Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 11, 1967, p. 2

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j i v t- rmmbtf aur ccuntrif j architect today is the birthday of sir john a macdonald and after 100 years tome ona thought we should celebrate that birthday tinea ha was our first prima minister and is raoognltad as the chjaf architect dftha nation but of course weheve been some what slow in recognizing the event that has come and passed quite unnoticed each of those 100 years and jn typi cal canadian restraint were going to have a bash at recognizing it this year with a half day school holiday not a genera holiday mind you because that might be considered going over board and we dont want to get carried away either sojour parliamentarians have de cided to make the recognition a this- yearonly event now weve heard a lot about george washington probably a lot more than well ever hear about sir john a and can you imagine the americans celebrating his birthday once every 100 years and for that matter can you imagine them proclaim ing a day of recognition and having schools mark it with a half day holiday were so cautious and careful in this country so unwilling to call out the brass bands and parade and make a noise about our nationality that tome day well trip over ourselves f its about time we enshrined some of our national founders and gave them hero recognition they werent per fect but our history is loaded with in dividuals that deserve far more respect and honor than some of the american heroes we import with such gay aban don via television comic books and comic strips its time we dusted off some of the laborious accounts of his tory and made it live for those of the current and future generations who like to know there were some canadian heroes around too while the americans l 1867 u 1967 the beginning of a new year al ways appears to be an opportune time to reflect on the events of the preced ing twelve months as welt as to do a little crystal bail gazing into what the future holds it is especially important this year as the centennial of confeder ation to look a little further back as w as a little fu into the f were conquering the west were glad to tip our hat to sir john as birthday were sorry it hasnt come until 100 years afterconfederff- tion and hasnt been in more dramatic form but it is a start 20 years ago 75 years ago sir john a macdonaid canadas first prime mlnlsterris popular with school students this week today wed nesday public and high school students are recognizing his achievements with a half holiday a figure donated to the robert little school about four years ago has been refurbished and placed in the entranceway atlhe school to commem- orate sir john a macdonalds birthday admiring the figure are grade seven pupils dennis harnden and janet gicft man with industrial arts teacher arthur urchuk taken from the bene of the acton free pvtes lautsdar january 9 1947 cap frank terry has been ap- pointeil postmaster at acton succeed ing the late j c matthews who died in march 1944 miss fern brown has been acting postmistress until the per manent appointment was made at the high school at home lower school intermediate certificates were presented i elalnearbic mildred arm- arrdhgttwuriel burns florence cola- man bertha inglls marion keelan bar bara lawson lorraine phllant james spiclvogel june watkins and joan white the secondary school graduation diplomas were received by the follow ing bunny anderson raymond arbic aldo braida wilfred duval george el liott joyce lamb elizabeth masters eleanor ross armand braida joan somerville helen holmes j chapman was chosen chairman or the school board for 1947 micro plastics ltd actons latest in dustry has just received another new extruding machine and it is being set up alongside the first machine put in the plant which is now in operation 24 hours a day on orders received by the company for its products it will be some weeks before the new machine is in full operation it will double the present capacity of the plant 50 years ago taken from the fame of me acton free pjres thursday tamiary 4 1917 taken from the issue of the acton frae pjreea tmnsdey january 7 19j the usual new years entertain ment of knox church sunday school was held last friday evening and was a gratifying success rev j w rae occupied the chair and the numbers were by the scholars assisted by miss wetherald elocution ist of toronto chorus by the school recitations by elsie quittner may preft tice maud rider jennie cameron annie hynds and jennie smith mabel rae clara cobban nellie lowrie may prentice nettie- cobban may ryder flora murray tennie smith nellie holmes the maritime press is again discus sing the advisability of the annexation of newfoundland to canada the idea receives a qualified support from the st john globe which goes so tar as to say that a great many persons in canada would like to see newfoundland become part of the dominion married- bell storey at the manse on january 4 by the rev j w rae mr james bell cleveland ohio to jennie daughter of george storey esq nassagaweya pat ask for another report provincial government doesnt stifle the normal and anticipated growth we would like to think north halton will continue to enjoy growth and prosperity because of and not in spite of action of the pro vince in acton we can look forward with p l th new libraryfachtties and- office accommodation of the hydro commission both these project were startedin 1966 and will be officially opefied during centennial year the facilities of the new music centre pro vide through the efforjs of the citizens band a welcome addition to the community life in the years ahead we look forward to an enlargement of the municipal offices by incorporating the former library quarters perhaps the greatest deterrent in the development of the town is the cri- ticel housing shortage with serviced building lots available and purchasers of homes waiting the minimum- num- ber of mortgages available through c aahc is accomplishing what plun- kett recommends maintenance of the area as a rural community council is fully aware of the housing shortage and doing everything in its power