Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1966, p. 2

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tt v s immrialpk ex i uhtc lftt y 7 glory to god in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom hftpleeied the messeffe of the angels to the stunned shepherds as they watched their flocks stressed the promise of peace to that generation to the count less descendants of that age the seme premise has been perpetuated yet we seem still to fail to qualify on a large scale with the basic requirement among men with whom he is pleas ed peace is not some state of cease fire in a world torn at its corners with bombings and killings under various guises peace is not that limited term of time following a violence that en gulfs the globe no surely the peace the angels meant was the state indivi- e duals achieve when they have a faith so dominanf it becomes a strength before we can truly appreciate the peace of the angelic host we must sure ly relate it to ourselves as individuals it is not enough to point it out for others it is best transmitted by influ ence and when the radiance of peace is reflected fromtbe depth of an indi vidual it can begin its mission to others when this ideel has become wide spread it can be expected to affect the affairs of men and nations our wish for you at this festive season is certainly for a merry christ mas but even more we wish for you peace that inner peace which will reflect in your life and in your contact with others that outgoing peace that will influence others in ways un dreamed of cuctfon afamath the enthusiasm those in nassaga- weya have for their municipal elections has often attracted oar admiration as we watch the apathy and low interest that are reflected in large communities unfortunately the recent election has indicated one of the problems that develop when personalities rather than issues become involved allegations have been made that the ancestry of one of the candidates for reeve was injected by a council contestant it is charged this was dis crimination and there have been refer ences to affidavits and how the basis for the charge was first established this has all resulted in a march of protest on council and heated charges that discrimination was used in the pre- vote campaigning councillor ross gordon has been charged with infecting this note in the caihbaign a charge he denies allan aokman against whom it is alleged the discrimination was used denies any knowledge of the instance those who have taken up the issue have mounted an attack on recently re elected councillor ross gordon we would oppose discrimination in any election on the basis of race or creed we would also oppose a ten dency to charge and convict a person without the submission of substantiated proof of reasonable grounds for the charge despite our best efforts to de termine the orlginof the charge ag ainst mr gordon we have found only that it was always someone else who passed the story along this hearsay evidence is mixed with innuendo and oblique references discrimination can take many forms and none are any more acceptable than another if there is a substantial charge against mr gordon it should be stated in no uncertain terms a continuation of hearsay evidence and vague charges is in itself discrimination democracy is many things to many people but surely it carries with it the righj to a fair trial an assumption of guilt until innocence is proven is not in step with normal democratic pro cesses candieuohters and riaders in the cgit candlelighting service at the united church sunday evening were donna mccabe kathy cook peggy tun ptoto wheeler linda perry bonnie jones julie smith and carol masales this year they were joined by the members of the sigmac for the annual service can ifcu keep ckttitmaa by henry van dyke are you willing to forget what you have done for other people and to re member what other people have done for you to ignore what the world owes you and to think what you owe the world to put your rights in the background and your duties in the mid die distance and your chances to do a little more than your duty in the fore ground to see that your fellow men are just as real as you are and try to look behind their faces to their hearts hungry for joy to own that probably the only good reason for your existence is not what you are doing to get out of life but what you are going to give to life to close your book of complaints against the manage ment of the universe and look around you for a place where you can sow a few- sefeds-of- happiness are- you willing to do these things even for a day then you can keep christ mas centennial report 18671967 by iohn w fisher centennial commissioner sugar and spice by b i i r smiley christinas comes but once a year in fact its just ahead but have you heard the bad news santa claus is dead we didnt have a stroke in fact its difficult to say what made old santa croak some say it was exhaustion some say it was a clot but others seem to think he conked from smoking too much pot chimneypot that is of course he wouldnt touch the other but what an anticlimax for santa just to smother at least he could have fallen from his sleigh and made a splash or run into a satellite with one almighty crash i i know its going to be hard to ex plain that to your kids but thats your problem the revelation contained in the above doggerel is ray personal campaign against the assortment of creeps going around smelling up the atmosphere with their godisdead garbage theres just as much truth and just as much common sense in mv report about s claus as there is in theirs about god i dont care whether thev are emin ent clerics or halfbaked beatniks the godisdead crowd is dead wrong he may be out to lunch occasionally but he is not dead he is very much alive and you go tell that on the mountain my folksinging friends v sony it i sound a bit heated at this time of peace and goodwill and four color ads for whiskey and perfume bat ive had enough of the complete cunent acene for p bit quite enough of lc sensations and clever little i saying gub things and young with open mouths who swallow j that flies into them and stanple- msaded earnest liberals who bore the baft out of me trying to explain tilings mf beyond them there its out im just a ruddy old rea after all add i dont give a diddle never to my lift have i had aoesjcvtobe one of the in crowd and i bmverao intentionof starting now first of all what is christmas all about is it not a celebration in the christian world of the basic tenet of