Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1967, p. 10

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mj- w m jmitthf fitot small teurtts the ontario economic council re ports ontario manufacturers which havs locatad outside the large cltlas in the smallar municipalities are satisfied and would do it again if the situation was identical fortyone companies were in- tervlewed and they gave diverse rea sons for the moves site selection is influenced by a variety of personal and corporate con siderations including sdiaceney to rec reational areas and absence of traffic jams but there were barriers to suc cessful operation chief among these seemed to be the lack of rental housing high rants and a labor shortage oris of the companies interviewed said their final location was choten be cause of better than average social educational and recreational environ ment this is a barb in the direction of people in this and other communities who oppose improvements in these areas believe it or not there are communi ties who would usr as soon forget about industrial development and re main quiet havens for the retired one df these according to its mayor is goderlch despondent over the loss of poten tial industry and the lack of support for the industrial commission he told the people of goderlch he felt the majority of them did not favor industrial devel opment in the town the goderlch sig nal star said it is difficult to dismiss the idea there is a large body of opin ion there which wants goderlch to re main a small county town prettiest in ontario these ere opinions this writer has heard expressed in acton too but never by a municipal official in an of ficial capacity how many towns are there in on tario with similar large bodies of opin ion against industrialization editorial page zeixsssstffxs vokea ftfnhf spring draws rhapsodies of praise from the poet the proverbial young man the migrating birds even the breeze sings a different tune as it whistles through budding branches of all the heralds of spring prob ably the least appreciated are the band of amphibian woodwinds made up of assorted frogs and toads the music ranges from the flute like hytas or spring peepers to the deep chugging of the bullfrogs who hasnt gone out on a spring night and remarked to a companion the frogs are singing tonight did you ever try to see the chorus no matter how quietly you creep up on these symphonic concerts the singers clam up as soon as you set foot on their marshy homes according to the naturalists alt this average about one inch long like chameleons they can blend their color ing in with their background that ac counts for your inability to see them in case you didnt know its just the male peeper which does the singing the female cant sing a note another oddity the female only receives on e flat wave length she cant hear any other singers but those of her own species now this is no criticism of mother nature but perhaps she slipped up when this feature was incorporated into the tiny peepers makeup think of the troubles which could have been avoid ed if your wife could hear only you calling no more distractions when you called she alone would hear and there wouldnt be any excuses like i jyplume csmesirntiny frogsthat idnthearyoueahfrigr xet the people knm publicizing the activities of your club and its aims in this newspaper is a measure every member of an organ ization should keep in mind perhaps the best way to achieve this is to ap point a news reporter give him the responsibility of forwarding the infor mation to the paper a good reporter is a tremendous asset to your club- it might even be a good idea to honor their efforts in some tangible way there is much more to news reporting and public relations than meets the eye in making this communication you are laying the groundwork for good public relations which in turn benefits your club by making people aware of your goals and at the same time sym pathetic toward them good publicity is essential today as never before the affluent 20th cen tury society is bombarded with inform mation and entertainment and if your ideals and projects are to get public attention they must be presented in a simple yet appealing way anything that is of interest or bene fit to the people of the community anything that expresses some aspect of human interest a story that it humor ous a happening that is unique a project that is original a problem that has been overcome with ingenuity and hard work a program that was carried out successfully all these things and many more make the news a few tips take the time to put the facts down in order with precision and legibility if you can type your news items so much the better but handwriting cer tainly wont be turned away at this office when you have something import ant or interesting coming up let your newspaper know well in advance we may want to add picture coverage and were equipped to do it ll centennial picture fallenf i ih ofe gvv ji i p 0 intfrmitttnt rain and sunshine rip pled the surface of fairy lake as viewed from the end of lake ave this week the lake is due for a facelifting this year but so far no indication has been received from conservation authorities when improvements will start staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley did you read in the papers recently about some drug developed by a ru manian lady doctor which keeps you young apparently it works wonders old konrad adenauer who packed it in not long ago well into his nineties was a regular customer tbk vvsftc pp the river et rockwood was bridged people living on the south side of the speed river had to walk to the indian trail southwest of rockwood to fold the stream this bridge on the indian trail pictured about 1880 pre dates e bridge et rockwood the sec tion of the river shown was called ulrybrook in 