Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1967, p. 1

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u finelysecond yearno 47 authorized second cum mall by lh pear pttfcf department ottawa acton ontario wednesday may 24 1967 sixteen pages terv cents town bell proves solid brass firefighters will build cairn imovtls are required to assist in the building of houses on the upper part of elmore drive in lakeview as actons residential building boom starts to swing- into full production staff photo chairman of theire com- minee councillor williams- re ported tuesday the town bell from the cupola on the roof of the town hall had been re moved by the firefighters and sent away to be sandblasted and cleaned up he said the bell was of solid brass and had the date 1882 on it the firefighters are to build a cairn on the north side of the town hall on bower ave for this bell as their centennial project an offer ol 500 for the bell had been made however there is no intention of selling it deputy reeve oakes inquir ed of no 2 committee wheth er the road committee would be doing further repair work and patching of sidewalks this year he was assured that the patching and repair pro gram was not finished and the work would be proceeding throughout the balance of the season reeve hinton facetiously suggested that council might be able to work out a deal with the hydro commission to install sidewalk between the acton driver kurt builders erect 50 houses in acton in headon crash sidney fields of rr 4 ac tion is in st josephs hospi tal guelph following an acci dent on highway 7 a mile west of the eramosa line at 530 pm thursday mr fields and ian dudley guelph driver of the other car in the headon crash were both taken by ambulance to st josephs hospital both cars were total wrecks mr fields was admitted with facial lacerations and leg fractures and the hospital described his condition as fair the other driver was in good condition repeat hymn on tv program demands for a repeat of herman freulers hymn to canada have been so brisk that producers of the obc televis ion show hymn sing have- de cided to sing it again for their nationwide audience sunday june 18 time of the program has nut been established viewers aco asked to consult their tv programs to find the correct time construction in acton is go ing all out to meet the tremen dous demand for houses lakeview subdivision is ex periencing a boom which will produce half a hundred new residences its a hive of activ ity with shovels bulldozers chain saws block layers ce ment trucks carpenters and bricklayers all contributing to the din three construction compan ies are busy building in the sub division with rubin construc tion starting on an initial 30 houses a and z construction which has been raising houses there all winter are in the pro cess of constructing another 10 most of which are sold sesto construction is build ing three and will likely start soon on another the big development in the subdivision is on tyler avenue but the emphasis will probably swing to elmore drive when the street is extended from the upper northern part tb shores of fairy lake 1 services are just being instal led in this section of elmore after workmen razed poplar and jbuchirees and cleared- brush and logs away next item will be a road for the street it runs parallel and be hind tidey ave local contractor jack mc- mullen has initiated a housing development on the south side of cobble hill road his com pany jem construction has started on five houses and mr mcmullen anticipates there will be a demand for more three of his houses which he describes as being cottage splits have already been sold two are being built on specuja- tion mr mcmullen figures this will keep his builders going un til late summer additional units will be started if theres a demand developers expect houses -presently- under cons truction wih look after immediate needs in the district but predict there will be an ever increasing need of housing in this area as tor onto prices skyrocket some individual building is also started at different loca tions the area around acton is humming with building ac tivity as people buy country lots and construct houses to suit their needst this ta getting a mixed reac tion at township council level some councillors would pre fer farm land remain rural and being used to grow things others welcome the influx of new families and large houses with their taxes in most cases the former out number the latter and in some townships those contemplating building houses will likely be faced with stringent jand sep aration and building regula tions demands on taxpayers for new and expanded facilities is the main reason given by op ponents of expanded housing v transformers he suggested the particularly dangerous arens of acton blvd and wall ace st would be good areas to install sidewalk reeve hinton was appar ently making reference to the sidewalk it should- ge rebated tially financed by the hydro to their new office on alice st it has been his contention thai sidewalks are not within the area of responsibility of the hydro commission and if there is money available for sidewalk it should be rebated to hydro consumers through a lower rate structure the mayor countering the reeves dig expressed apprecia tion to the hydro commission- for their cooperation in in stalling the lighting of the grounds in front of the cen tennial library clerk mcgeachle reported that the renovations on the police office had been started on tuesday