Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 15, 1967, p. 9

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to vmktwmr mtm pum of c elects new officers lcoubdl ysaatrt a unit the acton free press wednesday february is 1967 9 ssls t npmq restriction on tniudtng within 20 feet of the property una and that 10 feet of the lot line lie reserved for a planting trip the aaottan passed with reeve hlnton and councillor tyler against both arguing the objected to spot zoning a motion also carried sored by ted tyler jr m conded by h hlnton that the the uepertment was-preper- planning board consider renn et 16 approve the atwcetlon tag ne entire x on which for mooing provided there the van der kooy property is aotve ua centebtl- awn on the van a latter itha ling certain fwnestwfflr could which raum change the offk ial plan end require an am cnttaentto the aoejag bylaw the uepertident to assist in centennial plans situated paul meilsen popular down town merchant and past presi dent of the acton chamber of commerce was elected by ac clamation to succeed rev an drew mckeniie as the cham bers president for 1967 also elected by acclamation at the chamber of commerce nomination meeting wednes day evening february 8 in the dominion motel was the en tire slate of officers presented works supr fjcoattatmdfrom fage three the mayor said bis under- standfami was the comm was tejat in terms of a m0 raise and asked him to puu up ins socks the letter came from the realisation of the to tal offered the men 700 and odjvcwq- fuel 1 it 11 1 lj press would probably pick up the word misuse of credit cards the superintendent is high to our opinion there was no misuse just a lack of ac curate record salary offered is comparable to other munfci- pebtjas councillor bui williams sed the matter was a matter of treat concern false informa tion had come to the commit tee lets sit down with mr duby end iron it out we cant afford to lose this man 2 committee had misjudged the man he was hired as a working superintendent end te should be nothing else hes completely capable of adminis tering his own work further discussion on irregu larities between mr dubys sal ary end the wages of the men on after hours work brought out lack liaison between the clerk administrator and the superintendent councillors celt the superintendent should visit the town office once a said perhaps the committee made an error in their thinking but there was no error on policy if am can meet with the com mittee it can be resolved the hurt wihe salved with discus sion ilr hinton felt the raise of fered the superintendent 300 eves an eaceoent increase felt he had earned every btt of ft butcemtah cent higher film self chamber brief continued from page one possible however it was up to the department of transport we were aware of what was happening said w ben son a delegation member but not of the geography con cerned we didnt realise so many parking spaces would be lost opposed to the idea or stop lights from the beginning reeve h hinton said the de partment had to be persuaded the present system was no good the present system is as safe a system as we can get he stated objecting to ha zards he foresaw in buildup of traffic when new lights were installed the majority of opinion is not for stop lights he said expressing concern for the effect on commercial as sessment we cant expect the people concerned to know the com mittee should have met with people before any decisions were made said mr hlnton several councillors objected to reeve hintons remarks with the deputy reeve in vigor ous disagreement with the con tention the majority were not for stop lights i feel the maj ority do want it he emphas ized assured the brief would re ceive every consideration the delegation left with the spokes man adding he had high hopes for the future both for off street parking and for some improvement in parking regul ations further discu of the chamber brier came up when the no parking bylaw came up in committee of the whole plans to give two readings to the bylaw last night were up set by the chamber brief feeling they were obligated to do whatever they could on the brief councillor orinkwal- ter suggested no 2 committee go over the proposal before sending it to the department of transport r the mayor reviewed events which led up to action being taken on stop lights when a man from the department or transport made a personal survey councillor g w mc- kenze said the man was im pressed with the unique situa tion here and felt acton did qualify for traffic lights reeve hinton said previous surveys he was in on showed no lights were necessary coun cillor orinkwalter said mr hinton had the wrong inter pretation the department sta ted lights were warranted but they would not contribute fin ancially abuses of parking some