Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1966, p. 9

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c 1 i w- iht heap tv free accktij ivi j il l pjtif w tometlrnes fate for granted the ioctoty we have inherited from fiast oeh- eraflohs over the centuries men in community have achieved a certain mea sure of civilization and culture but progress has nof been uniform of existing social orders we have our definite preferences some have de generated into authorization and totali tarian systems characterized by regi mentation suspicion and terror in oth er the winds of freedom are relatively strong and the range of individual choice wide i our awareness as to what our own society has accomplished despite its ur gent unfinished business was heighten ed when we happened to run across some references to the social systems developed by various species of ants they bear striking resemblance to some human or should we say inhuman so cial orders ants like men are socially inclined they are well organized have a remark ably effective communication system and undertake elaborate construction projects different species run grain mushroom and cattle farms they cultivate store and distribute their pro duce within each ant family or colony which sometimes has a population over 100000 all vis cobperation and harm ony so farn good but their loyalty extends only to ithe colony they raid pillage plunder and engage in bitter warfare with other col onies and species some practice a sys tem of slavery parasitic ants subvert other colonies killing their queen and installing in her stead their own the ant is born into a rigid caste system in which individuals are bound to permanent monotonous conditions of servitude some do nothing but weed the garden some feed the young some guard the gates some scout or eage for food some do battle to the extent that men in their soci eties still wage war plunder enslave subvert and divide themselves into rigid castes they bear an uncomfortable re semblance to socially organized insects such as ants and termites but fortunate ly men have remarkable capacity to pro gress morally and spiritually as they acquire a greater moral sensitivity and genuine spiritual maturity we may ex pect freedom order justice and equality to increasingly characterize human so ciety men will eventually leave the ant far behind leamington post who an te kitfdihf the hardheaded rational scientific generation thats what we are at least so we think lets stop kidding ourselves and get the picture clear al most all of us act on what we feel rather than on what we know consider two problems constantly recurring widely publicized the ap palling number of fatal highway accid ents and the rising incidence of lung cancer last year 4879 people died on can adian roads every holiday every week end increases the toll the major cul prits in this slaughter speed reckless driving alcohol carelessness mechani cal failures have been pinpointed again and again but what do we do noth ing except more of the same we fight every device and restriction that would pvt a brake on our bad habits even though we know intellectually that we may kill or be killed ourselves i we are just as stubborn when it comes to lung cancer it has increased here 10fold for men and twoandahalf times for women since 1931 the major cause has been thoroughly established cigarettes sir george godber chief medical advisor to the british govern ment estimates their deathrate will con tinue to rise steadily as long as in his words cigarettes are sold to a gullible public yet they and we go right on buying them even a hefty jump in can adian prices and news that the retail markup is more than 100 per cent has done nothing to slow sales me also reports five times as many lung cancer deaths annually as from road accidents every smoker has heard these facts he knows he should cut the habit but he has no intention of doing it if we dont want to go on killing ourselves in cars or in our own homes well have to internalize our information get from the mind to the emotions and will religion does this for a good many people bov scout apple day was held fah day and scouts and cubs swarmed til over town selling apples left to right are gordon gibbs terry slaven jeff patterson robert gibbs and kenneth esch after th ypungsters returned to the hall they were served hot chocolate stuff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley what is the must clilficult thing in ihe world to do climb a mountain swim lake ontario got through to a teenager face death wnth poise be a lejl christian nope all ol i hose can be done if you have been trained lung enough and hard enough to prepaie yourscll for them i il you have certain qualities or charac ter hlary clmied everest marilvn bell swam the lake thev began bv climbing small mountains swimming little lakes tlieie are a few recorded cases of itdults wall great patience and insight filing tluougli to teenagers but they probably pracriced on little teenagers the 13yearolds not yet battlehardened one can face death with poise if one lias learned to face with poise all ihe little deaths- tihut make up life one can even become a good chris- t tian by starting on ihe little things like generosity and foregivoivcss and working up to the big hurdles like humility and love the most difficult thing in the world lojiv to make and maintain a good marriage theres no place to train for one tinny how do vou get in shape you cant start having little marriages in prepuntton for the big one at least not around these parts you cant al though some people trv i know one bird who savs he has been happily married ill roe times all his wives are alive not to mention kicking and il doesnt matter how rnanv line qualities vou have a veritable saint of either c ran have a rotten marriage and a veritable bum ol either sex can have a- good marriage you might be belter to lead a good book about it but alter 20 veais ol ad vancing and retreating in that bloodsoak ed no mansiand between husband and wile i think i have a light to be heard theres