Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1967, p. 13

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7 v- home fire escape plan lor your family s safety does your family have a home fife escape plan every famfly should have a prearranged plan of action in ease of fire fialton county fire prevention bureau points out if you havent one in your home perhaps now is the time to consider it flavin m good workable are escape plan could some day save your life what would you do for instance if fire broke out in your basement or kitchen while you slept to night would your family know how to leave the house safely if the stairwell caught fire would they have an al ternate route of escape this time of year when the time for you to have a full re hearsal at your home pint yon should know what to do in case of fire the bur eau suggests you should first shoot tire to arouse your household and the neighbors then get everyone out quickly then summon the fire depart ment why dont you sit down right now and work out a fire escape plan for every member of your family instruct each one on his or her part in case of fire give them all two routes of es- sape in case one is blocked queens park report by george k r r m i a last week the ontario min ister of municipal affairs the hon j vi spooner introduced the municipal and school tax credit assistance act 1967 the bill will permit municipalities and school boards in unorgan ized territories to pass bylaws authorizing a tax credit with out interest and financed by the province this credit will be equival ent to onehalf of the read pro perty taxes excluding special rates to a maximum of 150 in each year to any resident owner 63 years of age or over the municipality will then be reimbursed by the province for these credits the taxes for which the credits have been allowed would be referred un til there is a change of own ership in the property the minister feels that since this is a deferment only other municipal ratepayers will not be subsidizing those eligible people in respect to the princi pal amounts of the tax credits during the current session of the legislature a private bill of the town of burlington was passed which provided relief for elderly citizens in a similar manner the burlington bill differs in that the total am ount of the exemption is 100 rather than 150 provides for a means test and the applic ant must have been a resident owner in the town for a mini mum of ten years the town sill also provided an outright gift to those who qualified ra ther than a deferment until the property is sold an home owners are finding it difficult to pay taxes these days and because of this the minister believes that such re lief for the elderly should not be at the expense of other rate payers in view of the fact that the municipalities i n ontario which have such private legis lation are also crying for more financial help from the provin cial government i assume that they will be happy with mr spooners announcement as it wont cost them any money nor will other taxpayers have to bear the extra cost inherent in such private legislation the important thing is that elderly home owners many of whom are living on limited in comes are gef ting relief at that time in their life when they need it most and will assist them to remain in and main tain their own homes strikes mmmp vou can m through at youth bowling council by jackie palmer my 6 1967 this was the last week of our regular schedule so next saturday we start the play offs would the bowlers please note that for the playoffs bowling ahead is not allowed so please keep that in mind and dcnh forget the big date of our bowling banquet which is on june 3 at the knox church at 600 pm in the bantam division the top cats won two games from the neptunes the night hawks won their two games from the rolling stones the angels won one game and total pins from alley cats ine top ten bowlers were kevin perkins 168 180 340 pat sampson 150159 309 bruce swift 177121 298 bob okourke 136 153 298 ron nie moore 155132 287 rod ger mcbachern 150122 272 wade knight 109149 258 ronnie turkosz 116130 246 martin la vole 108132 240 norm tumblay 115122 237 the coca cola and seven up pop winners this week are ronnie moore bruce swift melanie hatdie and heather mceachern in the junior and senior division this week the jerks won three games from the flintstones the pinbusters won two games but lost total pins to hot rods the crouts won two games and total pins from the idiots the top ten bowlers were bob turkosz 610 223 gary turkosz 554 200 dave pink 544 220 jackie palmer 540 207 kenny marshall 526 237 jfejie fabian 467 178 gary price 436 215 lynda harris 413 192 linda pierce 409 159 larry knight 408 177 league standings oybc tbantams angels 119 alley cats 107 night hawks 93 rolling stones 55 nepturnes 47 top cats 31 oybc juniors and seniors hot rods 142 pinbusters 124 idiots 109 crouts 97 flint- stones 89 jerks 69 always on time swiss clocks donated by the watch industry of switzer land will keep the official time at expo 67 in montreal seventy clocks and 12 clock towers at prominent locations on rhe site will be controlled by a master atomic clock hav ing a precision of onemil lionth of a second per day it will not lose or gain more than one second in 3000 years coordinated fundraising welfare foreseen in halton storm windows are coming off ft your home is a onestory and the weather is more suited design escape will be easy for a drill would bft a good