ninetysecond yearno 38 acton ontario wednesdayrmarc 22 167 authorized a second clan mail bv the post office department ottawa fourteen pages tea cents in the dumps esquesing asked to change bylaw to establish acton dump site 1m iono awaito stop lights at the comer of mill and main streets were installed this week and work still goes on to connect them to the right two installation men are nearly lost tn the jungle of lines on the northwest comer while top they hang the three lights in position the lights will not go into operation until council passes a bylaw on parking and the road is marked with new regulations staff photo reeve george leslie assured a delegation from acton coun cil they would do their utmost to come up with an answer by april 29 for a request for a change in bylaw legislation to permit the town to establish a new dump site on town owned property governed by township bylaws in the township the acton delegation head ed by mayor les duby who read the brief printed else where in the papier also ans wered questions for esquesing councillors at the regular meet ing of the townshipcouncil monday night the esquesing reeve sympa thized with the acton delegates and to a request from the ma yor for a close liaison said his council could make no decis ion until the other member was back with us mr leslie was referring to councillor c f pat patterson currently at the world hockey tournament in vienna austria he reminded the delegation there had been another delega tion of rafepaydgs with as many from the town as the township protesting use of the proposed site back of fairview cemetery as a dump acton reeve bert hinton ask ed the township councillors if they didnt have similar prob lems in their own area of rate payers agreeing and not agree ing if we went along with the ratepayers we wouldnt have a dump anywhere he said councillor earl masales told the township council the pre vious delegation was opposed strictly on the smoke angle neither the land fill or inciner ator method being investigated would entail much smoke to a question from one es quesing representative if the land fill method could be used back of fairview cemetery the mayor replied in the affirma tive esquesing councillor tom hill asked how long the par ticular site would last using land fill and the mayor refer red him to clerkadministrator j mcgeachie who outlined the dimensions of the area assured by mr leslie that the township would make ev ery effort to cooperate the acton delegation prepared to leave at this point esquesing councillor jim goodlet enquir ed what system acton council preferred to use mayor duby said the town was quite prepared to move ahead one way or another but they were going ahead reeve hinton told the meet ing the town would prefer the land fill method since it was the most economical after the acton delegations departure esquesing council settled into regular business with uniforms for acton fire brigade first on the agenda the town of acton supplies 16 of the 80 uniforms and the townships of esquesing nassa- gaweya and erin supply 14 it was agreed rural representa tives on the fire area board should discuss each townships share before any action was taken flooding on the credit river and means of eliminating the dangers especially in glen wil liams were discussed possible action in the fall to eliminate river bends recommended by engineers was delayed by hold up of written authority to do anything about it councillors felt it was too late to do anything now to avoid flooding criticism was directed at the conservation authority which has a flood committee but wont have any thing to do with floods council felt they should di rect further plans for assis tance to a higher government source the resignation of ben case from the halton county mus eum board left a vacancy which council asked council lor george currie to fill for the balance of the year a bylaw was read and pass ed which authorized expendi tures of 117000 on construc tion and maintenance of roads in the township another bylaw was passed empowering the reeve and clerk to sign a conveyance to close bernard st in the village of limehouse reeve leslie presided at the nearly two hour meeting with councillors george currie tom hill jim goodlet clerk k c lindsay and assistant d french in attendance i carol patterson represents all halton at district final carol patterson was chosen to represent halton county at district public speaking finals last friday evening at the hal ton finals in oakvhie and com peted with seven warmly- praised young people at whit by on tuesday afternoon although she was not select ed to speak at the ontario fin als in toronto next week she took acton farther than the town has gone for manv years in public speaking competit ion it was pointed out that the seven speakers at whitby represented 100000 students in the counties of halton peel york and ontario who had the same opportunity last time acton went this far was when ella janywent on to win the ontario finals on the way to whitby tues day with her parents coach miss donna riseborough aunt miss bellamave roszell and principal g w mckenzie their car skidded into a ditch south of acton during the snow storm tljey learned highway 401 uai not as bad