Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 15, 1966, p. 1

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mi y- vfw hvl- nhwtysaeond ymrno 24 acton ontario thursday december 15 1966 14 paget ten cents iweya reeve council all return bid coulter reeve of naa- sagawaya for the past three veers was decisively reelected for twoyear term on mon day when 4830 per cent of the euctble township electorate went to the polls qespite a stiff challenge from allan ackman for the se- cond consecutive year reeve coulter was able to increase iris martin of victory over the last election and toad in four of the ave polling stations in cumbent counci anne mac- arttftr ross gordon and wil- 11am llahon won reelection with councillor mecarthur leartlng the council polls for the second year in a row mrs m the first woman to serve on township council received 545 votes roes gordon who was elected for a sixth term was second in the race with 478 and wil liam ilahon elected for a fifth term was third with 441 a l goutousu making his first bid for a township coun cil seat was fourth with 320 ie in the race with 246 it was her second try for a council seat in the nineway race for five seats on the township public school board four incurnb- eats claude inglis john mc- phau arthur gibson and hor ace blyth were reelected and carlo bryce making his first try for a school board seat was elected the fifth member of the 1966 school board dr cliff young did not seek re election the results for school board were as follows claude inglis 544 john mcphao 528 arthur gibson 455 horace blyth 445 carlo bryce 324 mrs willie essery 250 mrs prances sweet 246 patrick redgrave 238 ro- ber gregg 231 reeve coulter polled 490 votes 147 more than mr ack man the incumbent led in polling subdivisions 1 2 3 and 4 but trailed by 12 votes in the subdivision at eden mills in december 1965 he defeat ed mr ackman for the first time by the margin of 497 to 391 d favorable weather conditions and considerable interest only 854 of the elig ible 1768 voters cast ballots for a percentage turnout of 48 jo about nine per cent low er man the 3725 per cent in last years election this was the first time vot ers have cast ballots for a two- year term and those elected will serve for 1967 and 1968 the councils inaugural meet ing is scheduled for wednes day january 4 nassagaweya results poll 1 agnew electric poll 2 agnew electric poll 3 brookville poll 4 moffat res poll 5 macpherson res reeve one elected poll i poll 2 poll 3 poll 4 toll 5 total wbbam coulter 99 councillors tl mraranae macarthur 12 rosa gordon 11 99 mree a 143 94 112 97 73 fhre 139 143 9 as 71 90 80 58 46 137 93 lected 156 133 12 91 76 elects 157 199 136 144 15 58 66 82 73 113 55 9 126 ml 45 34 d 19 111 14 97 6 35 43 40 54 29 41 46 37 25 29 25 25 26 42 4 23 10 19 18 34 49 343 545 478 441 p a l 45outouski 58 320 1 mrs elva newton 38 46 school trustees chmmte inane 114 544 1 john mrrnall 19 528 455 p carlo bryce 65 mrs willie essery 57 mrs frances sweet 38 449 324 250 246 patrick redgrave 40 robert gregg 4- 24 238 231 m a as a niw ifctirn mile given in memory of lillian mary hinton was presented to st al- bans acton sunday december 11 h h hinton warden of halton county read the jirst lessons from ritchie aacmurray hinton staff photo the new bible the rev is pictured with warden 10room stewarttown addition approved by esquesing board head on collision tuesday t men two men were hospitalized and a third was treated by a local doctor following a head- on crash one mile north of ac ton tuesday morning damage to both cars was extensive constable murray neal of the guelph ojpjp detachment investigated the crash and re ported a northbound car on highway 25 north of town dri ven by robert keith powell of etobicoke with a passenger andrew broom of r r 2 georgetown and a southbound car driven by wayne eason brock st acton were in volved in the accident at the top of a hill cannabis bruce mcarthur of the acton mftp detach- receive meat was called and took both mr powell and mr broom to a local doctor for treatment they were transferred to guelph general hospital mr powell suffered lacerations to his left eye and chin abras ions to both knees a fractured left arm and a bruised stom ach mr broom was treated for lacerations to his forehead and right hip driver of the other vehicle wayne eason was later taken to a doctor for treatment to a cut to his forehead and bruis ed stomach constable mcarth ur radioed for guelph police as the accident occurred in guelph territory approval for a 428000 10- room addition to stewarttown public school was given tues day afternoon when esquesing public school board and es quesing council met in the township hall the estimated amount tobe obtained through debentures is 380000 the school board has a conservatively estimated surplus of 27000 which com bined with the debenture sale should cover the actual build ing cost of 400000 the 28- 000 will include furnishings and equipment the sum for the furniture and equipment is rebatable in the following years grant 4000 of the architects fees which are nonrebatable will be paid from the school board surplus it was expected mill rates in esquesing will be af fected by the addition council member pat patter son stated he was sympathetic with both the school board in its desire for the addition and the taxpayer for having to ab sorb the cost i he questioned the estimated cost of 20 per square foot noting a good house can be written by herman freuler choraliers expect to sing original composition at expo when the acton legion choraliers sing at expo this summer they hope to be singing a special centennial hymn written ywellknown actonian herman freuler the song has a very pleasant tune which chorus director george mus- selle thinks will be very effective when arranged for mens voices mr freuler a swiss native wrote the song several months ago attaenga ma chosnmste had wanted to sing at expo on the 24th of may weekend information from montreal in dicates that weekend is already com pletely booked with amateur groups mr mi will be writing them at once asking for the first of july or first of september weekend july and august are the most pop ular months but these weekends seemed to be still available they would like to sing on a