Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1967, p. 3

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r r r tv 31 th acton ft prats wedne march present esquesing brief on dump following it the brief acton council presented to csqueslngrouncil at the latter regular meeting in the township offices monday njght jaarehsorwo mr reeve and members of your council please accept our sincere appreciation of your willingness to allow us to appear before you this evening as e full council and constituting a dele gation to seek your earnest and understanding co operation in the matter of establishing a new sani tary disposal area for our towns domestic com mercial and industrial garbage and waste material this topic is not new to your council and neither is our need for your cooperaioiv in this matter more specifically we have come to ask your very early and immediate if possible considera tion of a change in bylaw legislation that will per mit us to establish a new dump site on town owned property governed toy township bylaws we are fully prepared to organize the opera tion of this area in a way that will be acceptable to all concerned with the exception of one member of your council we know you are familiar with the area involved we also know you understand our re sponsibility to the people of acton from a sanitary point of view most of you have visited the site and have verbally stated that you saw no reason why this kind of operation could not be developed in this area if properly controlled by either the land fill or confined incineration method our need is urgent and an early decision by your council is urgent degrees of cooperation have been experienced between ouf councils before and our relationship is still an amicable one this re quest should not pose any great problem for you and until we can get the approvals from your council that will allow us to consider this area in our deliberations regarding a new dump site the sanitation committee of the acton town council can not be constructive in carrying out the responsibility mr reeve and gentlemen we realize you have mora on your agenda than this delegation but may i impress upon you the urgency of the subject we would appreciate very much if you could deal with this immediately after we leave considering you have had full knowledge of our problem for many months and that we can no longer continue our operation in its present location and by the exist ing open face method may we close our brief by stating that unless a favorable repl is forth coming by april 29 1967wewbulcrhave to as sume that an intention to cooperate does not exist between esquesing and acton councils and that we will have no alternative but to accept your hesitation to reply as a firm refusal once again may i thank you on behalf of the acton town council for allowing us to appear before you tonight mayor and council corporation of the town of acton ling program requires more income at y board told a meeting or the ymca7 gavy bateman and publicity executive was called on thurs- and public relations to be un- dey march 16 iri order to cl- dertaken by john last ctit the 1967 officers commenting on finances el- pat mckensle was returned mcr smith announced that an aa chairman and elmer smith everexpanding program alren- t treasurer phil elliott com- dy totalling 19 hours a week it was regretted that iii health had forced guolph uni versity student carl chad- bourne to tender his resigna tion an oldtimer in the sport mnrlcnnes schuts is interested menced duties immediately a was responslblefbi increased instnrrinja program secretary and recorded bill nelles as vicechairman pro gramming under ed leather- land finances for bill wilson property care to joke van der kooy world outlook through expenses extra income is the only answer he declared a utole of fees for rental of various sections of the prem ises was proposed and gener ally accepted in the y the board welcomed the idea and hoped that suf ficient interest would make it a surefire thing the meeting adjourned at i045pm cwossa 1 district champions actoro district high schools boys curling team has a fine hold on their brooms as they go further in the quest for a title from left paul youngblut lead gordon reed skip barry buchanan second and allan mc- kenzie vice staff photo personals randy lidkea one of eight 67 graduates halton west liberals meet liberals in the new provin cial riding of halton west have an organization and an executive now all they need is a candidate at a meeting thursday ev ening in burlington frank w herman of burlington was- named president of the newly- formed halton west liberal association the new riding formed by splitting the for mer halton riding intotwo portitfns called halton west and halton east now includ es burlington nassagaweya acton and the northern por tion of esquesing friends are sorry to learn mr boyd clarke is a patient in toronto general hospital mr charles cults returned home from hospital on satur day friends were pleased to learn miss marjory hall who has spent the winter in wingham with her sisterinlaw