as highwav 25 were towed out and ventured schools compete tonight races costumes at arena h of children ws9 costume contest tonight wad- ay at the arena in the big public school camhral a banner contest and centen nial costume contest are high lights aa well as the regular recreatlon director howard pearce is m charge schools entered are m z bennett robert little lime- house speysme and plnevlcw speyside will be speeding to refam the banner they won the arrangements are all to have the program run as s aa possible recrea tion commute members and others will be able to handle the volume of activity if not the volume of sound the raf terrocking cheering section is now an established part of this annual program starter is harold townsley assistant starter hugh patter son referee howard p announcer hartley coles stat istician peter lawson assist ant statistician ed leather- land judges helen otterbdn art cooper and brendan ahcrne john coy will present the awards a special handicap system changed somewhat this year gives assistance to the smalleit schools on considering what was best to do they reached whitby 6afely and had no further driv ing difficulty other than the initial upsetting experience the top ranking speaker was a lad from whitby named smith who spoke on the smith family name there were 10 contestants in the halton finals at w h morden public schoql oak- ville when the two winners chosen were carol for her ex cellent speech on canada and patricia collins of oakville who spoke on teenagers long hair judges were william pollen head of the english depart ment of milton high school joan miesner of the english department of georgetown high school and william cot ton editor of the oakville journal record the contestants were from halton no 1 halton no 4 oakville and separate schools judges placed miss collins first and miss patterson sec ond and both represented the countv tuesday steven van fleet recorded all the speeches on tape carol has assembled a small itbrarv through public speak ing as she was a winner last ear too in whitbv esterday she was presented with a fine dictionarv in oakville evcrvone was given the best of stephen leacock in brolcville she was gien home from afar b jean little of guelph in acton she received a volume on british columbia in a ser ies on canada last year she was given two volumes of charles dickens books cold feast sympathetic neighbors on john st set out a genuine feast of bird seed as a wel coming banquet for a robin whose red breast was decid edly tinged with blue for centennial year the unwise bird arrived just before tu esdays firstdayofsprlng bliz zard its the first robin re ported to the free press this year late hevs in brief prompt first aid explosion at plant prompt action by trained first aid personnel saved ar- mand kingsley and jim say- ers from serious burns follow ing a flash explosion and fire at the mason knitting co at 1 1 50 am monday morning the two workmen were only slightlv burned as a result of an accidental mixing of two chemicals which blew up and started a fire in the plant they were rushed to guelph general hospital by general manager charlie kirkness where dr craig hutchinson treated them in the emergency ward both were able to re turn home the fire was promptly dous ed with fire extinguishers be fore n could get out of hand the head nurse in the emer gence ward of the hospital told mr kirkness first aid treatment at the plant by delia kentner albert ford and him self and saved both iniured men from more serious bums all are st john ambulance trained although every precaution was taken so chemicals are not close to each other in this case acetic acid spilled where another chemical was stored the resulting explosion and fire caused momentary dist ress much smoke and acid odors but mr kirkness told the free press there was no confusion everyone did their own job quickly and efficiently and there was a minimum of confusion he said members of the acton fire department recharged the ex tinguishers mondav night a service mr kirkness said the companv appreciated e r much patrol treat patrol bos and girls were taken tuesdav night b school bus to kitchener to see a jr hockey game reeve h h hinton acton charged bafpre halton county council on tuesday the current budget for the child rens aid society reflected empire building when a 50 per cent increase totalled 90000 over last years budget he served notice the society did not even present its budget to its annual meeting they floated their own constitution when bylaws were amended without notice tb the member ship he charged he declared their procedure now illegal until the amendments are properly passed the charges came during discussion on a city of barrie resolution asking amendments to the child welfare act to restore municipal control of budgets and operations of social service agencies particularly childrens aid societies to muni cipal control deputy reeve f rogers burlington told county coun cil the society told the county finance committee it would pay as high or higher wages than anyone else to get the staff it wanted he clfcmed the budget was presented and the county was told its share there was no opportunity for the finance committee to question the budget