faith that god gave man the greatest gift in his power a son a living breath ing manifestation of his concern for the muddled wrongheaded twolegged creatures who make such a muck of things on their own he gave man this gift only once but every year for 20 centuriesits cele bration has renewed peace and joy and love in the world even if onlv for a short time thats quite a gift now santa claus is a little differ ent hes been in business for only about a century he brings something differ ent every year and all his gifts can be broken lost or worn out already a lot of people are getting a bit sick of santa we see him every where on floats in department stores at christmas concerts in beer adver tisements he looks a little different each time and he spends two months of the vear leering at us from all direc tions and hohoing like the village idiot hes like ever jolly old gram- pa but after two months of white whis kers belly laughs and urgings to buy buy buy even jolly old grampa should be sent off to the funny farm how would you like to have god around for two months a year every day and night right where you could see him and whats worse where he could see you what weve got to do is stop treat ing god like santa claus a visiting clergyman told us on sunday the story of a family that wanted something very very much they prayed for it and prayed and prayed the whole family as hard as thev could for a week nothing happened in despair the father said well i guess god didnt answer our prayers his little daughter piped sure he did dad he said no thats faith god is alive christ mas is real and if you have enough faith maybe youll find that the rumor about santas untimely demise is false and that hes alive too the sound of a locomotive whistle in all its variations can produce waves of nostalgia in many canadians espec ially those who grew up in the steam generation a trains whistle has been a back ground accompaniment to life in small towns and cities throughout most of cur notions history it played a tune foi the frontier moving west our growth and development and the bustle of a busy canada at work in many canadian communities large and small the railway whistle was an announcement of news from the east or the west of the arrival of needed supplies of friendly visitors or new cit izens or the departure of others on their way to greater adventures and new careers during centennial year 1967 a hoot from a diesel locomotive pulling into town with 15 special exhibition cars will herald the arrival of something big unnsul and excitiing at more than 80 centres m canada- this will be the con federation train during 1967 the confederation train will move from west to east start- ing at victoria those who view the ex hibits inside the train will face situa tions confronted by the earlv explorers and settlers of canada as thev pass from car to car thev wall experience uncomfortable sensa tions of steerage passage to this new j country pause for reflection in the chamber of confederation and pass i through periods of the last 100 years in cluding the boomandbust twenties and the barren thirties and the two world wars children will derive spe cial benefits from the lively presentat ion of history for more than 700 communities not visited by the train a blast from the air horn of a tractor trailer truck will an nounce the arrival of a similar exhibition in a huge centennial caravan there will be eight caravans travelling across canada each with eight 73ft tractor trailers made in calgary the largest trailers ever to travel on north american roads containing exhibits similar to those of the train a caravan will be arranged on a community site in a specific quadrangle formation and its colorful bold design will give the impression of a miniature fair travelling where roads permit the caravans will be within the reach of the vast majority of canadians many com munities will stage local events in con junction with the caravans visit be sure to watch for dates of the visit of the confederation train or cara van in vbur area your newspaper and centennial organization will know the location and time harley to halton 0 v harry harley m p this week has seen the continuation of debate on the guaranteed annual in come for our senior citizens i have pre viously detailed this in the last column which i will not repeat here everyone now drawing old age security will receive an application form for the new income supplement in the very near future this form is i understand verv simple to fill out it does not ask for detailed financial information other than what is required on the income tax return it is expected that this legislation will pass the house of commons in the very near future and that it should receive royal assent before the christmas re cess one davs debate was spent on the threatened strike by air control officers who supervise air traffic at our airports the government had appointed a com missioner to enquire into this matter and his recommendations have been ac cepted by the air control officers as what they wish to receive in way of fur ther benefits the government has tak en the position that this commissioner was an adviser and they cannot accept all his findings although they are willing to accept the majority of them the government has pointed out that some of the commissioners report is based on an inaccurate assumption and that in effect if the government accepted the recommendations he has made regard ing wages it would mean that the air control officers would receive over a period of two vears a wage increase of 40 per cent the government feels that this is not within the usual or justified range of salarv increase here i might just men- tiqjthat it is indeed strange to observe thartithe opposition who so severely crit icized the governments handling of the longshoremens strike for a 30 per cent salarv increase are now equally busy arguing that the government should ac cept a wage increase for air control of ficers of 40 per cent the government has prepared emergency legislation for presentation to the house of commons if a settlement is not reached which will ensure that no strike is held which would paralyze air travel at this busy time of vear 20 years ago taken- from the issue of the acton free press thursday december 12 lme a rather unusual shipment was made by an acton industry last week when ajax engineers shipped from the plant here 23 cases in three carloads of machinery to equip a tannery in south africa it is unusual in the fact that tanneries