Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1967, p. 8

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tftw u tcp jchcct dr wilder penfield internationally known scientist had some solid words to say to the ontario education associ ation conference in toronto recently considering some of the utterances coming from pseudoscientific investi gations of late his observations are al most heretical education he told delegates begins at home it should continue there after the last diploma is won n6t all people can or should go to university he said many who will achieve success even brilliant leader ship in the field of technology might have been failures in university many who will succeed in higher education would have failed miserably had they entered the world of technology high school graduation and univer sity degrees are proof of educational exercise but not that a person is well educated degrees said the worldre nowned expert guarantee no valid cul ture of the mind intelligent conversation wlrh read ing in the home meeting people travel with companions of wit and wisdom can produce a high degree of intelli gence and intellectual superiority with little or no schooling the crisis in education today he told delegates is that a considerable portion of university graduates go into adult life with no thought of continu ing education their attitude is i know it all now why botherl f he scored narrow specialization which unmodified by other interest shuts a person away from friends and family with a shallow culture science has changed the world we live in its time man began to use scientific methods to control his own civilization he told delegates the place to begin is the oldest classroom of all the home dr penfields words find a loud echo here editorial page xwc jxsabjs jtidlty toith the deck its almost daylight saving time in 1 canada again i in some provinces where farmers have lost the fight to keep gods time the cows will be in udder con fusion in others the cows will be fine but mothers will be harrassed transportation men derailed and school officials will make war upon this ty rant time main complaint about the entire system is the lack of uniformity it might be daylight saving time in acton but over in kokomo the town fathers have decided not to tamper with time its mighty confusing each year resistance to d s t gets weaker this summer says the finan cial post more than half the provinces will turn their clocks forward on the last sunday in april there are still pit pcuni zivoin zivkowich of sudbury ying wong of montreal alphonse langevin of anicet que clarence ireland of winnipeg tessie loos of medicine hat and freda girfinkel of vancouver have one thing in common says the finan cial post they own a chunk of nearly 1 million in unclaimed deposits in canadas chartered banks and the que bec savings banks the latest issue of canada gazette lists some 17000 per sons who put money in the bank nine years ago and have apparently forgot ten all about it most sums are small but they total a hefty 946528 spring according to the calendar has arrived but she is having trouble putting two nice days together pockets of resistance some large some small man being a creature of habit dis likes fiddling with the clock for some its difficult enough to get out of bed in the morning without making it an hour earlier with the advent of dst once the nice weather comes a fellow likes to enjoy it consequently d st robs you of an hours sleep you do get an extra hour of day light on fast time but youre hardly fit to enjoy if because of the lack of sleep so when it comes to arguing about the merits of d s t this writer is on the side of the cons like most other peo ple however i get used to it t sure is nice to get that hour of sleep back in the fall though ho humi children always seem to prefer the straight and narrow path your newly planted lawn across film actor dick van dyke is one of the many people who owe much to seat belts the ontario safety league reports two years ago his car went out of control and crashed into a stone wall he says the car was wrecked beyond repair but i walked away without a scratch thanks to the seat belt i was wearing interest is keen in the stanley cup playoffs hereabouts but few are con fident enough of the outcome to climb too far out on a limb a centennial picture jailer owo postcard from e e perry- mens collection shows the view from the comer of mill and main looking north about 1905 the first hotel on the left it called the acton the pres ent oomlnkw hotel stands beyond it t stethtrri end son grocerybaking store on the tight i now custom clean ers and sams barber shop further uo the street is the present legion build ing apparently it was such a quiet corner that the appearance of a photo grapher in the middle of the road on a sunny afternoon brought the patrons out of the hotel to stare prelude to spring sugar and spice by bill sm i i e y one of the great bruising stresses of modern society to which sociologists pay little attention was imposed on me this week 1 traded my car for a new one this psychological crisis comes to all of us every two or three years it bears looking at as a manifestation of the tre- endous pressures we have to cope with and our grandfathers didnt what a snap they had they went to a reputable horse dealer and bought a horse no sweat they didnt even have to make the agonizing decision of whe ther to buy a brand new one or a late- model used there was no such thing as a new horse whats more they enjoyed it there was some goodnatured dickering which usually ended with both parties thinking they had got the better of the deal grampa chuckled as he drove his lively gelding home thinking of how much tradein allowance hed receive for old mm the mare who hadnt much mileage left in her