Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 15, 1967, p. 1

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x-f- v ilppsilpi 5 t stw frjoot tbs chanv- bisf 6nwrce objecting m maw anatamwel mf atl fcaava ontamputted whlmuglts are tattktsnvetthecorw of mill aajovjubm to presented t council hut night paul ttielsen was atit vfin v rr gordon toad the brier was not its in inquest- xnugn in nicipbpsfndaii oner araieo stjb be note tha the intparunent of transport rec- onussmdatlons of no parking sofme of im feet 168 feet etc frees the point of view of flow of traffic is perhemtbe best sohrtkm but it should also be feome irt mind that these streets are here not only as a ttkbroughrare for highway traf fic but for local use as well these ughu win be erected not because of the traffic ent gmeers recommendation but in spite of them after repeat ed surveys at councils re quest the engineers stip refu sed to change the setup we have today and only after a great deal of pressure was brought to bear up on the de partment of transport did they agree to have stop lights installed s since the council wasable to change the department or transports mind once we shall hope they will he able to do so again because what we are asking is of a very min or nature in relation to the whole project as the proposal now stands it will make it dif ficult for merchants and cus tomers in faro ways 1 it will deprive customers of narking space 2 it will make it exceedihg- ly difficult for some stores to load or unload transport or de livery vans it should be noted some of the stores in question have no access at all from the back of buildings we therefore propose m that the no parking tone on mill st northeast comer be 133 feet 2 that the no parking tone on the mirthwest corner of main st be 140 feet 3 that the 33 feet adjacent to these zones be designated for commercial vehicles in the case of the north east corner of mill st the no forking sone m from the mainmill ct ip the point in front of the edit 4toderpessi y i of the totfi bulliling and if e the majority of intersect- first 33 feetjifflirwhg served for commercial wmlcl es it could serve gray gmf buses as well as the a at b den veryvan n the case of the west corner of msln si no parking tone would from the mllmlaln a point in front of the west corner of the doittttlomij hotel and if the fimt jjlset were designated for conunerc- ial vehicles it would fadtitafe loading of the i0a delivery van it should be taken into cop- slderatlon that many corners with a far greater traffic den sity than milmwalri have only tons m acton have cmly 10 foot no parking aooes and because sotma engineer solely concern ed with raovtag traffic propos es that the no parking tones m the plates mntioiied should be 11 feet it perhaps not good reaso to jeopar ing public and r perhaps loss qt commercial as- inent and a drop in real ettite values osrtawy we have no inten tion to contribute to making acton a less safe place to live so we have therefore request ed absolute minimum modiflc- 5fe further suggest that to a so foot no parking ton and relieve the parking problem it that our proposals are not id tmlght be possible to dbtain an ajueeiuent with ne united cnurch shd dunr n in ling in order to use the land where the old church stood ate mun icipal parking lot property marked with signs and kept free of snow in whiter alio that the council immediately obtain land on a suitable site fdr off the street parking the merchants would render all as sistance in such a scheme in- i eluding paying a fair share of the cost involved it is further suggested that the present bylaw of two hours parking limit on mill st be enforced trusting the information as noted in this letter meets with your approval and wflt be looked after to the best of your capabilities the acton chamber of com merce by councillors after presentation of the brief mr nielsen waa asked by couneiuotted tyler jr if he was serious about the under pass and overpass stop lights will hot solve the problem they tell us when to stop and go on corners he said mr nielsen admitted he was being facetious about under- passes and overpasses but ask ed how fatdo you want to go to proteot peoplet asked by councillor drink- waiter how far the merchants would participate financially mr- nielsen said the matter would come up for negotia tion deputy reeve oakes is a majority of the chamber of commerce in favor of traffic lights then mr nielsen if there is any alternative we would not be iri favor fourway atop light are not necessary red hghta hold up traffic in a fpur way stop the onus is on the driv er it surprises me theres so much adverse talk now its been in tire newspapers for the last two years why all the interest lately asked the dep uty reeve it would mean 25 to 30 parking spaces less it could mean a loss of one million dol lars in sales to downtown mer chants answered mr nielsen sounds farfetched to me said mr oakesweve been hammering away at ft for two years why all the adversity now mayor les duby told c of c members council was quite ap preciative of their concern and would give every consideration continued on page nine ninetysecond yearno 33 acton ontario wednesday february 15 1967 autbetttad m e csms ktafl by um pom omie mfmrtownt ottawa twelve pages ten cents diane bousfield carol patterson win public speaking finals today