1827 this section of the indian trail was termed a usable wagon track to guelph and extended as far east as crewsons corners then ryckmans corners it is said that john gait once intended this road to be the main one to york but the railroad go ing through rockwood caused the main route to be diverted in that direction this picture was lent by ham peal wish i could get my hands on some of that stuff in fact dont be surprised if you learn that im off to rumania this summer its appalling what they expect us old guys to do these days when i was 30 i knew i couldnt keep up the pace much longer and look ed forward to life beginning at 40 when i hit 40 i found myself running faster than ever still in circles now im wondering whether they let you out of the rat race at 50 or whether you just keep going until you run all those other rats into the ground or fall flat on your foolish face dead trouble is there are alwavs new young rats joining the marathon which makes it rough on us mature rats even though weve got our second wind its not the regular work that gets me no i come from hardworking peas ant puritan stock and know that you have to work hard to get rich andor to heaven its the other week piled on top of it that makes me come out an 80hour loser redeyed surly frazzled and fractious its when they expect me to be in addition as a bonus a culture vulture a ocieiyjjuuerflya dedicatedlcommunitv worker a fine husband and father and a general handyman that i rapidlv be come a dam old grump as my daughter succinctl puts it last week was a doozer and not untypical monday rush home unto col umn then straight off to music festital sat on hard chair from 7 jo to 11 jo p m when daughter played worth jt when she took highest mark in the festival but had sore bum all next day tuesday taught m own classes and gave guest lecture grade 10 is doing the invasion of normand in historv since i was the only available living relic of the battle was asked to tell them some highlights like how our air force bombed our troops at caen like how my squadron divebombed a german bridge three days in a row 60 tons of bombs three aircraft lost and never knocked a chip of concrete off the thing though we did kill a lot of fish in the river below this is known as living history and i had to do an encore the next day with another grade a pack of old sweat lies but thev ate it up it wasnt in the book after school acted as judge in speak ing contest wednesday night final con cert of music festival winners kim picked up an armful of silver cups which helped case another raw rump from three hours on wooden chair thursday night library board meeting friday afternoon presented prizes to winners in speaking contest friday night school band concert with daughter playing drums and another hard chair pain in rear slightly eased by postconcert partv which produced pain in head saturday open house at school english department display in my room drew much attention ketchup on floor indicated last scene of hamlet which we did in the fall and small pile of ashes on floor indicated remains of saint joan which we finished last week visitors deeply impressed with new realism in teaching english saturday night fought all evening with wife and daughter latter wanted to go to teen dance despite fact she had trouble staying awake because of after noon and evening rehearsals all week to every one of which i drove her and picked her up spent all dav sundav looking for receipts to send with income tax return one week late here it is monday and column night again and the lawn isnt raked and tomorrow night i have to pla for the russian billiard championship of the curling club which closed three weeks ago and hours to go before i sleep and hours to gobefonl sleep please pass the rumanian gerovital or whatever the acton free press phone 8532010 busmess and editorial office founded in 1175 and published eery wednesday at 5 ukx si ac ion ontario member of fja audti bureau of circulation the cwna and china adtrrtiimif rate an request- subtcrip- lmft pjnable in adxance 400 in carta 740 in all countries other in cftaii ungat coper 10v authorized as second cus mau pott office dvpamnmi ouama adsemunjr u accepted on the cundumn thac in the event of typographical error that portsan of the advertrwa space oc cupied b the erroneous iiem toneuser with reasonable alkmanoe lor smjnature mno not be cbarped for bui the balance of the advertisement wqj be paid for at tbr appucable rate la the event of a tvpoprapnacal error rtiemiana goods or service at a strong once foods or sen see nas not be sold advertrunn rs merely am offer to fell and mar be withdrawn at aire ibne and mmll on lad david dslfs pubuiher hartbrv coles 20 years ago 75 years ago taken from the lame of the acton free press of thursday may 8 1947 1600 fihgcrling of speckled trout were put into the sixteen mile creek and blue spring creek in the upper- mom purl of halton left friday dublin community gathered in the choolhousc to spend social evening with mr and mrs duncan mcdougefl before ihcy left the section the rev edward nichols officiated at the wedding on saturday afternoon at three oclock in hart house chapel toronto of mary elizabeth watts tor onto and ralph johan hansen ba b sc son of mrs isabel parker of george town jnd the late mr john hansen a letter from central mortgage and housing co gave notice that approval had been given for constructlotr of the 50 houses in the acton project mrs john mowot has sold her resid ence on main st to bcardmore qnd co may 7 and it still continues to snow weve seen it do the same thing later in other years but no repeat performance is necessary beerdmore and co have sold to w d talbot the more and dwelling at the corner of mill and willow sts which has been occupied by mr talbot for some year on friday evening may 2 the friends and