Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1967, p. 10

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v xi v v lj queen s park report by o o r g e ktrr m i a hm budget of ontario for 1967 was submitted to the legislature last week most readers are aware of the general contents of the statement however in view of the fact tho provincial treas urers said that them would be no in crease in tasas or anybew taxes i will deal with the highlights on this nappy note 1 total budget expenditures for the year are forecast at s2 billion 193 mil- lion an increase of 361 million over the current year 2 total revenues are expected to rise by 14 per cent this year to 2 billion 31 million an increase of 250 million 3 financial aid to municipalities will be raised substantially to reach a level of almost 12 billion an increase of 27 per cent verjast year this means that 44 per cent of the pro reven- ues arebeing turned over to munidpal- itjes to help finance local services inclu ta the i are road subsidies welfare assistance health fa culties low cost loans water and sew age facilities and more important an increase in the unconditional grant to municipalities by 1150 per capita this means that if milton for example has 6 thousand people the town will re ceive 9000 more this year over 1966 under this grant this will mean an ad ditional 100000 for burhngton 4 spending on education and train- tag programs will rise by 35 per cent to reach almost 11 billion the province intends to increase legislative grants to school boards by 60 million by basing the amount to be paid on enrolment in elementary and secondary schools ra ther than on average day attendance 3 the ontario bu corporation budget will be expanded by nearly 63 per cent tws is in line with the pre vious rnnouncement of a hew home programfor ontario whereby the pro vince will actually get in the housing construction business and the sale and rental of homes 6 the first step of a 12 year 129 million program of capital grants to farmers will be undertaken through a 10 million outlay in 1967 to 68 a new crop insurance commission will be in full operation this year it intends to build up a complete umbreha of policies covering a broad range of major crops including forages rates will be reason able increased grants will cover wells drainage and certain types of btrildings i am sure ab readers were happy to learn that prime minister robarts is recovering satisfactorily and speedily from his illness queens park had an aura of gloom and suspense last week- small groups of members from all poli tical parties could be seen in the build ings discussing the pjms illness hoping to hear at some time that h was not serious members of all parties in the legislature offered best wishes this indicates the respect and affection held by the members of the legislature for mr robarts the latest announcement is that the prime minister is expected back in the legislature before easter ml the acton free press wednesday february 22 1967 5dth anmvefsary highljejrit for duke of devonshire chapter y to ha i tan by harry h a r i e y m p the minibudget debate has now con cluded with a nan confidence motion opposed by the opposition and support ed by all opposition parties despite this however the government defeated the motion and debate on die budget resolutions themselves has begun application forms for the guaran teed income supplement are now being mailed to old age security pensioners by old age security regional offices the application forma areaccompanied by booklets explaining the guaranteed income supplement and containing a guide for filling out applications over one minion application forms are involved there will be approximate ly 1j million people in canada receiving old age security in 1967 and it is expect ed that about 900000 of these will qualify for benefits under the new guaranteed income supplement program of these it is estimated that between 500000 to 600000 will be eligible for full guaran- teed income supplement benefits ensur ing them a monthly income of at least 105 old age security pensioners who feel they are eligible for the supplement are- nryh in fill out thpjr alligations nd return therntas soon as possible to the old age security regional offices in their provinces many who qualify for the supple ment will receive their payments dated back co january 1967 with their march old age security cheques the remain der will get their payments including retroactive benefits in april this means that those receiving first guaranteed income supplement benefits in march and who qualify for the full supplement wilkget a cheque for 165 made up of 75 in old age security plus 30 a month supplement for each of the months of january february and march those being paid in april and qualifying for full guaranteed income supplement benefits will get a cheque for 195 in cluding 75 in old age security and 120 in supplements retroactive to january assistance in filling out the applica tion forms is available to pensioners through the regional offices of old age security at canada pension plan offices and income tax offices throughout can ada those husbands and wives who are both oid age security pensioners those who are or will toe 68 or older in 1967 should return their applications in one envelope otherwise there may be a de lay in making- their payments the guaranteed income supplement which came into effect january 1 1967 guarantees old ageecurity4ensioners a minimum income of 105 a month the maximum supplementary benefit is 30 monthly and reduced benefits are avail able for thqse with modest incomes over and above their old age security pen sions the duke of devonshire chapter iojdje has presented its annual reportfor publica tion this year it is my honor to present the 50th annual report of the duke of devonshire chapter imperial order daughters of the empire nine regular meetings and six executive meetings were held in the homes of members one special meeting the 50th anniversary was held in stew art memorial hall knox pres- knox presbyterian