Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1967, p. 12

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ftdvt t v p vfv 3fe nf ivym at mr jtarlpr rtmrinr back in tha toys wtwn almost awry parlor had h own organ faoavtrrut woodan cabinm with a faa- dnatina ranaa of atom alwiva ilia km- aa aaaaaaaap nuaasisy wiawa i w sva af board at foot level therod ba two largo fcotpumpawhicri whan depra ad simuhanaously with tha kayboard would produce lona with audi grand namaa aa fortissimo crescendo and pianissimo for a small boy it was a fascinating instrumant and a source of amuaamant whilo grandad and grandma antartain- od it seamed to go with tha daoor of tha room which had larga prints of lord kitchener and king gaorga on tha walls bearded and forbidding taadars of anothar ago thasa strict patricians lookad starn- ly at tha small boy who fiddled with tha stops experimented with tunas lika tha old spinning whaal in tha pariot old black joe or peek up your trou ble occasionally whan tha mood hit them on a sunday tha company would in tha parlor on tha noral pattamad rug galhar- found tha organ and slngwith a thunderous aocornpanl- mant tha hymns which llffad apiflla and providad s for a long waak of labor tha sabbath would navar ba profanad by popular songs lika red sails in tha sunset or tharas a gokf- mina to tha sky which cam from tha mantal radio of tha day tha grand old parlor organ gava way to tha piano which in turn want into decline for tha television sat now tharas a swing back in tha other direction home goods retailing says kayboard music which now covers everything from the low priced chord organ to the electronic unit at 2000 or mora is growing steadily in canada the swingers says one manufacturer ilka the organ sound customs methods andmehnars may undergo soma drastic overhauling but the swingers of another age probably figure tastes really dont change much ditorial page jfrat mpteaifolu a a a nothing creates as good an impres sion on a stranger in a community as tha way in which he is greeted ss he visits local places of business commenting on the matter the st marys journalargus tells of the reac tion of a visitor to that town with more new people moving into our community as time goes on the merchants of the community should ba mora than ever aware of the need to serve to the very best of their ability not only through the wide variety of goods they offer but in the unique per sonal service given by themselves or tha employees- this past week we had a chat about this vary matter with a man wha is relatively new to the community he has been most pleased with the service ha has been given in some local outlets but in more than one case he has found a place where he states the attitude is bad by this he means that a few stores and places of service take a very short sighted attitude when it comes to en couraging new business if a person is a regular customer they are warmly greeted if a comparative stranger or newcomer enters the establishment and if by chance they are just shopping or browsing they are often given any thing but a welcome treatment one weak link in the chain of ser vice of means that there is a re- tltorfcpwvepulavion rubbing off on everyone unfortunately a few shortsighted persons have to be reminded quite often concerning the disservice they are performing on behalf of all paijchejelie experience teenage music dont hold up your hands in horror if you havent done t f t twisctne monkey or maybe tha freddy accompanied by a group you havent lived remember back when yob danced the fox trot smooth dreamy music how about a fast lively polka or maybe you could do a pretty mean schonische j its passe now in the lively circles no mora holding a gal or guy close the idea now is to exercise you shake your head wiggle your should ers gat those arms revolving in their sockets sway with the beat and look lika a beetle or a supreme its healthy for everybody band included some groups can play on their heads others would make snakes envious of their wiggle its the end product which counts though i inveighed against the noise com ing from one particular radio station for tketciovoneday they stopped shak ing and wiggl higgling for a moment if you dont like it why are you snapping your fingers and keeping the beat with your feet they wanted to know darned if i could think of a good answer ggjs centennial picture jauety i wr fftli phorfav facton photog h upper row left to savytvai wad mfs thomas gftjbons- l mcintosh and minnie gibbons the picture was lent by miss m gibbons mrs gibbons niece view from the crescent bridge sugar and spice by bill smiley it was quite a blow to me to read recently that the wiarton town hall bad been destroyed by fire admittedly the catastrophe didnt rank with hiroshima or the san francisco earthquake or even hurricane hazel but it hit me pretty hard it was rather hke reading of the sudden death of an old girl friend you knew she had gone to fat and drink but you could remember when at her best she was the heart of your life a lot of pereonel memories came crowding jback when i read about it that uglyoldlhujiding with the shaky tower on top was one of the hubs of my existence for more than a decade at a special time in my rife i it was when i was young and my family was young and i was learning the newspaper business i didnt have a mistress i didnt hang around the pubs i didnt take part in allnight poker ses sions i just went to the town hall i spent more nights in its council cham ber crouched over the rickety press table than i did with my family on more than one occasion my spouse a tender young wife and mother displayed psychoneurotic tendencies to ward the old town hall at least twice she suggested i move a cot into the council chambers and not bother darken ing her bedroom door ill bet t attended more than a thous and meetings in that town hall it was the only nondenominational meeting- place in town and it was there that great