Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1967, p. 14

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i x n centre inn name taken from hotel on eramosa rd fellowship house winnipeg explained to church groups r ism henry duffleld owned 100 acres at the corner of the era mosa ltd and the 4th line records show that a hotel was operated on the corner by arnold lones who was the inn keeper at that time it was jsed by horse drawn cutters and sleighs travelling between guelph and din a covered wagon took the mailj between guelph and er in and passengers were picked up at centre tnn they sat ar ound the wagon facing each other this service continued eve aft rural mail began the stone church the present stone church was bujlt in 1862 there had been a frame structure on the northwest corner of the pres ent cemetery grounds called the methodist episcopal church for several years the house now owned by mr lloyd was known as the manse un til a new manse was built in rockwood the minister at this time was rev john smith b6 the acton free press wednesday may 10 1967 bittchart george butchart had a farm south of the corner presum ably he was a descendant of john butchart one of the sev en rebels arrested in 1837 for treason against the queen coughlin the farm owned by george coughlin containing 296 acres ran from the 3rd line to the 4th line facing eramosa rd mr coughlin was a great horseman and had a race track on the farm me had the large brick house and large barn built the house in 1881 the barn in 1879 the hotel in 1903 mr alex hyndman bought the hotel tfter it had been un- chukh women unit three held a centennial tea in the town hafl recently and serving were mothers and dough- ters in picturesque centennial dresses tea was poured from the head table by mrs j hill and mrs j little photo by mrs f taylor petitioners object to foundry eramosa twp council reconsiders used for 14 years mr hynd man was a good carpenter and made a fine home for his fam ily he also had power equip ment in his workshop mrs charles smith of fergus a daughter of mr hyndman re members one of his buildings being used as a community hall also asa school for one term in 1905 v schools until 1905 centre inn was included in no 1 school sec tion now in 1905 no 10 school section was formed and a building was erected on eramosa rd and used until it was struck by lightning in 1935 when it had to be rebuilt homes on the south side of eramo sa rd there was now a home built by mr aldous records show that it had been built in 1875 but the main acreage was still owned by mrs george coughlin except for six acres this home is now owned by john jones strickland duf field still farmed on 97 acres also charles sockett and jam es oakes 1910 in 1910 the whole west cor ner was bought by mr john duffield who lived with his family until 1926 his son ted duffield lived there after his award grant development rockwood park a grant of 7000 to the grand river conservation authority for further capital develop- work in the rockwood conser vation area has been approved by the province hon j r simonett minister of energy andresources man agement advised mpp john root of the grant last week clerk was also instructed to advertise for applications for the position of building inspec tor and dog control officer tenders for a steel culvert for no 20 sideroad were openi ed and were as follows arm- by mrs f taylor rockwood the regular meeting of the eramosa town ship council was held recently with all members of council present and the reeve presid ing road superintendent ha milton and the clerk were also in attendance the minutes of the last regular meeting and special meetings were read and adopted with several ritems of correspondence being discuss ed messrs skerritt g sher- wood and j parkinson present ed a petition of 31 names ob- k a f ti jecting to permission being vus v i iii given to erect an aluminum foundry on lot 13 concession a i hzvefacc 2 council sated that they vvi ikalcoa would reconsider their deci- not concur with their resolu- 132300 ontario culverts ltd tion urging the province to set of waterloo 1132300 pedlar a wage scale for teachers the people ltd oshawa 132300 robertsteel canada ltd ha milton 115200 council then moved that the tender of rob ertsteel canada ltd hamil ton of 115200 being the low est tender received for sup- steel culvert for skm e osborne and d rowan asked council for a grant of 350 for the wellington feder ation of agriculture and the council moved that the clerk be instructed to prepare a by law authorizing a grant of 350 to the wellington feder ation of agriculture for the next regular meeting of coun cil the clark waa instructed to notify the guelph suburban planning board that the town ship is not prepared to pro ceed with an official plan at this time three land sever- ences were reviewed by coun cil and recommended to the minister of municipal affairs for approval in one case council decided to rescind a previous motion and authorize the building inspector to re fuse to issue a permit at this time clerk hindley was instruct ed to notify the town of orangeville that council did aaafif flaflavavlff coatest awards to far schools rockwood grades four five and six were represented at the eramosa public school when pupils from the town ships four schools took part in a public speaking contest ron marion the principal of he school welcomed those present charlie landoni speaking on the making of maple syrup placed first in the group of 10 contestants with heidi merntt taking second with her talk on the wolverine charles mcrae secured third place place with his speech on our country canada the others taking part were helen craigie debhjye hartung willie dirkson mane ellen saunders corrinne knegt irwin jackson and ian mitchell sincere