Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1967, p. 4

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ijui gy i duffs 91 m overtime session blake inglia and paul bo- dendistel scored three goals apiece as acton tanners we lopped tallend orarigevlllo dufferins 91 in oha int b hockey monday night it was the tanners eighth win of the bolstered by players from their junior c clubduf ferlns stayed with ihc- acton club for a period and u half before they succumbed to a five goal bar- raw in the final chapter harold townsley jan rid- dall and jim farrelly sniped the other acton goals again ike tanners had only a minimum eleven num- bir of players includlngrwake ingiis for the first time in three weeks and george cros by in two bui curric dan ar bic and doug smoky rich ardson missed the game the tanners iooka 10 lead in- the first period as boden- diatel completed a play with linemates farrelly and ingiis at the 135 mark duffcrins skating hard tied it at 6j2 of the second period before bo- dendistel completed a hat trick and ingiis notched his first with help- from bodendistel a anarea holiday crowd saw an allacton third period in spite of being out of shape from a long fayoff blake ing hs potted two more markers with bodendistel and farrelly assisting on both farrelly bag ged the last goal with help from blake thw line centred by gordie bell with harold townsley and jan riddall on the wings scor ed the first two goals in the final chapter townsley and riddall pulling the trigger and both linemates assisting t orangavjue goalkeeper bob hogarth suffered- a broken fin ger in the first period he was taken to huspltal for treat ment and substitute jim rose went into the nets with three minutes left in the second stanza rase was cut on the head and he had to be patched rifttimc in the period was played in the final stanza player troubles originatinr from as far back as last season are again plaguing the orange vllle club theres a possibility the junior club may fold up and the players will move up to intermediate ftrat period a bodendistel farrelly b ingiis 155 pens marchment d hoarc sacood period o d honrefr storey 652 a bodendistel cunning- ham 940 a b ingiis bodendistel 952 a bodendistel j farrelly b ingiis 1643 pens j riddall d hoarc j cunningham j wanlcssg bell b mcmillen 10 miri misc marchment third period a h townsley g bell j riddall 525 a j riddall g bell townsley 800 a b ingiis bodendistel farrelly 1420 atb ingiis farrelly bo- dendistel 1540 aj farrelly b ingiis 1700 pens riddall solomon grosby orange ville b hogarth rose goal solomon grigg townley wanless mcmillen hoare mount ford johnston strong druey white moore acton j sweeney j cun ningham m marchment g bell h townsley j riddall 3s farrelly b ingiis p bo dendistel g grasby d snid err f anthony sub goal 1 v tj ssrb iip abvlavhgagm w jv at 75kip don mtmiuanfloft piloted ms rlnlc to a 146 decision over jack ridleys tuesday night draw winners tpwjntheactorj curling club rjonsplol tuesday night the monday night winners just scraped into the finals with j the acton free press thursday january 5 1967 jim farrelly and jan rlddalr punched n bnl nplecetrr over lime to glvo the horilwndqil tannii nn 8ftnvin oicr the lenguilcmllns husppler mic mhcs how inst l night a www bnitlu llr fronr f 400 limn which niuv ihu tun iters ioiin oitl- ol the lttl pe lad trailing but aiming buck miong in the mwind ytn zu to grab t 4 ltud turned inti u iradinumniun in the last ihtluil wiilf llihpclcr biig- uln ilit filial lyln boiit with four minnics lofi oil ilhffcwk fan limp with ixclttimvht watched the tanners iihiwi thtniwlviii in ihi uvuiilinu purliid mfillin piirrvlly rapped mil ooelfiiiljfinli rebound nuni tin irrliiihlc jack wainon in ihc mic mac ntriviii 2w ol the iviilinii both ummi with nlioilhiindwl with mil curric and mike main kervliiu ma- ors lor t imi t rookie jiiii ridcuill hiilk4- the winnwuv for tin tmiiihth 40 hionds litter a he xink liis njwn reboinul imiii an avvk- ward iln hi kiiees position which fooled wiimiii again mneh to bin cliaprin atff rtinin the nverllme glials cliniaxed rink but wore decisive winners in the 10end henpelei it season in final