Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1967, p. 2

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2 tho acton froo pratt wednesday may 3 1967 i i i 5 highlights of george musselles life citation at citizen of year banquet fe tlwhil w4n4nttl tmi ww nmli 4nvhvd the dttitioo to ac of the yar at at th i deeply appreciate the honor that was afforded me when i was asked to prepare aad deliver the citation for our centennial citizen of the year george musaelle george and i have been as- s in may ventures over the years and i set great store byms friendship as i sat down to put my thoughts together the words and melody of that old song sussex by the sea kept run ning through my mind it is a piece that i always associate with george since i have heard him sing it on many occas ions i believe it is one of his favorites since it reminds him of his boyhood home which was at seaford in sussex muatc espadalty staging has played a great part and runs like a continuous thread throughout his life and i know he has enjoyed every minute of it i recall once being told by scotty burton whom some of you will remember that he scotty would rather sing than cat i have never asked george what his choice would be in such a case but i feel that it would be a close decision george was born to a musical family his brother len played the banjo his brother albert a professional golfer played the mandolin his mother was a singer and george and his three brothers sang in the choir of st leonards angli can church in seaford his brother-in- law also a musician lived in the family home and was georges teacher in school since there were no pianos the pitch for songs was obtained from the tuning fork and tonicsolfa was the order of the day when the school program called for a new song george was drilled on the tonicsolfa the previous night so that he could better assist the class the next day this early training accounts for the fact that he is one of the best music sightreaders that i know during world war i george joined the army service corps mechanical transport and saw active service in egypt and palestine he was hospital ized in kantara egypt and then sent to a rest camp at montazah it was there that he took part in organizing a concert at which he sang a song that he had never heard before and has never heard since who put the bones in thekipper after the war george returned to england for a time and then decided in 1922 to come to canada he arrived in toronto where his brother len was stew ard of the royal canadian military in stituteon university avenue of which gordon beardmore was a member an interview was arranged and as a result george came to acton two weeks later to work for the acton tanning company os it was then called it was while he was there that he had the misfortune to lose his left forearm in 1927 george married bessie wood- hall thev have raised a fine family of three george olive and john and are justly proud of their seven grandchild ren working with his fatherinlaw in 1931 george began building lakcview greenhouses since that time he and bessie have helped to beautify the homes and gardens of acton and vicinity by providing flowers plants and bedding stock second to none george has been a tower of strength to the acton branch of the royal can adian legion of which he has been a member for thirtyfive years he has served on all committees and was presi dent from 1940 to 1943 and secretary from 1947 to 1954 fronyl958 to the pros- ent he has been service officer during all of that time he maintained a high standard of service and won acclaim by being in the forefront of everv activity of local interest it will be remembered that acton branch no 19 introduced and sponsored the acton and vicinity war service league which accomplished so much with the united aid of the community ranging from ballinafad to brookville george always played an important part in making it a success mr and mrs george mussella about the same time beardmore and company required the old legion hall to accommodate employees recruited in the hudson bay area to fill the manpower shortage the company paid the legion to vacate the old hall for that purpose president george worked tirelessly to procure legion quarters and he was directly responsible for the purchase of the lantz property which has been con verted into the present exceflertt accom modation without his determination and zeal the transaction would never have been realized many hands made the necessary changes but george was the driving force behind them in 1943 george joined the masonic lodge and attained the third degree in august 1944 he acted as secretary for seven years from 1947 to 1954 and has been chaplain since 1962 he is a mem ber of the royal city lodge of perfec tion and the guelph chapter of the rose croix r also in 1943 george became a mem ber of knox church choir and took an adve part in all choir affairs spec ial music concerts male quartette and male octette singing garden parties etc in spite of all his other commitments he was always ready willing and able to help wherever he was needed hard work and fallhtul practice paid off in 1957 when the five straws a male quartette directed by george won top honors in- the adult class of the amateur contest held in connection with milton centennial celebration we also recall the very successful minstrel shows that geoige