in acton are the oldest industry here and the largest in the british empire and tannery machinery is usually brought into acton and not exported the december meeting of st alban guild was held at the home of mrs w wolfe with 18 members present after a short business discussion the following officers for 1947 were elected president mrs g nelles vicepresident mrs g townsley secretary mrs b anderson treasurer mrs e curfie bulletin sec retary mrs h jolley press secretary mrs b footllt altar guild mrs s jones from the issue of december 10 18- 96 the dublin school report with a c warren as teacher gives the following names w somerville a arthurs g wallace h mclsaac m kaley c wallace- w stalker g elliott a mul- holland w mullln b mullin- h storey m somerville j kaley b arthurs c mcpherson a g scott jos kaley a carty j d keith j carty j smith c gibbens jos mulhouand l mullin a keith e sprowl e mcpherson m storey john stewart john arthurs d carty e mcarthur ice making operations at the arena were halted last week by the mild weather 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday december 21 1916 a welcome surprise was given mr torrance beardmore when he was pre sented with a silver cigarette box beautifully engraved by the employees of the sole leather tannery the 350 readers at the acton free library borrowed 7441 books during the year on tuesday evening acton ioof lodge tendered a splendid reception to their brothejrsergt w lxjpuula programme of merit was rendered there were selections by the leishman orchestra miss laura akins mr wild- gust mr benton and a male quartette on behalf of the lodge mr d m hender son presented sergt gould with a hand some electric reading lamp mr r m mcdonald was the chairman of the eye ing sleigh driving is being enjoyed these days the merry sleigh bells the good sleighing the bracing atmosphere a jcodthoirquolit to these enjoyable outings 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free of thursday december 17 1h1 the cpa train with its load of blue jackets reached halifax from van couver in less than six and a half days and without an accident the first part of the experiment in transferrins the pacific naval reliefs has been a success there is no question that equally satis factory results will attend the move ment westward of the men to take the place of those just arrived at halifax- and that will be to follow by the adopt ion of the canadian route for general use for naval transport as it has to an extent been adopted for rapid passen ger service the fancy fair which was in pro gress in the town hall from thursday of last week until tuesday evening of this week under the auspices of st josephs church was a great financial success the entire proceeds of the fair netted the handsome amount of 1000 over and above all expenses which will not only liquidate the entire amount of indebt edness on st josephs church but will leave a handsome balance for contem plated improvements father devlin presided each evening with great ac ceptance the acton free press phone 8532010 business and editorial office rounded in ltis thursday at m wll larlo member of clrculatlona the c advertising rates on tlona payable in edva rr00 in an countries ingle coplea 10c autho class mall poat office laws advertising is published every st acton on- audit bureau of a and owjfa equett subecrto- la canenai in canada as second pertinent ot- on tbr hwi condition that in the event of typograph ical error that portion of ute advertising space occupied by the errbneous item together with reasonable allowance tor signature will not be charged for but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate in the event of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price goods or services may not bo sold ao is merely an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any time i pamlsaed by the dims rrtauag sad rakuehlag ce ms david ri us managing xdltos copyright jsss x acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 trinity church the united church of canada minister rev dwight i engel ba bd organist mr george elliott ma phd sunday december 25 1966 1 1 00 am morning worship sunday school and church combined his birthday there will be no evening service that families may have christmas to gether wednesday prayer and bible study 730 thursday choir practice 730 thursday explorers at 630 friday bhf at 700 pm text neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name but jesus whereby we must be saved acts 412 maple avenue baptist church georgetown sunday- december 25 1966 945 am sunday school 1100am morning service 700 pm evening service wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 evangel pentecostal tabernacle poac 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday december 25 1966 1000 am christmas day service at trinity presentation of our pledges tithes and offerings 1u5 am christmas day service at churchill church school is cancelled and children are urged to attend service with their family christmas eve saturday dec 24 at 745 pm christmas eve candlelight service begins with prelude by a brass quartet christmas day evening at 8 pm a modern filmed presentation of the christmas story presented by the young people all welcome presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba bx minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday december 25 1966 christmas services with special music and singing 1 1 00 ajn morning worship message altar of incense 700 pjn evening service christmas- message tuesday 8jjn prayed and bible study thursday dec 22 8 pm ca service at parsonage friday 6 45 pjn crusaders bethel christian reformed church acton ontario rev wiebe van dijk phone 851585 christmas sunday december 25 945 ajn church school and member ship class withdrawn 1100 ajn family christmas service special music by choir sermon on stories and legends that en shrine the true meaning of christ mas everyone most welcome the church op st alban the martyr anglican corner willow st and st arsans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb christmas eve december 24 1 1 joo pn the first eucharist of christ sunday december 25 1966 1000 ajn english service 230 pm dutch service 345 pjm sunday school dec 24 7 pjn bible school and sun day schoor christmas program christmas day december 25 900 ajnv the second eucharist of christmas 1030 ajn carol eucharist thursday dtxc 29 730 pun childrens pageant refreajunents will be served afterwards sj

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