Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1966, p. 9

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b x j 1 i fifrti change thiweak issue is our first to be prockjoad oilng offset printing as com pared with letterpress printing that has been in use since the paper was estab lished as this is written we are optimistic that the fint issue will be m improve ment on former issues in picture repro duction ink coverage and general ap pearance hopefully we will not be disappointed a complete change in production methods does however have its dif ficulties and if we arent just as sharp this week as you may expect please dont be too critical a special section accompanies this issue to tell something of the different process and of the organization of your local paper it was designed to permit the press e trial run in advance of the actual pressure of final deadlines you will notice a more generous use of color in its pages which is one of the things possible with the addition of the new press technical changes in the printing industry are more rapid and dramatic as they are in every industry where a press was once considered good for an editors llfatinieiechnicalchanges have now reduced the lifespan drama tically it is increasingly becoming the age of automation computers and worksaving features thn one press that servedthis pap er was good for 40 years the next for 25 the next for 1 0 while we naturally hope this new press will be good for a considerable length of time at least long enough to be paid for it is im possible to predict linotypes that set the material for the news columns have not changed in basic design since they were invented the first one installed in halton county about 1918 with normal maintenance and some rebuilding is still in opera tion weekly in our plant now linotypes are being replaced with typewriterlike keyboards equipped with computers that will not only speed their produc tion but increase accuracy they will probably be the next to be replaced in our plant as progressdictates the adop tion of new and more modern tech niques as in every business there is never an opportunity to sit back and declare you have reached the ultimate there is a constant pressure to be efficient to be progressive and to maintain a product that is acceptable changes will be a constant part of our program as we seek to maintain a weekly newspaper worthy of the town it represents the current change is one of the largest steps we have ever taken and we make it with a firm faith in the town and area we sincerely hope we may have the continued co operation and good wishes of the com munity that will make it possible to producea newspaper you will be proud to have as your representative valid idea 4 t deteriorate valrd ideas do not deteriorate un der the spotlight of public scrutiny quite often they find their strength and support as a result of general discus sion it was thus surprising to find a meeting hosted by acton school boards closed to the public scrutiny when a farreaching proposal for a single north halton board of education was being placed before representatives of other boards in this part of the county the secrecy of the discussion was defended to us by the suggestion it was unwise to get the people all ex cited about something that might not materialize we find it difficult to ac cept this train of thought if parlia ments were to follow the reasoning that only legislation which is an accomplish ed fact should be revealed to the pub lic much of 6ur democratic system of checks and balances would be inoper able school board representatives at the elementary education level are elected by the citizens responsibilities often weighty ere placed on their shoulders but we doubt it was ever expected they should be infallible or that they should accept their mandate as a right to sever the links of communication with those who elected them neither is the press infallible but it is a vital link of communication be tween the actions of the elected and those who elected them when it is closer to sever that link and debate issues behind closed doors emerging only with a minimum of information the seeds of suspicion are planted this breeds neither progress or good gov ernment it was also suggested the discus sions should not become public until some formalized plan of action cpuld be presented to the county consultative committee we fail to see the validity of such reasoning the consultative committee is an appointed group nam ed by the county council under provin cial legislation while it has definite responsibilities it is hoped it is not more important than taxpayers it seems far more valid that suggestions should first be communicated to the public who will be paying the cost of educa tion we have no quarrel with a serious consideration of the proposal for a north halton board of education or for a halton board of education our in formation on the idea is unfortunately limited as is that of the public by the efforts of those who would be most knowledgable on the matter and choose to cloak discussions if the idea is valid there seems little reason not to expose it to public scrutiny there may even be citizens not represented on the boards who could contribute some sound sugges tions given the opportunity discussion of education jurisdiction is of interest to citizens locally and there seems little reason to try to hide such ideas in education week weve heard it said that education is everyones business it seems such a slogan should be just as applicable the year around a aje fcr akimptaatete there was a time when the shin- plaster the 25ent paper note served a definite purpose particularly where mailing was concerned today however a doting aunt or uncle wouldnt dream of sticking one in a birthday or christmas card even if they were available but thats creeping in flation for you nevertheless finance minister sharp could do far worse than heed the sug gestion that the shinplester be brought back in a fresh centennial year issue some of them might linger around and prove a bit or a nuisance commercially tens of thousands however would be snapped up and be retired from circu- lation a souvenirs of expo and the centennial year itself it might be a very profitable