with skip mcmillan left to rigm harold d i t goals were manes morg gibson andvlceisklp dolores called buck by referee ron tyler riven unci one ikoui a tanner pounding the beat if youve watched tie international ice hockey games on the niatiic lantern lately youll no doubt have noticed a big improvement in the calibre of hockey sunday afternoon canada and czechoslovakia engaged in a contest which the canucks despite a rigorous six games in seven days managed to win 53 fr the rehtettthvczeeh 7 llike the russians and probably all national teams from behind ihciruircurtuiti tie czechs are really pros masquerad ing- uiulor the ifeuisc of amateurs all they do is play hockey subsidizeil by the state its true they may nominally belong to ihc army hut outside of ice sessions drills are few- and far between in tle offseason the players play soccer to keep in shape so it was a good omen for the canadian national team composed mostly of university students who manage to find time for an hours practice session a day to open centennial war by checkmating the czechs its tuken a long- time five years for the idea of a national team made up of the better juniors attending uni versity to pan out but at long last the program is beginning to bear fruit sundays game was just about par with an r nhl performance and the national team boasts a pre season win over the current nhx paceettlng new york rangers a threeway battue for first place is shaping up in the ohas five team western intermediate b circuit hcspeler mic macs arc leading the pack but pressing them hard are the surprising acton tanners who despite a chronic- shortage or players have wori sjx of their last seven contests following the tanners with two games in hand defending oha champion seaforth beavers whove dropped four con tests after a fast start the same number blown by the locals by the lime the acton club reappears- at home on friday january 20 there could be a traffic jam at the league top a lot will depend on how the tanners do against fergus in two meetings and soaforth in one wins coupled with a hcspeler loss could create -onv- the fast starling fergus flyers are now finding it in creasingly difficult lo keep with the league leaders but youd never guess why when they play against the tanners theyve got a knack of capitalizing on the acton teams mistakes which has won one game for them and let the tanners scrape through la pair of single goal wins orangevllle everybodys been wiping their feet on the tallend duffcrins this season they havent won a game but theyve had some close ones talk is now that the oranae- yllle jurior team will fold and the better lunlora will loin the intermediates if so the dufferlns could pull some wins out of the league bag yet the schedule is only tomf way through mimmiismmmamsaix mk macs set league five tanners in tap 10 statistics released by league statistician ross bal- icntlne showed the tanners in second pluce in the five learn oha int b race a scant two points behind pace setting hespeletv- five of the ac ion club ure umong the leagues ten top scorers a ruce presently headed by hespelers dave hiepel following are the stnndinys and scoring statistics as ot januiiry 2 1967 pts 18 16 i hesneler macs acton tanners seaforth beavers fergus flyers orangevllle duffcrins gp 12 12 10 11 10 w 9 8 6 l 3 4 5 6 0 10 ten top scorers d hiepel hcspeler j mcllwain seaforth h townsley acton k doig seaforth p bodendistel acton j riddall acton l mercer hespeler d richardson acton b dobie fergus bjnglis acton zr 12 11 13 7 b 10 ii 10 13 8 17 15 10 29 23 1522 13 21 10 8 8 4 9 20 19 18 17 17 acton 8 hespeler 6 novices lose fo hespeler tanners phy fear on read neat borne appea for acton tanners wont be until friday january 211 when they pbtyboat to seaforth ben- sjdaa excdlet the snowclad slopes of glen eden hills have been attract ing consistently large crowds isince the start of the local ski ing season on december 24 skiing for 10 days straight attracted large crowds much to the deljght of the new man agers of the skiing area the hatton region conservation authority skiing conditions have re mained good to excellent since the start of the season and