has r- turned home mr and mrs griffin sprowl spent a few days last week with the formers sister and family at ancaster tom engers and mrs dwight engel is a patient in the sick childrens hospital toronto for further treatment linda braida carol swack- hamer sue radford of acton and students at lakeshore teachers college are writing exams this week late news in brief continued from page one the county was advised its share of the budget this year would be 54516 compared to last years 83379 the province has increased its share of the society costs county council approved tuesday the bylaw setting 1967 road costs at 760000 final approval was given the expropriation of a 63acre oakville site for the construction of a regional detention centre at halton county councils tuesday meeting it was noted final expropriation would not be applied for until water and drainage were proven adequate county council considered allocating funds for the purchase of a site in south halton for the future establishment of the next home for the aged reeve h merry oakville predicted the new martin house soon to be open adjacent to halton centennial manor would be full and overflowing by the end of 1967 we cant wait five years to buy land along the lakeshore highway he stressed the county council set march 30 as a special meeting to review the 1967 budget 29000 budget continued from page one it should be ixhi lor 20 years after that iho hairmin commented its a good plant and could carrs luui more sheets of curling iw the chairman explained there could be a problem wih the plant next season as the department of labor has made it mandators- for ice plant- over 50 horvepovter to have three men on covering 24 hours a da however adxiie from a local engineer could re suit in the plant being cut down to so horsepower with out too much difficult the administration commit tee report on meeting with ro goodwin regarding use of the arena concession in coniune tion with the curling club re vealed the matter was settled to the satisfaction of both a written agreement was to be forwarded to the concession aire for his signature meeting aa a parks board members discussed the work to be done dredging silt out of fans lake and the effect it would hae on the park erec tion of a retaining wall at the north end of the lake at an esti rrwted cost of 10 000 was prob able following the improxe nunts the meeting was told ihe y men s club was readv to put a ball diamond in glenlea puk and a request from a raupawi for relocation of ihe pieseiu diamond was rveied accounts amounting to sw w were passed for pavment handy lidkea one of eight in the graduat ing class of the niagara parks commission school of hortic ulture bert rand edgar ran- dy judkeayvnt receive his diploma a w graduation cerem- onieo saturday april l at 3 pm the son of mr and mrs e w lidkea of 240 mill st ac ton he attended acton high school the 23th graduation will be held at the school of hortic ulture lecture hall and audit orium on the niagara park way between niagara falls and oueenston maxim t gray ol s p eng general manager and secretary of the niagara parks commission will be chairman with the hon james n allan chair man of the niagara parks cownission as guest speaker the graduate has complet cd a three sear course which involved horticulture floricul ture arboriculture landscap ing soil chemism land sur viving and other allied sub- iccts in addition to these sub jects much important practi cal work english and mathe matics were included the niagara parks diploma is presented to each graduate entitling him to use the let ters pd with his name the school was established in 1936 and is the onl school of its kind on the north m- encan continent over this period 180 persons have re ceived diplomas mr and mrs lidkea and friends mr and mrs jack mcceachie will attend the graduation ceremonies on graduation da there will be a displas of the models made b each of the gradua ting students one of these ts peruse area shopping guide tor district goods services the merchants hated are pet ty garage rockwood root hardware rockwood saund- er bakery rockwood richs btp service east of actorfi with eight others who also sell the free press each week klugwell barber shop rock wood meadows ba service rockwood ricks snack bar rockwood jennings general store haltonvllle stratton-du- puls general store brucedale sllvercreek general store sh- vercreek roberteons market- eria osprlnge and kellys gen eral store rockwood for the first time this week a special shopping guide is be ing published on a district news page of the free press this informative and handy list of district stores features 12 friendly merchants who are anxious to serve anyone in una area and want those outside their immediate locality to know off their range of goods and service each week different stores will be spotlighted with a snort story and picture and the aer ies will run for 12 weeks frances barens 5 injured in accident struck by a truck while crossing church st to her own home fiveyearold frances barens received a fractured skull broken collarbone