operation in addition two generations have grown up since the last shinplaster was issued and relatively few of those gen erations have even seen the curiosities moreover it is ust possible some prac tical use for the paper money might develop though offhand for the mo ment we really cant think of a single one the performer cannot always be sure whether the applause is enthusiasm or sympathy flying low and slow isnt considered good practice but its what the timed traveler yearns for some disapprove of cards especially when the children have scattered the best deck in the house all over the floor staff photo little jennifer admires santa claus maker and sandra patterson who help- watched by santas helpers susan shoe- ed out during the santa fair saturday- editorial page sugar and spice by bill smiley its amazing how much a chap can accomplish when he gets off on his own for a day with a shave a clean shirt and a pure heart a man on his own can see more and do more in 18 hours than a family can in 18 days last weekend i reconfirmed this theory which i have held since i got married i had a whole day a wild and wicked day in the city all by myself no work no domestic bliss not a single crisis to solve for 24 hours last summer i travelled about 6000 miles but i didnt seem to get anywhere the reason of course was that i had along my wife and daughter women complicate things beyond measure and sometimes almost beyond endurance in the first place they never know what they want to do before every excursion theres a twohour dis cussion about what shoes to wear where to eat what show to go to whe- ther we have time for both or should we eat later how much its going to cost what time we should get to bed and whv it will probably toe a lousy evening anyway then at the crucial moment when its time to get cracking and there isnt a minute to lose they have to shave their legs or paint their toenails or change their girdles or put their hair up or down last summer i covered more miles pacing up and down hotel rooms wait ing for them then i did on our trans continental trip bv plane train and car now if id been taking mv wife andor daughter with me last weekend it would have been about as simple as setting up the united nations write and reserve a hotel room write and get tickets for a show or concert make elaborate plans for meeting each other for lunch in the citv after our chores were done but this time it was different i tossed a pair of socks and an extra shirt in a bag and took off with a light heart but a sober face the sober face is es sential evervtime i get away from her mv wife fears that im going on some bacchanalian binge as a result i have to lay the ground work serious talk about business con ferences seeing a lawyer maybe taking in a good show and getting in a good nights sleep in a good conservative hotel good is the key word and of course i always have to do some of these things or id never get x away i had two business meetings one with a publisher one with a syndi cate man both were completely unnec essary but pleasant like most business meetings that involve writing i skipped the lawyer bit not much fun in seeing ones lawyer substituted for a smug stroll past the big phoney christmas windows of the big depart ment stores secure in the knowledge there were no wild horses or women around to drag me into the manic inter iors somehow wound up at the press club where an eloquent and learned discussion was taking place about some thing or other joined it some time later discovered it was some time later whizzed up by cab to see college boy son not at home as usual now seven oclock time to find a hotel no rooms anywhere bunked into a sordid old dump i used to stay at in wartime cheap picked up hot salami sandwich ate it on way to theatre got a dandy seat saw a great show went back to hotel ate huge slice of rare beef while watch ing an entertainer bar closed entertainer packed up not sleepy went to coffee house paid two bucks for halfcup of lousy coffee enjoyed irish dinger whining about the wrongs of dear old ireland artist want ed to do sketch of me for six dollars then three dollars then one dollar bought him a coffee and discussed hard life of an artist back to hotel still not sleepy no tv in this dump so watched neon signs read morning paper went to bed at 4 am rose at 9 to rumble of buses clear- eved cleansed of sin and feeling about 69 now how could vou do all those things with a couple of women or evei one trailing along centennial report 18671967 by ohn w fisher centennial commissioner i expected that evervone here would speak with a real english accent and i didnt think toronto would be as friendly as it is the quotation above from a 16-year- old visiting toronto from northern brit ish columbia was used by michael ignatieff writing about centennial youth travellers in the globe and mail from another a young montrealer came this comment after visiting vancouver i realize we have the most beautiful coun try in hie whole world this year more than 4000 young people in 160 groups will have partici pated in the centennial commissions federal provincial youth travel pro gram the total since 1964 when the program was started as a pilot project will be more than 8000 bv the end of 1966 the aims of the federalprovincial program are to give young canadians the opportunity to meet and know other canadians and to develop an understand ing of their countrymen in regions other than their own another is to provide them with a first hand knowledge of the geography of the country and of the political educational cultural and artis tic achievements of other provinces the centennial commission under writes costs of travel pays a per capita i continued on page b6 20 years ago taken from tbe issue of the free press of thursday december 9 1946 memberschosen for the group com mittee at the annual meeting were george mason william middleton dr g a sirrs john lambert r p watson g a dills johnny goy c rognvaldson and leonard lovell george mason was elected chairman of the group the james davidson scholarship for general proficiency with a high stand ing in- mathematics avgnflptucollegiate was this year won by an acton student who completed his studies there last term jack mainprize soh