one conservation authority of ficial noted sluing for 10 straight days is probably a re cord for that area first period h b okrafka 545 a j farrelly d arbic v p bodendistel 618 h b hcatherington l okrafka 739 h n love d heipel i5j8 pens m main b currie r scoins b kilzman second period a g bell j riddall h townsley 641 a j riddall j cunning ham g bell 719 a d arbic j farrelly 1547 pens d arbic b weber g bell d arbic third period okrafka r scoins h59 a h townsley j riddall j farrellv 456 h r scoins b weber 635 a d arbic p bodendis- tel 1431 h d heipel m main 1555 pens b okrafka b cur rie d spider b currie 2- min plus 5 mins fight main 2 mih plus 5 min fight overtime a j farrellv p bodendis tel m marchment 233 a j riddall 313 pen b okrafka hyb acton novices were blanked 4r0 by the visiting hespeler team in tri county hockey here last wednesday defensive lapses on which the visitors broke away lo score accounted for most of the- goals coach barry inscoe labelled the game the poorest display from his players this season plans are being made to hold a bottle drive on satur day january 14 proceeds of which will go for duffle bags and helmets for the team the acton chub has four ga mes on the road before return ing hone one of which was 1 ptayad monday night in or- angawwir they meet the al- waya dangerous fergus flyer twice in fergus first this fri day night and again on tues day january it next tuesday night the taatoers make the long trip to aarorih for a game with the tfafanatog champion beavers triatefa could have an tmpor- t on the first two jhom whan the i catsam to acton on friday january at conm be uaraaway race far first with bag on the i of games in the mter- heading for snowy slopes sunny climes or just staying home wherever you no and whatever yoo do youti look your bast in any spa when your clothes arc dry clea by us free pickup and delivery custom cleaners same day service except saturday in by m w out by s pjat cash and carry main st n phonf tsslim p sports corner 124 mill c at wilbur phone 8532160 artists materiai5 from grumbacher handicraft materials andi- occvpational therapy supplies from lewiscraft i and all your requirements forsports and recreation at sports corner canada may be 100 but lous only an infant hes got whopping bargains for centennial yeai drop in now take your pick lous sedcar imain st 8564235 mlck in the iiirly htjiond ol tht bitrne nevt-n- tlivw oven n wrtullc the nfflclitl clrtlmeil iht acton ivitm did nt rnnki onouyh ol n lo mnki hlnr chnngi hlii mind 7 holly af ion yoiilljipix jim swojjaiv ntl mi- wt iwi- niliukt wm i hi culm tiimviili hi tinvii hill lluii kl n tvurl of noli nhtn r hv lliem svv lliiptler in the tifcond ptilnd wlili sonte tjillcdud iinvvhivliich nllownd i hi tunnels lo uct bfick in tl biunc tollowlny ii 4iliil from i he hnl piiioil rill okrafka niitiilii in from piivivlly lifd il up hut liy dob llfiilhiiiniiloii chhlud in liiny okiiilkub piisii uilli hold leums hhorl lo hlioul mic mitcii iihcnd oyuin ilirnict taiuiii normf ejvc iiiiuii il vl iwfoivlhi period idihd wainon pulled iff ti nciir iniriciilins hiop on jinvfnr- ivlly in llaliisl niiiiuk- of piny lo prttiiivc iliv iwo yodl icail in the necond period tin- tunihiii tiinic out sitonk oor- dic flill it bljiit concern with ilrifiiiiitlt uiddiill and towni- ley nolchedii pretly ioal al 641- and on l lie iiexi play el up jan riddall- who niade no mihtiike with the lying goal dun arbic another acton sparkler vioi the tnnners in front lor the first lime in the tilinie when he iook ihc lace- of pas lorn pnrrejly al 1s47 and the promptly rot anolher bul ilwnh called hack by an early whistle by an anxious of ficial detenieman mill olcrafkas long shol eluded sweeney at 159 of the third period lo square accounts again bulo- krafka immcdiaicly drew a trippinit sentence and while he wusoff townsley slid the puck under walson lo move aclon infronl jujain scoins lied il up lor mic macs for the sec ond time in the period as web er sel him up in front of swee ney bndtoend rushes were foil ed ul both ends before dan arbic notched his second goal of tie night on a play with bodendistel al 1431 which rhcnldhave wrappotf-tlie-win- by