directed several years ago in acton and rockwood in 1963 george was a charter mem ber of the georgetown chapter of the society lor the preservation and en couragement ot barbershop quartette singing in america about a yeariater he yj asked to direct the georgetown legion choii which had lost its leader it was his plan to have a joint legion enoir involving both acton and george town branches but as time went on it becamei purely local group which was- the forerunner of the choraliers at present there are 31 members who are putting our town on the map bv carry ing their music far beyond its limits those who have heard them recognize that they are catching their leaders en thusiasm and love for singing we are all very proud of the fact that thev have been chosen to sing at expo on july 2 and 3 we know that thev will give a good account oj themselves jnd further boost the sock of acton the chamber of commerce is to be commended again this year on its choice of a citizen of the year georges friend ly manner his wise and generous use of his time and talents and his devotion to any job that he has been asked to do have made acton a better community for all of us he richly deserves to be placed in our wall of fame it is my pleasure and privilege at this time george to present to you a plaque as a reminder of the esteem in which you are held by your fellow towns folk may vou long continue in vour good works board to consider changes continued from page one members agreed they would study the report more fully each received a folder of facts and recommendations county council will consid er the report may 23 and the affected school boards could submit a reply mndpal ted hansen report ed hc and guidance teacher mrs laszlo attended a meet ing monday afternoon of prin cipals and guidance personnel in cooksvilte j m porter president of sheridan college of applied arts and technolo gy the local community col lege which will open in tem porary quarters in the old brampton high school in the fall outlined progress a sur vey is to be made of all stud ents in hallon and peel coun ties who might possibly attend we have brochures and mavbe some of the answers for our students mr hansen said he was glad to learn students would be accepted af ter grade 12 transportation is an individual responsibility mr stone of lakeshore tea chers college interviewed sev- obituary william thompson dies at 70 a member of georgetown council in the forties william poynter thompson 70 died suddenly at his home in georgetown on april 12 mr thompson was a doctor of chiropractic a graduate of the palmer school in daven port iowa born at massey he was the son of william welsh thompson and agnes lee scott he mvad in bund mver as a boy later moving with his fam ily to guelph toronto and to norval where he farmed he served overseas with the can adian armv in world war i be came a chiropractor after the war and practiced in northern ontario for four years in 1927 he joined his father and brother ernest in the map le leaf dairy they started the first pasteurization plant in georgetown and the business was operated by the family un til sold to fred steen several years ago he leaves his wife marie whaley whom he married in toronto in 192s five children william of barrhead alberta keith of georgetown dean of ballinafad mrs h graham donna of hillsburg and mrs r pearce barbara of edmon ton aluu and ten grandchild ren rev l e wilton conducted the funeral service on saturday at the harold c mcchtre fun eral home georgetown and interment was in hilkrest ce metery norval the pallbear ers were douglas cole douglas hartley watson winfiekl hen- stenko sid silver and ger- cn grade 13 students who are planning to take teacher train ing next year and the district inspector mr harris was at the school april 28 mr han sen reported dry chemical fire extin guishers were recommended ftoiines itiavooam agaeeato accept his recommendations order the extinguishers at once and ask to have firefighters in struct the students in their use teacher c l rognvaldson submitted a report on the two student driver education class es and one adult class at the high school the past year in the first adult class 24 stu dents enrolled 19 completed the course and 15 received driving licenses in the second class 13 enrolled 12 finished and eight received licenses in the adult class 15 enrolled 14 completed the course and eight received licenses from bis observations mr rogn valdson made several observa tions and recommendetions to the school board he pointed out actons course compared favorably with that in other schools but the incar training and classroom training being conducted by different instruc tors posed a difficulty correspondence included let ters concerning the micro course given in the school the chalkboards which are now improved and the trouble some boiler and heating pro blems several requests from teachers were also dealt with salary negotiations with tea chers are not complete a special meeting will be held in mav with the inspector for his full report a work shop is slated for orangeville on administration continuing work on scholarships was re ported on recomrhendatiottsof mr anderson the wording of the boards borrowing resolution was changed present for the meeting were chairman tom watson ray arbic chester anderson ker- win mcphail secretary billy middleton principal hansen and