Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1967, p. 1

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jt jvttim sftt tft ninetysecond yearno 42 acton ontario wednesday april 19 1967 authortmd u second cui mall by tlw rmt otticm defurtnunt ottawa sixteen pages ten cents esquesing turns down request for dump site bsquestng council unani mously tamed down a pro posal from the town of acton to establish a dump on the tw owned by the town to the west of falrview ceme tery monday night aiming in the township of fices esquesing councillors hhey let acton establish a damp taey could not contain farther requests from anyone else aisntng to the possible purchase of an incinerator by the town councillor george carrie said if they put something in there burning you cant tell me nothing win be smudged and land fill will make a real rat hatch ery ive got more respect for people laid to rest say no he urged council reeve leslie put the matter to a vote on a resolution and it passed unanimously a delegation from the acton council headed by the mayor appearedbeforethetownship council on march 20 asking for a change in the present bylaw so a dump site could be established on the property esquesing promised an ans wer by april 29 asked his reaction to the hews mayor les duby said that was the kind of an ans wer we wanted a positive yes or po now we know what direction well have to take he continued the mayor said plans would have to be made to expand at the present site esquesings answer leaves us no alterna tive the dump has undergone an extensive face lifting in the past two weeks it has been fenced in supervised and the hours of dumping posted and enforced old refuse has been covered by earth and a loader has been employed in levelling off the ground urban board secret ry projects countywide welfare scheme plagued by lack of support- in the past few months north walton urban board took a new lease as representatives from all three member muni- bonnttm and shawled re gent mrs cecil nelles wel comed 175 at the lakeside chapter i o d e centennial tea story and pictures inside staff photo lot sizes separations late bids on esquesing council agenda mon esquesing council meeting with the township committee of adjustment for the second dm in two weeks passed a resolution from the committee f she present bylaw to make the minimum lot size in the township 20000 square feet with a minimum frontage of 135 feet and a minimum depth of 160 feet reeve george leslie broke a tie in the recorded vote by casting his hat with the yeas atong with councillors jim gootuet and pat patterson councillors george currie and tom mill voted in the negative resolu tion forwarded by the commit tee calling for new legislation on the number of land separa tions in the township was shelved until legal advice could he sought the resolution asked council to amend the present legisla tion so no separations were available on 15 acre lots other recommendations 15- 25 acres one separation 26- 50 acres two separations 51- 75 a three separations 76100 acres four separations cosnaetltee of adjustment chairman edwin harrop ex plained the committee felt it could discourage people from buying 10 acre lots by limiting separations to parcels 15 acres and more in size council rehashed their prev ious meeting with the commit tee with councillors patterson and currie spokesmen for op posite sides of the fence airing their views again council accepted the advice of the clerk who felt there was some question as to whether the amended bylaw would stand up in court threats from georgetown that they would discontinue fire protection in the township unless an agreement was sign ed by april 30 were dealt with several ways by councillors councillor pat patterson urg ed immediate signing of the agreement i dont think you can do any better than theyve told you they can do he said councillor tom hill had a different reaction i sure did not like that report in the georgetown paper id like to see us train our own volunteer firemen he said urging the establishment of a township fire department reeve leslie explained pay ment on the last quarter of last year was the big stumbling block in the coming agreement with georgetown there were approximately 30 tire calls in the township last year and 40 or 41 in george town the new agreement calls for 10800 plus major main tenance of the truck and insur ance a further meeting wifh georgetown will be held with the fire committee possessing full authority to sign an agree ment eartler in the meeting mr connors of connors transport was present asking why his firms bid for the township gravel contract was unsuccess ful the third year in a row he has bid unsuccessfully mr connor said he noticed his bid envelope was marked 1213 pm bids were closed at 12 noon and he insisted his bid was in before 12 oclock mr connor said he believed the township paid 30 per cent more for gravel than they need ed to he also asked why the price and successful bidders name werent forwarded to his firm its our privilege to know he said your bids havent been con sidered in the last three years because they havent been on time stated the reeve mr connor insisted he was on time this year councillor patterson asked why he left it till the deadline when sealed tenders could have been put in days before if he wanted the business mr con nor said that was the way the trade operated despite denials by mr patterson who accused the people in the gravel busi ness of holding hands your tender was marked late and thats the only thing we can go on said councillor goodkst council agreed with mr con nors regarding his right to come and question them and promised further bads would receive their every sympathy if it was in on time successful gravel supplier this year is acton limestone quarries at si a ton council atao passed a motion that the annual share of costs for the credit valley