church the regent mrs h r force presided at all meetings with the exception of one when the first viceregent mrs e lid- kea was in charge there are 23 members on the roll two new members have been accepted into the chap ter average attendance is 15 one member with perfect at tendance the standard was carried at all regular meeting the anni versary dinner decoration and remembrance day services and also was displayed at the treasure mart sale imiss ruby clark echoes sec retary reported all members receiving the magazine- the october issue portrayed a pic ture taken at the anniversary of the charter members and re gent mrs a newton card and gift convener sent cards and flowers to the ill and bereav ed gifts were presented to speakers and others taking part at special meetings mrs j imcgeacfaie citizen ship and immigration secre tary read excerpts from the provincial annual report relat ing to that work topics discussed and given relative to empire and world affairs were a history of the late prime minister shastri of india the history of found ers day and an article by lis ter sinclair the ignorance of the heart several members participat ed in the annual visit to the robert little and m z ben nett public schools on empire day educational films were presented to both schools another event of education al interest was the presentat ion of pens to two grade 8 stu dents making the most pro gress by mrs b imowat at their graduation banquet mrs j whitfaam presented the high school scholarships at commencement to tom mc- keown and stephen coles co- winners in grade 13 a high school student was sponsored at the united nat ions seminar at waterloo uni versity in june s miss verity mcintosh a nat ive of newcastle australia now teaching at robert little public school gave an informa tive talk about her country its customs people education al facilities etc and also dis played several articles native to australia highlight of one meeting was the showing of films and commentary by mrs wyman little about her brother and his family while he taught for a year in japan mrs gorton liaison officer of the arthritic and rheuma toid society told of their work at a combined meeting of the lakeside and duke of devon- owtuary active m community groups l thompson widely mourned the community was shocked to learn of the sudden and tra gic death of gordon leroy thompson 44 of rr 1 acton in a traincar accident on the fourth line of esquesing last wednesday morning mr thompson a resident of acton for 11 years was alone in his northbound car when it collided with the toronto- bound freight train at 1135 am police theorized from skid marks at the crossing that kfr thompson a popular and well liked figure around this community and district must have seen the train too late to brake identification was withheld several hours until mrs thompson the former dor othy e gifford was notified two daughters dorothy 20 and heather is attend ac ton district high school mr thompson also leaves two brothers to mourn his loss charles of wasaga beach and john of atlanta georgia and two sisters mrs clara breen and mrs hazel reaney both of toronto the thompson family moved from 71 longfield rd in acton last summer following comple tion of ainew home close to limehouse mr thompson was a machinist at orertda ltd matron liked by all who knew hinv cord thompson was born in toronto on april 26 1922 a son of- mr and mrs john thompson he attended pub lic school and humberside col legiate fatoronto he married his bereaved wife at new castle nb on july 15 1944 and the couple lived in tor onto before moving to acton he enlisted in the army in 1941 and served overseas with the 1st canadian division until 1945 for the next two years he was stationed in can ada cord thompson was very ac tive in community organizat ions he was a member of the legion and a former sports officer he played in acton citizens band bowled in the acton mixed league sang with the georgetown spebsqsa barbershop group and danced with the acton pairs and squa res he was a member of the church of christ funeral was held saturday afternoon feb 18 from the rumley shoemaker funeral home and was conducted by rev dwight engel of trinity united church members of the legion and acton citizens band attended in a body in terment was in fairview cem etery ho siren the fire siren was out of commission last thursday due to phone line repairs but a system for phoning firefight- ers individually was worked out in case there was a fire luckily there wasnt and the repairs were completed with out complications bab bonus special this week only m ladies 100 acrylic shells racj 3 2 dr denton growasho c f 1 sleepers re 300 for rand name heavy duty twiu work shirts y palmouve lather or ntushless shave cream 269 neatenai rollon deodorant rj tecnow rtchmv v9npwiv too tampax edqc shampoo xq rw rag 1 m fr 51c 29c choose the rest for less the jmilif 2 mm st r acton out local donation were given to the halton childrens aid halton music festival decor ation day committee acton legion donations to national and provincial projects inclu ded lucy morrison fund com monwealth fund korean pro- shipe chapters and guests the ject peace garden second golden age club films were shown pertaining to the sub ject notice of monthly and- spe cial events and accounts of all regular meetings appeared in the local paper the chapters annual report was also pub lished a summary of the activities of services at home and ab road including members at tending holy week and re membrance day services when the regent placed a wreath at the cenotaph and decoration day at the conclu sion of the latter a special service was held by the mem bers and rev a mckenzie and rev r mcmurray dedicated a tree which bad been planted previously in memory of de ceased members mrs holmes convener packed a large bale of new and used clothing which was sent to provincial- headquar ters the regent and secretary at tended the meetings m the school regarding the centen nial plans for the community members canvassed for the blood donor clinic