viceprincipal joe brav tames mighty mouse experiments at the univer sity of utah college of medic ine with the tinv grasshopper mouse an aggressive animal that can kill other animals ten times its size have shown that even the most aggressive animals can be taught not to fight the northern grasshop per mouse or onvchomvs leu- cogaster will run up behind its prev grab it with its legs and gnaw into he brain stem at the base of the skull it can kill in 10 seconds using novice grasshopper mice with no fighting experience the researchers found that when a strange mouse of an other species was put into the cage a grasshopper mouse would sniff the stranger then stage onlv a mock attack ho ffy your kite but observe safety tips kite flying is great spojt for youngsters but sometimes it can restnt in tragic-conse- quences if certain safety pro cedures are not learned and followed since telephone and power lines seem to have an almost magnetic attraction for kites it is suggested you i- instruct your youngsters in the follow ing safety procedures fly kites in a level open space away from power lines airports trees and street traf fic if the kite should become entangled in power lines leave it it is better to lose a kite than to risk your life kites should be flown on ly in dry weather a wet string may conduct electricity down to the flyer kite strings should not contain any metallic fibres tinsel or wire tliey conduct electricity and should the kite become entangled in a power line it could result in death or serious injury kites should not be flown over radio and television aer ials dont fly your kite if the wind is freakish or change able the united states top mag nolia tree at waynesboro miss believed to be more than 400 years old and accept ed by the american forestry association as champion am ong its species has been felled by dry rot and decay the stately southern magnolia grandiflora which stood irv the southwst cqrncr pf wayne tjpunty was lfi feet tall with a crown diameter of 56 feet the entire top of the dead tree has fallen to the ground and all that remains is a nak ed stem 60 feet high single board continued from page one manner and to maintain clow liaison between the trustee board and the resident rate payers all public elementary and secondary schools in hal- ton county should be under the jurisdiction of one board of education the report details the steps to be followed in setting up the single board and suggests if existing legislation is not available a private bill be pre sented to the legislature in the rationale of the re port it was pointed out no single municipality in the eountv at the present time is administeiing its own educa tional affairs without some form of liaison with another municipality financially the mill rates throughout the countv were strikingly similar dining 1966 and the grant structure would not be jeopar dized w b elsley chairman of the secondary school committee suggested a county board of education w b in a stioni position to select good ideas from bad and obtain th best value for the educational dollar he called for action now on the proposal observ ing there was real danger in anv postponment in discussion of the report between members of the com mittee and county councillors it was indicated present edu cation debentures could be pooled under the amagama- ed board by the county and costs assessed on the equaliz ed assessment it was noted representation as proposed could tiot be accomplished un der existing legislation members of county council questioned whether to accept the report in principle for study bv local boards and municipalities or to just re ceive it it was finally agreed to accept the report referring it to local boards and councils with the indication it would be considered further at the countv council meeting of mav 23 reports or comments were expected to be received from the local municipalities bv that time members of the public school consultative commit tee were e gudgeon burling ton l e andrews nassaga- weva j h crcighton acton o r morgenstern george town j e peat oakville and secreta w l mcneil ii members of the secondary school consultative commit tee were w b elsley esques- ing c cook acton c a mar tin milton w l mcneil and i c harris inspectors acton 8534640 call us for all your plumbing and heating installations repairs business location 17 mill st w behind acton enwash below dennys insurance for any service work call guelph 8212264 a l riemer equipment company 3 public notice the board of parks management asks residents to refrain from throwing debris in the area known as glenlea park efforts are now being mode to develop this area as a com munity park and your cooperation is needed board of parks management harold townsley property chairman cwfcett dic calling all students free want ads get a job through the free press free to au students public and high schools who live in this area no phone calls please if you are looking for a full or part time job heres all you do placa your ad in tho offico 59 willow st acton 1 on ad to aadi rtudwnt may fa rapa up to 3 timas if you contact the fro press by ch monday bfor 5 pm 2 yow must ws your nam in tka ad 3 yow may us up to 20 wofds of copy deadline for your fro ad is monday 5 pm sscewmi a -mmbt- jumi i 1 wv waawiii immwnmir e j- ii i w in i im amm

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