causes were launched and collaps ed that political careers were begun and ended that human triumphs and tragedies were recorded and i was in on all of it it was a regular breedingground for lost causes and lastditch battles we fought such behemoths as the cnr and the government welost we battled to salvage morbid industries with heavy transfusions of local cash and some of us are still anemic but a lot of good positive work was done there too the commercial fisher men the fanners the resort owners and the merchants met there fought with 4itmat nctej taxes bear down heavily on all canadians these days if you add up what canadians pay out in personal in come taxes plus all the indirect and hidden taxes wrapped up in the price of goods and services along with the various sales taxes it would amount to more than a third of every dollar earned for most canadians in several recent traffic accident liability suits in the u s the chance to recover damages has been lost or dim inished because the victim had a seat belt available but did not use it the ontario safety league reports that one judge said according to the law new cars sold must have seat belts it must follow that the legislature intended that these belts be used if i this becomes an established factor in assessing liabili ty claims many drivers who refuse to wear seat belts to protect their lives may buckle up to protect their pocket books each other but emerged united in each case to fight for their existence and the betterment of the area i another function of the council chamber was that of court room this was one that i didnt mind seeing go up in smoke its the only time the council chamber smelled bad on court day most of the time it smelled dusty waxy and cigarsmokey and just plain old but on court days it stank hangovers puke fear shame curiosity and the law s but that was only one part of the old town hall acroasfftam the -conn- dl chamber was the luditoripm and what memories fliat brings back con certs plays rtcitalsdances and political meetings it even had a balcony where elderly ladies could watch the sailors farewell dance in comparative safety our children made their public de buts there 111 never forget the night kim age three dressed in a bunny cos tume spotted mejn the audience burst out of the dance line and hurled her self into my arms or the night hugh about nine won the grand prize in the music festival even though two of the notes on the piano did not sound or the night i was an unwitting sucker in an elaborate practical joke at a concert i was to pretend i was play ing a trumpet solo while a real trum peter played the piece offstage he doublecrossed me warned the audience what was going to happen and when i went into mv routine no sound felt like a fool or the nights the old girl and i stum bled through our lines with the local little theatre group or the great new years eve dances when the whole town was ou flying got a sock in the eye at one of them when i auldlangsvned a prettv voung matron in the usual fash ion not from her from nrjfwife town halls those great ugly draugh ty chapters in our historv are burning down falling down or being torn down they are being replaced bv modern ef ficient municipal offices which have about as much tradition humanity and warmth as a filing cabinet tht acton a free press phone 8532010 business opcj editorial office founded in 1175 and pttbuehed stt vcruy at 9t willow si acion oman member uf trie aei bureau of circulation the cwna and owt4a ucnhin rate on request s-tncrtp- laofta pavable s advance f4q0 in canada 700 hi all courmran other t i canada siiujlr copies hv aailhonaed at second cuu mail fttat office department ottawa advertiunc a accepted on the cunditaon thai tn irar cvrm uf typographical error hal ponton of the advert tuna apace or enpard en ihr erroneous item together with rrnaonaoar aikmance tor aecnatur anil not be charyed for but the balance of the advertisement tu be paad for at the applicable rate in the event of a ivpotraphtcaj error adwthin foods or aer ai a wrong once food or services m not be sold advertiung is eaerery an offer to tell and nrv be fetthdrawm at art tune david dalit publihrr vtbra oal editor don elvdex ad 20 years ado from tha iaans of tha acton taken from tha iaans of tha acton free pass thursday fabruarjr 129 191 the regular meeting of acton coun cil on monday evening was a brief one with reeve mccutcheon and all the councillors present mr hoose of war time housing gave details of the obliga- 75 years ago taken from tha issue of the acton fhnr praas thursday fabruarjr it mm the tanneries are getting in enor mous quantities of bark lust now there wens between fifty and sixty carloads on the sidings on saturday night tion and agreement of the municipality lp sa ir these houses were provided conte t with the toujh copies of the agreement were furnished tnfziijjzel and attracted tne attention of all who were on the streets between 7 and 8 pjn di rectly north the aurora boreatls was shining with all its midwimw brilliance and was illuminated with rays of rich coloring of various hues a very interesting event took place at the residence of richard graham esq ashgrove on wednesday afternoon 10th inst the day was one of the bright est that our canadian winter affords the occasion was the marriage of their daughter jennie to mr n f lindsay of acton the bride was assisted by her cousin miss s price of burnhamthorpe the former was handsomely attired in garnet silk with veil and orange blos soms the latter in cashmere of the same color each carried a magnificent bou quet of roses mr lindsay was attended by his brother mr j r lindsay the ceremony was performed by rev r davey assisted by the rev t gee and rev d m buchanan in the presence of about seventy guests the presents were numerous and very choice after partaking of a sumptuous repast the afternoon was spent pleasantry in social entertainment mr and mrs lindsay took the 630 pm train