of it by merchants were discuss- ed as well as means of enforc ing two hour parking limit in the business section it was agreed no 2 commit tee would consult with the de partment possibly by tele phone before anything further was done moffat christian youth week service world day of prayer at church continued from page one interest runs high with the sp in these finals mrs bruce espl t of our baalists underwent minor sur gery on the morning of the baals but rawed painfully up to the mlcraphone in the after noon to deliver his splendid jeflbrtr fxfkmaeufmals are held in the classroom with finalists using the microphone to trans mit throughout the senior ta prewtaue competitions four top spea at the rob ert little school were chosen carol patterson grade ro bert krai grade dianne bousfield and steven van fleet grade 7 judges mere were viceprin cipal doug cop teachers mr urchnk and mrs ttton ar the caaapatttors and their subjects are gordon morris why teenagers are right re lay ffsaton bxpo 67 sandra denny the barm was form ed carol patterson canada abb tbta canada jack holmes alaska highway ro bert krai leading events of 1966 kadry oakley paren ann bousfield sawardcss as a career jeenette yateman calendar patricia team poet- s barbara pratt color mek vaa der kooy airplane trip from holland to canada gay tasasstt acton aad steven vaa can ar ehaeeate of gi edes seven aad eight participate and the are of ehsfr own choos- they are graded by class- sunday february s was the last day of the christian youth week and a special service was held at the morning service in nassagaweya presbyterian church fifteen cgit and explorer girls were in the choir and also sang an anthem the childrens story was il lustrated on a flannelgraph board daniel makes a decis ion was interestingly told by rev d nicholson the child rens hymn was dare to be a daniel miss beth currle pre sident of the young peoples society read the lesson from daniel 1 821 these young people and their leaders are to be complimented on the fine job they did mr oat henderson or kingston has joined the staff of the ontario municipal stat ioners at moffat and is editor for the new magazine the harnessman that is being published weekly the world day of prayer was held in nassagaweya pres- bvterian church on friday af- ternoon the ladies or ebenez- er church were guests mrs mabea opened the meeting with mrs cargill mrs campbell and mrs roberts of nassagaweya assisting with prayers mrs m moffat and mrs mclean led in a medita tion on the kingdom assisted by mrs young and mrs hen ry of ebenezer taking prayers the special music was a duet rendered by mrs dnicholson and mrs mahon of campbell- ville and mrs manes at the or gan mrs m hayvrard gave a message on the theme and or his kingdom there shall be no end she told that 80 years ago a day or prayer was start ed in the united states and in january or 1920 they asked canada to join with them on the first friday of lent and it has spread around the world now she closed her talk by re peating the verses of a hymn the key to the kingdom of god a nice ending for the theme this years program was pre- pared by the late queen sa- lote of the tongo islands in the south pacific the first ob servance of the world day of prayer is held there each year mrs d nicholson pronounc ed the benediction a social chat over a cup of tea in the school room brought a pleas ant meeting to a 1 close why buy when you can rtahit cheaper enjoy the security of a complete profile of protection for your home- with intujmamcs oy tnt hour dvy wtoek month or yearly hash call 8774944 mofflom ltd e vour noma ia insured against ota obvious things but is k covered tor thrtmtapactad explosion exaeme storm damag a car crashing into your living room for sample we help you protmyxiurrmjriwandpoamahinswithasarmohoimowimni posey ha be free of dstooeroua gap and cosny overlaps wfll save you worry save you money toe and safeco pays cwmt quickly cal 14 today dennys insurance agfncy 7 mm u w acta bsfrolm residences but 8533645 harold 8532565 wniaa voti am tmateo um a ponos mot a kummer by paul neflsen as chairman of the nominating committee at the conclusion of the dinner chairman rev- andrew mckensie introduced the guest speaker r r parker chair man of actons centennial planning committee mr par ker announced that the butld- omy remain worthwhile inso far as we cooperate one with the other we must all put our shoulder to the wheel and make that wheel turn for the betterment of the town and community chairman rev a mcken sie invited mayor duby to ad- women of six churches join lor day of prayer ing up of actons fah fair this dress the meeting his wor- year from a twoday to a three- day celebration is being plan ned and will be advertised as actons centennial project as i many former residents as pos