Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1967, p. 11

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et u teenager endurance contest hav always captured the imagination and saturdays marathon walk by acton and district teenagers which included a worthy causewltb the obaetivaereatadmueh excltemant it i fashi t p t youth as demented longhaired loung ers who couldnt care a rap whats go ing on around 4hem project action is an attempt by dis trict youth to change that image judg ing by saturdays effort theyre going to succeed not only is the cancer society sev eral hundred dollars richer but the jeenagers hereabouts have gone op severalrjotcbsjrijhestimatipnof people of town and district congratulations are in order for all who planned and participated in sat urdays event special tips of the edi torial dept hat to those who walked the entire distance from thornhlll and the boys who attempted to hike all the way from toronto city halll h4 tc cchtfujich years of surveys warnings and nearaccidents at the aaillmaln corners came to mind wherttheyturned on trie- new traffic lights monday it is our opinion the lights were long overdue pedestrians and vehicle traffivwere often confused on the corners and it was a case of good luck- rather than good management that nobody came to grief the lights will decide when people will cross the street when vehicles can stop and go the previous system made no allowance for human error strangers in particular sometimes ex- h1btteclesrremecatition on ihe con inching the nose of their car out caus ing cars in the right of way to swerve although the-department-of-higb- ways take a aundiced view of stop and go lights because of traffic tieups they were not fully cognizant of the facts here until recently merchants were visibly upset be cause the new lights would interfere with accustomed parking and loading on mill and main however its likely the new arrangement will work out bet ter for them in the long run shoppers especially older ones will have less fear of this intersection under the new arrangement business there- iold-eeneetvably-ptek-up- sssffljr 4frte jjress editorial page un a oeea centennial projects across canada are many and varied you hear of teas for the ladies sports celebrations for the men and all kinds of dressup af fairs for beards and long dresses the oddest one ive heard about so far though has to be the university taf guelphs they are developing a new breed of bee there better suited to the can adian winter someone put a bee in their bonnet the present brand of can adian bee could stand some improve- i ment researchers found the strains they wanted to work with in europe so they tried importing eggs and larvae in thermos ugs and portable incubators it didnt work the eggs and larvae died retired toronto school teacher john stein had the solution he flew to eur ope purchased a new shipment and put them in a speciallymade belt around his waist thanks to the steady body heat he generated the bees sur vived consequently the university of guelph will soon be releasing a new breed of bee as a centennial gift to the nation maybe it will be a bilingual bee sting in two languages jtehch anflte one sidelight on the francocana dian rhubarb over who snooted whom in making arrangements for ceremonies on the 50th anniversary of the battle of vimy ridge sent hollow laughter ringing down ottawas east block cor ridors john bird says in the financial post a pans despatch reported president de gaulle as complaining cest tou jour la meme chose- les anglosaxons who were these anglosaxons particularly involved on the canadian negotiating team they were- roger joseph teillet minister of veterans af fairs and his deputy paul pelletier jules leger canadian ambassador to pans external affairs minister paul martin whose mother was lumina marie choinard and his deputy minis ter marcel cadieux not a sassenach in the carload jfe centennial picture jatetq nvinv pastor of acton baptist church from 1856 rev r b cook was photographed with his wife by h ramshaw acton he came from cape rich in the georg ian bay district where he was a pioneer preacher when he was ordained in acton in 1856 he became pastor of the baptist church here in 1858 the church was situated on elgin st with much interest though in failing health he watched the present church being built and hoped to be spared to see the new building opened and join in the worship service this but was not granted on january 5 1900 he was called home mr and mrs cook were the grandparents of the former eva cook now mrs w mclaughlin of guelph who owns this picture etjenne brule at the mouth of the humber 1615 he left no written ac counts of his tourneys in the service of champlain and he remains a strange shadowy and tragic figure in the history of canada vet he was one of its most energetic explorers among his discover- ies he was probablv thi first white man to sec all the great lakes including the site or toronto here he shown in sight of lake ontario at the end of the tcronto carrvingplacc where the trail dipped down to the humber river bank this portage was part of the most direct route from northern lakes to lake on tario dnile chose to live among the indians learned to speak several of their languages and adopted their habits and customs brule helped cement cham- plains alliances wth the huron s against tho iroouois acting as guide interpreter and agent but his main interest was in exploration he was probably the first white man to go up the ottawa river and on 4o georgian bay he discovered and surveyed at least four and probablv five of the great lakes he followed the susquehanna river in what is now pen nsylvania down to its mouth on chesa peake bay in 1629 when klrkes british fleet at tadoussac waylaid and sank most of a fleet of18 french supply ships which brule was supposed to meet there tnd