to alleviate the situation there is no single greater limiting factor on actons growth than this housing shortage an addition at the m z bennett school which would include an audi torium will give the pupils of that school and citizens of the eastern area a facility they have suffered without much too long the announced program of works at fairy lake will provide additional recreational and tourist potential which could be a great economic asset to the town in the business activity of the town we can look forward to a continued steady but not spectacular growth in the industrial field the municipally owned industrial park- will prove to be the core for much of the industrial acti vity the retail and service business will have a larger potential market as the population increases whether the bus inessmen gain from this growth will be decided by how agressively the busin ess is pursued this growing market could easily be lost by default to the shopping centres and aggressive mer chants of other towns provision of in creased parking facilities will be inevit able but parking may be only one of the problems facing businessmen during the coming year we look forward to many projects and programs with a centennial flavor we hope that very citizen can enter these activities drijoy themselves and at the stroke of midnight december 31 t967 feel that he has taken part in canadas biggest birthday celebration with pride gusto and a sense of accomplishment sugar and spice by bill smiley the offer of germany to discuss peace has excited worldwide attention and upon our statesmen who have had to give an answer grave responsibility has rested all nations of the entente have reached the same conclusion we desire peace but it must be a well- grounded peace with proper guarantees these guarantees do not appear to us to be forthcoming and so as we entered the war for a great and worthy purpose we cannot relinquish the war till our worthy purpose is attained at walker lodge af and ajw the following officers were installed by wor bro a j mackinnon pjl mam wor bro t h cook wm wor brow l mullin sw wor bro john wood jw bro h wildgust chap wor bro william cooper t w b j ke s wtor bro r m mcdonald sd bro w j reid jd bro w j l hamp shire ijg bro norrrtan mcleod dc c wor bro john lawson stewards bro n p mclam and bro alex mun- roe tyler bro w r kenney the acton 1ee press -phone-85m010- business and editorial office founded in u71and publifthed every at willow st acton ontario member of tan audit bureau ot circulation the cwma aid owna advertising met on request subecfto liun payable in advance foo in canada 701 in all countries other tsan canada mingle conies 10c authorued at second claii mall poal office department ottawa- adverriaing ik accepted on the condition that in the event of ryfaajjapmcat error that portion of the advertiaiaa apnea no- copied by the rrrancaux item l1elhar vaitk reatonablrallowancc ror denature vwu not b charted for but the balance of the atrveruaemtnt will be paid for at the applicable rate la the event of a typographical error advertiilna apoos there are very few of us who can remember back to canadas first birth day but all of us can reflect on the changes for better or worse the events and our own participation in theevolu- tion of canada we have witnessed that we have witnessed and taken part in these changes that have occurred more rapidly as the tempo of our develop ment seems to ever increase is now a matter of historical record lt is this seemingly constant in crease in tempotcjnswrfi7and developer ment thaf will govern our way of life as we enter canadas second one hun dred years that there will be changes in the terms of confederation appears to us inevitable the distance the poli ticians in ottawa may be prepared to move in producing an accommodation to placate a regional group may not please us as another region but it will be accomplished unless we know what we want and lobby opt out or threaten to withdraw from confedera tion to get it if we think those mythi cal theys are going to look after our interests and wishes we are only ac cepting another grand delusion in the province of opportunity we may be certain the provincial govern ment will continue to enact legislation and lead us to the promised land with legislation long overdue and after the reports of a multitude of inquiries and royal commissions it will be interesting to watch in canadas second one hundred years the progress of the provinces centen nial project the museum of science and technology the progress on the pro tect inevitably brings to mind the race between the hare and the tortoise per haps the centennial sweepstakes are not over but it might be interesting to have another committee examine the tortoise to be sure it hasnt expired the action of the provincial govern- ment on the plunkett report has its harelike aspects the report itself was perhaps only a few months late in pub lication the minister in a spurt to catch up requested the municipalities com ments by december 31 1966 natur ally extentron of tirrte was requested by some municipalities it would seem likely the government can now take a tittle rest before deciding the next study is required it it safe to assume that in the next 100 years some form of regional gov emment will be established in north halton we can only hope the stand by the time this appears in print i expect that i shall have severed an as sociation of 17 years with the weekly newspaper business and it is not with out some sadness that i do so sometimes it seems that our life is governed bv accidents that we have very little control over it had the war tasted a few months longer had i taken a different course at university or gone to a different col lege i would not have met my wife and had i not met that particular girl at that particular time i would never have been in the newspaper business norwpuleul be wrttingthis- accident again took a hand we were in the city i had enrolled in a postgraduate course in english uni versity teaching was the objective came the tragic news that my bro therinlaw on my wifes side had been drowned in a boatjng accident he owned a weekly newspaper we hastened to