carpenters were working and plumbers and el ectricians will be required in a short time whether to specify a male or female required in an ad- vertismcnl for a replacement for the office staff generated much discussion the thought was advanced that the hiring of a male clerk who could do the present clerical duties and also understudy the clerk and deputyclerk might be ad visable it was pointed out the de putyclerk and clerk would be retiring it was also pointed out neither would be retiring for at least five years under the town pension scheme upshot of the whole discus sion was the decision that the ad could ask for applications from either male or female continued on page three reeve claims misconduct protest lost county sells 589000 bonds a 30 day option to sell coun ty of halton debentures to talling 589000 at 6v per cent to yield 98 was granted the bond firm of bell gouinlock by county council tuesday over the protests of acton rep resentatives reeve h hinton countered the resolution to call tenders on the issue and if an accept able bid was received it could he accepted at the next county council meeting but the a- mendment was lost supporting his opposition to the option reeve hinton sug gested the money was current ly borrowed at six per cent at the bank and if market condi tions improved as some sug gested in the fah the deben tures couw be sold at that time deputy reeve c- menefy pre dicted the bond market was not going to improve on muni cipal issues and suggested in terest rates could reach eight per cent by next year parking back in the news again 1m 8jook of books a well bound copy of the holy bible was presented to library board chairman george lee right by acton mem bers of the gideons friday night doctor craig hutchinson made the pretentation while george harrap left and m m coles assisted mr coles led in a prayer of dedication mr lee and mayor duby made replies staff photo two adhs speedsters make allontario finals parking was again introduc ed at the regular tuesday eve ning meeting of council when grey coach lines by letter requested a further 15 feet of no parking area on the south side of mill st in front of the bus terminal so the driver could look in the store to see if there were any pas sengers councillor garnet mckenzie expressed his concern about parking in no parking areas which prevents the buses from pulling off the traffic portion of the highway and interferes with the traffic proceeding south on main st he suggest ed we have the by-law- and we have the men to enforce it why are the cars still there councillor williams report ed the white lines which were used prior to the installation of stop lights had created some confusion at where the parking areas are at the inter section he pointed out these white lines had been painted over at the request of the po lice department to reeve hintons inquiry on what action had been tak en on the request for parking on the west side of main st south of mill st it was report ed no action had been taken councillor williams pointed out that when parking was al lowed in this area previous to the installation of the stop signals commuting ford work ers had parked there all day long and the area was lost for shortterm oarking the reeve also wondered what steps had been taken to provide offstreet parking councillor masales reported a meeting was being set up with the united church to see if some of their parking lot could be utilized i completely disagree that interest rates for municipal purposes arc fcoing all over the lot reeve hinton declared treasurer miss m maxted pointed out that the interest being paid at the bank did not reduce the 20 year period of in terest paying that would begin only when the debentures are issued but was in addition to that amount miss maxted reviewed infor mation on the market she had received from various sources it may cost more or less if you wait she suggested not ing it was essentially a gamble reeve hinton argued the county had the duty to go into the open market and call bids when his resolution was de feated supported only by him self deputy reeve f oakes and deputy reeve w hoey he observed the county was clos ing nut all other firms it is in grave conflict with good fi nancial conduct he conclud ed weve been advised this is the best offer and to wait could be much worse deputy reeve f rogers noted what council did council at their regular ses sion on tuesday evening authorized payment of ac counts totalling 1422718 authorized payment to caroline nurseries for uses planted in the new section of the cemetery in the amount of 15625 i paid the expenses of may or duby at the mayors and reeves convention in niagara falls amounting to 9889 authorized the attendance of clerk j mcgeachie at the clerks and treasurers confer ence at honey harbor in june with all expenses paid concurred with the recre ation commission in their pro posal to replace the recreation director with an arena manag er instructed the clerk to proceed to carry out the reno vations at the police office as outlined in the original plan with no deviations from the plan unless authorized by the building- committee rescinded a motion op posing the front yard variance granted h g stewart grant ed by the committee of adjust ment which was to be appeal ed to the muni boa the appeal was dropped because mr stewart changed his plans and the location of the garage is now behind the front eleva tion of his house authorized payment of 973001 from the special lib rary account to a s kerr