h diane bousheld and carol patterson were selected wed nesday morning today to r acton at the district public speaking competition at brookviue school this friday evening the acton finals were held in the robert little school auditorium today when the towns top public school orators were selected from a field of seven the annual hydro trophy qulrefnents the average car eer is three years she said when the girls exchange silver wings for golden rings she pointed out one requirement is that the stewardess must smile and smile and never lose her temper in another few years i hope to be aboard and i will smile and smile and never lose my temper she promis ed presented to diane bous- flald lay commission represen tative miss esther taylor the ben rachlin trophy will be re tained by the robert little school an attractive book on can ada was presented to each of the competitors diane and carol caroline thompson ro bert krul steven van fleet robert bllerby and david ro chester these were gifts of the school board chairman for the program principal g w mckensje ex pressed his pleasure that there were more boys competing han-girls-thls-vear- usually there are more girls grade five students were special guests to hear the pub lic speaking you will be up- here some day yourself mr mckenxie told the attentive and appreciative group tin top orator diane bous- hekl spoke on the life of air line stewardesses refuting mis conceptions and explaining re- judges were mrs benton of the m z bennett staff mrs gamble of the r l staff and the rev r mcmurray in an nouncing the judges decision mrs gamble said you gave us a hard time this year the marks were very close english teachers who pre pared the students were mrs bruce and miss riseborough preparation voice language poise and overall impression cartrain collision fatality this morning ironically enough cnjt crossing signals are under con struction on the fourth line of fsmiestng twp whsee ea-unm- entuled driver name withheld penning notification of fam ily loot ms life wednesday nxirnlng tn a train car crash around 1135 ojbv northhelton ojpj detach- ment constable r j burke in vestigated the a and re ported the station wagon was travelling north on the fourth hue whan it was in oobislon with the eastbound way freight in the past 10 days north helton o jj detachment have investigated three fatalities saturday evening february 4 a glen williams youth abel smedes lost his life in two- car crash near sllvercrsek laatitaturdayre twocar crash claimed the life of lynn bak er of rjr 3 campbdhrllle the fourth line crossing was the scene of a fatality about a year ago when james gregg lost his life in a car tram crash approval waa given by the department of transport and esquesing twp council for installation of a wig wag signal system and this has be gun at the time of the wed nesday accident footings for steel standards and signal equipment boxes had been in stalled count as well as subject mat ter taking part in the finals to day were the four top speak ers from the robert little school and three from the m z bennett school chosen pre viously at their own schools the two winners were again this year from the r- l school when the m z bennett school competition was held a couple of weeks ago the three representatives were se lected caroline thompson grade 8 spoke on one hund red years of fashions robert bllerby grade 8 on expo 67 and david rochester grade 8 on the dropout problem judges were senior teachers gary bateman earl brears welter dubois mrs arlene bruce and principal elmer smith other public speakers enter ed in the school competitions and the subjects were bren- da browne canadausa ec onomic relations glen lee submarines debra streets the hardship of the pioneers vs todays conveniences jean- ie metanic memories of my trip to a newlyadopted coun try canada robert parsons on sharks a ninth contestant joann vlletstra was suffer ing from mumps at the time of the finals so was unable to compete continued on page 9 actons niw hydro building on alice st is rapidly ap proaching completion hydro commissioners made an inspec tion tour of the specious new offices and worklhop at their regular meeting last thursday end were amazed at the trans formation from the previous week landscaping will bo done at soon es weather permits in the spring propose wae ificreases to work staff following negotiations with town council council is offering a straight 35 cents an hour wage increase across the board to the town work staff following negotia tions between no 2 committee and the workmen it was re vealed at a marathon session of council tuesday evening the 35c increase would in clude a 15c increase granted in november negotiations between the two bodies have been going on for some time with the work staff asking for a 230 skilled rate council determined the wage schedule which would be offered to its employees a shift differential of 10c an hour is paid in addition if the employee works 10 days stra- and then has foutoffv it not adequate when it came to standby time and ad ditional pay for an employee on standby of one hour per day at time and a half was rec ommended when the employee was requested to be on duty council also passed a motion setting an increase in salaries to the administration staff office staff are raised by 7joo and s00 per week she office manager and