Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 15, 1966, p. 7

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iv s wv iss health programs under the direction of dr archie f bull the medical of ficer of health for halton for the past 14 year have advanced considerably from the timein t952 when he took oyer the position announcement of hit resignation recently creates i a vacan cy in the county organization that will be difficult to fill statistics can produce the best proof of success in reduclngxornmunlcable diseases and implementing control mea sures ar they were made available the salk vaccine program that slashed in cidence of polio throughout the coun ty was organized through the health unit t dr bill has filled his position well as an administrator and as a personable and communicative individual the growth ahd expansion of the health unit in line with e rapidly expanding county was ably carried out well miss dr bull in his role as county medical officer of health but would certainly wish him evvry suc cess in his new position with the on tario department of health while were on the subject of coun typersonnel changes we would be re miss if we didnt also note the advance of years has also brought on the re tirement this year of ford rogers as county assessor and roy smith as coun- ty engineer both have been part of the county organization for many years and their service has spanned years of advancing rates of development the changes come too at a time when complete areas of government are under review and those who are following will have new challenges to face and new g to contend with as we wish those who have served pleasant years in their retirement we wish their successors well in the days ahead now that winters here iet the christinas 4tem m ckruttnaa 8eaut e a bethlehem e name often heard at this season conjures up for most of us quiet beauty under a deep star- studded sky in reality the ancient town is more like a fortress than the setting for an idyll high on a plateau windswept and austere stands the church of nativity in whose cavegrot to tradition says christ was born the church above it is vary old it dates back to constantino in 330 ad the present door starkly simple and very low was so built in the time of the crusades to keep rampaging horse men from riding in to massacre the worshippers it is e grim reminder that saracen and christian let blood here though these realities of geogra phy and history shatter the tranquil inv age oftne chrlsfrnas town they have a sustaining quality in these days of vio lence and subconscious if not overt fear of the future it is heartening to remember that the thrilling song peace on earth to man of goodwill rang out first in an occupied country at the ten sionfilled time of a hated census tak ing the angel strains were not heralds of utopia they were a thrust of light into darkness and he whose birth we celebrate found the road from bethle hem to calvary both short and bitter yet the voices sang truly we are not wholly at the mercy of our circumstan ces as dwight stevenson a contem porary american has pointed out the glory of the christian faith lies in its ability to work when forces are hos tile to it time and again wise andtprivileg- ed men who have found in the babe their purpose and their peace and poor and oppressed men who have found in him their hope have changed history a woodrow wilson and a hammarsk- jold have set our feet however falter- ingly on the road to world govern ment the tolpuddle martyrs methodist laypreachers who died for the right of workers to organize have left us a legacy of enlightened labor legisla tion martin luther king and the mur dered civil rights champions are teach ing us however slowly that black or white we are irrevocably bound to gether arthur oshaughnessy reminds us one man with a dream at pleasure shall go forth and conquer a crown and three with a new songs measure can trample an empire down may the christmas song put courage in us all contributed home decorations seem to be more attractive than ever this year added to the lights and figures which go up each year are even more special decorations this christmas season floodlit arrange ments are striking as usual the beardmore gates are worth a special trip to see the subdivisions are solidly aglow with colored lights there is no chamber of commerce competition this year for best decorated house but this certainly hasnt stopped anyone the decorated main streets arr an nual charhbemown project tie the towns decorations together just like ribbon ties a parcel and the town tree at the old post office twinkles right in the centre of it all criteria vote j it is always pleasant to hear words of appreciation and since our last issue the many favorable comments on our new method of printing have certainly been appreciated as the process be comes more familiar with our- staff further improvements will be notice able it seems not to occur to indigent countries that uncle sam got rich through hard work among the financial mysteries is how some accumulate all the money others have to borrow automobiles are going to cost more but not enough more to improve the traffic situation among the financial mysteries is how some accumulate all the money others have to borrow sugar and spice by bill smiley harley to halton by harry harley m p hie rouse of commons has spent one day oh the resolution proposing the guaranteed annual minimal income for our senior citizens it is expected this will be debated next week i would like to review this as it is most import ant the bill will guarantee old age ensioners an income of 1260 a year or 105 a month each whether they are married or single therefore married pensioners will have a- guaranteed in come of 210 a month or 2520 a vear it is anticipated that 800000 senior cltk tens wih benefit from this program and it will cost canadian taxpayers between 260 and 280 million dollars in 1967 the program is based on the individ uals income and would ask for informa tion that is given on the income tax return apart from the information giv en on the income tax return there will be no checking into a senior citizens finan cial affairs this program win gradual ly disappear as the canada pension man comes into effect and it is designed to help those who- cannot or are not cove un the canada