Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 15, 1967, p. 2

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itlllf f v i- t v jmsp 4v m drnad if eovwnment and its gen- clei for the ttftout houtlno shortage which has developed in th pest faw years accommo is xfremety hard to find and this has created many profaflems for famlllet who must rek cate newlyweds starting up hbu keeping and new industry looking for a labor market the problem is compounded by the high price of available housing prices have spiralled to trpolntwhiare fami lies with average incomes can no long- er afford to buy a homo rental units are nonexistent hardships imposed by the housing shortage and its attendant high prices are most acute in metropolitan toronto and the larger cities but they exist in the smaiter centres as well in acton it is almost impossible to rent a home the high cost of buying a home has put them well beyond the reach of the average wage earner think of the economics of trying to buy a new home on a wage of 80 to 90 a week when prices start at 16000 and continue upwards many families who would prefer to live in town have moved to the country where a limited amount of cheaper ac- cpmmodation wa availa others hy bought tots and had houses erect ed on them those handy with tools saved money by building themselves solving the problems by personal initia tive the bulk of the unhoused however still leek the sklllsand the time to con struct their own dwellings rorrhbse for better or even some form of housing if oseless to speculate n why house are scarce and prices beyond their reach the tight money policy is blamed in one quarter theaalea tax on bulldlr products is as sailed in another another source pin points high mortgage interest rates for me isg what is being done emergency measures have been in troduced by th government of ontario which will alleviate the housing short age in the cities and larger towns but most smaller centres will probably find home unattractive easing of tight money restrictions is certain to promote more building lower interest rates will lowerprices but the average wage earner in this area will still not be able to afford a new home when a similar situation prevailed in ontario during and after the war the wartime housing corporation stepped into the breach there was nothing fancy about the socalled wartime house but it provided decent living accom modation at a price most could afford o pay thats exactly the type of program needed now a decent basic house within the reach of a working mans pocketbook critics of basic housing usua fly pre dict this type of housing will turn into slums the experience in acton has been exactly the opposite pride of ownership is reflected in the wellkept section of acton known as warren grove regiment of pines sugar and spice by bill s m i i e y tone u end it all organizations having served a use ful purpose are too often continued in operation out of sentimentality rather than practicality the north halton ur ban board seems e case in pointy and would as well be dissolved as ignored it is a peculiar organization in fac the only one of its kind it was formed by councils of acton mhton and georgetown in the interests of mutual cooperation it- was a forum for sharing common municipal problems end solu tions that affected the three urban mun icipalities it had no legal status and could dp nothing more than suggest or recommend to each of the member councils problems like dog control ambul ance service and a host of others that were common to the three towns found discussiort and a sharing of solutions at one time the board hired an en gineer that was shared jointly by the towns none of which felt it could af ford such a person on its own with the resignation of the second engineer another was not hired industrial promotion was another avenue of cooperation in which the three municipalities shared but times have changed now the pressure of heavier schedules of meet ings for municipal representatives finds quite frequently the urban board with out a workable group at the last meet ing called for georgetown only the acton representatives on the8dard at tended they found the hosting muni cipality had neglected to even unlock the door to the municipal meeting room milton and georgetown were notice ably absent qrwtovthe best attended meetings istrie rtnal one each year which take the form of a party- to which all the municipal representatives are invited there art some speeches about the im portance of the group but the words are hollow as attendance at the first meetings of the new year indicated there are two solutions to the prob lem one of course is to disband the organization completely the other is to reduce the number of meetings to perhaps four a year with a well defin ed end topical agenda arranged well in advance to insure maximum interest and attendance whether the group unofficial as it is will take the initiative to vote itself out of existence remains to be seen but as busy citizen members surely they have the responsibility to organize their efforts to be most productive failure of a municipality to have representa tion at a meeting while if is still nom inally a member is inconsiderate of those of other municipalities who may be equally busy representatives on the group from each municipality should face the prob lem squarely and strip it of sentimen tality is it practical to continue jjfc centennial picturt jailer old 1iiiir ay nam a4u ifcm nqmejr weijyiwerrejbwev w n oror hy t psobebiy tfepefon standing be hind the pump end a drift of snow on the left if you cant identify the house turn to page 10 for the answer ojc i know enough enough this is positively the last in a series of columns on education let me repeat that im no expert just a parent tax payer and teacher and equally concern ed in each role ive been critical in some quarters no doubt my remarks have been consid- ered rank heresy but there is a positive x side lets look at it moat cheering l the tremendous in terest