congratulations to all contestants for their fine s which insure a good future for public speaking in the township cash awards were donated bv d mcphedran and present ed by mr morae principal of rockwood m plyinb a72 st co drainage ant metal pro- naz05idero4a be accepted ducts guelph 132300 fawv subject to the approval of the cett metal products waterloo department of highways only one tender for con structing the flewelling muni cipal drain was received and council deemed it was not ac ceptable a bylaw to adopt the estim ates of all sums required dur ing the year and strike the rates of taxation for the year 1967 was read a third lime passed and nurnbered 141967 the consolidated rates will be as follows farm and residential fr business and commercial bc pt exempt pe guelph high school support er fr 7824 bc 8714 pe centre wellington school sup porter fr 9194 bc 10244 pe police village of rock wood fr 7904 bc 8794 pe 78 04 police village of eden mills fr 7874 bc 87 64 pe 7774 it was moved that council instruct the township repre sentatives on county council to proceed with the townships request to withdraw from the centre wellington district high school at 1he may session of county council a request to deed the old speedside hall property to a nearby ratepayer was left in abevance at this time as was also a lot betiind the town ship garage in everton appli cations for a tiledrain loan centennial celebrations and road problems were discussed accounts amounting to 736432 general accounts 486431 which includes fer gus and elora high school de benture f road accounts 2700- 211 were passed for payment and the meeting adjourned to meet on june 5 1967 at 7 30 p m or at the call of the reeve rockwood mrs c titt was hostess at ss no 8 com munity centra to the members of rockalong womens insti tute for ifhe april meeting fif teen members repeated in uni son the mary stewart collect and the institute ode led by the president mrs n harris the district annual will be held in duffs church this year on may 18 rockalong will send three delegates mrs n harris mrs g mitchell and mrs d mcnabb the roll call at the annual is in charge of mrs shultis and mrs a mc phedran taking charge of the quilt block display mrs k spence showed the members samples of curtain materials to be purchased for the community centre and sev eral ladies volunteered to help make the curtains the extra monev needed to purchase a new flag will be taken from the funds mrs w patterson and mrs c titt were volunteers to the health clinic on may 16 jurther plans fur a paper drive were left for the present time md the annual bus trip was ano lei t to a later date the program was in charge of the safet convener mrs k spence who gae a verv inter esting report on a safetv meet ing she had attended at the umersit of waterloo safe driving for motorists and manv other safetv features were stressed mrs e johnston gave a reading on safet in the use of insecticides a most inter esting discussion was led bv mrs a mcphedran on safet in the kitchen with all members taking part mrs d icnabb read a poem if eerone which stressed safetv current events were given b mrs a shultis following a contest conduct ed bv mrs spence the queen brought the meeting to a close- mrs k spence and mrs a mc phedran assisted mrs titt in serving a lovely lunch benjamin robertson is 91 years young an active resident of halton centennial manor benjamin robertson celebrated his 91st birthday at the manor on ap ril 24 mr robertson was the third of five generations to live on the robertson homestead bought just east of speyside in 1822 and has lived in the county for all but five years of his life he retains a keen interest in farm work and in recalling how his grandmother had once walked to muddy york toronto suggested todays youth werent on a par with his generation energywise he is still in the best of health and maintains a well- clipped moustache fathers death and still resides on the property in a new home the original hotel was rented for a short time to mr and mrs fred cheyney when the eramosa rd- was changed to highway 24 in 1950 it became necessary to move the old bull- dings at the corner it was mo ved to the back of the lot and has been used since for build ing truck bodies and a work shop by mr ted duffield storey mr david storey bought the coughlin farm in 1920 he sold 50 acres to mr hopkins who gardens commercially and li ves with his family on the same 50 acres there was a sawmill in operation on the corner of eramosa rd high way 24 which has now been demolished in 1950 mr storey sold the farm to the patterson family and reserved two acres one acre where the mill was and one where he built a cottage for his home he also reserved 50 acres on the 3rd line where he subdivided 10 acre into nine lots five of them now have new homes on them centre inn baseball team from 196165 centre inn had a baseball team and won the championship in 1964 some of the players are now play ing for rockwood and the ball diamond on highway 24- has a modern bungalow belonging to mr oliver jan 1967 although we still have desc endants of the original set tlers duffield storey patter son oakes there have been new homes and families in recent years namely senfious- ers jones brydges and cam eron the house in which the camerons live is the original house built bv charles sockett in 1859 the bodyshop is op erated in the barn built in 1889 school buses pick up stud ents for rockwood public school and john f ross at the same corner where the cover- ed wagon picked up passeng ers no 10 school was closed in 1964 and is now being used for the eramosa twp offices the stone church it still stands in an improv ed state in 1946 extensive reno vations were made including a basement in 1962 a new chris tian education building was i ejected