Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1967, p. 10

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wt 0 fps i- i tivvbmws iff ranks botrvo due for an addition toon tha town aawaga plant aha out of place in natures scheme of tmnoa f bleakly in tha forest anthroudad valley a utility aaamlngly ninetysecond yearno 38 acton ontario wednesday march 22 1967 second section zstvvi oniy a mil away from tha rafoaa off lawn dump a stand of fragrant pinaa in ful picture to employers and employees in agriculture and horticulture gam era contrasts the area around the town dump and sewage plant provides a study in con trasts for the free press photographer on a bright winter morning recently crows were holding a cawcus and thous ands of other birds whistled shrilly in the frosty air the evilsmelling dump with its attendant smoke is surrounded by natural beauty and the sewage plant due for an addition soon nestles primly in the valley nature will soon awaken from its long winter nap and the debris of winter will be covered by verdant foliage sore spot for residents of tha oaat and tha town dump sands smoke into tha atmoa- vert to a beauty apot in keeping phere and pollute the air with evil smelling rounding unemploymlnt insurance willas of april lst1967 cover employees of farms h5 ranchesnfl nurseries greenhouses jf fruit vegetable flower growers employers ask forth pamphlet ifyouhaveoot already received a pamphlet describing your obligations as an employer under this new programme obtain one im mediately from the unemployment insurance commission mooter as an employe as sooh as possible you should register at the nearest office of the unemployment insurance commotion this is im portant b unemployment in- a compulsory if you hire lkencs to purchase stamps after regnftrauon if you have insurable em ployees the commission will send you a licence to purchase unemployment insurance stamps and additional neces sary information as to the insurability of your employees contributions to be paid bow to affix stamps in your em ployees books records you must keep etc employees find out if you abe insurable consult your nearest unemployment insurance commission office to find out if you are insurable under the pro gramme some employees are not insurable social insurance number every insurable employee must have one application forms can be obtained at unemployment insurance commission offices and most post offices complete the form and mail it to an unemployment insurance commission office there is no charge for it unemployment insurance book if you are insurable you are required to have such a book which may be ob tained from the nearest office of the unemployment insurance commission you simply have to give your full name date of birth and social insur ance number there is no charge for il j o unemployment insurance commission government of canada over 60 cubs at workshops in georgetown on saturday sm j wl 3 oaunt smitons wh hhimmi ltvw9 chuilrlgj fv rlm vmty iwamwassw ww cancvs occpvtmmwy fwo tt ttvm mhifit red cre9nal punctuated mi cfcows cad 7301 say it with easter flowers from lakeview greenhouse one location oniy mill st w at greenhouse 8532200 potted plants lilies mums hydrangeas etc six cubs of actons first a pack joined in a pack confer ence at knox presbyterian church in georgetown with over 60 cubs of the georgetown district there were 8 work shops in artist carpentry col lector and guide athletic house orderly toymaker cyc list and first aid the boys were taught how to take care of their bicycles and highway safety the proper use of tools and what tools were used for and a demonstration was giv en of each there was an excellent dis play of weed collections and the boys were taught howto mount stamps during the ath letic workshop the boys went through the 5bx plan the boys made and kept a centen nialdesigned woggle at the toymaker workshop the cubs pencils sketched an easter card at the artist workshop house orderly taught the boys how to take care of their neckerchief and proper way of answering a teiepnone mes sage a delicious lunch was on display of bacon eggs sliced tomato toast fruit and cookies bacon and eggs were shown as it is a meal to be eaten for breakfast lunch or supper and a cub can easily prepare it during first aid the boys were taught bandaging and ar tificial respiration there was an afternoon break when trie cubs held a games session and there were games new to most cubs dutrict commissioner norm herbert gave the boys a yarn explaining to them what they learn during their cub years will remain with them for life even though they may not prac tice it until they are older a delicious lunch was serv ed by the scout mothers of the host church knox presbyter ian of georgetown this con ference lasted from about 10 am until 4 pm last saturday march 18 flowers of hope provides funds for retarde there is a new revolution in public education for can adas mentally retarded flowers of hope this year canadas centen nial canadian retarded child rens week and the flowers of hope program will be conducted from may 14 to 21 inclusive learn to drive a same fe mex youth ap parently had larceny in mind but he overlooked one impor tant detail he didnt know how to drive city police said the youth hopped into a park ed vehicle at a church parking lot backed into one car and rammed another frustrated he fled on foot leaving the damage cars behind through the program can adian householders will be re ceiving a flowers of hope message and gifts of flowers the cosmos which is can- adas centennial annual flow er these little folders are as sembled by the mentally re tarded for planting by those who receive them hoping that those who do will give a thought to the mentally re tarded in their community most local associations under take the flowers of hope campaign as a fund raising project the money raised through this campaign pro vides the local association with the operating funds re quired to carry on their vital work on behalf of the men tally retarded in the area x

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