Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1967, p. 10

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u where 4 f firm kete dipping lines the storys the same all around the province taxes much like the american space proect are heading for the skies tax bills show councillors and school trustees around the province have again bean unable to work mir acles in metropolitan toronto the increase for the owner of an average house with three or four bedrooms assessed for 5000 will be 50 hamilton will pay 20 london 45 kingston 60 brentford 50 oshawa 40 ottawa 37 nd chatham 32 in virtually every case the increase is mainly because of school costs lon don a prosperous bustling city is cur tailing capital building a stopgap mea sure even though taxes have increased 45 mills the same sltcratlotrexistsln acton the proposed building program at the m z bennett school was deferred this year even though both council and school board recognize the need the town has other problems which must be attended to like a dump or possibly an incinerator which have been budgetted for you could take the view that this isnt necessary but a look at the town dump will do more convincing than 10000 words ifs al most full life expectancy no more than two or three months temporary measures are not going to solve the problems something con crete had to be done the folly of wait ing for solutions and for costs to go down has been impressed on council lors by the amount of work theyve got to do now some of it could have been done years before wheres it all going to end some say it wont until the provin cial government uses its wider taxing- base to provide more aid to local school boards and councils others advocate basing education taxation on income rather than on real estate this would provide some relief to people with in comes which are pegged the best way for taxpayers to get relief is to take a more active interest in the affairs of the community when theres an election cast your ballot for men and women who have the best interests of the community at heart it is going to take steady heads and an outlook which goes beyond immedi ate needs to retain control of spiralling costs acton has much of that element on its municipal council now jmxsisrjsijikzsiks jfrce jjms editorial page ccchcmic pincers taxpayers shouldnt really be sur prised at the rise in the mill rate in acton council in acton is caught in a squeeze which it can do little about the item which eats up most of your tax dollar is education before you belabor the school boards for their con- tribution to the dollar hike remember j theres not much they can do about it either they are caught in an economic vise between teachers salary demands and rising costs of construction and main tenance people want good teachers they want fine buildings the penalty is higher cost frills in education are much con demned but a trip to another town where these frills are enioyed invari ably create a demand for the same item in your own community its true however that demands of the teachers for higher and higher sal aries are creating much consternation among boards from every level of gov ernment main objection seems to be that many of the teachers are not worth what they are getting there is no real complaint about good teachers a rising tide of indignation is sweeping the province typical of which is this editorial from the stratford times says the times in part the biggest union in the province puts the squeeze on taxpayers and we dont have a chance teachers bonded by an association union or whatever you want to call it are laughing theyll laugh all the way to the bank with their 1000 raises next year which amounts to an additional 180000 tax dollars which have to be found some where this figure applies to stratford what irks us is that year after year the various teacher associations go after more and more money and get it of course with the raised club that teachers everywhere hold over school trustees heads its little wonder they succeed the times is aware of the short supply of good teachers were also aware of the fierce competition between school boards to get the best available some time back a group of boards tried to take matters on themselves and freeze wages at a reasonable level strat ford invited to join declined we wonder if it isnt time to fight fire with fire a strong group of school boards not ignoring teacher threats but backing one another to a reasonable compromise might be the answer thats one papers answer to the cost problem but it is a drastic one it could lead back to the time when tea chers were badly underpaid and the profession attracted only dedicated in dividuals or those who didnt fit in any where else unfortunately sometimes the latter outnumbered the former the answer in this field lies with the teachers themselves like any other group they have amongst them some who will reach for the moon in the way of salary demands we dont doubt many in the profession feel they are getting adequate com pensation for what they are doing it is time they spoke out and told the ir responsible in their midst to lay off otherwise the spectre of big gov ernment reaching in and taking over could become a reality fo centennial picture gaueru mum j saywt saw mru wm buih in 1903 after the old on was burned in the fall of 1902 this picture belongs to mr j j kennedy of milton and was taken by him sayan- mill was on lot 17 west half oanoaasion 6 fart nassaga- weya township this mill was