Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 8, 1967, p. 13

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k v 1 v a ft the agon free pmt wadnae february 8 1967 lets play bridge bywii v the newest bridge club in the area got underway last week when george sollys mil ton bridge dub had its first duplicate session several reg ular mil ton players were in at tendance as well as a few out- of- bin barbour and brian hamilton both of mu- ton were the first winners we wish the new club lots of success and hope that it will stimulate duplicate bridge in the milton area if yea have sunter tried dun- hcate bridge before why not drop out to one of the local clubs and give it a whirl new comers are always welcome and your presence would be appreciated there is no need to bring a partner but you may bring your favorite part ner if you wish here is a list of the local clubs and their meeting places acton bridge crab every monday at 31 young st erin bridge club first third and fifth thursday at the legion hall in crin g bridge chib every tuesday at the legion hall in george town milton bridge club ev ery wednesday at the legion hall in milton weet beat s0 9 s4c2 h7 6 hq 10 9 s 2 da k 7 d10 ckc7332 cj9 mali these clubs is 8 pjn sharp and play usual ly concludes about 11 pan en try fees range from 30c to 73c per person so for an enjoy able and social evening thats not too expensive why not try duplicate bridge ajere is a hand that occurred atthat first duplicate game in milton its board no 13 and both sides are vulnerable the dealer was west s754 3 h 5 4 dq90532 c 10 wj 10 e ha kj dj6 4 caq4 the bidding north east south 1c pass ih 3nt pass 40 pass 4 nt dble all pass a slight misunderstanding occurred between north and south the contract could eas ily have been three no trump instead of four west led the five or clubs east covering dummys 10 with the jack and declarer won with the queen the diamond jack was led and ducked all around a second diamond was led and west won too bad west did not continue his fine play to date he tried to find his partners suit west led the heart seven west contributed the eight and declarer won with the jack souths last diamond was led to put west on play again this time he led a spade declarer won with the 10 played the ace of spades to drop wests queen and continued with the jack to drive out the king this hade dummys seven of spades the high spade and an entry to all those diamond tricks over there weet snails common mis take of leading a different suit every time he got the lead this usually leads to a loss of tricks as it certainly did in this case cast weeks winners at the acton bridge club were first mrs l potter and cam sin clair tied for second jack coats and frank graham with bill coats and george solly tnmskjp promises answer em stheel expansion sparked by the indication we mmmmmmmm m by 1 ubbu wwctob trwbobu ffltmb del grants aright be sbced ej- jter march 31 nassagaweya xossncq pro to act as o to montreal con- i ptunkctfs pro of re fer- helton fore twotier plan was voiced in the ontario le fri day by george a kerr h twvs aftvcssiwc omljchfattnpc uvr kerr sprafcing an the said fat the two had rejected plun- ketfs idea co replace existing is by one regional hia ptantor a two- ntf government fa- a regional council pens units who would suany een to the people mr kerrs pro posed regional council would i hilar the present county tmtibenk mesetkm soon as possible on the mq- ton district high school board p school expansion the boards finance commit tee chairman gryn roberts school principal r c hunter and board members ross car- bert and a n keilty attended the monday night meeting of nassagaweya council and pre sented their plans to make the school a composite school mr avmeets asid the estim ated cost of the project was 1309000 and that according to the present system federal- provincial grants of 900000 could be gained nassagaweya council would be asked to contribute 75011 to the expansion program whqe miltons share would be over s23oj00o and esquesings would be over 87000 in tasswer to m question by deputybeeve w a n hoey mr roberts said it might be possible that students who live in nassaga but are in the acton high school area might be able to take advantage of the composite school programs inmhton nassagaweya bsquesing and milton councils win meet with the high school board to dis cuss the plan on we february 0 in b big shots are only little shots who keep shootingtmoriey sealy anniversary mattress sale continues duuno thi month op february drop in now and check our complete stock acton me furnishings i st two 29 year old political h and the new ontario liberal leader robert nixon will share the spotlight on wednesday evening february 15 when the hatton east lib erals hold a nomination con vention taw pine attaoua of oakville arena will be the site of the meeting murray haesltr a lawyer and oakville councillor and robin skuce heed of the french department at appleby college oakville are contest ing the nomination for the party in hahon bast there is aprrnlation that it win be an extremely close race with mr skuce