Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 8, 1967, p. 10

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two ihe membership given by nass wms tile womens mliikonary jnfetfag l fnjs- byterlan cmuvli was thurs day february 2 at 2jcd pjn at the home of mrs mullen the opeafhg hymn o god j our help tn ages past was suna followed by prayer the ministers wife mrs nlchol- eon thai conducted the instal lation of officers of the wjwjs and ladies aid twon smtttbenmp certifi cates were given one to mrs alerprtngle who unfortunate ly oqum notbe present and the second to mrs vehna nor ris an address was read by mrs pyatt pointing out the help and support these two members had given in the past and the ptatwas attached by mrs carghl a prayer was given by die president men tioning dies two members mrs norris graciously replied mrs roberto reported on the presbyterial annual held at erindale on january 25 at which four members were present the world day of prayer to be held on february id at nas- lagaweya church was men- tioned to which the women from ebenexer church are in vited and anyone else who cares to attend mrs campbell took up the study book showing the con tribution of the church to the statement pertaining to the importance of certain dates the scripture acts ii ses 1 to ii was read by mrs robinson and the connection between the scriptures and the early life in canada was pointed out the roman catholic church has been stressed thus far as the major group in new france but there was a pro testant minority whose influ ence has also been felt in canadian life the french protestants or huguenots ap peared about the time of champlain they tried to find refuge in brazil florida or carolina but their attempts to settle there ended inextermhfj cation and so they came to canada where they were toler ated new france has often been contrasted with new england in those early years the first french settlers were avid seek ers of furs and were soon to spread their holdings too far and too thin meanwhile the english were consolidating their population and building up industry and commerce in the french settler easy con tentment rather than strong ambition was the prevailing mood climate and a variety of natural resources favored the more southern colonies the church of engl had not yet broken with rome and 3 centennial specials listed in advance fair prize list advance prize lists for ac tons centennial year fair are now out the eight page printed fold ers list classes and prize mon ey in domestic science classes canned and preserved pro ducts homecrafts plants and flowers womens institute dis play 441 girls club work and the new acton free press spe cial quite a few of the classes re flect the special year added to the usual baking classes is a class for a cen tennial birthday cake decorat ed for first prize of 2 there are six items in a special centennial section of the canned and preserved pro ducts top prize is 1 jo for a pint of pickled carrots or pick led corn pickled eggs or apple and green tomato mincemeat or how about entering a pint of good oldfashioned dande lion wine or some homemade soup in the homecrafts classes there 4s anewprize for a quilt wittt a centennial theme and another for a cushion with a centennial theme fair ladies board members and others are making unique costumes for centennial year and theres a class for the judg ing of these clothes the homecrafts section also has its centennial special and all articles entered in it are to be antiques with a date if pos sible classes include- a fram ed sampler babys long dress pillow shams white apron doll antique quilt and a col lection of at least jive dishes even the flower section has its centennial specials these include a bouquet of cosmos the centennial flower bowl of miniature sunflowers best three blooms of the new cen tennial rose a homemade nosegay from homegrown flowers best six spikes of hollyhocks and best four vari eties of herbs the womens institutes in their displays which always at tract plenty of attention have selected the theme canadas centennial year they will dis play named quilt blocks and cushions from old and new pat terns this years free press spec ial also for one year only offers prizes for the best cos tumed groups on the grounds on saturday of the fair a family four persons dressed as man woman and two child ren in pioneer or oldfashioned costume will constitute a group for judging the pur pose of the contest is to en courage the wearing of old cos tumes wither actual old articl es pf clothing or new articles or a combination of both and judging will be on overall ap pearance and effectiveness mr lynd smith is a patient in guelph general hospital mr bui mcphedran is home from toronto general hospi tal mrs c k browne is a pa tient in guelph general hos- pital mrs lome masales is a pa tient in guelph general hos pital mr charles kingsmill is a patient in guelph general hospital mr orrie lamb returned home from guelph general hospital on friday mr hank barens is a pa tient in the nora frances hen- derson hospital hamilton of owen mrs r brown sound the weekend precise nature will be announc ed in the regular fair book this advance supplement is sued for the ladies who wish to begin their needlework knitting preserving and plan ning good and early development of early canad so j ne the earii- thens was a presentation of f visitors had a united historic datesregarding the early christian church and each member made a short greeaodc the january meeting of the greenetk womens institute was beta at the home of mrs jim mcculloch with the