in educational improvement both from within and without the system departments of education are spending large amounts of time thought and money in an attempt to scramble info the twentieth century new universities are springing up like mushrooms with fresh and invigor- atihg ideas vital young teachers men and women in all walks of life are taking a hard look at what they are getting for their money and what they want for their children as a result of these things much of the old rigidity and inflexibility are crumbling under heavy ore changes are coming its not been any easier to get them started than to make a team of oxen break into a gallop but theyre coming even though they might gallop right through the fence thomas acquinas hasnt much to say to the swingers of today with the new morality on one side of them and nuclear annihilation on the other in act a punning colleague suggested should old acquinas be forgot egerton ryerson is not exactly haunting the halls of ryerson institute its more likely hes holding his heavenly head in his hands with horror as he sees the students of that establishment put ting away more ale per capita than their prototypes of oxford and cambridge in the days of elizabeth however we drift here are some of the improvements some may flop but at least the ponderous pachyderm is pul ling its feet out of the mud at last with a resultant resounding squelch testing machines television com puters will take over 90 per cent of the dissemination of knowledgs theyre a fact now the kids of todays students ctfrterial tfctej lighted smiles the latest from the dentifrice makers is a toothpaste that glows in the dark the financial post reports it could be a real boon to pedestrians if you happen to be walk ing along the road at night and a car approaches all you have to do is give a wide smile and the motorist can see you glowing in the dark financial post the free press extends congratula tions to mrs o g robertson on being selected as the top rural correspond ent of the year for the province of ontario her wellwritten columns con tribute much to the content of this newspaper each week the acton free press phone 8533010 business and editorial office founded la 1173 and pub liihrit ever wttfaem i wllkm st acloa ontario member of the audit bureau of circulation ike cwna aad own aavrnhjaa ram on request subscrip tions p aawanre sejp fa canada s7jm ia all counlrtct other laa c single copies mc aulaoriaea a second ctas mail row office deportment ottawa aosertraaaf e accepead ea uv cuamlloa that in the event of ljnini nphii si error that porrioa of the adiiillieaj apnea oc cupied in the erroneous iana together urllh reasonable ajamaace for signature win not he charged for but the b f the adwrtla nat till he paid for at the applhahle rata in the eenl of a rvpggranhical error adrerthlng goods or amtcei at a wrong price noons or air w mar notbe told rertisret is merer an offer to aril and mar he withdrawn at mew thne- cotwrstht ms r m ma vfc ffimfs will have to listen to boring tales from their parents about the good old days when there was a teacher in every class room this revolution in turn willelimin- ate the lockstep progress of the pres ent where the swift are held back and the slow are scrambling because cours es fire aimed at the average the kids will move at their own speed learning will be satisfying and exciting there win be strong opposition to this therell be dark whispers that it is undemocratic that it will produce an elite theyll say its bad for the bright child because he wont be emotionally ftiaturc if lets say hes-reads-jgi- uftrversrty t 13 7 t jwr ji p 1 baloney education isnt democratic now not when one kid has to siuggro- ceries after school to buy decent clothes and a classmate is out skiing not when the first kid hasnt a chance to go on because he must help support his fam ily while the second kid goes off to university to find a husband better an elite of the mind than an elite of middle- class money and morality as for the emotionally mature bit that too is poppycock some people are emotionally mature at 10 others never another big change will be the cur ricula kds will be taught less facts more about life that is instead of square roots and dangling participles and the peloponnesian wars theyll learn about themselves and other people about beauty and economics about lei sure and love annual exsunhiatiotu which have about as much to do with education as i have to do with sophia lor en will vanish schools will have shorter terms more frequent holidays but will likely operate yearround teaching will improve because it ayill become a dynamic creative profes- ilpn attracting the dynamic creative people v i hate to spoil this vision of educa- tional utopia but i have one more pre diction the whole thing is going to cost more and more and more thats the only prophecy i will unconditionally guarantee 20 yars ago taken from ihelmus ot hst aetess wwm pntm thursday fdbrmiy u 147 acton branch 9i of the canadian letflon held thtlr annual dusimm tnaet- ing and banqust in the uglon hall last week arthur psdbury was installed as president of the branch with ed fbottlt vicepresident and let duby second vice- president treasurer oedrge musselle secretary albert mills the council has sent out 229 of the rings presented by the municipality of acton to the servicemen and nest of kin of the war of i93m5 fifteen com pacts suitably engraved have been mail ed at the tame time to women from ac ton who were on active service there were in the group of presentations 12 rings which were rejected by the com ml t lee and have been sent back to the manufacturer to have the defects rem edied 50 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press thursday febtiurry 1917 mr george roszell has purchased from dr a l hore of markham the residence on willow street in rear of the merchants bank which he has occupied the past two years at a meeting of the library board on tuesday miss lettie scott who has been assisting the librarian on