Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1967, p. 1

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novate town offices in t at estimated cost 14 1 x deost of acton councils nine at jhe regular meeting tuesday evening was spent in- commit- e of the whole with council lor earl masales t acting as chairman because of an in quest in the council chambers rhfc meeting was held in the new library building during the number one com mittee reports it was disclos ed a meeting with representa tives of me public school board regarding the proposed addition at the m z bennett school had resulted in a re quest from the committee for farther information before pre- paring a recommendation property th charlie berry tom council his commit- fee was in favor of going ahead eth the proposed renovations the town office inthe ym fca from plans drawn up by he architect estimatedjcost of the renovation was fhjooo which was broken down into construction costs of 11800 1000 for contingencies and f 1200 for architects fees it was expected an addition al 1200 to 1600 would be required if the heating plant was renovated whh only councillor ted tyler jr objecting a motion carried that council accept the architects plans for the office renovation and tenders be call ed councillor tyler said he fav ored updating the office but since merchants were com plaining about the lack of parking spaces on mill st it was doubtful if expansion in the present location would help the parking problem has the committee given real consideration to the prob lem asked mr tyler wouldnt it be better for the offices to be located in the existing municipal building i mean the old town hall reeve bert hinton told the questioner the cost would be prohibitive to expand in the old town hall and the mayor reminded mr tyler council was considering expansion of police offices there by locating offices in the town hall it would centralize things council would be close to the records it makes sense to me to tie it into one pack age with the police said mr tyler pursuing his point deputyreeve frank oakes said councihoritylers objec tions to stealing downtown parking spaces had no basis in fact every parking space now is in use his idea would mean just shuffling- from one space to another the recreation director plans for fuller use of the ym ca and there will be more need for the y as the town grows im in favor of getting away from the ymca con tinued mr tyler the feelings of the ymca board were discussed on the matter and the fact hey have looked into the future and ap proved councils expansion plans clerkadministrator mc- geachie drew councils atten tion to what was done to the old milton town hall a much sturdier building than actons cost was in excess of 80000 we havent got this kind of money he said mayor duby summed up by saying all have had mr tylers feelings at one time but the public defeated councils pur pose a few years ago it would be folly to spend five cents on the old town hall he stated weve been defeated in every course we tried to follow simply settling because wc bid no other recourse i can see im on one track the rest are on another concluded councillor tyler council agreed to pay 116 toward the cost of sending four students to the annual safety patrol jamboree in ot tawa may 19 and 20 the trip is sponsored by the hamilton automobile club in coopera tion with the county two acton students attend ed last year and they were the only pair which didnt arrivje at oakville for bus by police cruiser a wrinkle which will be introduced here this year a long discuss on a rec ommendation from number one committee that no charge be levied for application for- amendment to the official plan of the zoning bylaw was car ried by motion despite objec tion by councillors masales and drinkwalter both felt there was an area in which charges were warranted for changes in the plan councillor masales said he could site many examples of where charges were necessary he mentioned the case of ajax engineers who wished to change residential zoning to suit industrv- i cant see why the town should stand the cost when it is to the indus trys advantage l reeve hinton felt previous legal advice had settled the is sue especially when a joint ap plication between the town and an applicant could carry on costly legal litigation per haps even to the supreme court qs its not true said council lor drinkwalter other muni cipalities charge fees when you accept any application you are in an area where you ac cept a certain amount of re sponsibility would you take every case on its merits asked the reeve charge a certain amount on every case answered the councillor an applicant must go through committee of adjust ment often for something which is his by right the reeve continued v planning board cant say theyre right there are many areas where laymen are quite ignorant of planning irritated by the long discus sion councillor bill williams said we have a resolution vote on it and settle it discussion of the role the department played in the op eration of planning boards pre ceded mr williams appeal the mayor said he was oppos ed to mandatory directions in planning he warned council continued on page two izut j bftss ninetysecond year no 35 acton ontario wepn6sday march 1 1967 sixteen pages ten cents sid smith former all star left winger with the toronto maple leafs signs autographs for tim mclntyre danny mcgilloway and kent kentner at fridays minor sports night at the community centre constable peter campbell council requests joint meeting transferred to oakville w esquesing over dump site no reiommendathns made at gordon thompson inquest a constable with the acton 01 since january 1966 pe- aer campbell received word he has been transferred to the oakvllle detachment effectiv march i 1967 