presi dent mrs gordon lesl pre siding the meeting opened with the opening ode and the mary stewart collect the sec retary mrs j mcculloch read the minutes of the previous meeting and treasurers report was given the roll call what is your opinion on moderate use of alcoholic beverages was dis cussed very openly and it was felt drinking is primarily a personal concern it was point ed out when one does not drink it eliminates the possi bllity of becoming an alcqbpi president ltrjraknaar convener for temperanceave as her motto temperance is a nec essity in modem times mrs basil johnston intro duced the guest speaker faw- cett eaton of lake avenue who gave a very informative talk on alcohol and its prob lems as we are facing today will alcohol control us or will we control alcohol children must live realistically to un derstand that it is better to touch not taste not and han dle not for its use dulls the senses he brought out great tragedies we read in the news papers are due to the previous consumption of beverages mr eaton spoke of his personal part in helping to direct a plebiscite in a community where considerable drinking was experienced yet the ma jority voted a no mrs trysennaar thanked mr eaton for speaking on a difficult subject both mr and mrs eaton de lighted the members with their experiences of india from where they returned recently while lunch was served by the hostess mrs b johnston and mrs george wallace mrs a gates was courtesy convener church expression in 1633 royal orders were issued to hold prayers on sundays using the book of common prayer during three peaceful dec ades anglican missionary work began to spread and in 1755 their zeal had reached into what is now new brunswick a parallel was pointed out between the early days of the church in canada and the early days of the christian church as recorded in the book of acts christ had com manded his followers to wait in jerusalem until they receiv ed power on the day of pentecost that power came to them and they went forth to do the seemingly impossible and so it was in canada mrs pyatt as courtesy con vener thanked the hostess mrs mullen and everyone who helped with the program the meeting closed with hymn 649 followed by prayer the ladies aid meeting was opened by mrs norris the president there was a short business discussion in which it was decided to purchase ar tificial ferns for the church and a committee was named a recently completed quilt was displayed and admired this quih was pieced more than 20 years ago by mrs ted britton a former faithful member of the womens groups and happy memories of her era were brought to mind a date was set for fu ture quilting this meeting then closed with prayer mrs mary graham presented life membership in auxiliary iodeobserves at the recent m of the alert evening auxiliary held in the ellen anderson room of knox presbyterian church most of the members came in oldtime costumes some wore old wedding gowns of almost a century ago others attrac tive costumes of the early 1900s the devotional period was convened by mrs g musseue and committee of miss e cole mrs e masters and mrs g young the theme of the meeting was the early pion eers of the churchin canada miss beuamaye roszeu sang two solos mrs mary graham was pre sented with her life member ship and pin mrs clarence coles read the address while miss emma cole presented the certificate and mrs j in- glis pinned the pin on mrs grahams oldfashioned long blue gown the president mrs earl mar shall conducted the business portion of the meeting when plans were made to visit hal- ton manor on april 10 at the close of the meeting the committee served a lunch of tea biscuits jam and jelly johnny cake and oatmeal and ginger snap cookies and tea other specials ww also be i wk jw higwightedthis year but their mr and mrs jack frank two busloads of high school students went to westdale collegiate in hamilton one eve ning last week to see st joan flight lieutenant and mrs waff of ottawa with their dog casey i visited with mrs jack chapman and miss madge- chapman rotarians host ed many guests as well as their wives at a dinner and dance at the cuttenciub guelph satur day evening mr and mrs howard smith and daughter leslie of toron to spent the weekend with their mother mrs anna smith and sister wannetta guests of the guelph ys menettes at their union gas cooking school last thursday evening from acton were mrs g w mckenzie mrs w du bois mrs j bray and mrs c l rognvaldson rev v j morgan is stul a patient in st josephs hospi tal guelph but is expected home very soon many friends and parishioners enquired with concern when they learned he was ill and are happy to hear he is in improved health father mccarthy director of loyola retreat house guelph said mass on sunday and the ash wednesday service was cancelled world prayer service friday at the womens world day of prayer service this friday afternoon at 2j8 in tb baptist church the speaker wm be fewcett eaton of acton mr and mr eaton visited recent ly in india with their son participating churches for this annual service the first friday in lent are anglican baptist christian reformed pentecostal presbyterian and united the service la held in different churches hi rotation with ladles of that congregat ion in charge mrs anderson reviews history of churches for acton wi mrs mary mcauley was hos tess to the february meeting of acton wj at the home of miss rdtty clark mrs lind say opened the meeting with a poem little things that count roll call brought to view many keepsakes of 50 year and even 100 years old with a short summary of their his