nothing wiong with marriage itself its a veneiable institution and some wag will interject jiere of course so is kingston penitentiary but lets not be cynical no its our modern conception ol marriage thats all wrung we laugh at the victorians pi udish stufled shirts but they were on the rrght track for them marriage was a serious business evolved lo meet specific needs in their society for ihem romantic love was usually tragic there are no illusions about mai- riage in hardy thackeray galsworthy we are ihe one with ihe illusions and delusions for us marriage is like cotton candy you buy on the midway its whipped together out of hot air and sugar its pink and fluffy and you can hardly wait lo gel your teeth into it and the lirst mouthful is sweet and delicious but pretty soon its gone and youre a little sick and its all over vour face and in vour hair and your left wilh a little roll of gooey paper thats when man iage really begins well mr diefenbaker has a favorite saying- when ihe going gels tough the tough get going and thats what mar riage is like those who just think theyre tough get going and keep right on going but we really tough ones dig in our heels and slay with it and slav and slav and slay accord ing lo all ihe propaganda from movies television and ladies home journal mar riage is one big wonderful miasma of giving and taking of sharing of total togetherness oh those things are there you give and your wile takes shes willing to share everything vou have from your bank account to vour booe not neces sarily equal shares but shares and togetherness youll get total together ness until voir look in the mirror some dav when voure bs and realize with shock that you look more like your wife than she does bui according lo us old sweats mar riage is mosllv a matter of maying power slav out ol jail stay on ihe job stay away from other women s4ay on the wagon sla healthy until vour pension begins and slav out ol her way when the old lady gets steamed up which i plan lo do when rnirre reads this column harley to halton by harry harley m p kfuybeth manes two and a half year- old daughter of mr and mrs harold manes appears to be well on the way to a tummy ache she wis on hand staff photo saturday at me scout hellwhen scouts and cubs headed out on apple day the youngster had her pick from a whole bushel full of apples the house of commons has been coninuirg to debate detailed spending ol vario g departments it is expected that all of government spend- ing will have been dealt with by friday november 25 1966 and that the house ot commons will then devote its full time lo legislation it is anticipated that the following matters will he dealt with and probably in the following order 1 medicare 2 guaranteed annual minimum in- come lor senior ciliens 3 transportation bill dealing with ihe iailas 4 armed forces unification 5 collective bargaining for the civil services i would like lo outline some of tme teatuies of the while paper on immigra tion icvcnlh tabled in parliament the three main leatures of ihe governments polrcv proposals in the white paper are that it is expansionist that it is-nou-dis- criminatory and thai it establishes a new balance between the claims of family relationships and the economic interests of canadians as a whole these features are not distinct from each other there is a iroat deal of interdependence among them the white paper restates canadas need for immigrants our experience of the last four years when the numbers of immigrants have risen steadilv ironi some 70000 a year lo possibly 200000 indicates the sie of the need of our cap acity to provide a wide assortment of employment opportunities the white paper stresses the importance ol an lm- nvgratun program that is consistent with the rapid sophistication of our canadian economy and the paramount need for upgrading ihe skills and produotivitv of our labor force therefore such an im migration program while continuing and indeed improving the scope given to humanitarian considerations ought also lo recognize fully canadas need for im migrants who have the qualifications to establish themselves readily and steadily in this country some of the features of immigration legislation and procedures do result in the nationals of certain countries having greater advantages over others in their ability lo qualifv as immigrants to can ada an example is the restricted ability otpeople in canada lo sponsor certain relatives in asian countries as compared lo ihe position of those sponsors who wish to bring relatives from european countries another example in practice is the provision of relatively few immiura- tion offices in countries other than europe and therefore the greater handi caps to immigration borne bv those who could qualify but have to wait for lengthy periods to be interviewed and accepted 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday november 28 194 over four hundred people filled the brookville hall saturday night in honor of the boys and girls who served with the armed forces in ihe second world war an engraved gold watch was present ed to eaph of the 113 men who served and wrist watches to the three women who enlisted the next ol kin of the five boys who lost their lives during the conflict were presented with suitable mantle clocks lenders for sewage system arc to be called immediately the tenders call for iwo contracts one contract is for- inving 8 miles of sewer pipe from 8 lo 15 inches in diameter and 1300 feet of 6 in iron pipe with house connections and 137 concrete manholes the second contract bid calls for construction of ihe sewage treatment plant pumping stations and mechanical equipment a new hydro line was connected up last week at campbellville which gave modern lighting to the following farmers messrs robert laking donald mcdonald nicholson and charlie ingles when ross shaven of burlington and his parly of hunters returned last satur- div from a hunting trio in the wilbcrforce arci they brought with ihem a full quota 17 or deer and one bear thev reported the deer as being verv numerous in this section