construction on the architects certificate no 6 the clerk was instructed to issue the cheque when assured by the solicitor there were no hens registered against the building at the registry office in milton pasted a resolution ap proving and supporting the recommendations- of the con sultative committee on educa tion approved and appointed no 1 committee to corelate -thecentennialprogram-qf-the- town at the time of the fall fair authorized the clerk to award the tender for the cen tre line and line markings on the streets to the lowest bid der confirmed george stull as acting town superintendent in the absence of superintendent alf duby who is ill accepted the advice of r v anderson consulting engin eers of the town and agreed to have soil tests taken at the site of the proposed new sew age treatment plant at an esti mated cost of 2500 accepted an invitation to attend the opening of the cen- tennial library june 3 agreed to convene a court of revision hearing on monday may 29 credited consumers de posits to their water and sew er accounts town bright wi thb anners there were flags aplenty in town on the holiday weekend a new high for banners and pennants the regular big flags were flying on mill and main sts put up by town workmen for the victoria day holiday delivery of canadian flags and centennial decorations or dered through the lions club continues and there are more and more decorated homes stores and public buildings each week acton district high school athletes turned in another out standing performance at the cwossa a meet at the university of waterloo last thursday the acton team placed in the top 10 among 57 schools competing two of the acton track team jin slaven and allan moken- afc racked up first in two events and will represent the school at the aikontario fin als in hamilton this saturday track teacher bruce an drews was pleased with his teams performance and laud ed the school spirit he said upas recordea were good con- cether coocu- lsy with a time of 3377 a scant fourtenths of a second out of first and the honor of compet- ign in the allontario finals other athletes who did well at the meet were dan arbic who placed fourth in the senior 100 yard dash in loe and fourth in the triple jump laurie chishom who clock ed at 296 in the intermediate girls 20 dash finishing fifth bob andrews who was third in the midget pole vault event jumping nine- feet even and placed sixth in the midget mile with a time of- 5099 acton 222 county assessment be jhn snwen who won the moat valuable award for the track and ttatd team took a first in the open twomile race with a time of 94m eetablisb- hfled tfqdool tcqqvcl tso first in the inter- mile clocked at 4j2j9 trymrifi took a first fat the 440 intermediate race m first in the fatter- relay team finish- in the open mne re- hatton county coun ap proved an equalization bylaw tuesday reflecting a total assessment for the 1967 equali sation of 334s30jogs the county assessors report alao showed oakvibe and bur lington aknost equal in the percentage of county costs they will bear burlington led slightly at 4273 per cent and oaksttte was dose with 42jb par cent cfgiiuiaiii follow ed wlth505 par cent followed by fsquasing with x47 per cent milton with 3x3 per cent acton with 222 per cent and tlnieajaaiijs with 14s per cent 1 i m 1 1967 percentages showed bur lington taking 245 per cent more of the county costs this year with all other municipali ties reduced accordingly a further table in the assess ors report compared each mu nicipalitys type of assessment for the year 1967 fsqiirwng had the highest percentage of residential and farm assess ment at 8044 per cent follow ed by burlington at 7545 georgetown at 68j66 nassaga- weya at 6686 milton at 6406 oakviue at 5756 and acton at 5240 a move daring the meeting continued on page three twoactonians hurt in crash a threecar cohision at dub lin and suffolk sts in guelph thursday morning involved two actonians terry slaven rr 4 and his passenger mrs robert anderson cameron st the two returned home follow ing treatment in st josephs hospital mr slaven was treated for concussion and head injuries and mrs anderson had facial and leg lacerations the im pact of the collision drove her from the back seat into the windshield mr slaven mrs anderson and one other passenger who got out before the accident were on their way to work in guelph damage co the three vehicles was estimated at 2jd0o by po lice kurt jensen julia drive guelph and his passenger anne jensen of the same address were treated for bruises and abrasions driver of the third car earl campbell green st guelph was unhurt mohuoht op acton dstuct high schools first athletic awards banquet was the presentation of trophies to the years outstanding athletes from left jim slaven most valuable member of the track and field team track coach and teacher bruce andrews- sandl slingerland outstanding female athlete rob roughley most valuable player on the soccer team bill landsborough most valuable junior basketball player allan mcnabb most valuable player of the senior cage team jo anne landsboroogh most valuable girl volleyballer ron mo- callum athletic department head dan arbic outstanding malf athlete seated am the most valuable girl basketball playor theresa marco centre and elizabethatkey girls pt tteeho not able to be present was the most valuable volleyball play er steve johnston full results of the awards will be in trie free press next week staff photo

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