corporal ray annotmowt this week off constable robert hti- drtth of the oakville detach ment win take constable campbells posting here caaapball highly regarded for his work with the acton detachment he was here for a span in the summer of 1965 before being potted in acton on a perman ent basii during his time in acton ha was active in the ys mens club coached minor hockey gave lectures on safety and driver training besides his regular work with die detach ment will miss constable campbells cheerful manner but wish him success on his new assignment referring to a letter in uet weeks free press which left councillor ted tyler looking like the white knight of glen- lea mayor les duby introduc ed die subject of the town dump tcujeuesdays council meeting the letter writer doesnt understand the background on this said the mayor im trying to get the dump out of glenlea area while councillor tyler wants to retain it there mr tyler affirmed he was in favor of retaining the dump in the present site and further felt no one an glenlea object ed to it there if it were pro perly controlled councillor drinkwalter felt mr tyler had been misinform ed about the feelings in glen lea no one knows better than me he said reeve hinton asked that further efforts to solve the dump site problem be taken with esquesing council by council it provoked council lor bill williams to ask do you think council can do better than number two committee he referred to the fruitless search for the past three years for a suitable site for moving the dump discussion over an incinera tor owned solely by the the town or held in township councillor a joint incinerator common with the who according to tyler are having problems too resulted m a motion by the reeve and sec onded by councillor mekenzie that a joint meeting be re quested with esquesing coun cil to discuss dump site facil ities for the town of acton the motion carried third game of series cancelled last night icy roads prevented acton tanners from playing the third came of the oaa int b group semifinal last night tuesday in seaforth the team left acton around profitable year with growth reported at annual meeting of credit union ltd the annual meeting of the acton community credit union limited was held in st albans parish hall on saturday feb ruary 25 at 7 jo pjn commenting on the activi ties of the acton community credit unions third year of operation president charles blake declared it to have been a highly successful one he praised the xealousness of the officers and called for an all- out effort to make the centen nial year an outstanding rec ord the goal for 67 every member to double shares and deposits he said i the mhuitca of the last an nual general meeting were read by bob bruce and dulv adopted presenting the treasurersre- port bob onnkwaher announc ed a highly profitable year with growth the share and deposits total of 45000 indi cated an increase of nearly 1900 over the previous year vice president james pope reported on behalf of the seven man board of directors stating that highlights included the raising of interest on deposit accounts to 6 per cent occupa tion of the new offices on mill st and the success of the first annual picnic mm mmh coach of ma hamilton rod wings anile coach howie loader manager riny pop vf tho oha jr a series was guest along schuts mr mi tho uvonllo hockey team at acton lions tfnner moating monday night tho dynamic u kept the meeting entertained for al most en hour with anecdotes and advice on hockey as well as answering questions juv- bush captain barry elliott and lion chief dave hunter were among head table dioers as a parting shot bush invited the jirnile team and the lions to the next red wing game thursday at the hamilton clubs expense the board recommended dis tribution of profits 4i per cent dividend on shares and is per cent patronage rebate of loan interest to members meet ing 75 per cent of their commit ments during 1966 mr pope extended the boards thanks to the membership for their cooperation giving a variety of reasons why people borrow money credit committee member jack denny added that 1966 loans showed an increase of nearly 29000 over the prev ious year the loan total for three years of operation was well over 200000 supervisory committee mrs irene greenwood stated that the auditing of the books had found everything to be in order in accordance with the credit union act and bvlaws two positi b va cant on the board of directors charles blake declared his in tention to stand for reelection and was returned to the board by acclamation jim pope de clined nomination and jack denny was duly elected as new board member mrs green wood was returned to the sup ervisory corrynittee bv accla mation desmond clendinning was elected to the credit com mittee in place of jack dennw the election of officers will take plaice at the next monthly meeting after adjournment a buffet- style luncheon was served dur ing which members were en tertained by the music of the nite trons a progressive local group specializing in the mod ern beat 6 pjn end it was after eight oclock before they reached p on the other side of kitchener manager ed footltt phoned from mere to ten tar road conditions and the game was cahed off although the crowd was waiting for the acton dub at seaforth third game pf the aeries will be played in acton now on friday night s leads the baatofaeven set 24 with 21 end 52 wms tanner coach fred kentner handed in his resignation last friday night and m r ed footlrt wffl fin the dual role of coach and nianogi i until the end of the season meanwhile in the other group aemmmal fergus fly ers are leading heapdar two games to one following an up set of the mlc macs on thetr own bailiwick sunday the tanners hope to get back in their aeries this fri day with e wte warning