Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1967, p. 2

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j th adon fr pnm thurxfay january 5 197 familys experiences r sl kf t captain of sugar and spice cars drive on icy mackenzie by bill t m i i a y the h a new year is itort of tielloandareweu effort its a bit like having a party you aw trash bathed and charming your hello to the first guests radiates warmth affec tion andtvitallty but your goodbye goodbye as the last guests totter off jnto the snow is a combination of ex- tiaustion relief amlfisld horror as you realise what tfme it is and thats pretryjnuch jhe way we j feel about the year thats ahead and the year that has passed your liquor as you used to your mother- inlaw your daughterinlaw your smug ness your lack 6t security your brain tumour your stomach cancer your waistline your bustline and eleventy seven thousand other ibjngsof equal importance yes jack or jill you wor ried silly wasnt it but thte year wow things are go ing to be different your children are going- to dowhat yo wun t t your wife or husband is going to realize finally that you were right all th tim the lewis family which moved recently from acton to inuvik in the northwest ter ritories has again written a very interesting letter to their friends here mr lewis was arctic circle are in darkness during the summer inuvik will receive the same number of days of continual daylight everyone dresses for he cold with heavy parka coats its a sign of the indomitable human spirit that we cenjook back on a year that was nothing but an unadulterated mess and yet look forwardwlth the greatest cheer and optimism to 12 months of what will probably be exactly the same or la tt plain stupidity the irration ality of mnn the only rational species for most of us normal human be ings each yearflce life itself is a mix ture of pitfalls and pratfalls and vlc- tories and conquests and frustrations and accomplishments its a good drink but it has more than a dash of bitters in it 1 1 it youre going to be a better person thats it a better person and no goll- dang fooling about it you are going to stop nagging you are going to be more tolerant of your nuttv children or nutty parents youvare going to go to church every sundav you are going to get more sleep more exercise you are going to have a baby write a book join a club thats the stuff chaps well good uickrmacand mabel you may need it i have the utmost faith in the human spirit butyoucant kill a dinosaur with a peashooter and thats about all we have to fight with when we enter the jungle of another year of life a teacher at the robert little and mukhiks on their feet fc there are many different roe erials used for parkas but the natternjs practically the same for everyone they are either all fur or furtrimmed so that it can be tied around your face with a small opening to- see and breathe we have not yet seen an ig loo although the students at school from smaller settle ments have built them and lived in them dog teams are not plentiful here although there arc some they are the chief means of travel- in the smaller settlements for trap ping and hunting some tra pers use skidoos or snowmo biles but have found they were not dependable enough many school we have appreciated receiv ingnumerous replies to our earlier letter itia pleasure to hear from people and we arc interested in receiving your welcome letters from the various questions we were asked about this region we will tryto answer as inanyas possible the climate here haschang- e co since- we ar- now lo get back to inuvik we have a cbc radio station broadcasting at 1000 watt serving the mackenzie delta area we get frequent reports and programs from the- south particularly edmonton and to- ronto we listen to the max rescues atea and burning fishing trawlers perhaps fail to alarm or disturb the aver agelandlocked haltonlap salt sea disasters have a much sharper effect on mr and mcs w a johnson of r r 2 rockwood however the johnsons formerly of resale ship were from the same line of ships hellyer brother the late st flnbarr waa noted as a- rescue ship and considered a lucky vessel pri or to her sinking which brought death to 12 crewmen ferguson program from to- hull england are both from pracantatinn uaa ronto every morning a few ih u i k-i- h- riaoiilpiiwsi noiu weeks ago max ferguson visit nyed during september the weather was very pleasant most of the time but cool go ing to near freezing at night our first snow storm of any account 5 arrived about the second week of october and it is still here it quickly packed to a hard sugary sur face but was not icy because it was too cold to thaw during the day the temperature dropped below zero for the first time this fall the night of oct 21 and has been dropping gradually since this week it reached 45 degrees below zero if the jwnd is not blowing with them when the weather people own cars and usethem except when the tcmperiuees go below 40 degrees below zero that is for about two months there are approxim ately 125 cars in inuvik the chief means of trans portation for the lewis family is walking although friends of ours have a car and we get out realize the need and import ed inuvik and later broadcast ed a one hour program from jtoronto taped here we have listened folhe country music program from lindsay ontar io as well inuvik lja government town with most of the work ing people connected with some department of the gov ernment it is theadmlnistra- tive medical and educational centre for the mackenzie del- a there v is a detachment of tseoyal canadian navy as well as tftercm police llcad- qtrarters for the region the navy- personnel make up the largest single group of the peo ple with the educational per sonnel second the five hundred children living