reeve a ledwith milton opposed the countys en- dorsation of the barrie resolution noting the county already has six representatives on the board weve had six members on the board for years and theyve never made any headway deputy reeve rogers complained pressing for a reasonable control of finances reeve hinton claimed increased demands on the so ciety for service did not indicate the need for a 90000 budget increase continued on page two sales predict festive look for centennial canadas centennial will be aptly reflected in decorations in acton lions dub member vic bristow reports sales of lions decorations as excel lent he has been calling on industries in town as well as taking orders for the special centennial decorations the club project includes the sale of centennial flags canadian flags ontario flags and other provincial flags if desired bunting desk sets and special displays blood dink next thursday the phone canvass for blood donors continues this week with fair response students who turned out well last time will be free to give blood this year as the clinic on thursday march 34 falls during the easier holi days organizer mrs w fin- lay suggests they should at tend in the afternoon to leave the evening hours open for working adults she also explains that more blood is needed now as a re sult of supplies being used tor leukemia sufferers in toron to special clinics are being ihm for this purpc propose 29000 budget for parks recreation eleven firsj ear recreation students from the universitv of guelph sat in at thunduv s recreation and parks board meeting and were exposed to a wide range ot problems which confront the committees in smaller communities main item of business was perusal of the proposed budget of 29000 which will be for warded to council but the committee also discussed in fringements on the schomborg ice machine patent heard an extensive report from the rec reatron director set a rental fee for the community centre and explored the problem of a faulty ice compressor besides a multitude of smaller pieces of business ch john gay welcom ed the students who were in traduced by classmate pete lawson a parttime director it ihc n 1 c x and resident ol alton no attending was doug paton a comnuinitv pio- grams official recreation director howard pearce and his staff were com plimcntej for a definite im prowment in the appearame and cleanliness of the arena at the outset ol the meeting a letter from the zambom companv from california in formed the board there was a patent infringement on the schomberg ice machine and there could be a liabiluv if the machine was used the com mittee reviewed the historv of the case a previous warning had ended b the board asking the arena association for their advice which was to go ahead and use it there was nothing to worrv about doug paton of the cornmun itv programs branch of the de partment ol education inform el thi committee iho town ot preston was presenile being sued be zambom in a test case ttu results could hae a beat i im or the 900 machines now being used in canada the letter was filed in his report recreation di- i oc lor pearce notified the board he and member harold townle were contacting prospective advertisers for dis- plav signs in the arena he gave details of the school car nival on march 22 and the bard growing contest being run in coniunion with the y s men mr pearce outlined the steps hi wastakioj to procure plav- grounds leaders and the train ingiujfolved afrarena rental fee of sloo was vet for use of all the facil ities at the commumtv centre f llowint receipt of a request from the fall fair board for a dance the committee felt thi rental should be in line with other cenrs and sloo was a fair price roller skating a popular summer pastime last vear will be started tentativelv this sea son on mav i providing the arena floor is drv and roller skates are available the recreation director did a projection for the committee on his planned summer pro gram which included wrestling but felt the sloo charge might deter wrestlers from appear ing the grapplers came in for some discussion as some mem bers felt thev could forgot about them if thev wouldnt come for 100 member harold townslev felt it should be provided as it was the committees iob to provide recreation for people- councillor ted tvler felt wrestling was not recreation mr pearce said it mav not be but the people of acton eat it lip mr paton broke in to advise the committee perhaps thev should ask the director to do a survev on other arenas in the area before anv thing was de cided and the committee agreed to the suggestion in the discussion introduced bv finance chairman h pat terson numbers were inform ed the budajt lines were verv much similar to last sears one major item was the com pressor on the ice machine piston walls were scored and it wa estimated cost would be s3 000 to s3300 to have it re- bored and oversize pistons in stalled continued on page two haiton h okmmm kim and guest speaker robert welch provincial secretary and minister of citizenship were among the first to congratulate james snow when he won the progre conservative nomination for halton east on friday night the nomina tion convention was held in milton district high school staff photo