tory mrs f anderson read the minutes casraspoadaraot consisted of thank you notes for christmas cheer a letter from the dis trict president reminding us the wi was first organized on feb 19 and to make centen nial year a special one re minders of the officers con ference to be held may 3 and 4 and toe convention at wel lington codege oh june 12 to 16 were received a letter of good wishes was read from marjorie hau who now resides in wingham mrs lindsay was to help mrs wil- derspin in the selection of a district secretary mrs graham as agriculture co rend a suitable read ing mrs lambert home econ omics convener gave a demon stration on a fancy cushion mrs m mcauley read about the new centennial flag in ac ton mrs anderson as curator gave a splendid summary or i he history of our local church es and some of the homes she mentioned the baptist church started in 1842 first service in their new church was on feb 10 1900 the pres byterian church 1945 in a house where mrs wilderspin now lives they report only 13 ministers new domestic for ladies fair mrs r l davidson was hos tess for the monthly meeting of the ladies agricultural so ciety on thursday evening feb 2 mrs melvin mccul- lough presided in the chair and mrs w j mcdonald read the minutes of the previous meet ing mrs william thompson and r l davidson reported and showed the design of the new domestic cases which are to be made by the committee for a centennial project the sadtes are holding eu chre and talent in their homes through february and march to raise money for this project mrs m mccuiiough and mrs w linham were chosen delegates and mrs don mat thews and miss elva pearen alternates for the fair conven tion in toronto on february 22 and 23 presbyterial ucw meeting in oakville halton presbyterial united church women are holding their fifth annual meeting on thursday february 16 at st pauls united church oakville the morning session begins at 9j0 am mrs martin johns icepresident hamilton con ference ucw is in charge of the worship service besides routine business and the elec tion of officers a skit directed of mrs n k campbell the title of which is a glance into the past completes the agenda for the morning the ladles of st pauls ucw are catering to a lun cheon at 1215 pjm thi guest speaker for the afternoon the rev lawrence a purdy better known to many as the creator of the clever cartoons in the observ- erjrae subject of his address is the church in the future change and challenge cases project division after otber business was dealt with the hostess and lunch committee served a dain ty lunch miss elva pearen was courtesy convener mrs w linham offered her home for the next meeting some of thcmen enjoyed a euchre game mrs west hostess to mission grcle jp spite of the cold weather the baptist mission circle had a fine attendance at their feb ruary meeting on monday night at the hope of mrs f west bower we the meeting opened with a reading the quiet hour by president jes sie coles during the business session it was decided to contact mrs holdaway of hamilton white cross secretary to be speaker for the spring thankoffering announcement was made of the next sewing meeting for white cross work to be held feb 20 7j0 at mrs helwigs home members were concern ed to hear that six missionar ies preparing to go to india in february had to cancel their passages because of the nonarrival of visas now issued from the indian government helen mccutcheon gave the devotional based on 1st peter 5th chapter verse 10 special prayers were given for india by marj landsborough elda fryer for africa harriet hel- wig for bolivia and home mis sions edna gordon jessie co les sang a lovely solo the qld rugged cross elsie ouee read an article the incredible jour ney telling of the love of god reaching across the chasm of sin to lost mankind the meet ing closed with the singing of the ninety and nine and prav- er refreshments were served by the tea hostess harriet hel- wig and ileen lott the jjfxe imperial or der daughters of the empire will celebrate its 67th birthday on february 13 the results of the work ac- complished by the orders 965 chapters penetrate to all cor ners of the globe and at foun ders day meetings from coast to coast the members can be proud to be a part of an or ganization which has made such tremedous strides since its inception over 358000 is spent on educational projects by the order and the work in this field is constantly expand ing sixty schools and ten hostels in the northwest territories have been adopted by the chap ters 31 schools in northern and southern labrador and 94 remote and isolated schools in newfoundland as well as 591 other schools in remote areas- of canada the iode has adppted secondary schools in the west indies and brit ish honduras the canadian arts continue to be supported by the ix dje in each province by bur saries and awards approximately 70000 was awarded from i o d e first and second war memorial funds to provide postgradu ate scholarships on welfare services 326000 is spent in canada and 121- 000 for supplies to the needy which are shipped to europe africa korea the west indies hong kong india etc this includes the sponsorship of destitute and refugee children the iooe canadian cen tenary fund has surpassed its minimum objective of 50000 this fund to which all mem bers have been contributing will be shared equally by all ten provinces as weu as an al location to the yukon terri tory each province has a special educational project to commemorate canadas cent ennial year which will be fin anced from their share of the fund members throughout ontario