 per cant of the ftaamama for conservation bat iridfaaadthat duejo the ef forts of planniag board this had been w out ouraag bar year on council the was nppami f the spend ing ef ratepayer domare on en tertainment if i go to a cor- da banquet i pay for it myself she said mrs macarthur said she had attended only one ban quet where she didnt pay and that was the wardens big pub lic relations meeting- in the county building white indicating she would seek reelection she said she would continue to question the quarries and keep their mis demeanors before the public she said the total debt of the township plus interest over the next 20 years totalled 100000 only your municipal government can tax you out of existence she said she explained why she had voted against the two year term the democratic way to do would have been to let the rate payers vote on it and said she would like to see closer rela tionships between council and ratepayers groups the candidate said she was opposed to the idea of esques- ing and nassagaweya sharing one representative under mr plunketts proposal she invited all candidates to attend the pewmber meeting of council and said she would wel come them whether or not she was victorious in the municipal election councillor ross gor don said he would be a candi date and indicated he had en joyed his five years on council he noted that he wouldnt can vass the township and said i dont think that anything i could say or do would change your opinion of me very much he outlined his work on coun cils property personnel and road committees and described how council had thoroughly in vestigated the purchase of a new road grader before finaliz ing the purchase he described improvements made on town ship roads and paid tribute to the road department employees for their work mr gordon favored the two year term for council and said unavoidable time was wastcd at the start and close of each year the distance between the start and the close of the term gives council a much bet ter opportunity to get things done he said horace blyth school trus tee said as chairman of the 1966 board he was sorry to learn dr cliff young would not be seeking reelection to the board for a twoyear term he traced his years on school board from the time he was first elect ed in 1953 and mentioned the uptodate elementary school system now in operation in the township referring to the es tablishment of the kindergar tens and the provisions for home economics and manual art training in closing he said we are deeply convinced that the plans we have for the fu ture will benefit all children who enter the township school system arthur gibson school trustee said big changes are in store in the field of education he said the board favors an overall board of education for the north part ot halton which would look after students from the time they enter kindergar ten until they graduate from high school he defended the boards proposal for a nine- room addition at the brook- ville school and indicated the eventual aim of the board was to have large schools at both eden mills and campbellvilh fnr stu from k school qt brookvllle from grade 7 and 8 students with some pro vision tor students in lower grades he said it won his intention to run tor reelection and indi cated it quite possibly would be the last term of office for the township school board he not ed we on the board have start ed on a program and i would like to be able to help carry it through claude ingli9 school trus tee said be was pleased to see that people were interested in running for school board he said he has enjoyed his work on the board and paid tribute to the staff members and in parti cular secretarytreasurer mrs doreen mahon jhe said he fav ored the carrying out of the boards current plans jack mcphail school trus tee pointed out that this could be the last time a school board would be selected for the town ship he noted 1967 will be a busy planning year for tho school board allan ackman nominated as a candidate for reeve said several ratepayers and delega tions had requested him to run forthe reeves post out he in dicated that he hadnt yet de cided whether or not he would seek the position he said he believed in local government and local representation and was not in favor of putting the power to directly govern the municipality in the hands of a few at queens park mr ackman stated he was proud of the actions of council lor macarthur during the past year she shone like a bea con in the darkness he said he said the planning board considering the limitations of the report submitted by the pro fessional planners had done a capable job but were not out of the woods yet he warned he said he had apprehensions on whether or not the good ele ments of the proposed bylaw and official plan would ever be implemented if regional govern ment became a fact he condemned plunketts sug gestions on representation and indicated he was not happy with current expropriation laws he told the meeting ill let vou know tomorrowwiilheror not 1 will run a l coutouski candidate for council said he believed he had the experience to be a worthwhile member of council no one has asked me to run im doing this on my own in fact some have suggested i might wait but i dont feel we have the time he declared the candidate said whether or not he is elected he will go after council with some of his ideas he acknowledged the work of mrs macarthur in particular her stand on the two- year term at this time it is es- sential that we do not have a twoyear term because if a mem ber doesnt do his job after one year out he should go he said he would like to see thrift with the taxpayers dollars and a satety survey i dont want to have to attend a funeral because the township couldnt afford stop signs he said mrs elva newton can didate for council noted it looks like were going to end up with a 60000 changing room for a ball park the new town ship administration building which she opposed three years ago im against regional govern- year term and asked why were we not are we second class cltl- a voice from the crowd sug gested yes the chairman of the meeting interrupted mrs newton when she began to express gross dis satisfaction with the efforts of councillor hogs gordon mr mclntyre said i think in all fairness personalities should be kept out of this mrs newton asked that d show of hands rule whether or not she continue to apeak immediately a number of hands were raised in agreement with her but d number of ratepayers also shouted opposing her state ments the candidate made a few more comments then closed with the suggestion the choice of the type of government you want is left with you you make it mrs willie essery can didate for school board said she would consider it a privil ege to be elected to the board she indicated she would try if elected to keep the school board as progressive as it has been in ihe past just because we arc in a rural community doesnt mean we have to take a back seat in education she conchided carlo bryce candidate for school board said he be lieved he could help out with the