in hostels are brought in from remote settlements to at tend school school is not compulsory but most parents families who made their living g fishing the water around the m osprilige scnool northeast area of canada and r friends and neighbors held a presentation party in oe- pnnge school last wednesday evening for bruce and janet huffnee janet altken who vttr niui ncu in inc isu uails es were enjoyed by all mrs a gates read an ad dress and presented the young couple with a beautiful pole lamp and an envelope contain ing monev as an expression of good wishes both bruce and janet thank ed their friends for the gifts refreshments were served northeast greenland when the british trawler st flnbarr exploded and burned 250 miles north of newfoundland on christmas day- it was captain edward wooldridge a cousin of mr johnson and master of the british dragger orslno which rescued 13 of the crew of the st finbarr mrs johnsons brother was the youngest seaman aboard the j3norman when it sank in 1952 just prior to their coming to ihalton ironically enough both the norman and the orsino motors inaugural address after taking their oath of of- maybe your husband had a heart attack but your daughter produced a beautiful grandchild maybe your teen agedaughter became pregnant but your old man finally went on the wagon you lost some old mends but gain ed some new ones your hair grew whit er and your teeth blacker but your arthritis improved and your aunt gerty died and left you 284 however this la a different new year its the 100th anniversary of the fathers of confederation or something i know how that stirs every canadian to the marrow there s no doubt that every one of us feels a thrill of pride as we enter this particular year one hundred years ago we were- a patchedtogether u su picious resentful amalgamation of dis- tinct areas worrying only about local rights and how much it was going to cost us which is seldom the low tem peratures are quite pleasant when the wind is blowing at 815 mph the cold is equiva lent to 6070 degrees below zcco all the lakes including lha arctic ocean are now fro zen over with about 24 of ice cars and trucks are travelling on the mackenzie river to tuktoyaktuk which is 125 river miles from inuvik lo cated on the arctic ocean sunlight hours have rapidly decreased for the last month on dec 6 the sun came over is reasonable the only way to get out of inuvik is by air plane and we have had two trips- that way in late septem ber seven teachers including myself chartered a small plane on a fishinghunting trip to a wooded area about 70 air miles southeast pf inuvik we lived- in a trappers log house and enjoyed the peace and quiet of j the arctic outdoors the lish- ing was good for grayling and lakcjtrout but the only thing we got a chance to shoot was a tin can on a stump after you worried for approximately four hours about the state of the world and the starving in india and the war in vietnam but what a change in a 100 years today we are a proud glorious nation worrying about how much its going to cost us local rights resentful envious suspicious uneasy and patchedtogether the southern horizon for a few twodayswhen it was time to minutes then set again it will leave the plane came in and not rise again until jan 10 circled the lake and disappear- then we will gradually get ed again for two days high some daylight as the earth winds rolled thewater up w tiltsnntsaxlstothejslordi tha t pl was unable to it reaches the farthest point land the fourth day there on dec 21 at that time the sun can only be seen on the horizon from the arctic cir cle all places north of the and you wotrtedrdctiendlntronyovtr age anywhere from two jo 3000 hours about your hair your complexion your constipation your job your boss your bills your wife your husband your children your roof your basement your nobilit t sl y in o hold food was scarce and hunting fruitless except for cranberries which we cooked with oatmeal porridge we were finally plck- rrt up an l i arice of it and send their little ones willingly the children arc well fed and cared for in the hostel and in most cases they are very happy and glad- to have the comforts provided reverend holman is the ad ministrator of the anglican hostel mrs holman was from peterborough nee turner inuvik is a new town built isrfly j the last 10 years and therefore is marked on only the most recent maps it is located on the east side of the mackenzie delta 30 air miles from aklavik 70 miles from the mouth of the river and 450 miles from fairbanks we will all be pleased to hear from you when you get a chance to write we wish y a m christmas and a happy new year yours truly john lewis flee tuesdav evening during the inaugural meeting acton council members received spir itual guidance and an inaugur al prayer from rev dwight engel of trinitv united church in reading from judges chapter 7 verses 18 mr engel painted out how the midianites had been delivered by the lord ihrough the action of 300 men out of 10000 pitched be side the well of harod mr en gel pointed out his reasons for reading this particular chapter as he noted the responsibility for a whole nation had rested on the shoulders of only 300 men you men have been chosen to take the helm vou have be come they it is a difficult thing i can assure you of the continuing interest of a por- tionjolthc population who are behind you he remarked as he wished the council mem bers every success during their one cannot help but think as one looks with shining eyesjnto the shining new yeaf our centennial year that we have made tremendous strides side ways acton iaptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 trinity church the united church of canada minister- rev dwight i engel ba bj organist mr george elliott ma phjx sunday