Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1967, p. 1

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v up commercial 78 with only reeve bert hinton opposed council set the 1967 mill rate for the town of acton at 76 mills for residential and farm and 848 mills for commercial assessment at their regular meeting last night tuesday i these figures represent an increase of 62 mills for residential and farm and lump of 78 mills over last year for the commercial rale residential rate in 1966 was 698 mills commercial was 77 mills these conclusions were reached after months of perus ing and studying budgets and reports with and without other boards and committees under budget chairman or f oakes maor increase occurred in the general purpose rate which went up 65 mills for commercial and 51 for residential the high school budget elso showed a raise 23 for commercial and two mills for residential and farm council included 20000 in the general purpose esti mates for en incinerator on which no decision has been made it was elso pointed out library grants were based on the previous years operation no advantage in grants for the new library will be realized until next year an increase in the high school levy from 97115 in 1966 to 115433 this year was due in large part to 35000 additional for in mayo duby pointed out the towns a taxpayer with a 5000 assessment on his residence can expect a 31 increase in taxes this year the average as sessment in town estimated to be in the 3000 range will be hiked 1860 following is the submission to council prepared by the mayor on behalf of budget chairman or frank oakes who is ill the complete budget appears on page two with reference to the rhibn school l i might make mention that while there is a slight decrease in the overall tax levy for public school purposes which was duo to a surplus of 17705 in 1966 there is a marked increase in theareas of construction at 41000 over last years and for instructional supplies which shows a 9000 increase these of course are areas in which neither the school board nor council havemuch control entire budget exceeded the high schools by only 36000 gentlemen on behalf of the budget committee and more specifi cally on behalf of our deputy reeve dr frank oakes who has been our budget chairman and who was taken ill during the close of our budget discussions and who is absent for the presentation of the budget due to being hospitalized still for a few more days it is my pleasure to substitute for him with regard to presenting the 1967 budget and the mandatory bylaw for the approval of council im sure we all regret the illness and absence of dr oakes and we must express our appreciation of the earnest effort he has put into this years budget deliberations and his programwlichwas panned-to- have our mill rate struck in time for the issuing of tax bills by the end of april our high school tax levy for 1967 of levy to be shows a division acton 6553 esquesing 2381 nassagaweya 8 1066 1967 115433 41942 1877jt 1966 97115 34386 15327 total 10000 176153 146828 showing a 29000 increase in he moneys to be raised by municipal taxes points of note are the 35000 increase for instruction 450000 for instructional supplies and the fees to other boards amounting to 30000 to educate 43 children attending other schoo s on courses wo cannot eccoryodatir own school 2tctguelph 1 7 to georgetown tax levy grants and other receipts show an opera tional cost of 400310 for 1967 1966 36373466 next we have the county levy for 1967 from an equal ized assessment of 7318191 showing a general rate of 419 and a road rate of 176 for a total county rate of 59 which is 1 mill below last years 6 mill levy leaving the town of acton to raise 4397726 for county purposes which ll 236 of the total county levy to detail our town general purpose lodge for oiniral administration 000100 salaries pension insurance legal costs office administra tion compensation dog control etc protection of persons and property s6953s06 fire police division court street lighting etc putllc works 4492231 roads equipment sidewalks etc sanitation and wasti 3370000 garbage pick up dump burner etc conservation op hiaith 301500 ambulance medication etc welfare 1150000 recreation and community 3s4427t library community centre parks band etc continued on page two r ninetysecond year no 41 actonontario wednesday april 12 1967 w authorlicd m second clau mail authorlicd m second cuu mail iiy the pot ofdrr department ottawa twelve pages ten cents tories pick george kerr george kerr was the unanimous choice of delegates to carry the progressive conservative standard in the new riding of helton west at friday nomination meeting in bur- lington central high school nominated by rev andrew mckenzie of acton mr kerr present incumbent for the county of halton was un opposed in a quiet meeting which attracted delegates from acton burlington nassagaweya and the northern parts of esquesing which comprise the new riding it