Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1967, p. 1

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what council jutan jfttflfrzss ninetysecond yearno 45 acton ontario wednesday may 10 1967 at last nights regular meet lag acton council introduced a bylaw to cany out the resurfacing of highway 35 from the mill mai comer to the town limits in conjunction with the depart ment of highways which is re surfacing the road from 401 to the town limits estimated cost of the work in acton which includes widen ing the wast side of main st is 14700 of which the town would pay 10 per cent introduced read three times and passed a bylaw which would close beverley bhda road allowance on the aid b house property which would enable projected apartments to be built reeve accepted the recommenda tion of no 1 committee ap proving in principal setting up of county welfare administra tion scheme as outlined by the clerk authorised assessor wil liam brskine to attend a con vention at the royal connaught in hamilton on may 29 30 and 31 with expenses paid authorised the mayor clerk and any councillor who wlkbed to go to attend the town and village conference at tilbury on june 9 and 10 with e paid it was further agreed to pool transportation as much as possible agreed the town should host the helton county as sessors association sometime in june the a and clerk to proceed with necessary ar- defeated a motion which only councillor tyler support ed outlining policy and gulde- hmw fflr numlftlp vhrtnr the motion would have reduced much of the clerkdmmlstra- tort authority accepted the recommenda tion of ho 1 committee and turned down a request for priv ate parking on mill st for de pot taxi agreed to pay account to the engineering firm of r v anderson of 5191 for work en cobb b dr and ontast pattest as in the ln- snwjbherfer9f3m9 lor work at tbusve camwirttklicspir- tjbmvwm s agreed to continue bear- lng the cost of programs for decoration day following a re quest from a irwin represent- the decoration day com- recreation director h pearce leaves for new job in kingston recreation director howard pearce will leave acton on june 2 to take a new position as assistant director of recrea tion in the city of kingston mr pearce tendered his res ignation to the recreation com mittee this week and its ex pected they wmi be advertising for a replacement at the earli est possible date a lull time director here since april 1966 after gradua tion from the recreation course at the university of guelph howard was hired after filling the position capably on part time basis for three months prior to this he assisted part- time at the ymca here i like acton and the people here he told the free press but the new position is a bet ter opportunity more money and wont have arena manag ers duties tacked on it the r staff in king ston has over 80 people in it and howard will be third in line after a commissioner and a recreation director there are 54 in the parks department and 14 employees in the arena the fuh summer program planned by mr pearce will be able to run itself until a re placement can be found the playground is under the super vision of high school teacher elizabeth atkey and roller skat ing will be looked after by murrnv harrison a fresh flock of graduates from the university of guelphs recreation course is looking for jobs and mr pearce doesnt think the recreation committee will have much difficulty find ing a replacement mr pearce took part in many community activities since he resided here he belonged to the ys mens club and play ed softball during the sum mer with herbs delivery help ed organize the acton open golf tourney last year as well as a myriad or recreation and sports activity mrs pearce the former di ane gowan of hagcrsville was a leader with the united church explorer group and as sisted howard at the commun ity centre when help was need ed they have a son jeffrey constable nick farion critically hurt in crash jartr jaaaarf ean4baeacskast assktanav constable nick parian 31 of the acton ojwp deuchment was reported to be in improved condition at st josephs hos pital hamilton following a serious accident early saturday morning when his car collided with a cement abutment the accident occurred on highway 20 at smitiwille at 420 ajn as constable farion returned to his home in wet land after working the four to midnight shift al but if he continues to im prove will be able to be moved he wax in critical condition wtth a broken pelvic bone frac tured left arm broken jaw and injuries to his left eye when brought into the hospital corporal ray mason and constable bruce mcarthur went to hamilton saturday morning to enquire about the popular policeman prayers were said in acton churches for his recovery sun- day nwrning r next week lei tens week mayor and council the local asaodatton la mailing out its packet of seeds ae a of i taints weeks free frees to draw vhim to the apakaal need authorized some members to attend ys mens civic night on thursday may 11 at the ymca agreed to make altera tions to the curb and sidewalk at canadian tire store so ac cess and egress to a parking lot on tiw former tennis courts proprietor art gordon is to bear so per cent of the coat turn aw tv onarakl iwnftw iii y mffet cev a car reported stolen from a downtown parking lot on monday evening was located by acton police abandoned on cook st corp ray mason re ported wednesday morning the car was owned by ted pope of meadvale rd hymn to canada was heard coasttocoast sunday after noon on the popular winnipeg television program hymn sing the number was in troduced as a new one writ ten by world war two veteran herman freuler of acton on tario many listened intently to the program here although there was confusion about the time of the show it was origin ally announced to come on at its usual hour of 530 pan but late decisions after last weeks free press was pub lished changed the time to 330 the corrected hour from that told by this paper wau an nounced at various churches and by word of mouth but no doubt many missed it who would like to have heard it to request that the number be sung again or to give com- continued on page two john a may given degree from victoria third opp constable from oakvtte d cermos n hf cni n replace corp merv harness who was moved to kitchener after being in ac ton since 1954 cons thwaites is a simcoe native and was three years in the navy a third oakville opp con stable to come to acton with in a few months was cons bob hildreth who replaced cons pete campbell other officers on the force here under corp ray mason are cons brace macarthur and cons bruce kreasler tlnplarir who is seriously injured tn hospital is cons dennis cer- nius 26 who comes to acton after four years with the oak ville detachment cons cenri- us is single and a native of ha milton tie studied civil technology at ryerson polytechnic insti tute before joining the ontario provincial police skiing is a anaakor elwane ponceman