clerk tr receive an increase of woo a year bert hinton the increases on the grounds they were escessi he felt a 5h raise would have been sufficient tne reeve did not offer any alternative at the momlngi but now he objects to these said deputy reeve oekri mayor les duby said he would have no prdblen on wage intieam in other years he left he spmionqt champion diane bousfwej seated cen- trf hotda the hydro trophy presented to heir wednesday morning today directly behind her is acton schools run- nerrup carol patterson the two teachers who assisted the s mrs arlene bruce of the m z bennett school and miss donne riseborough of the robert irrrle school smile rheir approval at the left other finalists all awarded books on canada are david rochester robert ellerby carolyn thomp son robert krul and steven van fleet at e special directors meet ing jack mai ike ii was named president of acton agrkadtur- al society for his third term he will heed full board for the fourday c fsdr this year winner fryer was renamed first vicepresident and don matthews is the new second vicepresident all other directors were sel ected atthe annual meeting of the board in january have a free hand it is a good thing tobe balancing salaries to the level of other munici palities he said councillor g w mckenxie said he was concerned about the tax rate but feels people heed a living wage the lone objector reeve hinton insist- polke attend miton hmeral a variety of occurrences in cluding traffic criminal and safety work consumed the 240 hours worked by the ac ton ppjp personnel from feb ruary 5 to 11 activities saw one ac cident resumngin250 dam age iinstigated71traffic charges laid 221 warnings is sued 40 vehicles safety check ed and the student and adult driver training courses lectur ed one theft one disturbance both under investigation one a resulting in a man be ing charged and lodged in the helton county jail at milton and two miscellaneous occur rences rounded out the com- and dealt with otis traffic three month jail sentence end a two year drivers license sue pension for one man charg with dangerous driving while a conviction for follow ing too closely as found in the highway traffic act br a fine and costs total- una h5 in an accident case the asaam of p con- stable d hardy of the mflton off was met with as much shork here as it was through out the whole of helton coun ty five members of the local in c with 125 pojsbbjoffloen from uw nuslnce ntteiided the faneral on saturday to pay their last respects to a man wellknown and hked uuuuejh- out the area show that driving a asotur vehicle on to danger ous corp mason says in cejav cmdittg 1ns weeny xeson your attitude towards hut vehtele the law arne to self may aomerday bo fnnonv jfesence between um anu daatn for you or someone else be a deftmstve drivers expect the umspcctwl ed a 5h adjustment would have been adequate council decided not 4o enter into an agreement for snow re moval on the sidewalk adjac ent to the old post office on willow st after much discussion a mo tion was carried advising the planning board the clerk was available to assist the secre tary of the planning board dur ing the clerks regular working hours and further council does not object to the clerk being engaged by planning board to assist the new secre tary until june 30 1967 by motion council agreed they would not participate in unemployment insurance pre miums when the employees earnings reached a maximum allowed of taxi licenses were granted to reliable taxi 2 and depot taxi a motion was also passed with the deputy reeve opposed authorizing the budget com mittee to operate in full cap acity as a personnel committee for 1967 and 1968 after the budget is set for 1967 a di about the duties of a committee chair man in an emergency develop ed following dijc o one commit- tec chairman ordered doused with snow taken off the streets ted tyler objected to the fire fat the glenlea dump- we need an incinerator badly he said for those people who have to smell ga for sup- mr tyler on ms lelf the matte left in the but of the during the reading of the minutes of no 1 committee it was revealed the committee and the representatives of the public school board had dis cussed an addition of an audi torium library and a class room to the m z bennett school at an estimated cost of 200 od0 or which 60000 was subject to grants approved by the department of education the lengthy meeting attenqv ed by a full council adjournect st 1215 pjn okay variance but no garage at a public hearings in the chambers mb n d a y evening february 13 jack mc- mullens application for a vari ance was accepted his explan ation supported by the fact there were no objections reg istered the committee of adjust ment learned that mr mcmul- len built his house on welling ton st with a 4vi foot vari ance on one side he explain ed he moved the position of the house to avoid a tree and although he phonedthetown office to enquire he felt the fact he went ahead with the building was a misunder standing the committee agreed that no garage could be allowed on that side of the lot present were c chairman ernie marks mem bers murray smith and don lindsay and jack mcgeadue and lam williams acting as secretaries mr wubease is taking over the position mr by us solicitor aldo i af 9 jwcwsf jrhsnw nwm 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