for montreal their bridal tour will extend to boston new york and other american cities copies of the agreement were furnished and photos of the houses and all details a motion was passed by council author izing the reeve and clerk to sign an agreement with the wartime housing to erect 50 houses in acton at the home of mrs wilnam arnold on wednesday there was held a social evening in honors of a bride of the week- toe highlight of the event was the pres entation of a gift to miss helen mamiu by the ladies of st josephs church miss hamill is a native of greenock scotland and became the bride of mich ael mcmillan last saturday the regular monthly meeting of the scout and guide mothers association was held at the home of mrs l agar with the president mrs r spehvogel in the chair final plans were made for the st patricks dance to be held next month the hostess served a delic ious cup of tea and sandwiches 50 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press thursday february 15 1917 the icemen are busy harvesting their crop which is a good one the dance and euchre under the aus pices of the iode in the town hall provided an enjoyable means of com- meliorating valentines day for many essrs mclean and conway of ux- bridgesvho have purchased the well established business of henderson and co arrivethand the store has been clos ed since monday for stocktaking the tanneries- of fieardmore and co and acton tanning co are having con siderable difficulty getting coal unless coal reaches here at once it seems as if the tanneries will be forced to close dr g b carbert of campbellviue recejaed official notice from ottawa on monday that his son captain charles molyneau carbert military cross had been killed in action last week captain carbert was reported missing february 1 he was twentytwo years 0f age mr james b lawson phmb left for toronto today where he wih report to the amc to which unit he has enlist ed he will take the rank of sergeant and will be in the dispensary depart ment the berliner journal published in kitchener has changed its name to the ontario journal c 100 years ago taken from the issue of the champion milton february 21 1m7 at a meeting of the nassagaweya agricultural society held at lyons ho tel it was moved by peter mcgregor and seconded by thomas elliott that the fall exposition will be open to the adjoining townships by paying 1 before may 1 or 175 after that date it was moved by t m taylor seconded by john cargill that a plowing match be held in the fall and be open to the neigh boring townships the fee for member ship in the society can be paid to any of the following james peddie john car- gill peter gould christopher moffat s r lister peter mcgregor nicholas norrish william burrows t m taylor george stark lawrence smitten or to the secretary of the society john kean the recent thaw has caused great freshets which have carried away near oakville two bridges and an quantity of flour in many places the water was deepbirj the roads acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tfdey ave ph 8531615 sunday february 26 1967 1000 am church school and aduh class 1 1 15 am morning worship eternal comparisons 700 pm evening service from fear to faith film strip african boy goes home come rnd share the blessings of our eve nings tuesday february 28 the rev lloyd pierce will tell of trip to germany world evangelism the com munity and district are invited mr pierce will also show slides come early if you want a seat wednesday prayer and bible study 730 thursday explorers at 630 thursday choir practice 730 friday bji j at 7jj0 pjn saturday march 4 overseas mission rally highland rd baptist kitch ener text for the week- if ye forgive not neither will vour father forgive matt 6 is bethel christian reformed church acton ontario trinity church the united church of canada minister rev dwlght i engel ba bd organist mr george elliott ma ph d sunday february 26 1967 sunday school 1000 am junior school to gr 4 1 1 15 am senior school gr 5 to gr 8 services 1000 ajn trinity church acton nur sery provided 1115 ajn churchill church churchill rd n sermon subject lenten psalms 3 let my people go 8 00 pjn adult instruction class the doctrine of god all welcome presbyveman church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzle ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday february 26 1967 1000 ajn english service 11 10 am sunday school 230 pm alternating dutch and eng lish service saturday bible classes 101230 ajn everyone welcome maple avenue baptist church georgetown sunday february 26 1967 9 45 am sunday school 1 1 00 ajn morning service 700 pjn evening service wednesday 8 pjn prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 i a- 1 evangel pentecostal tarernacu pa oc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday february 26 1967 945 ajn church school for ages 3 to 15 945 ajn church membership class for teenagers 11 00 ajn divine worship sermon theme enough and to spare 730 pm youth fellowship meeting everyone most welcome the church op st alnan the martyr anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray mjl stj3 sunday february 26 1967 10 00 am sunday school 1 1 00 a m morning worship 700 pjn evangelistic service the western ontario district superin tendent of paoc rev don em mons will be guest speak at both tfie ajn and pjn services tuesday 8 p jn prayer and bible study thursday 8 pjn christ ambassa dors friday 645 pjn crusaders wednesday february 22 730 pjn holy eucharist and address the wednesday evening services during lent are being conducted by the reverend eric milts the new rec tor of st george church george town sunday february 26 1967 lent iii 9joo ajn holy eucharist 1030 ajn church school 1030 ajn matins address on the rev e harrisons book a church without god 700 pjn the rita of will be adnuruateradi rev c r h i bishop of dtoosat weonawst iojoo uisaak4 raw rg i i

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