the scene to be of what comforr we could and i pitched in as ignorant as mrs murphys cow to help keep the paper going for a week or two until other arrangements could be made eleveh years later i was still there from the beginning i was fascinat ed this was better than the world of chaucer and spenser and the romantic poetj tnt whole fleecelined world of the scholar this was life there was an exciting tempo to it that suited me monday was a day of desperation no news no editorials written nobody wanted to buy any ad vertisement that early in the week the linotype operator was getting owly be cause you couldnt keep hiito busy and he knew what was coming tuesday the pace accelerated rapid- v ly the news began to pour in you v madly dash off two sparkling editor ials you tried to make a sensible story of the donnybrook at last nights coun cil meeting you hit the street and sold ads whether it was raining or snowing or blasting hot wednesday was even moreso com plaints callers classified ads piling in and the inevitable merchant walodrig in after the deadline with a big ad you simply hadnt room to print proof- rsiingwy belawdleloobng for free publicity people in just to chat about town affairs or their grandchild ren and the linotype operator danger ous to the point of being lethal within 12 feet of his machine worked often to midnight putting his sheet to bed may not be told advertising u merely an offer to tell and may be withdrawn at any lime m a uw david r dillv managing editor copyright lat thursday was decision day too many ads can we leave this one out too much country correspondence which reporter- will be least infuriated if wcltveher stuff- till nextweek short a column of front page news where can we dig it up the photos havent arrived rush to the bus sta- tion see if the re in by about 1030 aon she was on the press and the comforting thump and rumble of the old machine was reward enough for all the scrambling there was solid satisfaction in folding stamp- tng and mailing the finished product you felt as good as though youd just wrestled an alligator to a split decision at any rate i was hooked formed a partnership with one of the printers and we bought the thing we didnt have 40 cents apiece but we went out like a couple of pirates hit every friend and relative we knew scratched up the downpayment outbid every competitor because we jiad nothing to lose and took on what was probably the biggest mortgage on any weeklv newspaper on s the continent they were great fun those first few vcar- there wasnt much caviar or champagne everv spare nickel went into the debts but we made it and made a host of good friends among weeklv editors on the way bat i can tell you that running a weeklv newspaper is one of the rough est games in town holidays are almost unknown long hours are the rule somebody is always sore at you and voull never be rich 111 miss it some of it and 111 al ways have warm memories of it but i hope to- keep in touch through this column which will continue as usual acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 trinity church the united church of canada minister- rev dwight i engel ba bjj organist- mr george elliott ma phd sunday january 15 1967 945 ajn church school and adult class 1 1 00 ajn morning worship perils of prosperity 700 pjn evening service progressive revelation wednesday prayer and bible study 730 thursday explorers at 630 thursday choir practice 730 friday bhj at 700 pjn text neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name but jesus whereby we must be saved acts 412 maple avenue baptist church georgetown sunday january 15 1967 945 ajn sunday school 1 1 00 ajn morning service 700 pjn evening service wednesday 8 pjn prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 evangel pentecostal tabernacle poac 33 churchill road rev s m tboman pastor 8532715 sunday january 15 1967 sunday school 10 00 ajn junior school to gr 4 ii 15 am senior school gr 5 to gr 8 services 1000 ajn trinity church acton nur sery provided 11 15 am churchill church churchill rd n sermon subject the problems of keep ing a brother 7 00 pm adult class understanding the new testament 8 00 pjn the session presents the detached american how can 38 people watch a murder and do no thing discussion and refresnments all welcome presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba rd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master tolas symbol cites centennial e this centennial symbol the dia grammed maple leaf will be used in the free press throughout the coming year to mark all articles of historical significance its suggested these mark ed articles be cut out and saved by anyone interested in actons history and canadas past the articles on ballinafad publish ed the past few months would be includ ed if you have clipped them out already watch for the centennial symfeopt- on the front page by the story of sir john a macdonalds birthday and on the editorial page here by the picture and editorial on the great statesman your centennial scrapbook can be well underway this week large scrap- books with special centennial covers are available at the stationery store sunday january 15 1967 1000 ajn sunday school 1 100 a jn morning worship 700 pjn evening service rev jim charlwood of toronto speaking at both services tuesday 8 pjn prayer and bible study thursday 8 pjn christ ambassa dors friday 645 pjn crusaders the church of st alban the faartyr anglican comer willow st and st atbans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stj3 sunday january 15 1967 9 45 ajn church school for ages 3 to 15 9 45 ajn church membership for teenagers ii 00 ajn divine worships sermon theme are you figmmt your- setf- class f 700930 pjn parent aagt teacher christian education conference of the presbytery of brampton m knox church all parents aad church school teachers irrrited everyone most welcotne betha christian autormo church acton ontario sunday january 15 1967 epiphany it 900 ajn holy eucharist 1030 am church school 1030 ajn holy eucharist sunday january 15 1967 1000 ajn english service 230 pan dutch service 345 pjn- sunday starrvi

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