art hew om of in result r duck handing program in the nimrfci of port arthiti will reveal whl iheprokpwlii are lor ihe 1067 neimon the band- ing took place between aiigusi 10 and sepiemhor w of this year there has been a change in lhetrlo nlrpecips to the population in 1064 the blue- winged teal accounted for only vs per ceni of the total this year the numtier rose to hoi per cenl on the other hand black and mallards ratio went down ward in 1964 ihev accounted for 935 kr cent ol hit ilal dropping to 743 per cent in ls and this year they were down lo 4 1 ft per cent ol ihe loittl iwint a tofitf of 1 878 ducks were trapped of these 1044 wen- repealers apparently ihe al- iracton of food wheal corn and barley was greater than any fear olihtttrapor human handling amongsi the repeal- rs were eight wearing local 1064 hands 25 with 1966 hands and 10 with foreign bands 1966 bands were placed on 789 birds another luil recorded was ihot with ihe blacks ihe adulls outnumbered the immature or ypung while ihe reverse was true among the other species this would seem to indicale apoor year lor ihe blacks and a further decline in numbers in 1967 unless there is a poor hatch in ihc summer ol 1967 the tanners served seven ol ihe 13 penalties aclon 3 swivnev lil m marchnieiii i ciinniiijrh on d snider b cuirie delense g bell ii townslev j rid- dall j farrellv p bmlendis- lei d arbic forwards the speclen irappelmncluded luwlnged teal gtwrting- ed tajl blacks mallardipln- lafls and reuheadii among other wildlife trapped accident- ally were number of tuckers horned grebe and a 14pound northern pike up lo september j 1966 re ports of recovery of bandi have come comv from id vs slates and three province in canada one was recently re turned from venezuela south amerlc a albert th ful king maltby says dont make new yearv raaaluflena than iraak tham for joy and warmth throughout thf yiar were on the job all year abound you can depend on maltby fuels main st rockwood 8569983 up in regulation time for ac lon arbic killed up left wing and fired a siwler lo the far corner which walson never had a chance on but with denis snider serv- inga cheap elbowing sentence league leading scorer dave heipel an elmira product rapped in the tying goal to force an overtime period bui currie and maintangled with aiccond left in the per- iod and each received a five minute major for fighting and a two minute minor penalty for slashing both teams looked tired for the start of the overtime wirt hcspeler showing the most ill effect of the fast pace as a re sult the tanners dominated playandwhen okrafka tobk a slashing sentence at 445 it took what starch was left out of the mic mac attack acton arena schedule friday january 6 810 pm public skating saturday january 7 91 2 figuredskating l 16 pm legion minor hockey 810 pm public skating sunday january t 8 am 1 30 pm rentals 145345 pm ipublic skating 710 pm ind league hockey monday january 9 curling tuesday january 10 curling g wednesday january l 23 pm mothers and pre school children public skating 6v10pm tricounty hoc key novice pee wee bantam midget thursday january 12 6 pnrv referees hockey school 7v pm legion minor hockey 910 pxn tricounty juveniles milton r3ivv 8783272 thursfrisat jan s67 monster go home in color frrd gwynnfi yvonne dc carlo hottest 500 cartoon real oone woody y matlnaa saturday at 1 pm sun montueswed jan t91011 weekend at dunkirk in color aix star cast one master cartoon romer on the range adult entertainment thursfrisat jan 1 21814 stagecoach in color annmargret a c cartoon borino in adult entertainment show times weekdays sunday through thursday pal friday and saturday at 7 and 9 mi mfw supefrpow pioneer the lightweight chain saw built for fast action here from pioneer is the peak in chain saw performance the new pioneer 1 120 lightweight chain saw has greater horsepower for faster cutting if ufr pownd and the new if 20 has a completely new muffling system designed to split the engine noise and then muffle it this new silencer makes the pioneer 1 120 a pleasure to use a krr and sort farm eqmij rr 3 acton ontario phone tss1999 biiv

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