january 8 1967 945 am church school and adult class 1 1 00 am morning worship the an gels joy 700 pm evening service progressive revelation monday jan 9 mission circle 8 pjn wednesday prayer and bible study 730 thursday explorers at 630 thursday choir practice 730 friday bhf at 700 pm text neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name but jesus whereby we must be saved acts 412 maple avenue aaptist church georgetown sunday january 8 1967 sunday school 1000 a m junior school to gr 4 1 115 am senior school gr 5 to gr 8 services 1000 am trinity church acton nur sery provided ii 15 am churchill church churchill rd n the sacrament of holy communion will be administered at both services sermon subject communal life adult class 8 pm subject under standing the old testament au welcome police report two charges during week during the week following christmas day members of acton detachment of the on tario provincial police worked a total of 184 hours and pat rolled 789 miles in and for the town of acton r in this penod two traffic charges were preferred and 47 warnings issued which includ ed speeding and rules of the road violations one accident was repoited which resulted in one child being injured and requiring medical attention theie weie no criminal oc- uiienies recorded and only thiee miscellaneous complaints i clustered two male persons were charged with violating the liquor control act of ontario and resulted in one being lodg ed in milton jail there was one request for assistance which was of a c nature and one premise uas found insecure vik on hoc 4 our family enjoy ed a private charter flight to the husky lakes about 40 air miles north of inuvik to see the whales in the summer white whale come into these lakes fr the arctic ocean for some strange reason this year about 14 of them did not leave on time to get out be fore the channels froze over they were trapped in the lake because they require air to breath at 1520 minute inter vals they surface and spurt out used air and inhale fresh air as the lake froze they nar rowed their breathing spots to three places through the ice inaugural meeting esquesing council twovear term he was thanked by mayor les dubvon behalf of coun cil the mavor in making his in augural address noted it had been customary to give a long speech in the past and this vear he was breaking tradition as he tucked a lengthy prepar ed speech back into his pock- et instead he gave the follow ing report i have spent some consider able time preparing what would have been a valid direc tive tor 1967 or what we call the mavors inaugural address bui in the interest of cen tennial year i would like to get us ofr on the right foot by dispensing with an unneces sary speech bv me i feel that this council including the mavor should eliminate all superfluous palaver and g naht down to business to support this i would like to brine to your attention that it will be necessary for no i committee to meet as carlv as tomorrow night at 7 30 a brief but solemn ceremony tuesday morning marked the inaugural meeting of esques ing township council when members took the oath of of fice and rev f norman young minister of georgetown and limehousc presbyterian churches read from ecclesias- tes chapter 3 and gave the inaugural prayer shortly after taking office each member was polled for his brief remarks and a wel- by constant surfacing in the come was extended to new- same place they have manag- comer james goodlet its terrible to grow old alone my wife hasnt had a birthdav in six vears sunday january 8 1967 945 am sunday school 110 am morning service 700 pm evening service wednesday 8 pjn prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 evangel pentecostal tabernacle pxxac 33 churchill road rev s m thomanpastor 8532715 presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba bj minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master dont let your mind wander whv not its too weak to be let out alone week of prayer services january 3 to 6 inclusivespam sunday january 8 1967 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pan evening service rev jim charlwood of toronro speaking at both services tuesday 9 pan prayer and bible study thursday 8 plm christ ambassa dors friday 645 pjn crusaders rcthe1 christian rtratmed church acton ontario l 1 sunday january 8 1967 9 45 am church school for ages 3 to 15 9 45 am church membership class for teenagers tl00m winter olecranon nf holy communion meditation theme the kings table 7 jo pm youth fellowship worship discussion and recreation everyone most welcome the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb sunday january 8 1967 1000 ajn english service y 2j0 pan dutch service 345 pan sunday school fndav january 6 the epiphany of our lord sunday january 8 1967 epiphany i 900 ajn holy eucharist i0j0 aon church school 1030 am matins the acton free press e phone 8532010 business and editorial office founded in 1s7s and pubuabsd viy tbonday at a wulow st acton on tario member of um audit buraau of circulation th cwna and o wn a advertising rate on tequeat subachs- uona payable in advance sloo in canada 7 os in all countriea other than e- alngie copies lac authorized aa second claaa mall post office departaeai ot tawa adertlaln is accepted on the condition that in the event of typograph ical error that portion of the adveruslrol apace occupied by the erroneous itesa totether with re allowance car signature will nat be charged for but the balanceof the advertisement will he paid for at the applicable rate in lie exent of a typographical error advertising gcods or scr ices at a wrong price g or aarvtcsesnay not be sold a 1 merely an offer to aell and may be wltrtdrawn at any tune rabliahae by the ma risallag and pamtobjag co u david r dills