Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1967, p. 10

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turner pay a upier by olralllna taxes the si matyt itoumalargus comments judging by he way taxes on pro perties are going up and dp each year especially to pay for expensive schools ard the staffs to man them it wont be long before trie public will decide it does not pay to own living quarters at all the late wa bishop canadas top ranking first world war fighter pilot and a fairly wealthy man decid ed long ago that owning his own house or any property was uneconomic he always rented from someone else in this way he averted direct pay ment of taxes could move when he liked and dictnot have to put expen sive repairs on his domicile more and more the wisdom of his actions are becoming apparent a home owner today has to bear neverending taxes for roads sewers education recreation and all the frills a modern municipality can think up and when he or she becomes old these taxes still go on regardless of whether the owner gets any benefit from the things he has to pay for or not now the roberts government thinking vp ways and means to lure the voters has come up with a real bright idea it is proposed to allow munici palities to collect only half the taxes from old age pensioners with the pro vision that the part of the taxes not paid shall be taken as a mortgage on the properties if and when the owner dies these payments will be collected from the old ones estate renters will receive no such relief but at least their estates will not be loaded with debts to pay for the frills of society and they wilf have the op tion of moving to less expensive quar ters if their finances so dictate the journalargus concludes trouble with that idea in this heck of the woods is that houses to rent are few and far between and often more expensive than buying 7 editorial page cereal fox education according to an article in the sal vation army war cry margaret mead the noted anthropologist has seriously maintained that many youngsters get a significant part of their education early in the morning by reading the in formation on cereal boxes you might call it the school of cris pycrunch graduates eat a degree and proceed to that bastion of higher learn ing the school of snapcrack n pop it sounds farfetched as the article aysbar irhasre tmgrof truth inrh who hasnt sat at the breakfast table with the family on any given morning in complete silence nearly everyone has their favorite cereal box in front of them and besides the con tents theyre devouring words printed think of the possibilities for the cereal manufacturers they could rent space out on their boxes to the depart ment of education they in turn could put a few simple algebra problems there or maybe a test in english to whip off before school starts it could do away with the home work problem the kids might end up smarter than the teachers unless they subscribed to the tame cereal adult education classes could be confined to morning sessions over a bowl of corn flakes instead of gruelling classes after a days hard work indeed the entire country could benefit except perhaps the cereal makers they probably would not have any space left for their own advertising it could cause a drop in sales and a sub sequent drop in the education stand ards the wheat farmers would be af fected as would oat and rice growers there could be a depression perhapswedbetterscrapihewhole- idea before people start jumping out of the tops of grain elevators cditwiat hctej manufacturers of small imported cars may feel affronted at this notice at a car wash in virginia reported by the ontario safety league special today car wash 150 compact cars dipped and toweldried 50c a school trustee in georgetown faced with a request from a class for a visit to see some old fossils enquired why the class wasnt just invited to a board meeting k centennial pictun jaumi the mm rattauon marching from camp borden to hamilton stayed over night in acton in 1916 top picture shows their field kitchen set up in ffofff of ihe osd chm aned in hie perk bottom picture ahnws the troops lined lip on mm st in front of the vacant lot where nne ymca is now between ferrymens house at the corner of mill and john now memorizes and havills store now mcleans barber shop next door to havills was actons recruiting office in charge of the late wilfred coles in the former post office build ing located where the bank of nova scotia is now fishermen made good use of the victoria day weekend to troll fairy lake for the big pike lurking there this craft bobs empty in the cool spring breezes which have discouraged not only fishermen but the spring hatches of bugs which usually provide food for the fish at this time of year staff photo sugar and spice bill smiley when you write a column like this you get some reaction if you didnt it wouldnt be worth wnung because 1 1- wouldnt toe worth reading a recent column has produced re action it dealt with the load we heap on teenage kids generally and contain ed a list of what my 16yearold specif ically had to do in the next few weeks two letters arrived smartly then a third the first was from kj of owen sound your column is not up to your usual standard not quite so frank it might have been if you had turned the xray on yourself as well as on the critics of the young people of today whoever they may be critics kd meet l e taylor of toronto admitting that he had met a few decent teenagers while on summer vacations in a small town he adds but not so in this big city a great many ol the teenagers here are the pushing impolite immoral bores