of ihe country this year born wright mr and mrs norman b wright an- happy lo announce ihe ar rival of their daughter carolyn patricia nt ouelph general hospital november 24 1046 ryder st and mrs earl rvder are happy lo announce ihe birth of their daiilhler on tuesdav november 26 1946 at toronto general hospital 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday december 14 1916 sgl w j gould arrived wilh the in valided soldiers at ouebec on sunday he is expected home anv dav now three new transformers are being installed in the hydro power station on wipow st this week to replace smaller ones whih have done duly there since hydro current was introduced mrs malcolm mcdomrall hai moved from ihe farm to ihe brick house on frederick st which was recently pur chased from mr cecil brown high prices were received from seed gram al ihe winter fair guelph last week sold by auction with r j kerr wieldinu ihe hammer reeve hynds received a letter from hon t w mcgarry provincial treasurer ihankng the people of arton and vicinit on behalf of the lieutenantgovernor lor ihe cheque for 215275 covering recent subscriptions here to the british red cross fund the members of acton platoon of ihe 164th battalion were home on four days leave this week mr t p watkins is lo be congratulat ed on ihe fine new cement block residence on his farm which will be finished and icady foi occupancy this week warden fleck entertained sixty guests at the wardens dinner at hotel mcgib- bon milton on monday evening all parts of halton county being represented while the spirit of good fellowship was dominant the subdued and deeper feelings of all owing lo ihe present world conflict was manifest in ihe demeanor of all and the absence from the speeches of the usual wealth of witicism and levity born price in aoton on monday decem ber ii 1916 lo mr and mrs j h price a son 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press ot thursday november 26 1891 some lime ago the masscy co of toronto amalgamated wilriharrlsrson and co of branlford and more recently a similar arrangement was entered into by the patterson and bros co of wood stock and the wisner co of branlford all implement manufacturers it is an nounced that the tour firms have now be come one company the water at burlington beach was so low last week ihe ferry was unable to go across so traffic was stopped prince george of wales is somewhat worse with typhoid the canadian apple trade with britain this season is far in advance of that of anv previous year the total quantity of barrels of apples received in liverpool alone from canada- and ihe united stales up lo november 7 am ounted to 213000 barrels as against 62000 barrels to ihe same date jast year in spile of the enormous increase prices in nearly all cases have been remunera tive to ihe shippers the acton free press phone 8532010 business and editorial office founded in 1s7j and published every thursday l 3 willow st acton on tario member of the audit bureau of circulation the c w n a and o wn a advertising rates nn request subscrip tion payable in advance u 00 in canada st00 in all countries other than canada ingle copies ioc authorized aa second clan mall post office department ot tawa advertising la accepted on the condition that in the event of typograph ical error that portion of the advertising apace occupied by the erroneoua item together with naaonablo allowance for signature will not be charged for but the balance of the advertuement will be paid for at the ippllcable rale in ihe event of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price goods or aervlcea may not be sold advertising la merelv am offer to sell and may bo withdrawn sit any time rabllshsg by ihe dills mating and mbllahlng ca ltd david n dills managing editor copyright ims bethel christian reformed church acton ontario rev wicbc van dijfc phone 8531585 sunday december 4 1966 1000 am english service 230 pm dutch service 345 pm sunday school trinity church the united church of canada minister rev dwight i engel ba bd organist mr george elliott ma phi sunday december 4 1966 church school church school juniors up to gr 4 at 10 am seniors gr 5 gr 8 at 1115 am divine services 10 00 am trinitv church nursery ser vice provided 1115 am churchill churchill rd n sermon title brass tacks sundav 8 pm classes for adults for church membership or learning about biblical interpretation church history dcnominationalisrn doctrine morality tuesdav december 6 730 pjn session meeting all welcome the church of st auan the martyr anglican corner willow and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb advent ii sunday december 4 1966 9 00 am holy euchaust i0jo am church school 1030 am holy eucharist 130 pm childrens practice for christ mas concert presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckcnzic ba bd minister mr e a hansen b a organist and choir master sunday december 1966 945 am church school for ages 3 to 15 945 am teenage church membership class 1100 am morning worship 7j0 pm youth fellowship meeting topic fluke chance or miracle sundav dec ii al 3 pm christmas program for chrldren and friends everyone most welcome mathe avenue baptist church georgetown acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey aye ph 8531615 sunday december 4 1966 1 1 00 ajn morning worship the bles sed man 700 pan evening service praver in worship 6th in a scries on wor ship wednesday prayer and bible study 7 jo thursday choir practice 7j0 friday bjhf 700 text neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name but jesus whereby we must be saved acts 412 slnday december 4 1966 9 45 ajn sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening service wednesday 8 pjn prayer meeting acion 8531956 georgetown 8776665 evangetpentecostal tabirnacut paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday december 4 1966 1000 am sunday scbool for all 1100 ajn morning worship service 700 pm evening service tuesday 8 pjn prayer and bible study rtiursday 8 pm ca service friday 645 pjn crusaders

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