pension plan ihtder lata ptepraaa recipients of old age security who have no other in come of the type considered to be in come under the income tax act whi re ceive the full amount for those who have other income there is a provision for partial payments this is available to single pensioners wrbo have an annual income uktodtag the flat rate pension of less man tls and to married pen sioners who have a combined income of less than 3240 annually thus the income supplement re distributes income in favor of single persons and married couples with in come of below 1620 and 3240 respec tively rather than over the whole range of incomes as is the case under the ex isting old age security pension under the proposed legislation the in come of each spouse is taken to be one- half of thei combined income of the couple in determining the amount of each spouses supplement thus each spouse receives the same amount of supplement each old age security beneficiary en titled to an income supplement will re ceive one monthly cheque combining the basic flat rate pension with the supple ment in the case of married recipients each spouse will receive a cheque as is the practice under old age security at the present time for persons receiving the flat rate old age security pension the guaranteed income supplement and the canada pension plan one cheque for the combined amount will be sent each month it is proposed that the payments for this income supplement will be financed from the old age security fund the tax measures required in connection with these expenditures will be dealt with by the minister of finance in his minibudget in the very near future it is proposed that the guaranteed income supplement program take effect in january 1967 early in the new year application forms will be sent to all recipients of old age security those who qualify will receive monthiyupple- ments retroactive to the month of jan uary supplementary payments will be combined with the old age security cheque and we expect that the first cheques including the retroactive sup plementary income payments will be sent out with the march old age se curity cheques we would hope to have all these retroactive payments connected with the introduction of the program cleared up with the april cheque mail ings weve been talking about it for a lung time it would mean a major uphea val in the family but its two against one and this is a democracy unless of- ccurse your wife happens to constitute the minority today i applied for an exchange teaching job for one year in the united kingdom i must be out of my mind but i did daughter kim is all for it with the adventurous spirit of the young and their complete lack of participation in all the work involved she glows at the pros pect after allengiantis the land of the beatlej the rolling stones and the high est miniskirts england as the song says swings like a pendulum do thats for jcmbo shed like nothing better than to- spend a year abroad not acquiring a broad education never she looks upon education as small boys do upon wash ing the squarest and most useless thing foisted on the young by stupid loving parents a no what shed like to pick up in england is a carnaby st wardrobe and sa liverpool accent so that she could knock the local kids dead when she comes home the mod look of car- naby is bad enough but the dialect of the liverpudlian is surely the ugliest in the world outside the pure hottentot what she doesnt picture and i havent the heart to tell her is the truth if the deal goes through a year from now shell he wading through the fog in little muddling or climbing the cliffs on the isle of mull complete with rubber boots raincoat and sou- wester approximately 3000 social miles from the england and londons west end my wife blows hot and cold one week when things are particularly ob noxious around here shes fairly keen she sees a snug cottage with vines and a cosy fireplace shining brass and an english garden out back she envisag es a jaunt into london every weekend for piano lessons concerts lunch and the theatre the next week shes been talking to someone who has just spent a year there and was half frozen for 12 months or she says flatly if you think im going to leave my comfort able home treasured piano students and all my friends to go and live in some cold clammy dump among a lot of strangers etc etc sometimes she wavers and asks me what england is really like the trouble is i havent been there for ov er 20 years about all i can do is des cribe some firstrate pubs and tell her how easy it was to lose your girl in the fog or blackout unless you clung to her somehow these descriptive gems dont fan her ardor for the trip a i said no one in his right mind wants to spend a year in the uk i know ill come home either riddled with rheumatism or in a wooden box with a sheen of fog on it and it isnt sentiment admittedly there are a few old pubs id like to re- visit but theyve probably changed in to raucous roadhouses that serve mar tinis instead of halfandhalf and the waitresses are insolent pups instead of buxom barmaids who called you luv or ducks and there arc a few old girl friends id like to revisit but a friend of mine did this last year taking his wife along somen w he said there was a lack of rapport and they were all so old and even worse they thought he was old and 1 sure as heck dont want to go and stand on some deserted dila- pidated airdrome and think of the old days old runways are for the birds- who make much better landings on them than i ever did no what sparks my desire to go away for a year is none of these it is the thought of spending the whole of centennial year in canada now i love this land but the idea of an entire year of jiayjng exporam med down- my throat of watching municipalities solemnly snip the rib bons at such sparkling centennial pro jects as the new public lavatories or the new parking lot makes me want to throw up and what better place to do that than the uk where i must admit have done it before on occasions after an evening of warm pints of bitters c20 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press of thursday december 3 1946 christmas holidays for schools will be 16 dnys this year mr kenneth henderson son of mr d m henderson now of gait has re tired from the bank of canada to be come vice president and treasurer