neighbors of walter bill and mrs cole nee beatrice lambert gathered at woodside school to present them with a miscellaneous shower born fosbury on wednesdav may 7 to rev a walter and mr fos bury a son 50 years ago taken iron the issue of the acton free press of thursday may 3 1917 engineer harold s nlcklm left st johns quebec last friday for overseas mrs nicklin went down to say goodbye to him there col a c gray of the fort garry cav alry and adjutant general for his dis trict winnipeg made a brief visit at the home of his father dr t gray on saturday mrs gray was also here on a brief visit last week it was with much gratitude that friends here received the cabled news last thursday thai the transport con veying the 164th halton dufferin bat talion across the atlantic had safely reached england and the troops were landed new officers of the epworth league are president miss m z bennett first vicepresident miss clara moore second vicepresident miss muriel fteu- ry third vicepresident miss elsie stew art fourth vicepresident earl vincent fifth vicepresident miss bertie speight and mrs n f moore recording secre tary miss edith dennis corresponding secretary martin moffat treasurer or- val johnston pianist ernest brown presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba bj minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday may 14 1967 9 45 am regular church school ses sion withdrawn 1 1 00 am christian family worship service sermon theme by their parents you will know them sacrament of christian baptism junior choir and young people par ticipating everyone most welcome trinity church the united church of canada minister mr john may ba bd organist mr george elliott ma phi taken from the issue of the acton free press of thursday may 9 18m spare the advertliement and spoil the business is the litest axiom another addition of 30 x 40 is being put to deardmore and cos sole leather tannery mr john lawson carpenter is build ing a house on the corner of elgin and agnes sts mr adam cook li completing his contract of last year at the park he is grading the west end among the names of successful pro bationers for the ministry in the guelph conference of the methodist church i j w kltchlng of rockwood circuit the woollen mills in rockwood ap pear to be doing a rushing buslneis this spring most of the hands are on duty both day and night 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton may 9 1m7 the tannery of mr day foot george town look fire last nlghl in the bark house but the timely arrival- of the fire engine and a plentiful supply of water the fire was soon got under control we might mention the propriety of the council furnishing an engine that would be of service in case of fire the present engine requiring too much labor and loss of time to be of much service in another factory belonging to mr shaw in this same town a boy was found hanged this morning tupposed to have happened accidentally by being caught in a moving belt great preparations are being made in milton for the celebration of her majestys 48lh birthday in a manner be coming loyal people the volunteer company will turn out by order of the commander in chief and fire a feu dc joie a large amount has subscribed for games races etc and a gorgeous pro cession of caluthumpians will parade the streets arrayed in costly robe and the day will conclude with a grand re union of the institute surely this is a bill of fare to suit the must sensational tav tes and we expect to see our streets overflowing with sight icers on that day the prussian press complains that france is still continuing her military preparations last week a man living on the guelph road between campbellville and haltonvillc was found dead in bed cause of death unknown supposed to be from intemperance cifitwial mtt may 12 is traditionally celebrated by hospitals in ontario as national hos pital day it commemorates the birth day of florence nightingale church news evangel pentecostal taurnacie paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday may 14 1967 special mothers day services prov 31 10 who can fnd a virtuous wo man for her price is far above rubies 1000 ajn sunday school 1100 ajn morning worship 700 pm evangelistic service tuesday 8 pjn prayer and bible study thursday 8 pjn christ ambassa dors friday 645 pjn crusaders aima christian rttormh church acton ontario sunday may 14 1967 iojoo ana engli serv sunday may 14 1967 sunday school 1000 ajn junior school to gr 4 1115 ajn senior school gr 5 to gr services 1000 ajn trinity church acton nur sery provided 1115 ajn churchill church churchill rdn all welcome acton baptist church founded 1842 paston rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 85 sunday may 14 1967 1000 ajn church school and adah class 1115 ajn morning worship a tribute to mother 7 00 pjn evening service m u s i c a 1 evening for all bev shea kate smith hymn sing choir 645 bhjr and allan moguggan have parts all trc welcome wednesday 7 jo pjn frayer and bible study thursday 6j0 pjn b thursday 7j0 pjn choir prsctloe friday 7j pjn bjaf text my son hear the instruction of thy father and forsake not the law of thy m prov 18 1110 ajn sunday school 230 pjn alternating dutch and eng lish service saturday bible classes 101230 ta everyone welcome maple avenue baptist church gjeorgetowa sunday may 14 1967 945 ajn sunday school hjoo ajn morning sexvioe 700 pjn evening service wednesday 8 pjn prayer acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 the church o st auam the martyr corner willow st rev ritchie st albert drive mjlstjj school the day of pentecost whitsunday sunday may m 1967 900 ajnv hoi 9 jo ajn adults children board 1 door for christ where mr latest thy la tot ordained deacon ffhfni bins an v5 1030 service at st abmav fhfgv os ii

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