and the cnjib a pair of blankets was given to a needy family through the community ser vices council members at tended a hydro cooking school quick tricks sponsor ed by the lakeside chapter held in the legion hall miss esther taylor librar ian was present at the novem ber meeting and gave a history of the inception of the first acton library she also report ed on the progress of the new centennial library mrs r m mafddonald a charter member j the chapter was the first librarian funds to carry on the work of the chapter were raised by the annual tag days at the ac ton fall fair the treasure mart a bake rummage and penny sale and an auction of small articles to offset the ex penses of the christmas party war memorial fund centen ary fund film fund and ship ping fund on june 7 1966 the chapter celebrated their 50th annivers ary over 60 guests were pres ent including past and present members and honored guests among these were three char- ter members of the lakeside chapter we were privileged to have as guest speaker mrs morley keegan oakville prov incial educational secretary as the greater portion of the chapters funds are devoted to educational projeots this sub ject was of particular interest to the members mrs w beatty opened her home for a delightful buffet dinner and christmas party special thanks was given to the hostess who with her com mittee convened the party and who also convened the table decorations for the annivers ary several of the members were dressed in oldfashioned costu mes at the january meeting in keeping with the centennial theme having given 90 years of loy alty and service to the same chapter miss m z bennett mrs g a dills and mrs r m maddonald were presented with their 50 year pins a wonderful achievement con gratulations we wish to express our gra- titude to mrs h r force as she terminates her three years manning electric store has an attractive new outdoor sign a wi centennial pageant is being planned for brookvllle hall in june some of the men have be- gun sprouting already for the ys mens beard growing con test following inst ructions from the recreation committee the arena staff is repainting curling and hockey lines today wednesday upcoming at the arena are the public school carnival and then the figure skating carni val after that the ice will likely go out esquesing agricultural so ciety has changed its name to georgetown agricultural socie ty it was felt the new name better identifies the fair for the public a standing room only crowd attended milton fig ure skating carnival saturday evening their club profession al is mary jane force rob inson close to 100 skaters took part a reader writes in to suijf- gest if fellow citizens when clearing their sidewalks would throw the snow on their lawns where possible it would im prove their lawns and help make parking easier and may be we could have more sand on the sidewalks whereat is heed- ra ii v ill teacher miss titan de signed the striking poster for the operetta in the home fur nishings store window people are peering through the pane trying to figure out bow its done six big bright centennial flags centred by a maple leaf flag are snapping fa the breeze right across the wlde front of the iga store they were mounted on monday the supermarkets centennial flags apparently come in six delic ious flavors this brings the number of centennial flags fly ing in town up to seven the first is flying on the legion flagpole cm kits gas pmap finfigaten ih a car skidded into a gas pump at little motors satur day afternoon overturning it and causing the spilled gas to burst into flames jacob van der kooy 65 math st n the driver of the car had his hair and eyebrows singed in the sudden fire acton firefighters were call ed and fire extinguishers at the garage used the overturned pump was damaged to the ex tent of 900 and mr van der kooys car received 250 dam age police said tiv w their homes and extra and 4alents for the proj completed so successfully i we thank the people of ac ton and community who have supported our work in the van ious efforts of our organizat ion now that centennial year if leadership as regentr andfor unfolding werea1ize as were her many hours spent in the view a half century of service work of the chapter ji966 was that the traditions and ideals- an especially busy year for upon which our society was her when she opened her built are justthe same in 1967 home numerous times for reg- greater challenges willjbe pre- j ular and special meetings sented to every member in we are indebted to the trea- this great dominion inspiring si w mcleod whose always in perfect surer mrs books are order we ap the services of secretaries and of committees and the council lors who always give so freely of their good advice and to all other members in the past months who gave the use of us to give leadership to our new canadian citizens work ing for peace advertising our country being a good citizen so we can be proud to there must always be a can ada respectfully submitted pearl young rec sec josephine l force regent lakeview discount centre the homeowners i- 4 pfirting supplies plfrpttr home v- f wo baw avoryth from paints to praflnishad phone acton 8531190 ab supermarket 9 mill st acton 8530075 red brand beef only sirloin tbone wing round porterhouse steaks 19 canada packers save 18c 10 tray sausages jitiuoui schneiders save 14c 1lb tray sausage 59 all prices effective february 22 to 25 kounty kbt 15ox tins clarks save 31c 10ox tins s0ups4i1 veajetabla aylmer asstd 24eo jar jam39 tulir save 16c 12ox tin luncheon meat 39 orade a small eggs 3 doz i allens save 14c 4oz tins fruit drinks m frtsh produce daily golden rife no 1 c lb bananas 10 produce of ms canada no i large mam cabbage 23s produce of usjk canada no 1 green onions maxwell house save 20c 1r rao coffee 79 sunmrjte parchment -i- print margarine 2149 aylmer save 17c 15e ten strawberries 31 mclarens save i4e sweet mooed pickles 45 save 14e 4rou pack bathroom tissue 45c smarts save 16c tt tomatoes 41

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