and the dealer chuckled as he thought of the gelding steadily going blind and the fact that the preacher who knew nothing about horses was looking for a quiet mare like old min my point is tha it was not the wrenching exhausting thing that a mod ern car deal is the average layman then knew whether a horse was sound he took a look at the teeth felt the beast here and there hitched it up for a trial spin and made his deal there was only so much that could be wrong with a horse he could be blind or spavined or windbroken but he didnt rust there was no chance of his brakes grabbing his transmission was automatically automatic and he didnt cost 1500 a year for life and thats one of the reasons i buy a car cractly the way grampa used to buy a horse i look at its teeth that is i lift the hood to make sure theres a mo tor and open the trunk to make sure theres a spare i dont feel the beast here and there but i kick the tires and give the doors a good slam or two i take it for a little trial spin and if nothing falls off and the color suits my wife i deal there are different tvoes of car buy ers of course theres the kid who makes 60 a week he walks up to the red con vertible with 80 yards of chrome buck et seats and dazzling wheel discs points to it and savs gimme dat one cheerfully he signs the indenture papers which will enslave him for four vears and departs ths lot with a squeal of tires where else can he find power nnd sex appeal for a lousv 80 a raonth and theres the born horsetrader who deal- for the sheer jov of it he spends most of his spare time in car dealers lots badgering the salesmen disparaging the merchandise and quot ing the terrific deal that honest john down the street has offered him he sel dom has a car more than six months and i deluded into thinking that his lot is improving with every trade but for the average layman today buying a car is an excruciating ordeal he suspects the dealer he fears ridicule 1 from his friends all of whom have made excellent deals lately he dreads the in terview with the bank manager he trails from one car lot to another trying to find a buick for the price of a volkswa gen and the upholstery must match all his wifes clothes not me not no more lifes too shor yesterday i bought in- 20 minutes let mj wife drive it home oh there were one or two little things it stalled and we discovered the battery cable was loose the light in the ceiling wouldnt go out and i had to phone the dealer to find where the switch was one of the doors wont close and there was a de lightful bit of family excitement when my wife pushed the windowwasher but ton it stuck and soapy water gushed over the windshield for five minutes with more suds than a detergent com mercial but itll all work out three years fom now itll be just another rust- bucket almost paid for and i have probably added a year to my life by buy ifig like grampa try it yourself ccfitchal briefs canadian farmers have the best pro duction record in the world the finan cial post reports statistics released by the the u s department of agriculture show canadian farm output during the last decade has increased more both in total and on a percapita basis than production in any other major country or area canadas closest competitor is russia forecasts of rises in tax levies here are not being helped by reports from other communities nearby the only way apparently is up the acton free press phone 8532010 business and editorial office founded in 1173 and published every wednesday t 5 wilto si acton ontario member of mm audt bureau of circulation the cwna and ohna aderuung rale on request stsbacrlfv immm payable in adtince hod in canada 1740 in all countries other tian cmmda single copers 10c authorised at second class mail roil office drpartmeni ottawa advertising is accepted on he condition that in the event of typographical error that portion of the advertising space oc cupied tn the erroneous isbsb together with reasonable allowance for signature will not be charged tor but the balance of the advertisement ui be paid for at the applicable rate tn the eenl of a tpographk error advertising goods or sen arcs at a vrong price goods or services ma not be sold advertising is merely an offer to sell and mav be withdrawn at asnr time da id it dim rssmislnw runlev coin don atyder w copyrlgbt tmt adv manager ynf 20 years ago 75 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press thursday april is 1947 a fine musical feature of the eas ter week in acton was the presentation of sir john stalners the crucifixion by the choirs of the united and knox churches in knox church on good fri day evening clayton fryer left on tuesday to commence training in the rcjmp at rockcliffe mr j a chapman is in new york to meet his wife who arrived on the queen elizabeth from england discussing the current expansion program at the wool combing plant mr markon said the acton plant now operates six combing sets for low and medium crossbreds six combing sets for fine crossbreds and six combing sets for merinos additional combs will be installed the plant recovers neutral wool grease at the rate of about 200000 lbs per annum a postseason banquet in honor of the acton intermediate b hockey team group five champions and oha semi- finalists was held in the legion hall monday evening the speakers were mr fred dawkins president of the athletic association mr victor rumley team manager or sirrs a new member on the committee sonny townsley playing coach frank holmes trainer and oth ers 5s years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press thursday april 5 1917 some couragious motorists have be gun to navigate the country roads mr h h brown of the royal bank son of mr and mrs john brown of crewsons corners has been promot ed from thebranch at chapleau ont to regina saslc on his way out