guide to ouebcc he went over to the british with three other frenchmen and piloted kirkcs ships to quebec instead champlain could not conceal the weak ness of hjjs defences and was forced to surrender brule died in 1662 or 1663 somewhere in simcoe countys township of tav when he was killed and then eat en by the hurons sugar and spice vuvv by bill smiley i r sometimes i envy the young but very often my heart aches for them they havent much in the way of armour you know in an adultdominated world and thats why they so often rebel and run away from home or get married or do something which even they know is stupid todays young people are confused and battered by an assault of sights sounds and ideas they simply cant cope with nothing is easier than to criticize them theyre spoiled rotten they have too much money theyre bone lazy theyre utterly selfish theyre immoral they have no sense of responsibility and so on there is nothing that rasps me more than that kind of talk and im afraid far too many adults are far too glib with it perhaps the worst offenders are old maids of both sexes but were all guilty sooner or later adults generally are envious of young people from that envy springs a general rancor which comes out as a petulant blanket disapproval of youth in general what causes the envv mostly a host of misconceptions todays generat ion of teenagers has more money more freedom more luxury than any in hist ory its pretty hard for a man who grew up during the depression and has worked like a dog all his life to be anything but sore when he sees a voung punk just out of school riding around in a red convertible with a doll lolling on his shoulder but what he doesnt remember is that while the kids have all the mores mentioned above they have some oth er they have more work more decis ions more pressures more problems more temptations certainly some teenagers are bums and so are many adults but when you look behind the facade of fun-and-gam- es the average high school kid seems to be having you see a different picture first of an they spend six and a half hours a day in school where they are supposed to be polite attentive in dustrious and obedient to a welter of rules thats the meatandpotatoes for dessert they are tnmdi between two and three hours of homework thats a nine hour day mac many of them have after school and saturday jobs some are expected to do chores or help at home others be come involved in extracurricular activit ies which gobble the time very very few have any hours to dreamt or read or just goof around die hours that are so es sential to any humans happiness and particularly so at this sensitive age i know whereof i speak my daugh ter came to us ajmost in tears the other day she had just drawn up a list of things she had to do in the next two months and she had that horrible feeling weve all experienced when things pile up ito the point where we want to resign from the race heres the list and remember this is on top of a nine jiour school day play rehearsals night practicesthrce njghts performance band concert night prac tices for string orchestra concert band and symphonic band one nights per formance music festival practise piece play at festival play at festival concert practice with bev and hugh for hiy concert play at concert study for mus ic exams history and harmony prepare for piano scholarship audition practice with new christian minstrels for folk mass at church complerc math and his tory projects for school study for final exams in june and my daughter is no exception other kid are just as busy and just as much is expected of them they havent even time to experiment with lsd or sex thev havent time to go for a walk or listen to the birds or realize its spring next time you feel like knocking kids stop and ask yourself how youd hke to finish a days work and then tackle about five more hours of demand ing physical and mental activity per sonalty i wouldnt trade with them even if they did give me back all those years between the acton a free press phone 8532010 business and editorial office founded in 1175 and published every wednesday l 99 wilkna st ac i cn ontario member of lbs audit bureau of circulation the cwna and cm ma aohenitiruj rates on request swbscrtp- twm payable in advance 1400 in canada 1709 m au count net other iian canada unite copse mc amhonard a second class fcuu pott office department otiaua adertiunj it accepted on the condition thai in the eient of ty error thai portion of the advertising soac oc cupied b the erroneous item together with reasonable allowance for signature will not b charged for but the balance of the advertisement mtu be paid for at the applicable raw la be cvrnt of a topographical error advertising goods or smsce a strong price goods or services ma nor be sold adicnlung is merer aa offer o sell and may be withdrawn at anv time david dills ptobumner a cprri na dm ixki 20 years ago taken from mm tenia of um acton free press thursday april 24 w4t 75 years ago taken from the tent of the acton free prtmthunday april utt following a four year interval in which the halton music feitival was dis continued during the war years the i6th festival was held in knox presbyterian church milton last thursday and friday g roy fenwick toronto provincial supervisor of music was adjudicator betty mae fosbury aged 9 of acton won top honors for urban girls vocal solo in the seven to ten year class a special meeting of acton council and public utilities commission was held all members of both bodies were present and chairman hansen presided after considering the application for the position of secretarytreasurer mr john mcgeachle was chosen for the position at a salary of 1600 the members of council passed a bylaw appointing mr mcgeachle as corporation treasurer and tax collector miss j walker was ap pointed his deputy by resolution of the