sible are being contacted by local womens groups to take part in this years centennial fall lair mr parker was most enthus iastic of the plans being form ship assured the members jhat it was always a pleasure to bring greetings from the council and assist at the in stallation of officers of the chamber of commerce he expressed the hope that the chamber of commerce would continue to be an active and the women of the baptist church acted as hostesses to the women of six acton chur ches for the world day of prayer held on friday feb 10 at 2j0 pjn it was a cold stormy day but the attend ance was good the service was in charge of mrs lands- borough and mrs a long of ficiated at ihe organ mrs h helwlg and mrs p darby act ed as ushers the theme of the service this year was and of his king dom there shall be no end which was prepared by the late queen salote of the tonga islands where the first observ- effective society in the munity u y cenlen president mr ance of the world day of pray- nial fail fair and elated that mckenzle urged the directors er was held this year and members to develop a thoae participating from the greater sense of cooperation different churches were mrs in the chamber a concerted effort there would be something to attract everyone from the tiny tots to the members of the golden age club all service clubs groups associations and organizations are being con tacted by the centennial com mittee- to make this event a success as chairman of the centen nial committee i would like to see your chamber of com merce participate in this major centennial event and may i suggest that as a first project your members might sponsor a fireworks show on friday night mr parker said perhaps you could get the town merchants and industries to collaborate with you in this fireworks display secondly perhaps you might prefer to arrange with the merchants to stage a merchants old fa shioned sale on friday and saturday of the fall ifair week end mr parker stressed the fact that the centennial committee members would be pleased to knowflssoorias possible v whether or not the chamber of commerce would definitely sponsor either of the suggest ed projects offered this eve ning the confirmation of pro jects undertaken by various groups helps the centennial corelate these avoid unneces- among partici- should be made to increase the membership flli crkl ire with more retail merchants vjuiucj5 moui5 business men and men from r i n church service directors should follow through with assigned projects fuie c njaw and make a sincere effort to ii 115 ouiiuciy andrew me at tend ah directors meetings very few of the projects as signed to committees last year had been accomplished a greater effort also must be made to involve both directors and members in total partici pation of chamber activities the merchants especially should be in the forefront of the chamber of commerce retiring director nino brai ds agreed with mr mckenzle and stated that the directors should not try to do all the work themselves the mem bers should be given a more active roll in the actlvdtiesvof the chamber the president asked that nominations be held for this years auditors nominated and elected from the floor were chester anderson and fred gordon the vote was unanimous his worship mayor duby was asked to perform the swearingin ceremony of the newlyelected officers the officers and directors of the chamber of commerce for about 500 are expected at the high school sunday after noon for a centennial church service guides brownies scouts and cubs from acton georgetown ballinafad nor- val and streetsvllle will be joining in the 3 pm service in acton high school auditor ium which is expected to last about an hour al the ministers of the town are invited to attend but in stead of an address a religious film will be shown to the young people greetings will be expressed by scout com missioner hubert guide com missioner mrs howard and mayor les duby acton citizens band will play the girl guide hymn and the boy scout hymn h r force united church mrs a buchanan and mrs j inglis presbyterian mrs j creasey sr anglican mrs j bouwman mrs j toebes christian reformed church mrs h o d d e r pentecostal church mrs g harrap bap tist church o the speaker for the after noon was fawcett eaton a lay preacher of the united church who has recently returned with his wife from a stay in india visiting with their son he spoke on the theme for the day and emphasized that the gospel of jesus was a gos pel according to work prayer and also to the taking of food the workers around jesus were real workers his prayers were short but meaningful the scripture i was hungry and ye fed me shows how the gospel accord ing to food can be enlarged upon mr eaton said that he had seen as many as a thous and hungry people a day and it was