Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1967, p. 2

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vqwabpjr halton manor ine nurses perform danc sing fflmmv ev twrjirf 5ft this weeks milton cham pion which is also publi here in acton has 36 pages this week there are two spec ial sections one on the hospit al addition arid the second oh the addition to the ontario school for the deaf special congratulations from the free press to one of our most faithful correspond ents mrs r mcenery of bal linafad she and her husband observed their j5th wedding anniversary with a party in ballinafad hail saturday eve ning forward look for golden age pftooram convmnt mr kanhedy left presents gift to p at a recent golden age meeting centennial theme of the meeting was embellished by elocutions by mrs ward bruce right a prizewinning speech by carol patterson and piano solos by jean mclean staff photo empire day projects are being completed at the public schools for the annual iode awards a tea and bake sale was held in the new band hall by the band ladies auxiliary sat urday afternoon the heather club held a very successful sale of rum mage and baking in the old post office last friday the acton golden age club always has some things inter esting and enjoyable to look forward to at the may 18 ev ening meeting mrs sybil gordon is expected to speak it is hoped the chorallers can arrange to sing that night also on june 2 the annual zone picnic is to be held at corona tion park lakeshore rd oak- ville plans will be finalized at the may 18 evening meeting thursday afternoon eight tables of euchre and three tab les of crokinole were played winners were euchre ladies first mrs allen second mrs robinson mens first john ford second mrs n lambert crokinole ladies first miss an- second robert warne newcomers to canada from scotland two years ago mr and mrs william gentles and children have moved from mil ton to 264 mill st e acton mr gentles is employed at milton steel co university of guelph recrea tion course student pete law- son has a summer position as playground director in sault ste marie during the year he directed the y program here in his home town local members of the scot tish rite attended spring as sembly of moore sovereign consistory of the scottish rite in hamilton last thursday evening friday and saturday clarence rognvaldson and ray thompson received de grees acton friends are glad to know that tom engel is home from sick childrens hospital mr and mrs t wright have in torontowjth ws parentis moved from wflknvchlel18 fcev andmrs- dwight engel churchill rd south acton and his sisters and is progress- mr wright is employed at or- big well the family moved re- enda engines cently to orillla frehds are sorry to learn mrs george fryer is a patient in guelph general hospital as actorfs representative to the halton county industrial committee joe hurst is at tending a convention in bos ton this week a foreman at polypenco can ada ltd mr j de wilde has moved to acton with his fam ily from elora they are living at 190 churchill rd north mary moffat has successful ly passed her fourth semester at mcdonald institute univer sity of guelph and is now em ployed at the massey library at the university lwrrwnt burned out family urgently needs house dear sir may we appeal to you for help we are one of the two fam ilies completely burned out near milton just before last new years after a desperate search we located a house on dundas highway in oakville for our family of seven and moved in with furniture furn ishings clothing and food pro vided by the people of the mil ton area now however this house is condemned and we must move but no suitable housing can be found we have covered many many miles using moneybadiy needed for other things in a useless search our income from driving a brick truck is small and very variable de pending on the number and distance of trips given hence instrumental clinic hejd at waterloo several players in acton cit izens band attended an instru mental clinic sponsored by the waterloo music company in waterloo the company invites experts to instruct in how to play and how to teach the in struments guest bands come to demonstrate and these in clude the elkhart indiana high school band and the r h king collegiate band from tor onto the acton group attended on saturday april 29 and particu larly wanted to hear the band that demonstrated that day brantford memorial concert band this band is organized the same way actons is and operates with a band tax by law and has its own hall they nave the sort of organ ization the acton group is aim ing for there 150 boys and girls and adult students are included in the program the local program has 65 involved including those taking training and the 53odd bandsmen in un iform those attending with band master george elliott were steven coles brian sampson david watson paul youngblut and barry buchanan we are unable to pledge our selves to a high rental to complicate things our oldest boy ricky as a result of the fire suffered his third at tack of rheumatic fever and was in the sick childrens hos pital since midjanuary until a house suitable for his care can be found and he can remain where he is for only a few weeks more if we fail to find a suitable house by then the childrens aid may have to take ricky into their