conservation au thority be provided from cur rent taxation it is based on 90 cents per capita cipalities attended a meeting in acton wednesday night studied during a three hour session were a county welfare unit to update and strengthen the weak welfare setup in the five northern municipalities garbage removal incinerators dumps and spiralling costs of education board secretary jack mc- geachie acton clerk admin istrator brought the proposal of a countywide welfare set up to the meeting estimated cost to the county would be 108700 a saving of 13000 on the present system in which the five northern municipali ties treat welfare cases inde pendently and of necessity are curtailed the expanded services would include a family counselling service which is subject to a 50 per cent provincial grant although there are no admin istration costs because town clerks handle cases the pres ent setup irnot suitable for grants mr mcgeachle told the board welfare services would be set up along the same lines as the county health unit a welfare administrator in a sal ary range of 10000 would head the unit with field of ficers at 6000 five no municl- palities are not get flrig full benefit of welfare services now said mr mcgcachie they havent the facilities to give it with a countywide service theres a 50 per cent grant av ailable on administration costs as well as another 50 per cent on family counselling services one hitch was the secretary didnt know whether oakville and burlington both with a full service now would go for it since they would bear a large part of the cost a comparison between acton georgetown and milton show ed acton welfare costs exceed ed miltons while georgetown had no accurate record to gauge costs with members decided to take the matter back to their respect ive councils before making a final decision on whether to pursue it mr mcgeachie sug gested a separate board com posed of the five northern municipalities could be set up if the oakville and burlington councils didnt agree to go along but didnt know whe- continued on page two actons music man named citizen of year declared centennial citizen of the year for acton is george musselle active legion member dedicated director of the choraliers end owner of lakevlew greenhouses lust west of acton talented mr musselle will hear his citation read at the annual citizen of the year dinner given by the chamber of commerce at the band hall on saturday evening april 29 with the towns honors mr musselle will lead the legion chorollert to sing at expo on the july 1 weekend staff photo bp expands acton plant bogus ws at mohawk a urge quantity of phoney 10 bins was adzed by milton ojj at mohawk raceway last night tuesday after a man attempted to pass a bo gus bill at the partmutuel wi ckets at press time descript ions of the homemade bills were being circulated to police forces throughout the district in case any of the money went beyond the raceway a delhi area man was appre hended and questioned by po lice but later released an o pj spokesman told the free press this morning a security guard found 21 of the phoney bills stashed behind a pillar in the race track grandstand and another 10 mil was passed in the parking lot police say the bills feu funny and were printed on very thin poor quality paper a ticket seller at the 5 win dow accepted one of the bins during the second race and when she noticed the money felt different the man grab bed the bin and ran through the crowd a security guard and cons walter jordan of milton ojj apprehended him the bills were taken to bur lington district headquarters to test for fingerprints two accomplices in toronto were also questioned preparing to meet the ex citing challenges that are fast developing in the construction industry building products of canada limited is making significant capital improve ments to its plant at acton already the largest plastics extrusion plant in canada the acton complex will play a key role in the future of the com pany as a leading manufactur er of building materials about 1 million has been spent in the last year on new sophisticated equipment and improved facilities for mater ials handling unique in canada an extrus ion line capable of producing high quality acrylic sheet has been installed and the product compares favorably with the sheet produced by the more costly casting method three polyethylene pipe es truders have been replaced by two larger machines and two new pvc pipe extruders and an extruder for custom profiles have been installed currently being introduced is a monitoring system for the pipe extrusion lines under the system the pipe wall will be constantly measured and the equipment automatically ad justed to ensure that correct thickness is maintained moni toring systems also will be in stalled on the pvc pipe lines two injection moulding machines were installed last year and they are now produc ing polyethylene couplings for bermico bitumlnized fibre con duit as well as pvc pipe fit tings which previously were continuca on page two firefighters save dominion hotel the dominion hotel threat ened by a destructive blaze which started in a chip fryer and surreptitiously crept up wah partitions was saved from destruction friday night by a welldrilled team of acton fire fighters the main st hotel caught fire about 1130 pm and it took a two hour battle with smoke and flames before it was brought under control damage was co to the rear older frame section of the three storey hostelry esti mated to be nearly 125 years old the fire started in the kit chen in the french fryer grease raced up a partition to the up stairs bedroom of chef joa-mal- leck where it went through the ceiling to the attic efforts to locate flames were hampered by the dense smoke and the direction flames took through partitions firefight ers arrived on the scene min utes after the alarm was turn ed in by bartender dune ellis