school administration i have been educated to spend othwr peoples money wisely and this is a major part of a trus tees duty he indicated school boardwise i have no experience administrationwise i believe i can make a valuable contribu tion he concluded mrs frances sweet can didate for school board said she was interested in progres sive education the candidate indicated she was not convinced that home economics and shop classes are of real benefit to 1 1- and 12vearold students i think we could make better use of our tax dollars when it is considered that these classes are offered in high school when i believe the children are more likely to benefit from them robert j gregg candi date for school board would have won the prize if one was given for the shortest speech of the night a v6te for gregg will be a vote of interest for the people of nassagaweya he stat ed patrick redgrave can didate for school board said he would be privileged to serve on the aboard he said he was vitally interested in education and noted i know nothing but i like them can learn duncan moffat nassagaweya townships representative on the acton district high school board reported to the meeting on the boards activities during the past year he indicated the enrolment now totalled 428 in cluding s3 students from nas sagaweya three buses are in use each school day and the cost of bus transporlation aver ages out to 42 cents a mile nas- saeaweya pavs 1044 per cent of the school budget which for ross gordon seeks sixth term a l gus goutouski trim par council scat anne maearthur opposed twoytar term 1966 will amount to a levy of 1002877 a brief question and answer period followed one ratepayer corrected mrs newton on her statement that all other munici palities had voted on trie two- year term question me said esquesing hadnt and reeve coulter pointed out that acton milton and georgetown had also settled the matter vithout having a public vote brian goutouski who describ ed himsell as a 17veai old stu dent said he planned to go into urban planning and said the new administration buiuling is too gargantuan for a communi ty this size ho suggested thj question of the twovear term should have been referred to the people he indicated that at a public meeting such as this democracy is at work ed woodhouse commended the youth on his suggestions and comments and added he can see the lack of democracy in a twoyear term he has seen it while we have comedians who gel up and tell jokes were letting this thing get away from us and soon well have handed out our right to elect people whenl hes a ratepayer lie will suffer from the mistake were making now an unidentified ratepayer not- wllliam mahon seeks fifth term mrs elva newton in search of council seat cd i was pleased to hear the young fellow but actually dem ocracy was at work when coun cil decided in favor of a two- vear teim we elected them to make decisions ihd thvy made it jim watson closed out the meeting with the comment id like to commend those who said what they had to offer not what someone else didnt have to offei to grade six and senior public tracks cottkh dense smoke at deep mooted new york city had its smog problems last week and the si tuation bordered on disastrous ihe situation around acton dump sine was nearly as bad claimed two truckers whose ve hicles collided almost headon near there thursday afternoon of last week smoke from the burning dump was so thick they didnt see- each other they both told police leonard f bessev of r r i georgetown was driving south on the third line toss than a mile south of highway 7 and a norm turner construc tion truck driven by william ce cil cripps of rr 2 acton was going north they met at a curve and the force of the col lision sheared the left front wheel off both track const jim rwdpath of milton opp investigated and reported no injuria- danmg totalled taaa i i an individual first second and last she said she warned ratepayers if they do away with local government they would live to regret it and suggested what spooner wants spooner gets minister of municipal affairs j w spoo ner she said the plunkett study was first considered a sugges tion but now it is being talked about as an accomplished fact she said she had time for onlv one member of the town ship council and thats mrs macarthur she believed the twoyear term was a good thing but didnt think it should be shoved down the ratepayers throats she said other municipalities were allowed to vote on the two harding s colors 2 qualities reg 1295 sale 895 reg 8 95 sair- 695 per square yard l4 home furnishings 127 weehvich st coalph hok 124420 vote to reelect doris fryer to acton council tuesday december 6 1966 three vears experience i the acton frea prtis thursday december i 1966 m i m m n m sheep strawberry ifcll t by cftw taylor exhmmon aairieraitt in past years the halton sheep club and more recently ihe 4ti strawberry club have been quite successlul organiza tion of these two 441 clubs tor 1967 is planned for thursday december 8 1966 at the agricul tural jmfteermwton at 800 pm any rural boys and gsirls be tween the ages of 12 and 21 as of january 1 1967 are cordially invited to join either one or both of these 441 agricultural clubs the m sheep club member cares for a flock of at least live wes and their lambs and at the achievement day next fall will aahlhit one lamb from his or her flock in addition rec ords of production costs arc to organize taamtained the 4h ftrajvtmw cm member if a first yea mem will pln at least 200 straws berry plants in the spring of 1967 records of production costs are kept and meetings ate held to discuss cultural meth ods disease control and weed and marketing problems sec ond war 4h strawberry club members will continue with the strawberry patch they started during their first year and may wish to add to their pirating a hike on the bruce trail ha the terw cotwdiatrtal l uied for thw sunday toronto hikers are meeting and wmwg out together jcectt jo be loined by more on the bth una of esquesing halton cooperative medical care plan pays individual or employee group may enrol at any tnn of the year revised rates monthly 97 single monthly 111 j couple monthly f 1349 family payable quarterly or yearly coop medical services 143 main street box 474 milton dial 9789712 please send me information no obligation name address ah surgical operation doctor call paid from first visit confinements anaeathatlsu sarrkea xrays aim male medical yearly plan drugs halton reelect thomas hill councillor esquesing township december 5 1966 christmas special pony saddle with hooded stirrups matching bridle martingab saddle blanket halter lea lead with c curry comb mane comb ho pick tin of sa soop total value at over 78 ct0 05 special until christmas we also wide variety of enojuh and western riding equipment at mc cemer ef ho 7s2952 10 slderoee ami nakway 35 ir 1 mmton sbtere keeks for your vote of confidence in acclaiming me your reeve for 1947 1968 seasons greetings to all h hintom aammpnmmr- vow m you like but gat out and vote 1

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