council twentyfive years ago amos mason came to acton and purchased the old power house a onestorey building while experienced in the knitted goods busi ness he launched a new product under a new name in a highly competitive field the product was good and through the years has established a name for qual ity and fair dealing so that jhe onestorey building became two then threestorey then had additions added and finally out grew the premises and moved to new quarters that gave ample room for ex pansion in what had been the beardmore warehouses 50 years ago token from the issue of the acton free press thursday april 19 1917 the girl friends of miss ethel cole man gave her a generous shower of household and other dainty gifts at the home of mr john brown last friday evening mis coleman will shortly grace a methodist parsonage in the west as its presiding genius the tanslcy bridge in nelson town ship lost one of its abutments with the spring freshet the county council will decide what course lsbest to persue officers for the methodist lawn tennis club are as follows president miss lot tie v mason secretarytreasurer ernest brown green committee earl vincent convener marguerite stewart martin moffat orval johnstone nfnian lindsay at the annual meeting of the officers of the 20th battalion halton rifles held at milton lieutenant noble formally re ported that four officers of the regiment had been killed at the front since last meeting namely lieut j e d belt lieut c m carbert lieut e t leslie and capt g o mcnair the officers in ses sion spoke warm words of appreciation of the standing and character of these four brave men the council met with reeve lowry councillors harvey pearson and beard- more present u a communication from r b cook respecting the fence around fajrvtew cemetery was referred to the cemetery committee the piano petition was dismissed in view of the increased demands fori school accommodation and other mat ters more urgent the fanners are busy with their seed ing a number of our cltizcni are plant ing trees on the street opposite thelr p remises mr joseph mcclure is about to build a new dwelling on the corner of church and wilbur streets nearly 25000 acres of manitoba land were sold by the cipr in winnipeg last week one of the most important works to be undertaken is the extension of the railway from saskatoon to saskatch ewan river the extension will open up a most fertile grazing district 100 years ago taken from tha issue of the champion milton april is 1m7 we regret to announce another fatat accident from a circular saw yesterday morning a girl working at mr haddens was caught in the circular saw at his mill near kilbride by means of her hoops her leg was instantly severed and she was thrown back on the head and died in a few minutes chiefly from the brain injury dr white was in attendance but of course nothing could be done too much attention cannot be exercised by women in passing machinery the mysterious order of known as callathumpians will astonish the natives on the queens be day by order of their chief with the jawbreaking name rangtankaroode- boomjingjing is his title for 1867 the next meeting of lodge up 900100000000000019 will meet at their lodge room wednes day may 1 at 8 jo pm all members are requested to attend as business of im portance is to be transacted allah ii auah saw my leg off milton council held a special meet ing monday evening for the purpose of assenting to the moving of the old mar ket house to the opposite side of the road consent was given on the under standing council were at liberty to use ft until the other hall was ready court of revision day was fixed for monday may 6 the mayor and councillors bestado dewar matheson and mcguffin were ap pointed court of revision church news presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master evangel pentecostal tabernacle pa o c 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday april 30 1967 9 45 a m church school for ages 3 to 15 945 am church membership class for teenagers 11 00 a m public worship of god ser mon theme- i can leap over a wall 7 30 p m youth fellowship everyone most welcome sunday april 30 1967 10 00 a m sunday school 1 1 00 a m morning worship 700 pm evangelistic service tuesday 8 p m prayer and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambassa dors friday 6 45 p m crusaders bethh christian reformed chlntch acton ontario st the church of alban the martyr anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray mx stjb sunday april 30 1967 easter v 9 00am holy eucharist 1030 a m church school 10 30 a m holy eucharist thursday may 4 feast of the ascen sion 1000 am holy eucharist acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 sunday april 30 1967 1000 am church school and adult class 1115am morning worship sin in the church 7 00 pm evening service questions and answers sunday april 30 1967 1000 am english service 11 10 am sunday school 230 pm alternating dutch and eng lish service saturday bible classes 101230 am everyone welcome maple avenue baptist chutch georgetown sunday april 30 1967 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 7j00 pjn evening service wednesday 8 pjn prayer meetin acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 trinity chutch the united church of canada minister mr john may interim supply organist mr george elliott ma phd tuesday may 2 7j45 preston bwjvls rally wednesday 730 pjn prayer and bible study thursday 630 pjn explorers thursday 730 pjn choir practice friday 700 pjn bhf text be not deceived god is not mock ed what we sow we shall reap gal67 sunday april 30 1967 sunday school 1000 ajn junior school to gr 4 1 115 am senior school gr 5 to gr services i0j00 am trinity church acton nur sery provided 1115 jun churchill church churchfll rdn au welcome

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