through any window but re member people can be easily injured by broken glass and extra storm windows or screens may hamper a speedy exit teach everyone to grab a chair to break die glass and warn them to make sure all the jagged pieces of glass around the sill are removed be fore they climb through a twostorey home requires more planning because the stairs may be blocked off by fire smoke or hot deadly gases be prepared to use the upstairs windows either us ing a ladder procured by the first out of the house or via a rope with knots every two feet which can be anchored to the inside of the window warn your family to close their bedroom doors before re tiring a closed door could save a kfe by keeping out smoke and gases tell every one to keep low if there is smoke in the room because heat rises and the floor will be cooler children can be easily lost in the confusion so assign them a meeting place or have older brothers and sisters placed in charge of the young each room of the house should have its own fire escape route remember don open a win dow before the door is closed behind you or the draft could help spread the fire everyone in the family should memorize the fire departments emer gency number or know the lo cation of the nearest alarm box and ftnaby put the plan down on paper and practice it as often as possible one fire fighter with the local fire de partment who has an excellent fire escape plan at his home makes the whole family prac tice the routine each spring and fall when the storm win dows are being installed or re moved if you are in doubt about some part of your plan or re quire more information con tact your local fire chief for literature on home escape plans he will be glad to check it over with you keep it in mind in spite of all your precautions and even the greatest fire prevention measures you may some day have a fire in your home if you prepare now to escape 4 n ii halton 4h conservation club by doug stokes the first regular meeting of the halton 4r conservation club was held on wednesday april 19 in the agricultural of fice milton john cockbura described to the members the various projects available to them and asked them to make choice as soon as possible the meeting was then turned sver to henry stanley agricul tural representative for hal- ton who gave a talk on land ise and how it could be best conserved halton jersey gvern- sey ayrshire calf club by stuart nurse the second meeting of the halton jersey guernsey ayr shire calf club was held may 2 at the farm of lloyd picker ing president murray mccuaig opened the meeting and secre tary elizabeth norrington read the minutes the 21 members then judged two classes of mr pickerings guernsey cows the juniors under club lead er john macnab and seniors under club leader ernie alex ander spht into two groups to discuss the various aspects of dairy husbandry under the headings of grooming feeding dehorning etc a quiz on the part- of a cow ended the meet ing after which refreshments were provided by mr picker ing and his two sons bruce and harley rockwood cattle are jersey leaders the canadian jersey cattle club announces in its lists of jersey class leaders for april that in the junior 2yearold class mac alexander norval had the top producer in rose- gate valets v a daughter of campburn h c valet she pro duced at 2 years 49 days in 305 days 831 lbs milk 573 lbs fat 68t per sent a silver med al record in second place was bon arrow milestone mona an other daughter of marlu com mando milestone this one bred and owned by h e bonner and and son rockwood hef production at 2 years 133 days in 305 days was 9052 lbs milk 489 lbs fat 540 per cent a sil ver medal record in the yearling class r t sayles and sons paris ont had the highest record made by spruce avenue beacon car- oniette a daughter of fair- mount premier beacon at 1 year 194 days she produced in 305 days 6334 rs mifk336 lbs fat 5 jo per cent she was followed by bon ar row acme nan owned by h e bonner and son rockwood a daughter of brampton posing acme at 1 year 295 days in 305 davs she produced 6606 lbs milk 335 lbs fat 507 per cent cammmrv tqttrc seattokafy a total of 860 ifolsteuvvrjes- ian dairy cattle worth 550000 were shipped from cantda to italy the first week in may to replenish stock which drown ed or had to be slaughtered after disastrous floods which innundated onethird of the country last fall italy lost j50000 cattle in the floods the worst peacetime disaster of its history secretary of state for ex ternal affairs the honourable paul martin announced today that 630 cattle worth 400000 are being sent by the govern ment of canada another 230 valued at 150000 are being provided by the canadian flood relief for italy organ ization the herd wtfl double in size shortly after arrival as each of the heifers is incalf or should we say in an in teresting condition the purebred cattle have been purchased from canad ian farmers in almost every part of the country for as sembly in the montreal stock yards the majority are from ontario and quebec where the largest number of holstein farms are located other cat tle are from western canada particularly from british col umbia and alberta and from the maritimes they have been purchased under the general direction of the holstein friesian assoc iation of canada by dunlea farms jerseyville ontario quebec international live stock stales ins ste julie de vercheres quebec rockwood international ltd rr 1 georgetown ontario mr frick andersen rr 1 brant- tord