custody and so prolong his absence from his home and family what this may do to his out look on life worries us we were wondering if you could help us by making known our plight to your readers in whatever way you see fit in the hope that somebody may be able to come up with a solu tion we should be most grate ful we have recved much help from the oakville welfare of- ticerihehajtonxountyheall unit and the halton county childrens aid society but they cannot help us in this problem we are being helped in writ ing this letter by the rev j k l mcgown of knox pres byterian church milton 170 main st e 878066 or 878- 2652 who will be glad to give you further information if you need it anxiously mr and mrs richard neve 356 dundas highwav west oakville mr and mrs earle middie- ton and children have moved from rockwood to 40 eastern ave mrs lois mackenzie and miss margie mackenzie are spending a few days at expo and visiting with her brother rev aiken and family in west- mount margie has finished her year at acadia university and will be working in guelph for the cummer mr and mrs w middleton mrs h hehvig and mrs c irishman attended the funeral in toronto of mrs dr pear- en formerly of acton last week mrs pearen died sud denly and her husband prede ceased her a couple of years ago she is survived by a son bob and a grandson acton high school student miss marie laing was a deleg ate from the north halton as sociation for the mentally re tarded to the first youth con ference on mental retardat ion sponsored by the ontario association for the mentally retarded the conference was held in ottawa on the last weekend in april high school students from all over the pro vince attended miss laing re ported on her experience at the meeting of the acton aux iliary the following thursdaly obituary robert w linham buried at fairview in his 88th year robert william linham of rr 1 limebouse passed away at his home on may 4 he had been in failing health for the pre- ceeding week mr linham was a well- known district farmer and sang in the choir of st albans church for a number of years he was bom in brisllngton england and was married in keynsham england in 1908 to beatrice thomas who prede ceased him they came to can ada in 1913 he is survived by a daugh ter gladys mrs david joe of milton son walter linham rr i limehouse four grand children sister laura linham inngrandamlcliff6fdlirf ham vancouver bc funeral service was held at the rumley shoemaker fun eral home on saturday after noon may 6 conducted by the rev n f young of lime- house presbyterian church and interment followed in fairview cemetery acton pallbearers were william thomas jos anthony fred brooks john sprowl willard sanderson and frank long- street continued from page one meats listeners should write to hymn sing cbc winni peg the winnipeg group adapt ed their usual peppy style to the composition with the pia nist introducing a martial beat in the bass the four- part arrangement was for both mens and womens voices very different was the ar rangement made for the all- male voices of the legion cho rallers by george elhott it was heard for the first time sunday morning at ballinafad anniversary service and was well received by the many who heard it mr freuler attended the service george hall played the pia no accompaniment the cho rallers also sang two otter se- lections during the special ser- qq cd refill its expected they wiii sing when welding hymn to canada at expo 9 the two acton outlets for the sheet music published by bjmi corporation are wat sons music store and acton pharmacy both have copies for sale now although reord ering has been necessary due to the demand phone calls letters and con gratulations came in to mr freuler after the two pres entations of his original comp osition on sunday one of those who called was his pub lisher who wanted to know about the reaction in mr freu- lers home town by mlaa lottie moor and mrs marjohe werbanka the church service on sun day april 9 was conducted by the rev j k l mcgown of knox presbyterian church in milton with mrs mowat at the organ the theme of his ser mon was forgiveness in the- evening on april 9 the residents once again en joyed an excellent program by the oakville citizens band with peter hughes directing an added attraction was trum pet solo by tom parr after the concert refresh ments were served by the wa and miss l moore expressed the thanks of the residents on monday evening april 10 the alert evening auxiliary of knox presbyterian church ac ton paid their annual visit to the manor mrs r anderson as program convener announc ed- the various numbers the junior and senior choirs pro vided sacred music and read the scriptures during the first half of the concert the second half consisted of the story of canada presented- by miss ca- rol patterson prize winner at public speaking the story was ablygiven and enjoyed by the residents the acton dance pu pils of miss carol wharton of guelph performed beautifully with a little two and a half time selections on the piano which were enjoyed by all mrs cossor gave two interest ing readings their guest art ists were four philippine nurs es from georgetown hospital these charming and attractive ladles have only been in this country a short time they sang in their own language and also performed the fam ous bamboo dance their