adjoining the churchy mrs d r nicholson was hostess at the manse on thurs day afternoon may 4 to the ladies aid and womens mis sionary society of nassaga- weya presbyterian church mrs norris president of la dies aid quoted a verse from the friendship book and the hymn o god our help in ages past was sung after the minutes were read and approv ed the secretary airs roberts read an invitation sent from eden mills presbyterian church to their centennial tea and bake sale to be held on may 31 from 24 pm also ebcnczcr united church invited mem bers to their 75th annivcrsarv tea on may 11 at 230 pm with mrs mcpaddcn as their guest speaker there was a discussion of further quilting and the meet ing closed with the singing of the hymn- god reveals his presence then due to the illness of the president mrs mullen mrs norris the vice president chaired the wm s meeting an invitation was read by mrs cargill to a maytime tea to be held on tuesday may 9 from 24 p m at the home of mrs s cramp mrs robinson reported on camp iona near bala which is sponsored by some of the wo mens groups mrs norris told of her trip tasault ste marie to the 20th annual meeting of the synodic- al the theme for the twodays of meetings was caring and sharing during this time miss mavis hyndman spoke on her work in korea mrs nor ris felt she gained a great deal from her fellowship with the various workers of the church the study book was taken by mrs e dredge she spoke of how the presbyterian church has provided a place for the ethnic groups of hungarians four injured in 25 crash jaurpersons were seriously injured in a headon collision between a car and a pickup truck on highway 25 south of speyside early saturday morn ing the accident ruined a 25- year accidentfree driving rec ord of william stewart of jer- scwiile wh was on his way home from a banquet where he was awarded a safe driving ci tation and a cheque mrs joyce stewart and a passenger mrs alice vagg 63 of toronto were all hospital ized in oakville after their car and the northbound truck driv en bv 28vearold bruce shep- pard of r r 2 rockwood collid ed on a curve on the brow of the mountain police were still investigating the violent crash today mr stewart suffered a brok en left leg concussion abras ions and muliple facial lacera tions mrs stewart had a brok en arm facial lacerations con cussions and a possible chest injury mrs vagg had chest and internal injuries and con cussion the truck driver had several fractured ribs and facial lacer ations and was hospitalized in milton both vehicles were demolish ed by the crash and loss total led 2400 french and chinese inuni- grants she told of the work of mr and mrs frederick f dickson as bouseparents- at fellowship house in winnipeg they report that the end result of taking these young people from many different environ ments and racial backgrounds is that each young person gains a better understanding of the others loneliness is the great est single problem that helps defeat the young person and this is what mr and mrs dick son guard against in their un- demanding and expressions of christian love jesus shall reign where eer the sun was sung followed bv prayer to close the meeting mrs cargill thanked mrs nicholson for offering her home and a delicious lunch was served by the hostess with her four sons doug jack jef- fery and calvin present dont bowl for pleasure cifit bowl for health the entire family can bowl together mad make if a date bowl where ithe action is st acton bowling lanes 10 ma t n 4 1i ssfroltd t5pt flounder around looking for a good car stop crabbing about poor deals get in the swim come to lous used cars 8564235 i mam st rockwooo i i district shopping guide albert the fuel king maltby says todays teenagers arent all bad its just a case were growing older and our memories are shorter dont be short changed on a good brand of oil call maltby fuels main st rockwood 8569983 richs service repairs times towing no 7 hwy 2tt miles east of acton rente dick voabamp 8532940 speyside general store ricks snack bar main st rockwood specializing in take out orders seahesr milk and ice cream tobacco 7 cigarettes sundries robertsons marketeria ospringe general merchants 8332872 in business 42 years open mon to sat 8 jo am 10 pm sundav afternoon u fred a hoffman opiomolrim 58 st georges sq guelph onl telephone k244t7l on sale from may 12th to 20th inclusive root hardware rockwooo ontario general merchandise swpertest gas and oil s7t9m3 speyside out root hardware ltd 8569551 main st rockwood raffll ttafownvb paints oiftware nwoiicii suppifot meadows p service main st rockwooo hp products tobacco caffs r hot deep laura and fred meadows v t saunders bakery ltd mattel st tfocfewoml mead cakes pastries wedding cakes a specialty the home of the double high loaf kingwell barber shop prlami dnr rwckynbmfl dpsa dally t aaa to a pjn fridays uattfl 9 pjss closed thursday afternoon where trias and partes count- lawrence kjngwell r2 l whether its a hotdog ham burg light snack or lust a cup of coffee you wish when in rockwood drop into ricks snack bar mrs alice fuhrman is chief cook and takes pleasure in dishing up tasty meals footlong notdogs are a specialty drop in and try one jennings general store henofivroe rsassrr on guelph road serving on your way to mohawk i silvercreek general store dick at myrtle pedverse carrying a full line of groceries cooked meats tobacco gifts cmmm novahlee open daily 8 am to 10 i pm tuesday closed no 7 hwy east of acton i 773139 strattonduputs ltd ken dick 8544461 rjl 1 guelph nr nol w hwy forth of pettys repairs r gas ob1 full repairs lo an 1 support these district businesses in cod speyside silvercreek p halton r r j c e 0 a l e acton ap t kllsbaifci xsmrc isj ai3dvs oadiw i r n d

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