and multiple bruises and abrasions wednesday of last week about 5 30 p m she and her brother gar seven waited for a truck to pass in a snowstorm but headed onto the road in the path of a ridlev cartage truck driven bv dennis hare hogg r r 4 acton the right front fender of the truck struck frances but her brother escaped without inturv dr craig hutchinson treat ed the girl at her home and sent her to guelph general hospital where she remained i wo davs cons nick farion investigated the pert robert little kin dergarten student is the oung sluld and onl laughter of li and mrs henk barens 44 church st and was with one ol her five older brothers when the accident happened the model of landscaping ar ound the new acton centen nial librarv its hoped the model will be on displav here later mrs dean leslie has return ed from a holiday spent at st petersburg florida at their regular saturday morning meeting the united church explorers hud a party with a special cake and made a presentation to judy engel who is moving to orillia her friends presented her with a box of choiolates a first year university stu dent in peterborough gav white was struck bv a car and injured thvre recently she is in peterborough civic hospl- tal but hci parents mr and mr glenn while john st hope she will be able to come home to recuperate very soon a parly ol former and pres ent residents of acton met in toronto lor an annual cele bration of the socalled ma gs the highlight of the evening was the presentation to mr md mrs svd newton of a silver twotier cake stand and cut glass bowl on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary flowers and bou- toniucres of vshite carnations were given jjy caroline nur- scries and a beautiful orchid for mrs newton mrs dolly robinson flew from montreal especially for the partv oceans cover 71 per cent of the earths surface and pro duce 90 billion pounds of food a year h s holden optometrist 3e cork st east guelph phone ta 27190 a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor special spring prices for hot air or hot water heating and air conditioning installations for prompt service call acton 8530640 or oualph 8213264 fully licensed on plumbing and hasting css fitting apd oil burner sarvica business location 17 mill st w behind acton eze wash below dennys insurance about 250 down hot cross buns were otrde as scouts and cubs called doortodoor saturday taking orders the buns will be delivered thurs day it has become an annual project tmms m sat march 233445 way way our color jerry lewis cowboys holiday cirrhosis of louvre cartoon saturday ffreentflsjw at 2 pjm stmimantwaswm mar 26272839 glass bottom boat color doris day rod taylor cat that hated people cartoon thursmsat mar 9031 apr 1 zebra m the kitchen color jay north andy devine laughing twenties laurel and hardy sslturday mslsasa 2 sttaw timam sunday through thursday 8 pom ato 4n anow i imes fti4mr saesay 7 pjktm 8783272 color tv at its best for a free demonstration caul first line tv sates and servkx 8531057 j after convalescing at the home of mr and mrs turn watson and family mr ray watson returned tuesday to his home at grimsby alter the holy week church service sunday evening dr mil mrs crawford smith of guelph rev and mrs dwight engel and the rev gammon were entertained at the home of the rev and mrs a h mc- kenzie mrs bob kerr heads juniors on march 17 18 and js asv era junior farmers from hal ton county were delegates at guelph conference of ths jun ior farmers association of on- torlo held at the university of guelph mrs bob kerr who was chairman of the confer ence on friday afternoon at ihe annui meeting jaaeisct- cd president of the junior far mers association of ontario through the weekend ap proximately 500 junior farm ers across ontario made many friends and enjoyed listening to wonderful speakers cuasta of mr and mrs bob kerr during the weekend and attending the conference were mr and mrs harold cotfleld of rr belleville and miss margaret bailey pf oklahoma who was representing the grange of the u sa the new president who moves up from the post of vicepresident wos very active in junior farmer activities be fore her marriage last fall to bob kerr and is continuing her association now that she is living in acton zite indoor outdoor the ahforposa carpet use anywhim special q95 sq yd in six colors homi furnishmoi 1st weefwtdi si bsuj8sevb s8ta1assal nfwtcal tc2 there is only one mmcoms wtm istsnistlsml stt evsr 5000 hostsssss kn store own thirty wsrs lupsriise b fostsfing food win la bustasss sat community ills for swrs worms- business as usual the residence only off a l riemer has been changed to guelph but business is being conducted in acton as normal your patronage is greatly appreciated acton 8530640 a l riemer gwelph 8212244 that make the meal from lovell bros modern meat market boneless rolled prime rib roast 89 c choice wing roast 89 maple leaf rindless 1 pk bacon 85 fresh lean ground chuck 65 lovell bros modern meat market 77 mm i adsm phmm 8532240 dart dbjvarr sbs1sjjsjaasm

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