na mes are elena payumo edna suarei cora mateo and uda vlllanneve the residents were pleased to welcome them and thoroughly enjoyed their per formance after the concert those with april birthdays were called to their place of honor at the head table the birthday song was sung and everyone enjoy ed lunch those with birthdays received a card and a shiny new centennial 50 cent piece a large number of old and new friends were greeted by mr and mrs william a mar shall saturday afternoon as they held an at home in rec- ognition of their 50th wedding anniversary the marshalls have lived on the third line esquesing farm since their marriage in sf thomas may 10 1917 rev charles evans offiafed at the ceremony their family includes three sons kenneth of rr 5 milton bruce of elkhart indiana and owen of sudbury massachus etts and one daughter mrs d l sherrlll of chattanooga ten nessee they also have 13 grandchild- ren some of the finest soil in the world exists in iowa where more than 90 per cent of the land is devoted to farming persons with a medical his tory of hay fever asthma or other allergies should consult a physician immediately when stung by a wasp we stock and order mccall buttf rick simplicity patterns hintons 5c to 100 store nle akins second mrs ken nedy mens first ed healey year old stealing the ahow miss milton the rash of flag thefts which hit several areas in north hal ton including milton has been solved milton police chief ray andress in whose area some of the flags disappeared has learned the flags were itolea by high school students as part of a pledge to join fraternities in secondardy schools in the town of oakville on a split 53 vote members of milton council approved purchase of a 21400 front end loader for use at the towns sanitary land fill site perfect for job circus manager youre pretty small to be a wild ani mal trainer applicant thats the secret of my success theyre waiting for me to grow a little big- ger an onlooker of a welding operation or an uninformed worker may suffer arc flash and not relate bis eye symp toms to work four to 12 hours after the incident the victim may feel pain discomfort a dislike of looking at lights a feeling of sand in the eyes watering of the eyes and perhaps an im pression of seeing colored rings around a light source treatment at home should be restricted to application of cold water compresses and the avoidance of light first aid on the job may be cold com- pressess and the instillation of a bland oil such as sterile castor oil without treatment arc flash recovery is complete in a few days if infection devel ops the possibility of blind ness and perhaps of- the loss of the eye is very real arc flash la caused when ul tra violet rays strike the eye causing inflammation and swelling of the covering of the eye in the same way as the skin is affected by sunburn the ultra violet and infra red rays are reproduced along with visible light during the high temperatures used in welding operations arc flash can be prevented by providing eye protection glasses booths etc for welders and fellow workers prohibiting unprotected per sons within 200 feet of weld ing operations and informing workers roszell as miss centennial mi nus sang several old time tun es which pleased the residents very much at the close of the entertain ment the ladies served lunch miss l moore expressed thanks on behalf of the resid ents on friday april 14 mr wright showed three movie shorts the first depicted the perplexities of the youth of to day the second the making of a wall mural and the third scottish dancers in scotland our thanks to mr wright for an enjoyable evening the church service on sun day april 19 was conducted by rev dr t m dustan of grace anglican church milton with mrs winters at the organ the lesson was taken from chapter 10 of john on tuesday afternoon april 25 limehouse and sihrerwood institutes visited the manor as sponsors of the april birth day party the auditorium was suitably decorated and the pus sywillows gave evidence spring was really here at last mrs g henderson acted as master of ceremonies mrs mulder played a number of old on all general motors cars and trucks see us for warranty service and sales on chevrolet oldsmobile in milton and acton areas tilden truck van or pickup rentau i andrew murray motors ltd 82s rssli 22 877-4944- j mewntlnvww it sortf oichro movies are back in acton coming to acton community centre j friday may 12 plan your spring paving now phone guelph paving co experts in residential driveways papjono areas service station lots all types of cement work call wayne rogers t225279 goals nkk reinao 24543 osesph 830 pjk v even the smallest electrical gift says happy mothers day in a great big way fa one showing only feature cartoon admission 7sc htjll 5cnool shloewlts 50c cmmrati 35c eaa i doors open 745 pm iiaaaa eii4aa whatever you give shell consider the thought more important than the gift mothers are like that but an electrical gift shows a little extrm thought an electrical gift can help her with housework entertain hat tell her the time or just keep her looking lovely any gift wih show you care on mothers day an electrical gift reminds her all year round live better electrically acton hydroelectric commission 43 alice st phone 85324t0 6 m4 i ft

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