of mr and mrs harry mainprize acton was pre sented with this award at the comrrtence- tnent exercises in guelph correspondence was read from mr hughes cleaver enclosing agreements and brief for a contract for erecting 50 wartime houses in acton at the council meeting last thursdav evening mr and mrs c j van goozen assisted by miss lydia snow entertained the members of nas- sagaweya school area board and their wives mr and mrs skuce also the area teachers and their husbands and wives in blpomsbury school ss no 9 after a full evening of contests and games the gathering enjoyed a chicken supper when the tarts and ice cream were dis- posed of prizes were awarded to the following contest winners mrs skuce mr dudley mr bryant mrs carbert euchre mrs alex near dr young miss v nightingale mr rov lambert miss l snow mrs t snyder 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday december 7 1916 a number of farmers who sold land to the radial railway for rightofway have had their arbitrations and values fixed others are still in an unsettled state those settled with appear to be fairlv well satisfied one of the most successful sales held in erin for some time was conduct- ed by auctioneer kerr for oswald ever- dell jhocsesjvent upto j210 grade- cows with calf 152 nine cows and heifers hrought 51020 work on the new wclland ship canal is to be discontinued at the close of the present season six ships were sunk in one dav by german submarines records show that diphtheria has been prevalent throughout the province during the past month 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday december 3 1891 the pupils of acton public school were examined in various departments last friday with the following results sr iv chas lowry rollie smith john mcgtll chester matthews charles presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba bjd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday december 11 1966 945 am teenage church membership class 1100 am divine worship sermon theme christmas spectacle or revelation 3 00 pm annual church school christmas program parents and friends invited regular session of church school withdrawn in morn ing- everyone most welcome maple avenue baptist church georgetown sunday december 11 1966 9 45 a m sunday school 1 1 00 a m morning service 700 p m evening service wednesday 8pm prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 evangel pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 moore fred ryder jr tv bella lew- son w a lowson sarah mcciure sr iii james to veil elsie qultner john mcdonald maggie warwick trios t moore teacher second department sr nettle cobban edna millar artie moore nellie mapherson inter effie mckeown leona holmes ella anderson jr mabel craine jessie harvey maud ry- uer c mcpbafl teacher thirct department sr john moore mabel rae bella mcdonald jen nie smith eva matthews inter clara cobban charlie towers mabel lambert a m smith jr jane gray howard crane charlie holmes j k cleveland teacher fourth department sr lizzie mc donald thomas mckeown myrna mcin tosh inter bertie speight joseph gibbons willie harding othner grant jr george arnold albert mckee minnie nelson teacher the waterloo junction railway from waterloo to ehnira was officially open ed yesterday an excursion was held and a banquet at elmira terminated the davs proceedings the new victoria college building is advancing raoidlv the walls are com pleted and the roofing has been begun the architectural design is imposing and effective from whateverpoint one looks at it the actoivl- free press phone 8532010 business and editorial- office founded in 1879 and published every thursday at t willow si acton on tario member ol the audit bureau of circulations the cw na and own a advertising rates on request subscrip tions payable in advance 00 in canada s700 in all countries other than canada single copies 10c authorized aa second class mail post office department ot tawa advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of typograph ical error that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous hem together with reasonable allowance for signature will not be charged for but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate in the event of a typographical error advertlalnar goods or services at a wrong price gooda or services may not be sold adrertlamat la merely an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any time fabllshe by- ike dills printing and pabllsblng cs li david r dills managing editor copyright 1900 church notices trinity church the united church of canada minister rev dwight i engel ba bjd organist mr george elliott ma phd sunday december 11 1966 church school church school juniors up to gr 4 at 10 am seniors gr 5 gr 8 at 1115 ajn divine services 1000 am trinity church nursery service provided 11 15 am churchill churchill rd n sermon title- an orderly ac count sunday 8 pm classes for adults for church membership or learning about biblical interpretation church history denominationalism doctrine morality all welcome the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stjb sunday december 11 1966 1000 am sunday school for all ages 1 1 00 am morning worship service 700 p m evening service tuesday 8pm prayer and bible study thursday 8pm ca service friday 6 45 pm crusaders bethel christian reformed church acton ontario rev wiebe van dijk phone 8531585 advent iii sunday december 11 1966 900 am holy eucharist 1030 am church school 1030 am matins 1 30 pjn childrens practice for christmas concert acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 sunday december 11 1966 1000 am english service 230 pjn dutch service 345 pjn sunday school friday december 16 8 pjn sunday school christmas program sunday december 11 1966 h 00 am morning worship who cru- ciffed christ 700 pm evening service senior cit izens to be our guests a christ mas message tuesday dec il3 at 8 pjm special church meeting members and adherents of vital interest to ah wednesday prayer and bible study 73d thursday choir practice 730 thursday explorers at 630 friday bhf 700 text neither is these salvation in any other for there is no other mme- but jesus whereby we must be saved t acts 4ill j-

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