not a pretty sight in quoting one of his sons letters he said to mv know ledge this is the first time that the official hindu has coop erated with the christian church mrs w pelthem of the pen tecostal church sang a lovely solo o mighty god how great thou art about 25 was sent to the womens interchurch coun cil membership in the hamfhon automobile club ontario motor league includes membership in automobile association end automobile association join today it pays to belong call 850856 prank van wyck 119 bower ave ilt isnt your position that makes you happy or unhappy its your disposition baron d la montesquieu directors first year of two year term don timmings bruce cargill john shadbolt chris schutz second year of two year term dave dihs temerd reidt frank hejkr gordon cooper committee to activities and sary conflicts pating groups chairman rev kenxie thanked the speaker 1967 are as follows president and assured mr l parker that paul nleuwsn first vice presl- he imd his committee could dem 0rva chapman second coottt on the cttdperailoh of f vicejrtmidenirjohri rol secre- the chamber of commerce tary 5 k lamb treasurer ted decision on which project pratt would be chosen should be 1 confirmed at the next direc tors meeting following the nomination and election of officers by ac clamation the new president paul nielsen thanked the members for their confidence and looked to the future with assurance that with the assis tance of the directors and the general membership the fu ture years of the acton cham ber of commerce should be vigorous and successful he reminded the members present that the chamber has accom plished many worthwhile pro jects during its relatively few years in existence and has been the training ground for many of the leading citizens of today this society is a most worthwhile society re marked mr nielsen but it will veejwmmieweejesjsjeaave st albans anoucan and trinity announce afil evening meeting to consider the principles of union time 815 pm place trinity date tuesday february 21 all members or adherents of either congregation will be welcome georgetown stomp new location holy cross auditorium this saturday february 18 presenting the beethovens champions of the riviere sound contest air conditioned atmosphere dancing 830 to 12 snack bar available smart drcss a must sponsored by sonic entertainment jug milk fay dairy stores save 32c johnsons alt rfshenhi glade 47 free 39c bag of bere s nuts with purchase of 49 c bag wrapped in foil to keep fresh longer butter 63 b jbetit j ijnels by l g denby your telephone 1 manager i wonder how many of you have ever noticed a small box usually black plastic tucked up on a basement beam in your home it is placed quite close to the point where our telephone wire comes into your home we call this small boa an inside station protector aad we use it as a safety device where the inside wire aad the outside wire are joined it protects both our equip ment aad the t user from stray electrical cmi over 9t volts aad from l surgsa the p serves much the same purpose as the more feasfaar electri cal fuse except that tnslrarl of opening a bee as the fuse doss the protector grounds ft so seldom do- we have to change or repair these station protectors that i discovered recently that many homes still have those installed with their first telephone many years ago these are from the preplastic era and are ofwnite porcelain many too were placed in the days when cellars were cellars and not beautiful rec rooms family rooms or finished workshops when panel ling or attractive tile did not conceal bare ceiling beams people tooay are coaverung 1 w llvble rooms if 1 open 7 days a week 10 am 11 pm including sundays eejeaiebaaemeejimmeieeeweej then if you are installing a ceiling perhaps you could place a removable panel to give easy access to the black box it would also be to your advantage to provide access to the ground wire connection which usually runs from the protector to a nearby water pipe nnr are our installers or repairmen will seldom have to gain ac cess to these connections however if that need should arise it would take longer to restore your c and perhaps mar a beautiful ceiling if the protector or ground connections have been bidden by the panelling or ceuag tiles i wonder now many of you remem days when the telephone was stijl looked upon toy or the invention of the doru from our his comes this tale from 1911 only 36 years ago on entering the house of a subscriber an instrument setter noticed the telephone decorated with smab begs attached to ihe transmitter and r it was learned that the bags contained camphor and bad been placed there to ward off scarlet fever as another party oa the line eras quarantined on account of this disease to ha cfy a4

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