Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1967, p. 16

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mm fi mthe adon free press wednesday may 10 1967 qshhnqe ysalbbk aahavaflbhhahavaflbflaft atkmabaayjhbafjmh ttrm kmhwhm spooks at mooting of lostitata by mrsdci mrs gordon snyders friends are pleased to learn she was able to leave the guelph hos pital on friday and is now convalescing at her home mr and mrs charles cheyne and two daughters from carn oustie scotland are staying wit the formers sister and brotherinlaw mr and mrs cameron fraser while house bunting mr cheyne has ob tained employment in acton frand howse and two chums from guelph spent saturday with mr and mrs william wragg third line mr and mrs ed stewart spent the weekend with a cou sin mr stewart macdonald in rochester ny ricky stewart celebrated bis 10th birthday on saturday af ternoon when his guests includ ed some school chums mrs wallace longstreet li brarian at erin public library was guest speaker at the monthly meeting of ospringe womens institute she gave a most interesting and enlighten ing talk on the library men tioning the large amount of ref erence material available to the public this material covers many subjects but is not used as extensively as it might be the speaker also told of the benefits that might be derived from joining the county li brary board if and when this becomes available mrs longstreet also had on display a number of new books recently received at the library which were of great interest to those present prances hodge a senior pu pil at the local school was also a guest and gave her prizewin ning speech peter and the wolf in the recent public speaking contest frances was the winner at the local school the township the inspectorate and the county levels credit is due as this was an excellent number and given in a most pleasing manner miss doris fines presided and mrs stan fuller read the minutes and gave a most grat ifying report of the recent cen tennial euchre p and lunch was ar ranged for the coming district annual td be held at hillsburg later in the month a car load of ladies are going to the cajs day in kitchener when discussions will be held in the morning and a tour of a meat plant in the afternoon nas been arranged roll call was a good book ive read and also donations of books for a library in the north the speaker was introduced by mrs gordon aitken who was program convener a contest advertising slo gans was won by mrs stan fuller mrs t fines and mrs h r howard assisted the bos tess mrs g d robertson in serving sandwiches relishes and tarts to the is ladies pres ent the dance at the school on saturday night to raise funds for the expo trip was well at tended and a good time enjoy ed mr and mrs ward bruce spent the weekend with rela tives in samia their son gar net was home from toronto for the weekend to look after the chores eden mills bnt emmnmftae sqpf timftmmbf pfoj6t fff mm by mr robot wright the executive of the com munity club held their monthly meeting on monday evening in the hall and are busy planning activities for the summer and more improvements to the hall a large illuminated sign eden mills community hall has been erected at the hall as their latest project mr and mrs ralph thomp son were in newmarket for the weekend guests of mr and mrs pete ortlieb mr and mrs howard vin cent and son don gravenhurst were guests of mr and mrs r wright saturday the search for marrianne schuett extended to eden mills last sunday when truck loads of soldiers invaded the village also about one dozen civilians on horsebackl several women from here helped at campbell- ville to serve coffee and sand wiches to the searchers mr and mrs bob auld tor onto were recent guests of mr and mrs william mclean sr miss elizabeth kirby arrived home monday by plane after spending ten months in eng land and scotland the distance between the pitchers mound and home plate before 1884 when hurl ing was underhand was only 45 feet it is now 60h feet omctal oknino for the new multimillion dollar school for the deaf at miilon takes place friday several acton stud- ents attend the school which has some of the most uptodate facilities available for hartdicapped students staff photo balunafad umehouse omxh anniversary service grandmothers meeting in news by mrs r mcenery mrs lloyd marshall was hos tess for die may wj meeting which was held wednesday af ternoon mrs jesse mcenery second vicepresident conduct ed the meeting in the absence of mrs smith and opened the meetmg with the wj ode and mary stewart collect roll call was answered by grandmo thers health hints 55th wedding anniversary for mr mrs r mcenery a very pleasant evening was spent in balunafad community centre saturday night to honor mr and mrs robert mcenery on their 55th wedding anniver sary a short program with mr jesse mcenery as mc was given which all enjoyed both mr and mrs mcenery thank ed all for attending and mak ing it a very pleasant evening for them dancing was to mu sic by the mcenery orchestra all retired to the basement where a lovely lunch was serv ed by balunafad womens in stitute a lovely threetier wed ding cake decorated the centre of the brides table which was made by their daughterinlaw mrs kay mcenery many beautifu flowers which were gifts decorated both upstairs and down a number of gifts were also giv en there were friends present from blenheim toronto kit chener orton gait guelph fergus behvood hillsburg cheltenham erin acton glen williams streetsville george town and ashgrove both mr aad mrs mcenery were raised in this where they nave lived most of their life they were married in gait on may 8 1912 by rev dr dickson where they lived until the spring of 1914 when they decided to go farming then they moved by sleighs as far as puslinch when the sleighing got very bad they stopped at mr- rosxeus and changed into wagons for the rest of the journey to balhna- fad t they settled on lot 4 on the 8th line they bought die farm where they are living from mrs mcenerys father mr al va kentner in 1921 and moved there in 1922 their grandson david works the farm two children were bom to mr and mrs mcenery a son arnold who passed away in 1959 and a daughter stillborn in 1924 they have three great grandchildren whose company they both enjoy both are quite active and enjoy pretty good health they both are members of baluna fad united church in former years