to sasfc herbert made a very pleasant visit with his uncle mr samuel brown contrac tor winnipeg at the board of education meeting sergt h s harwood was engaged to succeed mr j s coleman as school janitor at a salary of 600 after may 1 canadians crossing into the united states will be subject to 8 head tax military drill is to be taught in toronto technical and high schools the following acton boys have been on their last leave and leave soon for overseas sergt h r swackhamer perry smithhurst w j stuckey s george corp g cook m soper h goldham p watson bugler r stewart j louttet bandsman m collier stretch er bearer j cooney pte e perryman c morton t marsh a cook h r swackhamer l atkinson j p scartnw a watson e mckinnon l eastdown m kaiey h dobbie w dobbie a deck er a anderson k puffer taken from the issue of the acton free press thursday april 7 ism yesterday was quite eventful with the ladies of acton and vicinity inasmuch as the spring millinery openings com manded their attention at hendersons mcrae and cos there is as usual a large and beautiful display of the latest and sweetest trifles in bonnetsand hats flowers and ribbons in hats mere are the large and small again in great var iety and in bonnets some very pretty effects are exhibited upon entering the tastefully decor ated show rooms of r b jennyn one is particularly struck with the beauty of the arrangement there is a splendid display of trimmed bonnets and hats in great variety of shape and color so many dainty little bits of headgear to suit ah sorts of heads and faces the flowers are simply magnificent they also have a good display of mourning hats and bonnets the frost is almost all out of the ground 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton april 11 1867 ths concert given by the pupils of milton common school came off tues day evening in the court house before a densely packed audience the whole performance passed off well all doing their parts between the first and second parts prizes obtained by the pupils at recent examinations were presented to them object of the concert was to ob tain funds for school and the amount taken at the door was 2250 votes of thanks were cordially given to james mcguffin for his services as chairman and to mrs dr robertson for her ser vices as pianist to the editor i would ask the mayor of milton through you by what author ity he granted licenses for five taverns in the town by the last special census taken by council the inhabitants of the town numbered less than 900 souls sub section 4 of section no 249 of the last municipal act passed strictly limits the number of licenses to be granted one license for every 250 people now sir unless a satisfactory answer be given le gal steps will be taken to enforce the penalties of subsection no 7s of the same section a convincing proof of the ability of our farmers to do without reciprocity with the united states will be found in yesterdays market report a sale is re ported of 5000 bushels of wheat at 190 per bushel brought here bv an ameri can buyer for shipment to the united states upori which in addition he will have to pay american duty this is a higher price than was ever reached in the davs of reciprocity trinity church the united church of canada minister mr john may interim supply organist mr george elliott ma phjx evangel pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday april 16 1967 sunday school 10 00 a m junior school to gr 4 1115 am senior school gr 5 togr 8 services 1000 am trinity church acton nur sery provided 11 15 ajn churchill church churchill rd n all welcome the church op st alban the martyr anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma st3 thursday april 13 8 pm join the ca s as they visit the art gallery in the tabernacle sunday april 16 1967 1000 am sunday school 1 1 00 a m morning worship 700 pm evening worship evangelis tic service evangelist pauline mallory will speak at both services dont miss these oustanding services tuesday 8 pjn prayer and bible study thursday 8 pjn christ ambassa dors friday 645 pjn crusaders bethh christian rtrormid church acton ontario sunday april 16 1967 baster hi 9 00 a jn holy eucharist 1030 ajn church school 1030 a m holy eucharist at this ser vice members of the guild of st mary will receive certificates mark ing their graduation from the class in baby sating acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tldey ave ph 8531615 sunday april le 1967 1000 am english service 11 10 ajn sunday school 230 pjn alternating dutch and eng lish service saturday bible classes 101230 sun everyone welcome mafic avenue baptist church georgetown sunday april 16 1967 1000 am church school and aduh class 11j15 ajn morning worship the word of in action dr h o brewster will speak for gideons 7 00 p jn evening service one hun dred years the mission circle ladies will be in charge of the eve ning service dress and costumes of other days will be featured mrs fred anderson will speak on his tory of local churches wednesday 730 pjn prayer and bible thursday 630 pjn explorers thursday 730 pjn choir practice friday 700 pjn bjhf text so then every one of us shall give account of himself to god romans 14rl2 sunday april 16 1967 945 ajn sunday school 1100 ajn morning service 700 pjn evening service wednesday 8 pjn prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown s776665 presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenrie ba- bj minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday april 16 1967 9 45 ajn church school cor ages 3 to 13 945 ajn church membership class for teenagers withdrawn 11 00 ajn spring laymens 8ervice con ducted by elders of the church 730 p m youth feuowiblp tonic for discussion the mracl of jesus 1 if everyone most wttoom j jwirfm

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