to be shunned and avoided wherever possible kd says any sane person would know your daughter is trying to do too muoh result of having two over-am- bitious parents each of you want ing to realize in each of your children your own ambitions selfish id say now wait a minute there kd you can say what you like about my wife but by gorry youre all wrong about me all i want is for my daughter to stop driving her mother nuts pass her school year if possible get married preferably by elopement ill spring a 50 ladder in lieu of a 1000 wedding have about five kid and get as much fun out of them as we have out qf ours back to mrtaylor he doesnt blame the parents but the kids they have it too soft say they have more advantages than we had but lack initiative and drive and he lists about 30 things he was doing while in high school come on l e be sensible sure you did them but how many others of your age did there was darn little initiative and drive during the depression he goes on matnc had to be stud ied and written off in sweltering hot june days with air conditioning no where it still does old boy in most places and furthermore its about three times more difficult than the matnc you and i passed and the universities de mand standards far higher for admis sion back to kj2 bet your mother would have had more sense she didnt have time ed note whose fault is it that your daughter and others want to do so much in and but of school yours and others like you what kind of train ing advice guidance have you given her apart from strive strive strive and achieve achieve achieve kj you are hereby invited to give my daughter some of that stuff but dont blame me if you emerge from the conference bloody and bruised theres more of the same from k j and a lot of it good sense it ends bal oney to your sex lsd and drinks mere- red herrings to drag in and show bow uptodate you really are not stuffy at all ho hoi youd better pull your head out of that sandpile there you are one correspondent says its the parents fault the other says its the kids theyre both wrong and both right and then came the third letter balm to tortured nerves it was from an old friend edith rudell of london ont she is not exactly an amateur commentator six boys and a girl i quote i will frame it the column and amen the fantastic amount of time and energy and nervous tension expended by my group is not possible to describe furious any way it exhausts rne just being an on looker so bless you bill for putting the thoughts into words and bless you dear heart and bless kd and le cditoridt ttctej canada had the first hospital in north america in 1639 three sisters of st augustine from dieppe france established the hotel dieu at quebec city making it the first hospital on the north american continent the measure of national change is shown by four startling facts one near ly everything that we know today had not appeared in any book when i went to school two the sum total of human knowledge doubles every four years three 25 per cent of all people who ever lived are alive today four 90 per cent of all the research scientists who ever lived are alive today prime minister lester b pearson i to job kjd youve been reading too many articles about punk parents and not enough about punk kids if you tiinv drink and drugs a fr are red herrings in relation to teenagers the acton free press phone 8532010 butmau and editorial okib i la ifis md fabmaaa 1 m mutmm st acma oauria asavkar at bm at cliinalll la cwma aal aaa payaafc ataavaaa m la c i sms a a i inn aar ilaa ckaata aaa mk aaoartawl a 1 1 1 i om mat am oava caaaaal far ka at kaaaca at at aawrtf as 1m bam hcaai i nam aaai at a mfapapmcal amar aatanlaaa anal at a aaaaa ansa aaaa ar aa mp aar at mm a i njtlia k aaaa as aftar 20 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press thursday may 22 1947 the ymca display drew a big crowd in the acton arena johnny cray 1 had charge of the program leading off was the nursery class in their blue and pink bunny suits and their cute little hopping and singing numbers with mrs m roote in charge presentation of tro phies and prizes was an event of keen interest baxter table tennis trophy was won by ron salt the hockey team re ceived crests presented by mr fred dawkins miss n simpson and george williams won force electric trophy for badminton crests for ftoor hockey champions were presented by mr thos jones president of the board of acton ymca workmen are now modernizing the store front of watsons dairy bar a new store is being erected in cres cent street a splendid crowd attended the first annual high school cadet dance on mon day evening bobby gimby and his 13- piece orchestra were the popular name band for the music on this occasion honorary mayor e brillinger of guelph a former rector of st albanvs church here will be presented with the oj3e at an investiture in london on may 29 presentation will be made by viscount alexander reeve f j mccutcheon has started construction arrangements this week for a new store on the property recently purchased by him next to hargraves service station at the corner of mill and young streets the following officers were elected at the annual meeting of the lawn bowling and tennis club honorary presidents col a o t beardmore mr s g bennett mr w j gould presi dent mr john wood first vicepresident mr t watson second vicepresident mr k bean secretarytreasurer mr r can- ham the council has arranged for 4000 feet of water mains to be laid 50 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press thursday may 17 1917 ajhemeetingqf the board of e ucation on monday there were present robert scott