both sang in the choir mrs mcenery for a number of years played the organ they belong to the golden age club at acton and are in the rhythm band mrs mcenery has been the correspondent from balunafad area for the free press for over 25 years they received jnany cards among them one from dr har- ley mp mr john root mj prime minister lester b pear son also a letter and plaque from the honorable john ro- barts pnmc ministe of on tario several items of business fol lowed the minutes plans were made for a bus trip the last week in june also for a dis play at the fall fairs it being grandmothers meet ing mrs jesse mcenery con vener gave the motto keep your enthusiasm and forget your birthdays current events were given by mrs archie mcenery mrs jesse mcenery also gave a enjoy pretty good health they tions of a farm woman fol lowed by a discussion on grandmother and grandchild ren meeting closed with the queen and wi grace next meeting is to be at mrs mar tins sympathy is extended to mr and mrs walter linham in the passing of mr linhams fa ther anniversary service was held in balunafad united church on sunday there was a full bouse in the morning but not so many at night rev george saunders ba bjx of tottenham united church was guest speaker at both services the music at the morning service was supplied by the choraliers of acton arid in the evening by the junior and sen ior choirs with miss kathryn sinclair at the organ mr and mrs ed adair spent the weekend with mrs roy mcenery sunday visitors with mr and mrs cain and mr and mrs ernie mcenery on sunday were mr and mrs william early mr and mrs golightly mr and mrs fluer and family mr and mrs robert mcenery all of whom attended anniver sary services mr and mrs robert mcen- erv celebrated their 55th wed ding anniversary in balunafad hall on saturday night when a large number came to wish them many more years of life together queen to expo at least 21 heads of state will visit expo 67 the world exhibition at montreal am ong them are her majesty oueen elizabeth king con- stantine of greece austrias president franz jonas queen juliana of the netherlands and prince rainier of monaco prince rainier will be accom panied by princess grace and their three children mr and mrs a bourque new village storekeepers by ms we welcome mr and mrs a bourque and family to the vil lage and wish them success in their new venture store- keeping they have purchased the property and business own ed and operated by mr and mrs a w benton for nearly 36 years they took possession on may 3 mr and hit a hackey mot ored to montreal a couple of weeks ago to visit his ill mo ther and others we are sorry to report that mrs james findlay has been hospitalized since last thurs day we hope that she may feel better soon we extend sympathy to the david joe family and the w linham family in the passing of mr robert linham aged 87 years on thursday mr and mrs david swack- hamer from usa formerly of bc called on mrs mitch ell one day last week mrs e sanford is spending a week in ottawa as a delegate to the conference of business and professional women we extend sympathy to mr a bourque who flew to mont real for the funeral of his bro therinlaw the end of last week his son michael accompanied him services at limehouse pres byterian church will be held at 945 am beginning may 14 for the summer months sun day school will be at 1045 be ginning on may 21 the wj met in limehouse memorial hall on wednesday last week tax notice 1967 municipality op acton first instalment now due attention is drawn to the payment of 1967 taxes which are now payable in four instalments taxes are payable to the municipal treasurer at the town of acton municipal office ymca building instalments are due as follows i first instalment may is second instalment july 17 third instalment september 15 fourth instalment november is according to the tax collection bylaw a penalty of 1 per cent per month or fraction of a month will be added on the amount remaining unpaid after the 15th day of may this penalty applies to each instalment in a similar manner the attention of ratepayers is directed to the penalties and other clauses as printed and explained in detail on every tax bill make payment now and take your tax notice with you when making payment j mcoeachie collector oranges 3 s 99c about meats wa immt that af all tka tmi yw akaa far a ye frlmdlr ica stata maat plays asaat iaaataff aarf la wh ny aaael saccaaa at ica wa taba aatra cata ta aalactlnfl aalv w flaaat ajaallty fa aar tafclarila maat caaatara eaaasiancaa 10 a aatat bwyata aara anally la canada no 1 orodo local grown glaamington hot houm cucumbers 2 for 25c pj product of usa imported fresh top bunch carrots 2 for 29c i product of usjl canada no 1 florida fresh corn 5 for 45c ceriancaa k3a aaaat awyata i cl ilk vvry wit tafclarita i f4 vet a arva trow natural tanewf maa mmd ftrwa wat llavawr all taatarlfa aaata ara awarantaaa ta easier aa t ay at ioa avary aeiww taalarlta at la a aaand a taal aatlnf ataaaata sjde bacon cottage rolls nurtmoui pork liver vac vt cttovac s79 59 39 joined with mr and mrs r mcenery on saturday evening in ballinafad community centre to cele brate their 55 years of married life the threetier wedding cke was made by their daughterinlaw mrs kay mcenery staff photo tftqiepv you can remember mother so easily with one of these gifts parfuma and cologna hand lotion hair spray novahy gifts bound to plaasa boxad chocolatas tablerite canadas finest red or blue brand beef steaks or roasts sirloin wing porterhouse boneless round or rump roast km rati 2 2 ilea te 69 49 rotvtxot m potted punts mums gloxinias etc bedding stock avaeubla tna middla of may greenhouse w one location only on mm st s32200 dont forgat to captura that spatial momant on rim a a fm aoppty or n mima ft ims i slinitil hkoam alalaaj cake moa mutt mtfle leaf lut tam tinat chtlsties taitt 0koai mothers day cake 49- tut 31 t9i nt on 2c69c 3 249 2s59 uitn i mm sis at amo n 91 mastic sttart dc rvouavrguamnms sime pmmcts 79c davids biscuits iuupotou margarine i onion rolls fjofatrs mt shoals h hit ifti assntb chocolates imp tie waklkiijb aia midi nyl0ns299 79 iii latarfimomir we have special mentors day cards ntozaw mom acton pharmacy lagaa foodlvtl bill yunot manager mam stmber ftotth acton mb vagatablas 49c 24b fpmftcfl etetms 43dci tfcr 2 main st n 5s1430

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