who resign- ed as president ofthe helton bast liberals being a alight favorite mr nixon who was named as the prov liberal lead- er fat early january win be me- kasg ma first appearance in hatton beat since he accepted and mr nmt fw a on several htft milton roj1y thursflisat pbk mo11 the rare brbed in color james stewart maureen otiara sport aqua capers cartoon rocket racut- s at x sunmontotswh peb111s141s inside daisy clover in color natalie wood christopher plummbr cartoon wbu worn dappy adult entertainment thursmsat prb 14v171b the guns of navarone in color gregory peck david ntvbn cartoon scoutmaster mcooo- show times sunday through thursday i me friday and saturday at 7 and tuh lengthy annual meeting held by knox church congregation awxembaeeetan kesjeaeavanaadnr amjlxa 7fj9bab cwwlerswilv okkfm0 tot hdp pcpnnty gnwtt the annual meeting of mills presbyterian church was held monday evening with rev d j sinclair presiding mrs don biackiock was ap pointed secretary for the even ing minutes and treasurers report were read reports from the different organise- lonswere very gratifying election of officers for the year were at follows bjderai clerk of session wil liam mclean sr william low- rie roy gordon robert wright clarence ramsey gor don biackiock wallace lasby managers chairman russell biackiock donald biackiock garnet macdougall lack chamberlain george mcal- pine bill mcdonald secretary treasurer donald biackiock organist mrs d biackiock auditors bill mc lean sr wallace lasby the session wishes to thank all members of the church for their faithful services during the past year under die leader ship of our new minister rev d sinclair we hope to accom plish more in the coming year the ladles served refresh ments recent visitors of mrs mary mockrie and family were miss polly miller toronto and mrs ula allan brampton the sympathy of the com munity is extended to the fam ily of the late george hamp- t son eden mills in hospital at present is the baby son of mr and mrs lloyd neville sunday guests of mr and mrs ralph thompson were mr and mrs g flewelllng and mr and mrs h clements of elora the first march of dimes campaign for the village was carried out by captain mrs ted barden and her helpers mrs doug seattle and mrs norman marshall jr the re sponse was most gratifying with special mention to eden mills no 11 public school children the first eden mills scout group committee held their annual euchre in the com munity hall on saturday even ing prize winners were mrs ed jennings emily franklin and mrs w gimertson genu lloyd neville ed jennings and don mockrie after over 40 years of ser vice to the public bodi as store keeper and post master in eden mills mr norman mar shall sr hai sold the busi ness and will retire at the end of march mr and mrs jack turner former residents of eden mills will take over and we wish them every success in their new venture in a lengthy annual meeting about 40 of the congregation of knox presbyterian church ac cepted a 27273 objective ap pointed managers and auditors and discussed the writing of church history as a centennial project murray scoyne chaired the meeting and mrs bill tom acted as secretary the rev a mckenite opened the meeting with scripture prayer and a hymn new managers elected for three year terms are j b frank and j c mclntyre who were returned to office and new members bob marshall bob paul bob heatley and john toebes auditors reappointed are jim inglls and herb ritchie m ml coles was named to chair a committee to consider the writing of a church history to add to the history of the churchs first 100 years pub lished in 1945 at that time miss isobel anderson wrote the history of the church to mark the 100th anniversary of knox it it hoped that during the course of the year the remain der of the debt or 4800 will be paid off for the renovations the minister urged the mem bers of the congregation to provide three delegates to the preassembly congress at king ston in june expenses will be paid by the congregation continued support toward the building fund which now stands at 24500 was recom mended strongly by the min ister a survey showed future ex pansion of the church or the establishment of a second con gregation in acton would be forthcoming at tome time he especially thanked the board of managers for their fine leadership and their chair man c mclntyre mrs tom watson for her care of the nursery church school super intendent murray coles and the sunday school teacher total membership of the church is sm with 69 or these non- resident the session report included the noteworthy fact that the congregation includes 45 wid ows but just sis widowers there are 55 unmarried adults 21 years of age or older during the past year the minister conducted 13 wed dings and baptized 38 persons three adults and 35 children the largest baptism was on christmas family sunday when 19 children were baptiz ed the report continued the session rejoices in the fact that our facilities for christian edu cation and fellowship have been greatly improved by the recent renovation program and that the congregation is wiping out the