owned by mr peter savers and sons and later was purchased by mr duncan camp- bell it was sold and taken down and moved nearly 50 years ago first balmy spring day brought fishermen out alonq valley road in rockwood where the eramosa river stretches into quiet water after the plunge through the mill dam and water falls in two more weeks the river banks will be well travelled as the trout sea son opens and the real action starts staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley we have just gone through the most relentless winter i can remember deep snow and deep cold day after day month after month i dont know about vou but it took more out of me than four years of world war ii did but there arc signs that the annual twoday phenomenon known in this coun- try as spring is almost upon us and it it with considerable satisfaction that i look back and sneer at the blizzard on march 21st laughingly known as the first day of spring and those i5below temperatures just before easter ive made it again like many canadians i am in a state of suicidal depression by the middle of march but those good old signs of spring cach me just before i plummet into the pit and there i am forced to give it another whirl the signs of spring in these parts are not quite what they are in some parts of the world but theyre just as wel come no larks sing but is there any thing sweeter than the first raucous call of a crow the flowers dont exactly come popping out but those hardy an nuals the picnic tables rear their brave heads through the snow in the yard and theres color everywhere brown mud yellow grass green wine bottles on your front lawn tossed there by some poor soul fighting midwinter madness and the lovely offwhite of about three tons of sand and salt thrown onto said lawn by the snowplow but youll bear no complaints from me in fact i feel so good when i kick off the old galoshes and hang up the overcoat for the last time that i might just burst into song here are the words it might go to the tune of theres a tear in my eye theres a hole in my boot in my best rubber boot but i dont give a hoot cause its spring theres a smell in the air like an old shewolfs lair but i dont really care cause its spring theres a squealing of tires and the smell of grass fires and the poets are liars but its spring there are masses of mud and my cellars in flood but i know in my blood that its spring theres romance in the air ah the boys have long hair and the girls have a hair in the spring there are gamboling lambs and fat easter hams and beautiful gams in the spring ifs no wonder a guy even an oldie like i gets a look in his eye in the spring a remarkable thing that you feel like a king wnen you get in the swing of the spring and that will be quite enough of that doggerel thank you but its all true and i hope the longer days warmer sun and softer winds have cheered you up even though that old cold receiver- general is lurking just around the cor ner one cant help feeling that the na tives sanity is saved by the signs of spring such as they are three people smiled at me this week for no reason today a fellow motorist who would have driven straight at me snarling a month ago stopped and waved me through an intersection when he had the right of way its not all roses theres a lot of hard hacking ahead to clean up the estate which i didnt quite manage last fall the old lady has that wild spring decorating gleam in her eye and my daughter flunked her physics exam bat when i drive past a black burb ling trout stream and long for opening dav or when i see the flags go up at the golf course i realize that theres still a little steam in the old boiler and that spring has done it again pet pwrri dusty town streets are a source of irritation to housewives but copious amounts of rain have kept dust to a minimum the acton free press phone 8532010 business and editorial office tn am mmvstttet wmwrf mm m s wokm st lew oauria itahr af i bin gnxltttaa tfc cwna a mi uwtaba ran aa sis 20 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press of thursday april 17 1947 the old baptist church building on elgin st used for many years as a store house in being tom town yesterdays snowstorm was pretty heavy for april and the six inch blanket brought out plows and cleaning equip ment again the agricultural society at home held in miltonttown hall last week was a splendid success every table was used for cards and after lunch a very enjoy able dance was held mr and mrs som- erville and mr and mrs j stewart were guests from acton the council met tuesday evening with councillors c cook j h creightott wm coon and r m aylsworth attend ing and reeve f j mccutcheon presid ing they made plans for waterworks extensions to serve new sections of ac ton being built up for repairs to the ar ena roof and the wartime housing site to be chosen a new plan for the section at the rear of baxter laboratories which was a former pond was submitted with a let ter from the department of planning to have this land properly conveyed from mr amos mason to baxter laborator ies this plan submitted must be approv ed council gave the approval and sup plied the department of planning with the information required 50 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press of thursday april 12 1m7 maple syrup is coming in selling for 1150 per imperial gallon the ontario government will re ceive a large delegation of supporters of the central route of the proposed new provincial highway from toronto to windsor