ontario and hays farms international ltd oakville ontario the italian government will distribute the cattle to individual farmers in herds of up to eight cattle the 400000 external aid contribution is part of the 500000 canadian government donation to help italy recover from the floods the remain der will be spent restoring art treasurers the acton free press wednesday may 10 1967 g a royal family like this could set republi canism back years crowned at a semiformal dance in preston saturday evening was the new halton junior farmers queen carol swackhamer centre miss swackhamer of the pto shafts recently an ontario farmer lost his life when he became entangled in a unshielded pow er takeoff shaft many farm ers seem to forget that this shaft is travelling about 540 revolutions a minute or nine times a second if your clothes get caught there is very little chance of escaping the mach inery manufacturers supply shields for your protection so dont leave them in the drive- shed carol swackhamer queen acton club is shown here with her court of contestants for the position joy hayward and peggy madill left and edna fisher and gwen kovachik right staff photo neighboring counties attended also by geoff taytor about 50 couples attended the halton junior farmers annual spring dance held at leisure lodge preston on saturday may 6 several guests from the climax of the evening was the crowning of the junior fanner queen miss wilma mason crowned the new queen carol swackhamer the two princesses were joy hayward and peggy madill silver medal bull the jersey bull campburn h c valet very good has just been designated a silver medal bull on the high production of his daughters by the canadian jersey cattle club he was bred by charles robinson and sons harvey station nb and owned by mac alexander and sons norval lots of relatives when mrs susie g horn ing 84 died at her home in myerstown pa she left 298 direct descendants the survi vors include nine daughters four sons 109 grandchildren and 176 great grandchildren class leader a twoyearold rosegate val ets v was the top producer in the canadian jersey cattle clubs age division during the month of april the club re ports at two years 49 days in 305 days she produced 8341 lbs milk 573 lbs fat 687 per cent for a siver medal record the owner is mac alexander of norval sponsored by acton ys mens club in acton park saturday may 27 starting at 130 pm clothing household goods furniture garden tools dishes etc all going under the gavel of auctioneer jack holmes proceeds for ymca minor sports and olsnlsa park the most important part of a tractor is a safe operator nobodys got a family plan like chevrolet opening may 24th weekend edmar dude ranch on hw th lino of near ballinafad for i eel ed osborne 8534564 a coordinated community fund raising and welfare plan now being undertaken in peel county will eventually take in halton county anthony adamson of the on tario welfare council said that the proposal is to make the ides work in peel countv first and later expand it across municipal boundaries we hope everyone will tall into line he said adding that a plan to coordinate fund rais ing from hamilton to oshnwa has already been approved in principle the plan calls for a system of united funds and social planning councils with coter minous boundaries and a co ordinating council for the whole to ensure that all people will be able to obtain adequate social services and that the costs of voluntary services will be met promptlv and appor tioned equitably one of the functions of a so cial planning council is to co ordinate and stimulate the so cial service operations of vol unteer agencies public depart ments and private charities a united fund without a social planning council is like a collection agencv mr ad amson said some other agen- cv gets in first and the united fund cannot collect the money it needs mr adamson said the pro posal to coordinate fund rais ing has the backing of united funds social planning coun cils municipal and private wel fare agencies h old post office friday eve may 26 auction and bake sale auxiliary acton nhamr for information and pickup phone 8531703 in fhh family plan you get more for your money plan i impels sport sedan foreground first off nobody beats chevrolet far interior room second its crammed with gm ex- dusrves like magic- mirror finish and bodybyfisher design third you chevrolets traditional high resale value three reasons why chevrolet is chosen by more families than any plan ii camaro sport coup rear left the widest lowest heaviest adventure car at its price yours with bucket seats carpeting a fullysynchronized 3speed trans mission and the choice of four v8s and two great sixes including a big 155hp six that competition cant match plan illchevy ii nova sport coup right raar front bucket seats full carpeting the extra touch of allvinyl styling all emphasize the sporfinthe super sport rnodeland you can add more including v8e with uplto 275 horsepower no matter how you equip your chevy ii for economy or sport you get mors for your money plans iv v and vi chevelle corvalr and corvette not pictured you can sea them at your nearest chevrolet deafer extra savings during chevys bonanza sale dont miss itl 1967 chevrolets comprehensive warranty 24 montiis24000 mates ot 5vsawwooomatesi 0 5 yfsoooo mates mm bantom andrew murray motors limited georgetown phone s776944 oa ctctv natwoffc odi sunday check your local mag for

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