indebtedness ao rapid ly- we are also gratified that in 1966 the largest amount ever contributed to the general as semblys budget was given 4j44532 members aje belngencour aged to present gifts of needed and serviceable character to mark centennial year a dedi cation service is planned the board of managers re ported repairs and improve ments at the church and manse and the purchase of n new rostrum for the schoolroom at a memorial resignation of ab robinson envelope secretary and assist ant treasurer after 25 yean or ralthful service was report ed and mrs a waldle was ap pointed envelope secretary ef fectivejen 4s the sunday school reported an enrolment of 170 and aver age attendance of 60 there are 55 children on the nursery roll three years old and young er the p budget of 127- 275 was accepted for salaries church property and expenses christian education and tup- port for the canadian and the world church the last item includes the allocation presby tery and synod assessment the church pension fund inter church aid camps refugee and world service miscellaneous donations and expenses for del egates to the preassembly congress financial statements in mimeograph form were pres ented ty the church school choir afternoon auxiliary of the wms alert evening aux iliary daughters of knox the ladles alifheather chib and children of the church lunch was served after the threehour meeting the miallty of ta program hat combined with its capable candidates end the untiring support of parry workers to cause the amazing rise in pop ularity of the new democratic john ounert m j for broad view told more than 50 at the helton but nd nomination meeting that the popularity of the party has climbed from ii per cent of the canadian vote in 1962 to 26 per cent in im7 me added and it will contin ue to climb if we can continue the present formula the email confident speaker advocated a knock on every door not once but three or four timet policy when can vassing irworks we hove provenit twice he said he said that when he was last el ected he and his wife visited every home in the riding and 1500 damage in twocarcrash ken milne church st pas senger in a car driven by ed ward msssey 17 was treated for head cuts by or robert bucfcner following a f 1500 col lision on mill st ust wednes day night involving two acton driven indicated that other party wor kers had visited and revisited the same homes we won and the campaign cost was less than 16000 the loser spent more than 112100 he said the speaker referred to the lack of housing as being a national crisis and suggested the need for a federal minis try of housing and urban affairs he quoted statistics in dicating the need for 170000 new homes this year and said ihc optimistic predictions on ly indicated 150000 would be built mr gilbert said the nha plan tends to operate for people in higher income brack ets and interest rates would have to be lowered before people in the lower income brackets could really take ad vantage of t he also said the cost of furniture and furnish ings a necessary part of start ing a home should be included in the housing act me said that during centen nial year in particular a full credit should be given to sen ior citizens they should be the first priority when housing is considered he said mr gilbert touched on sev eral other subjects including urban redevelopment the pric es review board auto insur ance plan medicare and the interest rates offered by litv wlrlam m vaughn was backing from a private drhteanee companies way on the north tide of mm deputy reeve charles you think our strikes are never ending in copenhagen the barbers assistants have just ended one that lasted 33 years st near the corner of mill and frederick when the accident occurred he facet a charge of falling to yield the maatsy ear which suf fered an estimated 600 dam age was eastbound on mm da mage to the vaughn vehicle was 900 men- efy of milton thanked the guctt speaker for his interesting address murray s kernighan of milton president of the hal- ton east new democratic par ly and ed bruce president of union local 707 of oakville were others who spoke during the meeting you save twice with trim and price est iuyi sara loct luncheon meat prem 49 avw atr rituniwiv emejr vwwwmm ntvsrw stews 49 save 20c on shortening ilb pegs jewel 31 spectony selected veloe ckecvd red bread she cat chef style aj prime rib roast 83 tdm jatcy- rsd lisutd- thick cat mb steaks 89 bmmtbs bsty mmbbb bbbsbat ww bbrbmbbm bhbbbbbs bacon 79 mmrmmimmmmnmimim wieners55 mown and serve link sausage baconettes mtflp- 99 est euyf- save 6c kraft ready 7vfcos pkge savefcl 24ox jar wfcti pact laspbbhfv er sltawabty fcgf mrs lukes jam 39 save 6c assorted bow 0ob cbbu1nn v cake mixes 37 buyoftheweek rest miy1- save llcf allurs vitamnzd 4t4ztia pinners 3 43 ii gem i apple juice 31 savbs aa asut i b sbtbwd m ve 101 phss mew vawfatv reek 6 env pack cokttvbici margarine save 10c phss variety reck 6 env pack mstant breakfast 07 savfl zmj 4 99 vt cohoe salmon 49 team flakes cereal s43 where friendly people save you mori kw-

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