contributed over 25000 to the national centennial fund the ontario project is a three week tour of northern ontario for 255 grade 11 boys who will re present every school district in the province mrs fd reid dies in toronto acton friends are sorry to learn of the death of jack reids mother mrs f d reid on monday in toronto her husband pred her she was the mother of mrs wm h mows of van couver james and george of kleinburg jack of toronto and the late donald rehl funeral service is in toron to thursday afternoon at st georges churchontbehill is lington interment is in st georges cemetery i armstrong z a vinyl corlon 5 5 6 widths rag 498 much from 359 to 398 par square yard luran vinyj beige brick partem reg 1650 z for 398 hmtenatioa available kju old age- when you do more and more for the last time and less and less for the first time 1st weetwtch si 5 phoni thmlo 5 united methodist church in 1844 the new church was opened in is76 st albans opened in 1872 the first catho lic church was at little dublin now dublin cemetery 1857 first burial in acton was in 1886 v mrs lindsay stressed the point of trying to beautify our homes for centennial year be fore closing with the lords prayer and institute grace a social time followed over the teacups miss clark and mrs mcauley were thanked for the use of their home carotme marseries garden centre and flower shop artistic designs by caroline west of acton on highway 7 south side member of ufc wire service hm 9tmscvsfl qm mlt hwmcv mmb l0vltfl nmn floral designs for every occasion telephone 8532980 anytime opfn 7 days a wtfflc aja tit 7 pja expo package tour pay only one price for accommodation transp0rta1 to and from to and from real expo mcuiomq ail passports sunline tours qmroktown transportation itd phone 8772251 the a of a modest bursary from this auxiliary to aid a student preparing for the held of mental retardation work was introduced but dis cussion win take place at a later date the sports program at the arena for the children of their concern was discussed and ad miration expressed for how ard pearce charlie thompson and 11k marcos assistance volunteers for skate time and members who could skate are encouraged to help on the ice the actort free press wednesday february 8 1967 9 parents of retarded chddren to be offered sitters services a detailed business meeting was handled on thursday feb 2 when the aoton auxil iary of the north walton assoc iation for mentally retarded met at the home of mrs r mcmurray two new members were welcomed by mrs jrjeu- sten who chaired the meeting the flpwers of hope cam paign wiu be started this year on may 3 mrs r willets will chair the mailing and finan cial details this year hope workshop will package the seeds and envelope the liter- hire further details concerning the rummage sale were ar ranged a motion was passed to purchase a book concerning the mental retardation situ ation to be donated to the acton public library scouting and guiding pro gram to encompass the assoc iations special children will be investigated for probable im plementation in the fail it was decided to offer babyr sitting services through the auxiliary to focal parents of retarded children all ages in view of the difficulty often ex perienced in obtaining these sitters it was noted how def initely the parents in this sit uation need release and re creation from a most demand ing situation a letter will be- sent to the local childrens aid and public health services be cause it is most probable that the need is known in these sources an attempt wiu be made to obtain the film about mental retardation shown on sun day several weeks ago for a public viewing in acton any authors the iode is sponsoring its 20th consecutive short story competition with awards of 250 and 50 deadline for en tries is may 1 marjorie free man campbell burlington an author and lecturer is judge cor this year further information is avail able if anyone in the district is interested at the news of fice of the free press legion iodies bowling team places fourth the legion ladies auxiliary- held their february meeting hv the legion hall with president mrs gordon james in the chair a motion was made for the ladies to buy a new refrig erator for the kitchen and to send a cheque for 100 to the bursary fund the members will also sup port the acton community service council and win buy the 15 cots when they are needed for the day nursery the euchre will be in port credit on wednesday feb 22 members wishing to play ere to contact sports officer mrs robert angel congratulations to acton a bowling team who came fourth in brampton last saturday to qualify for regional bowling to take place in barrie in march the social evening is this thursday in the legion hall members are asked to attend as all the auxiliaries m thlsn zone are invited after the meeting a lovely lunch and social hour were en joyed by everyone fred a hoffman optometrist 58 st georges sq guelph ont telephone 8242071 order your office supplies now 1 1 ledger sheets columnar pads ledger and memo book covers paper clips rubber bands gum labels minutes books account books receiptsfiling casesmetal and corrugated drawers writing pads envelopes pens bali pens pencils nylon and felt tip pens p- desk baskets wire metal wood metal waste baskets personal files ball pen refills for most makes typewriter and adding machine ribbons carbon paper copy paper rubber stamps made to order continuous forms and sales books printed to your specifications ii typewriter rentals on hand i ills stationery s4mr1st i

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