chairman robert macpher- son c c speight and john r kennedy a letter from the engineer of national equipment company who recently vis ited the school premises with the mem bers of the board to consider the instal lation of closets with wafer supply sug gested the erection of a new building for lavatory and closets mb action was tak en it is against the law to sell or set off fire crackers in acton quite a number of homes have po- tatoless days now for the first time in history there have been no potatoes to be had in town for several days auctioneer r j kerr has purchased trinity church the united church of canada minister mr john may ba bd organist mr george elliott ma phd sunday may 28 1967 sunday school 10x10 ajm junior school to gr 4 1 115 am senior school gr 5 to gr 8 services 1000 ajn trinity church acton nur sery provided 1115 am churchill church churchill rd north 730 pjn choral service trinity church church music of the church year churchill united church june 11 anniversary services 11 j5 ajn and 730 pjn guest preacher rev william gtbb all welcome christian reformed church acton ontario sunday may 28 1967 1000 am english service 1110 ajnsunday school 2j0 pjn alternating dutch and eng lish service saturday bible classes 1012j0 am everyone welcome acton raptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tldey ave ph 8331615 sunday may 28 4967 1000 ajn church school and class 1115 ajn morning worship rev jos eph e harris of wfche rock bc will be the guest speaker mr and mrs clarence raid of cempnell- ford bc will sing 700 pjn evening service camp her- mosa night featuring our bjm wednesday 7 jo p jn prayer and bible study thursday ejo pjn bapiorer thursday 7 jo pjn choir practice friday 7d0 jus bjlf thought for the week your faith should show in your face trom mr a e nicklin the splendid town lot at the corner of bower ave and john street mr kerr will erect a home this fall or next spring jolted off the platform of a freight car on the cpr siding at exhibition park toronto thomas alger met instant death when he fell between two cars at 945 am last friday 75 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press thursday may 19 1892 the monument of sir john macdon- ald in montreal will be erected on do minion square opposite the windsor the band will give their first open air concert of the season on franklin square this evening universal regret will be felt that dr lowry has decided to leave town and make guelph his future home he has purchased the office and residence of dr howitt of that city dr cowry has disposed of his residence and a portion of his property to dr s a mdkeague of welland port he is a brotherinlaw of rev j w rae the palatial dry goods store of g b ryan and co presented a brilliant ap pearance on saturday evening when it was lighted for the first time with incan descent electric light there are some 52 lamps on the first storey 16 in the second 4 in the third and 4 in the base ment these are connected with five currents and controlled by four switches the system of lighting is what is known as the thomsonhouston if you want boots and shoes cheaper than ever you bought them call at ken- ney bros acton hoist your flags and bunting on the 24th mr l g matthews has opened his icecream parlor and is now supplying the public with delicious ice cream and cooling summer beverages a new recipe for ice cream enables him to turn out a superior article 100 years ago a serious accident occurred on mon day evening to mr alexander robertson as he was driving down main st a bolt imperfectly secured allowed the shaft to fallon thehorsesheels causing him to kick the dashboard to pieces and fly onto the sidewalk opposite the halton house mrs john henderson who was in the buggy was thrown out but not hurt but mr robertson was not so for tunate he has been confined to his room since with a severe internal pain and he will be fortunate if he escapes without internal inflammation the horse tore along the sidewalk until he came in contact with a telegraph pole where he tore the buggy off leaving it a perfect wreck and flew down the side walk until he came to dr streets cor ner fortunately those on the sidewalk gave him a wide berth and no further accident occurred we have since learn ed that mr robertson is recovering church news presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckende ba bj minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir muter sunday may 28 1967 945 ajn church school for ages 3 to 15 1030 ajn session meeting 1100 ajn divine worship tnrftwttng confirmation of young people and reception of new meanberi ser mon theme the thirst for god everyone most welcome evangel pentecostal tabttnacu p aojc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532713 sunday may 28 1967 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning wortmp speaker rev carman lynn our newly ap pointed national overseas director 7j00 pjn evangelistic service great young peoples c a rally with war- ton mickobon preskleat of west indies cas everyone is welcome to these great missionary services tuesday 8 pm prayer and bible study thursday 8 pjn christ ambassa dors friday 645 pjn crusaders mapu avmui taptot church georg sunday may 28 1967 945 ajn sunday school 1100 ajnv morning service 700 pjn evening service- wednesday 8 pjn praye acton 8531956 georgetown 877643 the church of st auan the martyr anglican corner willow st aad st ajbena drive rev ritchie mcavfarray ma stm sunday may 21 1967 1st sunday after trinity 900 ajnhory euonariiu 10jo ajn churoh school 1030 ajn matttw i

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