and bus rstzgerald late mtvy in brief filled eon ihs fins scott air packs to combat fridays fire at the dominion hotel dense clouds of smoke hotel and some guests evacuated from rooms on the and third floors had to be led to safety a fan is kara to help expel smoke from the kitchen where m a chip fryer staff photo county council briefs at the regular meet ing of halt on county council on tuesday memb ers confirmed the appointment of john h watson as the county personnel officer learned the consultative committees on education would present their report to the council at a special meeting on april 27 at 730 pm representatives of the school boards and boards of education in the county were to be invited to attend the report has been more than 12 months in preparation and is expected to include some farreaching recommendations approved an agreement with robert j 1 mayer productions for the preparation of a movie on halton county noted a committee was investigating wayr to reduce the deer population in halton without an open season discussions are to be held with the department of lands and forests decided to await finallzatlon of antic ipated legislation before presenting a report on the establishment of a county welfare unit authorized the warden william coulter to attend any conventions conferences or meetings at which the county is represented by delegates ed startek coowner with absent louis wasowicz and chef joe malleck fought the flames with hand extinguishers until the firefighters arrived many of them from a dance at the legion hall across the street the building was filled with smoke firefighters donned scott air packs and with the aid of room ers escorted guests to the safe ty of the street as well as fight ing flames many guests had been awak ened by the hotel alarm and hastily evacuated their rooms but two older men charlie allen and ernie rookes both in their mrs had to be notified and assisted downstairs when percy gilbert noticed they were not out yet mr gilbert and other guests assisted the elder ly men down with the aid of firemen mr rookes was tak en to the acton medical centre nearby for treatment for smoke inhalation a dans fog shrouded the building while firefighters at tacked the fire from the kitch en and from the other side chief mick holmes called ad three fire trucks to the scene with their available equipment traffic was diverted from the- scene by acton opp air packs were soon exhaust ed and refrlled but more had to be brought from guelph be fore the fire chief pronounced the fire defeated fear was evident the fire would get out of hand and cause a major con flagration about half past 12 but the relentless pursuit of flames finally succeeded spectators who witnessed the battle praised the efforts of i firefighters who had to chop their way through ceilings twice to get at the fire hoses were attached to hydrants on main and mill streets and they were used effectively with chemical extinguishers cars ringing the hotel had to be moved so firefighters traffic lights go on monday the long awaited stop installed at the mid ma corner wfll be turned on 1 dajr mornin at ul at the same time paitlug mutat ions as posted by signs wfll be st could move around freely and to prevent the spread of flames hotel coowner louis was owicz told the free press tues day he and his brotherinlaw partner ed startek hope the old section of the hotel which was almost gutted can be torn down and a new section built but much will depend on insur ance adjusters negotiations are still in progress the old section of the hotel is at east 111 years old and esti mated to be 125 years of age a picture of acton in actons early days taken in 1856 shows the old part of the structure distinctly and it wasnt a new structure then destruction of the kitchen and extensive damage to his bedroom put cook joe malleck out of business temporarily only cold sandwiches are be ing served guests until some arrangement can be made for hot meals beverage rooms are back in operation hotel guests are back to nor mal many of them returning to their rooms that morning around 2j0 am after firefight ers completed the job of mop ping up there are 25 rooms on the second and third floors smoke ejectors emptied the hotel of acrid fumes which made it uninhabitable during the blaze some roomers had to be restrained from return ing to rooms for warmer cloth ing before the fire was out firefighters said the early hour of the fire probably sav ed the building it it happen ed later with everyone in bed the extra time allowed for their arrival would have given the fire a good foothold it was the third call for the firefighters last week and they received another on sunday bma set hgkt aaj nctty burned bed ruined bedding and a damaged room resulted from a fire wednesday of last week at the home of rev and mrs r mcmurray jeffrey ave children playing with matches were blamed for setting the bed on are neighbors came to assist and the damage was confined fire fighters concluded the task of carrying out the smouldering bed sp starts issue permits worth 410000 i a z construction and bunt by rubsa on tyler asa is off to a start scsto construction three on tfcssy and moat of construction is buod- jack me- the rcaaalndsr wfll be conn sag three snare h on ebs- stabsn corporation took st structed on the nuslh part nbeth drive one of which is fsmumsssva of he permit theyll be build- of elmore prise and mill in already fat the p of gofceg far eoawtmettan h h est she section of court awaabsoro mhtlvo hoc oobummbvoq which runs parallel to tldey eight h some of which mayor les dnby told the avenue services are not la already betag bout are pra press recently that the of the n tiunn ha area yet but the town win planned by a z con j m by be starting soon for stsa assjuipeeena coraoratlosi chrysler die- ftre s hou will be hsy he i

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