of imperial oil co james coyne executive assistant to the governor of the bank becomes also securities advisor suc ceeding mr henderson ken henderson is a native of acton and spent his boy hood days here at the nnssagaweya wi mrs ma- lion presented mrs arthur davenport a war bride with a woolen blanket and a luncheon set born landsborough at guelph general hospital on friday nov 29 to mr and mrs chas w landsborough a daughter died black at his home 19 maitland st mon dec 12 1946 george a black husband of the late alma mc- conncl and beloved father of mrs drw r reed gladys ernest g and howard m black in his 90th year 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday december 21 1916 in response to the application of the directors of acton fall fair for a share of the provincial fall fair wet weather insurance secretary hynds has received a cheque from the provincial treasurer for 9125 after serving two years in the can adian expeditionary forces in defence of king and country sngt w j gould arrived home invalided last saturday afternoon gunner gould as he was known in the south african war ar rived in quebec on the 9th inst he was drained at the barracks at quebec for- several days in order to go before the medical board many municipalities that have held elections this year have again faced the problem of a small turnout of voters it seems interest in municipal- affairs is something many of us feel isnt nec essary one of the ideas expressed in the plunkett report is that larger forms of government of the regional nature with greater responsibilities will stimu late interest at the voting level we wonder if this is a valid concept it seems that voting in the newlyconsti tuted boroughs around toronto wasnt so overwhelming perhaps before local government is enlarged on an unsound assumption it should be challenged too the bazaar held in the parish hall last week and conducted by the ladies of st aasans church was most suc cessful the bazaar was largely attended by the close of the second eventing practically everything was sold 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday december 10 1891 drill shed site sale at the town hall saturday afternoon t josephs fancy fair opens this afternoon at two oclock the program will be continued every day except sun- aay until next tuesday evening and and witli the attractive display of fancy and useful articles offered for sale there will be numerous contests for sec uring valuable prizes the music by bands the concerts by visiting artists and the talking of the phonograph and the onldga the tempting refreshments mrs john mcgrall is president of the fair complaints about the street lamps come from nearly every part of town the majority are worn out and unfit for longer service they should be renewed t with electric light handsome parlor group set bed room set grinding stone wheelbarrow scythe secretary stove pipes and other articles for sale mrs s a secord the acton free press phone 8532010 business and editorial office founded in 171 and published every thursday at m willow 81 anton on tario himbar of the audit buraau of circulation the cwna and owna advertising rataa on raquaat bubscrip- tlona payable in advance s400 in canada stoo in an eountrlas other than canada single copies 10c authorised a second clan mail post office department ot tawa advertlslns la accepted on the condition that in the event of typograph ical error that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with reasonable allowance for signature will not be charged for but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the jppucable rate in the event of a typographical error advertising go or services at a tpns price food or aejrvtgee ssey dot see j adveevaneja la merely an offer to sell and may be withdraws at any time ramlshed by the olua rrlaual aad faaltaalag ce 144 david r- dills managing bdltor copyright isst presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h imdkenzie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master trinity church the united church of canada minister rev dwight i ngel ba bd organist mr george elliott ma phd sunday december 18 1966 945 am church school for ages 3 to 15 945 am teenage church membership class 1100 am advent worship sermon theme the bethlehem innkeep er everyone most welcome maple avenue baptist church georgetown sunday december 18 1966 church school church school juniors up to gr 4 at ho ajn seniors gr 5 gr 8 at 1115 bljti divine services 1000 am trinity church nursery service provided 1115 amchurchill churchill rd n sermon title its all greek to me 700 pm cgit candlelighting ser vice all welcome sunday december 18 1966 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening service wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown b776n65 evangel pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday december 18 1966 1000 am sundayschool for all ages 1100 am morning worship service 700 p m evening service tuesday 8 pm prayer and bible study thursday 8 pm ca service friday 645 pm crusaders friday december 16 7j0 pm sunday school christmas program the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow st and st aibans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb friday dec 16 ember day 10am holy eucharist advent iv sunday december 18 1966 900 ajn holy eucnarist 10j0 am church school 1030 am holy eucharist 1 jo pjnj childrens practice for christmas concert 7j0 pm annual carol and candle lighting service- wednesday dec 21 thespeast of st 1 thomas 10 aj holy eucharist acton baptist church founded 1m2 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 8331615 bethel christian retormed church acton ontario rev wiebe van dijk phone 8531585 sunday december 18 1966 1000 am english service 230 pm dutch service 345 pm sunday school vjjec 24 7 pm bible school and sun- day school christmas i program sunday december 18 1966 945 amchurcb school adult class 1100 ajnalorning worship the di- reeled life 700 pjn evening service a christ mas cantata by our choir wednesdaysprayer and bme study 7 jo thursday choir practice 7 jo thursday explorers at 430 friday bilf 7j00 pan carols text neither b these salvation to any other for there is no other aaane but jesus vmereby we most be saeedt acts 12 m wiqfy h

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