ftyimmxb c k browne staunch acton conservative nd the hon stan ley randall minister of economics and devel opment tory standard bearer george kerr and his wife lead a victory parade up the aisle of e burlington school auditorium following mr kerrs unopposed nomination as conservative candidate in halton west mr kerr praised the roberts government in his acceptance speech and called mr robarts the greatest statesman in canada today staff photo budget debate reeve feels no increase necessary councillor bill williams praised the budget committee for doing a wonderful job in keeping the mill rate increase down to 62 residential and 78 commercial when rates in mun icipalities around acton were going much higher at last nights council meeting reeve bert hinton was un impressed however casting the only opposing vote to the budget the reeve said the bud get could have been set with out any increase in rate he suggested council could have held the line by eliminat ing a proposed expenditure of 20000 for an incinerator s4- 000 added for roads 300 for urban board membership and several other items he deemed could have been deferred or eliminated altogether its not fair for acton to go year to year seeing the gen eral and school budgets rise rise rise our duty is to cut the cloth according to our means said the reeve 1 coat say tk estimate on residential is a modest in crease be charged how soon will the mill rate get up to o job v mayor les duby checking the length of mr hinton s rea son said i cant see how you can possibly say such a thing charging the reeve was peeking out of both cheeks the tnavur said he supports the budget and the budge com mittee had t- proceed for the benefi of ratepayers first reading of the bylaw was given by the clerk after wards the mayor returned to the lists and tilted his lance kmt ramimk son of mr and mrs fred kentner jr victoria ave won the covet ed prije of a week at hockey school and 25 spending money at saturdays minor hockey banquet hes show ing the winning number story and pictures on sports pages staff photo commenting on the reeves remarks on the urban board mr duby said this was the only area where councillors can compare notes with others its a small item and other council lors dont have the opportunit ies the reeve has to associate with men from other munici palities mr hinton said he wasnt opposed to membership in the urban board but felt actons s300 fee was out of proportion since both other municipalities were larger councillor tyler asked dont all three share equally in the benefits returning to the budget ma yor duby said the reeve has full knowledge what was faced we had 14 mills to battle with and came up with 78 and 62 the reeve concedes the point the budget committee of which he is a member did a good job the reeve persisted saving stoxjoo could be taken off the budget without prejudicing the normal work program he cit ed a cut in the fire department budget as an example of what he meant you want a pat on the back and let some future council take i right between the eyes said mr tyler were sitting right in a per fect example ot deferred busi- continued on page three described as cabinet mat erial by leo bcrnicr kcnora mpp a remark picked up and amplified by the hon stanley randal minister of ec onomics and development in his keynote speech george kerr was first elected to the provincial house in september 1963 a burlington lawyer he suc ceeded the late stanley hall of hornby as hal tons mem ber in the legislature in his acceptance speech which preceded a victory par ade up the aisles of the audi torium with an abbreviated brass band at the head and a forest of supporting signs mr kerr put the record of the present conservative govern ment on the line he spoke of omsip pollution regional vemmenl and education costs defending the robarts government program because there were more subscribers than anticipated mr kerr said there was some trouble getting the kinks out of omsip but he advised his listeners to be patient he was proud of his govern ments record on pollution and especially the minister of healths intention to take over the air pollution problems mr kerr referred to the plunkett report anticipating there would be some decisions on recommendations in the next four years he said it was going to take tolerance and hard work to evolve the best form of administration but were aware of the prob lems and feelings on this jve have no intention to rani any thing down peoples throats there has to be reform but changes must be acceptable and beneficial to people mr kerr reserved most of his talk to answer charges by opposition parties on the gov ernments education policies statements from opposition parties that they would take over a greater percentage of education costs if elected are being bandied about he said it a false assumption to expect additional tax money would come out of anybodys jpockci but your own he charged you cant reverse charges look at the whole