sergt swackhamer sergt stuckey and corp perry did not leave for over seas with the 164th last thursday they were specially drafted as instructors and will probably go to camp borden for the summer previous to his departure to join his battalion at gait and the removal of his family to rockwood pte prank day was presented with a wrist watch and mrs day with a handsome rocker as a mark of esteem and regret by the people- of crewsons corners at their removal a very pretty easter wedding took pice at the home of mr and mrs wm johnstone mill st on saturday after noon when their daughter gertrude jean became the bride of mr frederick mclean of watford son of mr donald mclean windsor the wedding march was played by mrs leslie cockburn of wyandotte mich miss wilma johnstone sister of the bride and miss myrtle fritz of gu- elph attended the bride mr d t mc- guire of niagara falls acted as grooms man the ceremony was performed by rev j c wilson ba during the sign ing of the register mr leslie cockburn sang loves coronation on return from their wedding trip they will reside in watford ont where mr mclean is manager of the merchants bank 75 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press of thursday april 14 lift it may be of interest to teachers of rural schools to know that the law granting the vacation at easter does not apply to them the acton free press published by h p moore president of the canadian press association will adopt the strictly cash in advance system at the end of the year married payne storey at chi cago on the 31st march by the rev w werner dr jesse d payne of richmond iowa to edith pearl youngest daughter ofw h storey esq acton ont 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton april it 1m7 the spring show for the exhibition of entire horses will be held at milton april 23 prizes include 8 5 and 3 for first second and third best draught horse and the same scale for the best roadster or carriage horses and best general purpose horses as for the objections being made by farmers and others using the milton weigh scales we can certify as to their correctness as a proof of this we saw a gentleman ask the clerk to put on his weight and on going on the scales it balanced exactly another gentleman whrsc weight was known steppet6n and the scales balanced at their com bined weight exactly u is our melancholy duty this week to record the passing away of four of the old landmarks of the county those whose lives stretched back to the revolu tionary war and the close of the eight eenth century as old as the united slates are some of the names in our dcith list the names of miller biggar and deforest will long survive as among the loyal and hardy pionees of old haltnn cdittriat hctej acton firefighters are to be com mended for the speed and despatch with which they put out what could have developed into a serious fire at the dominion hotel last friday night their training was never more evident the lack of confusion and coordinated efforts impressed onlookers council in general and sanitation chairman ted tyler jr in particular must be congratulated for the improved condition of the town dump it has had a complete facelifting and appoint ment of a supervisor will go a long way in keeping it that way trinity church the united church of canada minister mr john may interim supply organist mr george elliott ma phd evangel pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday april 23 1967 sunday school 1000 am junior school to gr 4 1 115 am senior school gr 5 to gr 8 services 1000 ajn trinity church acton nur sery provided ii 15 ajn churchill church churchill rd n 7 00 pjn annual meeting of acton branch canadian bible society all welcome the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow st- and st artans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma st3 sunday april 23 1967 easter iv 900 ajn holy eucharist 10j0 ajn church school 1030 ajn matins acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley nmmn res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 sunday april 23 1967 1000 ajn church school and aduh class 11 15 ajn morning worship the time between 700 pjn evening service cancelled for bible society service at trinity un ited at 7jd pjn wednesday april 26 800 pjn quarterly busin meeting thursday 630 pjn explorers thursday 7 jo pjn choir practice friday 700 pjn bjlf text so then every one of us shall ghre account of himself to god romans 1412 sunday april 23 1967 1000 am sunday school 1100 ajn morning worship 700 pm evangelistic service tuesday 8 pjn prayer and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambassa dors friday 645 pjn crusaders bethel christian reformed church acton ontario sunday april 23 1967 1000 ajn english service 1110 ajn sunday school 230 pjn alternating dutch and eng lish service saturday bible classes 101230 ajn everyone welcome maple avenue baptist church georgetown sunday aprs 23 1967 945 ajn sunday school 1100 ajnmoming service 700 pjnv evening service wednesday 8 pjn prayer ineeuns acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 p church m canada knox church acton rev andrew el mrifrrrrif ba bj minister mr e a i bjl organist and choir master 3 to sunday aprjl 23 1967 945 ajnchurch school for aa 15 945 ajnchurch membership class for teenagers 1100 ajn divine worship s theme the error of anhttoal il literacy- 700 pjni acton community bible so ciety sendee in trinity church everyone most

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