sunday and monday if pos- sme before returning home band shaba aaa being throughout the bapo site each group will be expe to sing or perform from b 30 to 50 minutes and theyll select their own program two perfor mances a day are scheduled it u likely that if no copyright has been incurred the arrangement of mr freujers song for piano will be publish ed in the free press during p year then it can be clipped out pasted on cardboard and played although mailing the words of a song doesnt give much appreciation of the total effect the words mr freuler wrote follow in our hearts a feeling is abiding deep and strong to never never die canada our grateful voices rising in a chorus clear and high keep us in your arms united hold us close to your heart let on you our eyes be sighted from you we will never part chorus silvery moon and starlit skies send greet ings to our land serene in majesty canada toward your future reaching for the glorious summit of your destiny should the clouds of war and tribula tions mar the skies that were so fair before canada it is our resolution to stand ready as of yore abiding gods own inspiration guide us through the gloom let good will among men embrace us peace clinging to its bloom erected at a cost of 13 per square foot school board trustee william lawson replied the ontario de partment of education recom mends that price as does the architect mr patterson commented ihetownship is in need of util ities and buildings too but he would not criticize the erec tion of the building if it was necessary councillor patterson asked why the township of nassaga weya was able to erect their nineroom addition to brook ville public school at a cost of 1680 per square foot it was found the square foot- age of construction of this na ture does hot necessarily rcp- resvnt the actual area the figure is doubled for service areas eg corridors heating etc nassagaweya did not have these additional costs added into their construction mr lawson said it would be foolish for the school board to come to council requesting a certain amount of morrev then find at the inspection of tenders more funds would be needed he emphasized that in all probability the 380000 figure was liberal it was felt the installation of a gymnasium would be more beneficial in a school containing grades seven and eight and the gym would like ly be used constantly if it was the only one in the township system the board must have rooms by september mr lawson said portable classrooms cost approximately 1000 each and cannot attract as high a calibre of teacher they would have to be replaced eventually anyway with permanent type buildings it was also noted the board could request a poll of public opinion at councils expense which would be 1000 councillor george currie re minded the school board they had requested 277300 for an eight room addition previous ly but the new request repre sented an increase in roorosof two but an increase incosttof 103000 the boards spokesman mr lawson replied the original appointment oakville resident gordon blake was appointed returning officer for halton east a new electoral district it was an nounced last week no appointment has yet been made for halton west richard west of burlington handled the entire old riding of halton in the last elections plan had called for six class rooms a kindergarten rpom and a library the new plan passes up the kindergarten but replaces it with a gymnas ium home economics room and industrial arts room the three are a specialized type of room and larger- requiring- moje money reeve george leslie express ed his hope the board would not be needing further accom modation shortly the operating coats budget of the board for 1967 will be a necessary 500000 it was felt to be beneficial to call for tenders soon there is a better opportunity for low er bids during the winter con tracting months after some further discus sion it was decided the coun cil would sit in caucus to ar rive at a decision in approximately 30 minutes the school board was recalled to the meeting to hear a reso lution from council approving the grant of an estimated 380- 000 by sale of debentures to be used in construction of a 10- room addition to stewarttown public school the debenture will be over a 20y6ar period the board was asked to keep the cost of the addition as low as possible weve had a hard fight for this said school board chair man russell miller following the meeting february opening expected for new centennial library probable grand opening for the first time the lib- lee council represent grand opening dote in february for actons centennial library was envis ioned for acton council tues day evening by mayor les dirby one of the keenest sup porters of the project and a member of the library board himself he was bringing back to cfiuncil for their approval the llbrarv boards recommen dations for furnishings and pointed out that the equip ment would be delivered about six weeks after it is ordered bringing a possible completion date in february council discussed and ap proved purchase of shelving furniture drapes and other equipment for the centen nial library at an approximate cost of 9500 of this amount 5000 had been previously al lotted mayor duby reported that members of the board had vis- ilud s plac insp library equipment he also told council it was impossible for library board members to es timate accurately what the cost of this equipment would be board members realized the minimum cost should be arrived at and realized the lib rary couldnt open without this equipment we have the most conscientious group of people on library board and the nic est group working for the town its a pleasure being on the boardwuh them he noted the hoard had selected the lowest priced units in each case deputyreeve r r parker said furnishing a library was a onceirralifetime deal and this would have to be experi enced before knowing near costs if the board had es tablished 5000 approximate price and purchased equip ment for 9500 they did a good job he declared he noted he had seen a lot of en gineers come up with an esti mated cost for a project and when tenders were called the amount increased drastically rary board met in their new library on monday evening seated on folding chairs around a couple of