continued on page two poke prefer 20 charges during the period april 2 to 8 1967 officers of acton de tachment of the ojpp patrol hod 940 miles and worked 222 hours in this period 20 traffic charges were preferred and 35 warnings issued other charges included one of a minor con suming liquor under legal age there were no accidents re ported or investigated two thefts were reported and three other occurrences wereprocessed in magistrates court at mil ton there were 11 convictions 10 under the highway traffic act and one of disturbing the peace total fines and costs were 188m d mr and mrs alf duby are the lucky winners of a dinner for two at the captains table lord simcoe hotel in toronto the prize was a door prize at the annual halton mutual aid banquet in milton several couples from acton attended what council did council last night also o advised mr and mrs tom brankiewicz that their land was zoned r3 by resolu tion on sept 27 1966 prev iously zoned rm mr brankie wicz recorded his objection and told council he wanted it rl he said his place was zon ed rl in the plan at milton o read the no parking by law for the new traffic lights for the third time and passed it with only reeve hinton op posed o introduced read three ti mes and passed a bylaw which would put daylight sa ving time in effect in acton from sunday april 30 at 1201 am until october 29 at 2 am passed a resolution that the propo building pro- gram at the m z bennett school be deferred for this year and the public school board be advised rejected a request from the committee of adjustment for a 150 honorarium for each committee member and recommended the secretary be paid 200 yearly rather than an hourly rate and hearing fee agreed to take out mem bership in the ontario ceme teries association at a n an nual fee of 5 o appointed councillor charles perry to the planning board for the balance of 1967 in place of the mayor who found meeting dates conflict ed appointed town employee al kirkness to supervise the acton garbage area with full authority over the premises set garbage hours at the dump on monday from 9 am to 6 pm tuesday from 1 pjn to 8 pm closed all day wed- continued on page nine hon stanley randall tells tories ontario entices buyers from around globe the hon stanley randall minister of economics and de velopment departed from his prepared text and delivered a speech on prospects for the province of ontario at fridays progressive conservative nom- nations for the new riding of halton west at burlington george kerr incumbent hal- ton member was unopposed in his btd to capture the tory nomination for halton west mr randall opened with em phasis on the recognition al- flucnt canada is receiving abroad he called ontario can adas most affluent province the most valuable piece of real estate in the world iron curtain countries arc showing greater interest than any others in doing business theyre returning t capit for goodslfiefr system hasnt provided mr randall claimed my responsibility he said high school levy up by two mills figures which have come to the attention of the free press indicate there will be a two mill hike in the high school board levy figures received last week did not include debenture charges and this newspaper concluded there would be no additional cost to taxpayers this year however debenture charges added to the levy increased the amount needed by an addition al amount equivalent to ap proximately two mills was to expand the economy so people paying today wont pay more taxation tomorrow his department brings foreign buy ers to industrial shows in can ada as well as taking sales mis slops abroad seventynine mis sions in the last four yean brought in 125 million in sam ple orders alone exports are up 63 per cent rway ahead of the target set by the economic council that is the way we keep canada working were training men to go all around the globe to spread word of ontario mr randall said canada la the largest im porter of manufactured goods in the world he claimed stressing the country must have trade balance mr randall said expo 67 would show canada off to the world its the greatest thing thats happened to canada in our history the fourth larg est pavilion has been erected by ontario 60000 square feet completely ontario benefits to ontario from ex po would be 12 million in gas oline taxes 25 million in con tracts and up to 150 million in revenue from extra tourists passing through earlier in his speech mr randall spoke on the housing shortage he said his govern ments home program would help the most people it is not a give away he said nor a handout for people who can af- ford to pay low income and senior citi zens will be the only people subsidized by the program he claimed mr randall was introduced by mrs len andrews camp- bellville second vicepresident of the halton west conserva tives awards night ot the acton minor hockey associations annual banquet was a big v p ml

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