managing editor copyright ims ed to keep one hole open it is about 30 feet long and 10 feetwide we la on the ice near them and walked to the side of the hole there was a very methodical display of spurting whales in the opening for the 20 minutes we were there they were 1215 feet long and about 2 feet in dia- jneter from the husky lakes we flew to tuktoyaktuk located 80 miles northeast of inuvik on the arctic ocean this place is the northern shipping harbor for the arctic islands cargo is brought from water ways alberta down the mac kenzie river by barge to tuk- yaktuk tuk then transfer red to ocean vessels to service the isolated islands we visit ed the fish pit which is a hole steamed through the perma frost to a depth of 40 feet about the size of a well the lower part is hollowed out to form rooms for storing fish and other meat throughout the year two feet under the surface the walls are compos ed of layers of sand on top of laers of ice this is the nat ural formation from the last ice age at the fur shop there were various articles available such as parkas mits slippers mats purses hats ice worms and ookpiks these things are made by the native people from the local furs inuvik also has a fur shop although the prices are slightly higher than tuk we also visited the school it is as modem as any ive seen with a new gym and auditorium industrial arts home economics as well as six classrooms we saw several dog teams going out over the bay with loaded sleds and we saw the pingos these are mvstenous hills found no where else in north america they rise from the tundra like volcanoes but instead of flam ing lava blue ice is found in the center they were lakes at one time the newcomer to township politics expressed his appreci ation for being elected and said he hoped his previous ex perience in politics would be an asset in helping to develop the township in closing he said he hoped he would be a worthy servant to the people councillor c f pat patter son in expressing his pleasure at being returned to office for a second term hoped his pre- vious years experience would be a benefit- to the township councillor tom hill return ed to office for a second term said he was happy to serve the township for another year and remarked how pleased he was with accomplishments last vear he noted there was a lot of work to be done by council this year he empha sized the fact he would be serving the township as a whole and not just a portion and he would do his best for everyone concerned george currie acclaimed to office of deputyreeve at nom inations noted he was pleased to be back as deputy reeve we have all been most for tunate to have been spared to see the close of a century is a pleasure for anyone to serve in municipal office dur ing a centennial year in the past i have seen 76 years of the centurv go by and al though i don t expect to be around for another 76 years i will serve the township during 1967 as i have in the past reeve george leslie said he was pleased to be starting his fifth term and he was happy to serve in this capacity for the centennial year he asked everyone for full cooperation as he remarked we will cross our bridges when we come to them included on the list for re marks was clerk k c lind say who expressed his plea sure at seeing almost all the old members back in office and extended a hearty wel come to newcomer mr good- let assistant clerk dclmer french said he had found the work in the past a pleasure and thanked mr lindsay for teaching him the work assessment commissioner art benton congratulated the council for their return to of fice and welcomed mr good- let he noted that there had been only one year in his rec ollection where two new coun cil members had been present at an inaugural meeting during 1967 there will be manv decisions which will havif quite a bearing on the township and the county and i wish you the best of hick and help of god in making these decisions mr benton remarked rbad superintendent bud snow told members of coun cil it had been a pleasure to work with them during the past vear and looked forward to a fiood year in 1967 assessor steven saxc said he uas proud to be a member of ioi such an organization and look- it ed forward to serving the township for many years at the conclusion of the in aueural session members and kuests enjoyed a cup of cof fee with council adiournins for lunch at noon and resum ing its resular business session in the afternoon p m to deal with a verv urg ent matter it is evident to me that once again we have a council of good calibre and we should have no problem in be coming an efficient conscienti ous cooperative group in a verv short time above all else we must as sume the full responsibility of our positions on council and be prepared to stand up and be counted on all mailers and once any subject has had suf ficient discussion you will vote cither yes or no we actually have a 10 point program already all set out for us and others the new year mav bring lo our attention 1 sewage treatment plant extension 2 anew dump site for sure 3 improved administration facilities 4 peel street drainage 5 signals al mill main eastern ave and resurfacing of 25 hwv south to town lim its from mill and main 6 fairy lake dredging 7 revise procedural bylaw and studv all other existing try- laws 8 staff and workmens wage and pay rates 9 landscaping the new lib rary area 10 encouraging our resid ents to take a new and keener interest in acton this year any way yen fiflnit the finest welcome to acton is wacome wagon harvey laverty heating plumsing and favestroughing sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and get f mtallation conversion burners main stifet n s49934 24 hetwr service rockwooo phone 15j0943

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