signals at the fourth line esquesing rail road crossing where gordon leroy thompson lost his life 13 days before went into op eration on the day of the in quest this tuesday similar signals at the third line crossing on the other side of actoo limestone quarries began operating that evening information that the instal lation underway at the time of the accident was now completed was given to the coroners jury at the inquest in the town hall by j madden of toronto canadian nation al railways claims agent mr thompson was driving north not far from his lime- househome whenhis station wagon was struck by an east- bound freight train the jury an from rr 4 acton included an unusually high number of women three to two men picked to serve were patricia woloshyn mary mcdonald marjory thomson ben fuchs and gerald skir- row mr skirrow was elected foreman of the jury halton county coroner dr robert d buckner presided for the inquest with cons j feldcamp acting as coroners constable after hearing witnesses from 8 pjn until 945 the jury retired returning about three- quarters of an hour later their finding was that mr thompsons car skidded on the icy road and slid into the path of the train causing death no recommendations were made during the hearing assist ant crown attorney bruce martin conducted the quest ioning of witnesses called const robert burke of the milton detachment of the o pjp which investigated pres ented his report and corp kingman exhibited photo graphs showing distances and skid marks cons burke indicated the car radio was found to be on at the lowest volume and the car windows were up it was his opinion seat belts might have minimized injury he continued on page two rotary backs easter seal campaign here easter seals are in the mail this week this is an annual project of the local rotary club and fred gordon is the easter seal chairman with ted pratt as treasurer rising costs needs and num bers of children have boosted the 1967 easter seal campaign objective to 1400000 is per cent over last year i there are more than16000 ontario children who depend on the easter seal campaign for help chamber brief gets concession from dept clerk administrator j mc- geachie informed council at their regular meeting tuesday that the department of trans port had taken the brief the chamber of commerce had presented to council on park ing after stop lights are in stalled at the corner of mill and main into consideration the department would not go along with changes asked in the no parking zone on the northwest comer of main st by the ijga supermarket and dominion hotel but en dorsed changes on mill st the chamber brief asked that the no parking zone on mill fit be reduced to 133 feet and the department ag reed however the merchants proposal for a no parking for 140 feet on the northwest cor ner of main st and a 33 foot loading zone was rejected in stead the department propos ed a no parking area of 155 feet on main st plus a 20 ft loading zone council agreed they had no recourse but to accept the re commendations of the de partment with the mayor pointing out some concessions were made and council was committed to carry out the program warnings at eastern ave cn workmen estimate that the warning signal at the east- em ave crossing in acton will be operating in about a week and a half the same workmen have just completed the installation of the warning devices at the third and fourth hne crossings n esquesing township section new home for aged to be ready by end of march the new 150bed halton man or martin house should be ready for occupancy by the end of march superintendent stan allen reported this week the 1500000 project or iginally scheduled to be com pleted by december 1965 is designed for bed care and spec ial care patients since work began the project has been subjected to a long series of delays and it was last report ed it would be ready for occu pancy in february weve had a aeries of minor problems recently and now it looks as though residents will begin to move into it by the end of march mr allen said the delays have caused num erous headaches for many people mr allen and his staff receive calls practically every day from hospitals nursing homes and families of people who have applied for residence in the manor right now there are about 40 names on the waiting list some have been there for close to a year he said despite the many delays it looks as though the impres sive building named in hon or of the martin family of mil ton will be well worth wait ing lor there are still faults to be corrected and probably some mistakes have been made in the planning but over all im very pleased with it the superintendent said the opinions of residents and staff members had signifi cant influence on the design of blood donor clinic here march 30 ft of the cnaac wffl be from t to 5 pjn ha the after- 1 ajt to pjn as the the building bright colors which dominate throughout and the audiovisual communi cations system from rooms to nurses station are unusual in buildings of this type it has been built for our older citi zens so we intend to make it most convenient for them and i think we have mr allen noted a staff of about 75 will be re quired to look after the pat ients in the new building be tween 30 and 35 will come from from the centennial man or so there will only be need for additional staff of about 40 already some new staff members have been hired altbough the interior of the building u almost finished the actual moving in of furniture will not take place until a com plete clean up program has been completed the clean up program will be conducted by the manor staff and will take approximately two weeks of the total estimated cost of 1500000 about 80000 will be spent on furnishings

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