saturday eve nings was engaged to assist each eve- ning the library is open mr n h garden has sold his resi dence to mr nelson lambert mr gar den will remove to the new brick resi dence at the corner of mill and frederick street as soon as it is completed public school honor rom sr iv maxwell bell vida anderson hazel macoonald elmer henderson willie stewart agnes dobie jr iv david henderson helen anderson annie crawford esther starkman margaret mcnabb may wildgust m z bennett teacher sr ill isabel moniveh marie mowa martha orr jean kennedy jor dan lawson ruby joyes jr ill lloyd forbes george jiggins myrtle carnoch- an donald kennedy jean barber ro bert stewart sr ii willie goldstein earl cooper russell ross jessie mc nabb teddie tyler laird mcdonald jr ii wallace lasby ralph henderson walter bauer norman wilds artie white eugene macpherson sr i harry goldstein joseph hurst willrose reid matthew tyler jim backwell norman 7forfileshe gregory acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 sunday february 19 1967 1000 am church school and adult class 11j15 a m morning worship this treasure 700 pjn evening service mr briggs crichton will speak we hope two hockey players will witness an evening for the young and older wednesday prayer and bible study 730 thursday explorers at 630 thursday choir practice 730 friday t b jijp at 700 pjn note time change morning worship 1115 o text for the week if ye forgive not neither will your father forgive matt 615 presbttbuan church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba- bj minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday february 19 1967 945 ajn church school for ages 3 to 15 945 ajn church membership class for teenagers 1100 ajn divine worship sermon theme christ can make men whole 300 pjn centennial church parade for scouts guides etc everyone most welcome mapi avb4ui baptist church georgetown 75 years argd sunday february 19 1967 945 ajn sunday school ii do ajn morning service 700 pjn evening service wednesday 8 pjn prayer mecting acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 ivanob pbttkostal taurnacu pjsoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 85m715 sunday february 19 1967 1000 am sunday school 1100 auxvaumtorning worship 700 pjn the work of the paojc women for missions directed by the womens missionary ownril tuesday s pjn prayer and bible study thursday 8 pjn christ dors friday 645 pjn ciusadafb taken from the isssss off me aetoa i prose tlntfsfjay petwtasry ii 1ml the board of education has at ftp come to a definite point on the matter it was decided to retain the rooms at present occupied by the first and second depsrtmentf tear away the front room and erect a new twostory front of four room the building will be of brkkof neat nd appropriate architecture and will be built with a view to securlnc comfort and good health to pupils and teschers architect cameron was in structed to prepare the plans and spisc- ificatiuns the principal business which came up st the courictj meeting mondi the reappoiniment of municipal graham the citizens petition for a i and the appointment of a local board of health the bylaw for the appointment of a municipal officer to perform the duties of assessor collector sanitary in spector caretaker for public school town hall cemetery park street lamps cutting weeds repairing and building walks village constable poundkeeper and such other duties as may be requir ed by the council the hand book of canadian dates shows st john to be the oldest incorpor ated city in canada the date of incorpor ation being may 18 1785 100 years ago taken frotn tbs issue of the oiamrloti muton february 14 1m7 last tuesday a select number of conservatives met in the orange hall milton and after locking the door pro ceeded to business there were about 60 present mr oempsey occupied the chair and mr watson acted as secretary those present included g k cbisholm p a macdougall john biggar w c beatty l hager wrn hager b tuck t chisholm a sproat w joyce g thompson simcoe kerr g alton mr lucas j mcguf finn i hunter of the herald j hunter g dempsey w dempsey col clay neil mccalltim p d scott d henderson j p roper w laidlaw j t standish and others the meeting was enthusiastic and sanguine of success mr white was considered very objectionable to them and it was resolved to nominate a man to oppose him on a vote being taken col g k chisholm was chosen much to the dis satisfaction of some of the nelson men who were present aqd would have pre ferred mr kerr as their man a candl date for the local legislature was not named under the advice of mr chis holm as it would keep the numerous aspirants in anxious expectancy church news trinity church the united church of canada minister rev dwight i engel ba bj organist mr george elliott ma phd sunday february 19 1967 sunday school 1000 am junior school to gr 4 1115 am senior school gr 5 to gr 8 services 1000 ajn trinity church acton nur sery provided 1115 ajn churchill church orurchill rdn sermon subject lenten psalms 2 slip pery places 800 pjn adult class postponed to monday at 830 pjn tuesday 8 pjn open meeting for st albans and trinity all welcome kth4el christian mfformfo church acton ontario sunday february 19 1967 1000 ajn english service 1110 ajn sunday school 230 pjn alternating dutch and eng lish service saturday bible classes 101230 sun everyone welcome st tm church op auantm martyr angucan corner willow st and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ha sta wednesday february is 730 pjn evensong the human mys tery of life and death the wednesday evening services autkag lent are being rondureed by the reverend eric mills she new rio- tor of st george clattrcb george town e ti sunday ffiithmfty 19 1967 j lsmt u 9m mjnhotf embbmtm 1030 a uii naiiili sclsool i030jrvtne holy budkasit the guest fajraarr t moniam is tba rirrsrnnd nifcsin do llfjoieu wtw visitlttefaiisiitetlwramtla wbonmoay iwuirt looo in tlotj jtataiat mgm mkmmimmsm m 1 1 if

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