who was just transferred here last weak is cos pat tawalt- at convocation on may 3 ac ton united churchs interim minister john a may receiv ed the degree of bachelor of divinuy from victoria college university of toronto his wife and mother mrs john a may sr of capreol were guests at the ccrcmonv in convocation hall mr mav will be ordained mav 31 at t r i n i t y united church kitchener and the for mer minister here the rev duight engel of onllia will assist in the laying of bands mr engel is a former minister in capreol a license to preach will be re ceived bv mr mav at a licens ing service in his home church trinity united church capreol ma 17 mr and mrs may will be in acton until the end of june when rev gordon turner bis wife and family come to the manse mr may expects to be sent to a mission field within the hamilton conference horse show a style acres style acres ranch and the acton rotary club are again this year joint sponsors of an english and western horse show the events are schedu led for saturday may 20 and sunday may 21 the style acres horse show is a recognized member show of the canadian horse show association inc equestrian federation of rm there are both junior and senior classes with prize mon ey and ribbons awarded mayor iis duby explains the significance of acton town crest to wolf cubs below most of whom were born in other countries than canada akela mrs earl jordan and baloo mrs ro bert grant look on the cubs visited the council chamber last night where mey were addressed by the mayor on council proceed ings and the relationships between acton and actor england where the crest originated the cubs listen- ad attentively to the edi dress in the opposite photo staff photos 960 boxes qbwbv cwwotbws sou saturday morning the guides and brownies held their cook ie day rather than have the confusion of other years when orders were taken in advance it was decided to have a one day blitz captain ginger was in charge of the campaign after a long day spent by mrs ginger and mrs lowrie planning the ar eas and pairing up guides and brownies depots were set up in the homes of mrs ginger mrs elling mrs mitchell mrs holmes mrs vender kooy and mrs charette each girl was assigned to an area depot picked up her cook ies and then went door knock ing by midafternoon 960 boxes were sold and guides and brownies looking for more cookies to sell found the cup board was bare a good day was had by all and the assistance and cooper ation of everyone was grate fully appreciated imibr sewge phut reeve objects to methods used feels negotiations necessary progress on acquiring land from beardmore and co for a proposed addition to the sew age disposal plant has been limited to preliminary negotia tions with the company but reeve hirrton felt number two committee should be making more effort towards land pos session at last nights regular meet ing of council he told members he couldnt understand why some negotiations to possess land werent being furthered he said it shouldnt be the policy of council to make a purchase until they know what they are faced with councillor bob drinkwalter told the reeve the company had only tentatively agreed to make the land available to the town if necessary soil are being made to see if the land is suitable for an addi tion to the plant the reeve said some agree ment should be made for the purchase he saw no prob lems involved he said as a member of the finance com mittee he would like to know the progress of negotiations clerk i mccrrhtf said the land was a capital asset and the local company could not deal with it directly they must deal with the parent company first he expected soil tests would be completed next week mayor les duby said the committee was proceeding on recommendation from the en gineer investigation may prove the land is useless for present expansion it could re quire an entire new develop ment he asked the reeve for a valid reason for his objec tions the reeve still did not go along with the procedure and cited his experience on the county jail we knew the cost of the land first then soil tests were taken councillor e msaalee inter jected yes but the land an this case is valuable to no one but us the land youre refer ring to was valuable the reeve said he wouldnt continue the discussion but felt it was a poor way to do business but mayor exasperated will install sidewalk to ne hydro building start made reconstnetion hwy 25 acton to ospriage the d a of wnnw aaa p wfc fee the recaw off mgftway 25 two huwatwaa at way despite opposition from the reeve council passed a mot ion at their regular meeting tuesday night agreeing they should proceed with installat ion of a sidewalk on alice st from bower ave to the new hydro building as per agree ment with the hydro commis sion regarding sharing cost reeve hinton objected to the walk saying he thought surplus money should be turn ed back to the consumer rath er than used to make improve ments mayor duby pointed out the hydro commission had no choice rates were set for them by ontario hydro ear lier he said the reeve probab ly was not aware the costs would be shared and since this was a new area the pro ject would improve appear ances the r said he was ag ainst aiding and anetting spending of this sort and felt surpluses should go back to the consumer arse exasperated mayor ouby exploded if we listened to the reeve we wouldnt have anytning a library hydro building a dump or anything la all whens he going to start thinking constructively instead of objectively we spend long hours in committee meetings threshing these things out this council is most reasonable i defend his right to do it but a lot of hours are wasted with him trying to sway the thinking of others reeve hinton replied he was not against new library or oth er improvements but felt the town could manage them more economically im not against anything but i am for control led expenditures he said councillor chartfc perry questioned how long the roads in lakeview subdivision would be busted up with construc tion dunng question period the mayor said repairs would be made when construc tion was done it was merely a temporary inconvenience the clerk told councillor mc- kenzie service would be start ed on the unopened portion of elmore drive next week when questioned then roadwork would start builders have been clearing the site for resi dential construction liquidate beverley bird clearway for apartments council passed a bylaw at their regular nifwing tuesday night liquidating the road al lowance known as b blvd on the beverley borne property at the comer of church and maria sts the property has been sold to a developer who intends to build apartments passage of the bylaw will expedite con struction which was held up until the bylaw was prepared by solicitors clerk j mrcrerhsr asked if the developer intended to go ahead with the apartments said there was no further word continued on pane eight

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