cardtables with their sweaters and over coats on the men on the board contemplated with pride the shining new ceiling tile coordinated paint colors and the bright peacock blue wall- towall carpeting furnishings were the main item on their agenda various prices were assembled juggled and totted to be presented to council the next night locations for shelving eight round tables chairs for adults and stools for children the checkout desk and rolling book racks were measured library board members pre sent were chairman george representative mayor les duby doug cope- land rev ritchie mcmurray fred new and ted pratt they accepted the first book for the centennial library a presentation of the university womens club of milton and district which has nine acton members a centennial pro ject the book contains ac counts of the lives of 20 fam ous canadian women although it was presented to the board for the new library it will be put in circulation as soon as possible the pitch of the new bridge has been changed a more gradual rise was felt to be more satisfactory fill will be added at each end and land scaping will follow volkswagen bought m germany destroyed by fire on friday not only did charles wright 188 churchill rd s acton lose his transportation last friday but a lot of sentimental value went up in flames as well his late model volkswagen which he personally picked up at the plant at wolfsburg germany caught fire en route to workatmaltonwhen1t1s presumed a flexible fuel line broke both mr wright and his passenger miss lonnie marks were travelling along no 7 highway east of town when the driver smelled gasv line he pulled- the vehicle to the side of the road and both got out the vehicle had caught fire and was partially engulf ed in flames two passing truckers were flagged down in hopes fire extinguishers would be in the trucks withno luck acton firefighters were call ed and had a difficult time ex tinguishing the blaze when magnesium castings around the motor caught fire unable to cope with the blaze with water magnesium fires are impossible to extinguish with straight water or even foam firefighters tipped the verdcle on its side and shovelled utrt on the fire mr wright had driven the station wagon all over south germany switzerland france and parts of austria when he came to canada from great britain he had the vehicle ship per over by boat it was a complete loss hot night mold town on twelfth night the annual gala burning of christmas trees will again take place on the meadow just north of the town dump site plans are be ing sketched by members of the chamber of commerce in expectation of another big bon fire and big crowd cotinal accepts submission plunkett for w j spooner on councils submission to w j spooner minister of muni cipal affairs regarding the plunkett report was accepted for submission by council on tuesday night members of the special committee deputy- reeve r r parker and coun cillors robert drinkwalter and c f leatherland were com mended for their work in com piling the report from indivi dual submissions by each member of council mr parker remarked 1 dont think i have tackled any thing more difficult in the past year we had to assess 10 dif- next week next weeks issue of the free press will carry a special greet ings section from the towns businessmen ferent expressions of opinion and compile them into one re port clerkadministrator jack mc- geachie informed members he had received official word the department of highways would pay 90 per cent of the cost for installation of signal lights at the millmain inter section he reported the lights were estimated at a cost of 471531 of which 90 per cent grant would be paid costs for signs and street marking would be an additional 357 of which the town would pay 50 per cent and the depart ment of highways 50 per cent a bylaw applying for these grants was approved with reeve hinton opposing the three readings approval was given for town workers to have a holiday fri day december 23 for christ- two pforti wire hospitalized tuesday mor ning with injuries as a result of a headon twocar collision one mile north of acton on no 25 highway driver of a northbound car robert keith powell of etobicoke and his pas senger andrew broom of rr 2 georgetown were hospitalized with injuries driver of the southbound car wayne eason 26 brock ave was treated by dr brian moore for shock and stomach injuries constable murray neal of the guelph opp detachment investigated charges are pending mas and monday january 2 for new years monday de cember 26 was also proclaim ed boxing day council members will receive a christmas parcel early ap proval was given for the clerk to issue checks for the balance of honoraria owing members following a request to no 2 committee of council by w j mcleod and dave manes for s town workmen to clear piles of snow from the parking lot at the iga store and medical centre council approved a committee recommendation to charge 6 per hour for use of the front end loader and 4 per hour for a truck for this purpose councillor drinkwalter told council the owners would be responsible for clearing the lots after each snowfall and piling the snow in one area town workmen would then take away the piles after an accumulation he noted this would- not be done on over time nor until all town streets had been cleared of snow eve hinton objected to town workmen going on pri vate property to do this and was informed the parking lots in question were wellused by ratepayers and it would be an advantage to ratepayers to keep this area cleared councillor mrs doris fryer noted the parking situation would be worse once the lights were installed and no parking areas designated reeve hinton opposed this action approved far payment were the following accounts for election day and nomination night 10 to r l school care takers 11 each for five djl 0s 15 each for five polling clerks and 15 each for use of four places for polling mtjf vic brutow was present from acton lions club to show council samples of cen tennial decorations which would be sold by the club he waa informed a committee of council would study a bro chure and inform the dub if a are r mittee accounts counrfflor f continued on page 3 5vjifc-

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