Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1967, p. 1

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ftp ftakt op a mist offkial week of openings noon the free press has published a special and special events was the dedication of ac- page of pictures on the colorful opening op tens new centennial library saturday after- the front of the second section staff photo m r vm ontario hydro chairman george e gath ercole unveiled the plaque to officially open actons new hydro building saturday assisted by members of the acton commission left to right mayor les duby wilf meeachern orville- brown doug dawkins mr gathercole and and chairman ted tyler staff photo spill out of chambers delegations at esquesing council on trailers road cemetery if delegations are any indic ation of success then esques ing council has it made the township council cham bers wouldnt accommodate all who wished to participate in monday nights regular mseting when delegates asked for i license to permit a trailer camp on fairy lake rear acton 2 that some thing be done about the num ber of trucks using no 20 sideroad at glen williams 3 help with the stewarttown ce metery owned by the anglican church which the board of health wants cleaned up t firat jutof tt was william smallwood owner and propri etor of smallwood acres a tourist resort on the first line adjacent to actons fairy lake he asked permission to oper ate a trailer camp from may to october he told council he was building flush wash rooms and the health inspec tor had given his project a stamp of approval questioned by councillors mr smallwood said his camp had been operating since 1964 with no trouble trailers would come and go mostly on a one night basis deputy reeve george cur- rie told mr smallwood the township had a bylaw prohib iting trailer camps from op erating in all except two areas in esquesing councillor tom hill said he could see no reason why the bylaw couldnt be changed the bylaw says only one place cedar springs can be us ed for trailers but there are some at norval councillor pat patterson denied trailers were being used at norval but found little sympathy with his view council told mr smallwood they would consider the mat ter after reading the bylaw and then send him an answer mr smallwood asked their in dulgence and said hed like some sort of recreation there ju a trailer camp license wasnt forthcoming next ilevtallrm consisted of ratepayers from prince st in glen williams spokesman robert herring- ton objected to trucks using the road which he described as second class he said there had been three near misses there recently and he was afraid someone would get killed in one instance a six- yearold pulled a fouryearold to safety just in time he bla med one spot in particular where vision was restricted and the road narrow my wife kept track and 68 trucks went by in three and a half hours mr herrington told council the trucks are gone now but they may be back i dont know at this point a ratepayer in the back of the council cham- fred dawkins receives degree god medal fred dawkins completed his course in commerce and fin ance at the university of tor- onto with first class honors standing third in his class he was awarded the w e rundlc gold medal in commerce and finance by victoria college at a convocation held on june 2 at convocation hall university of toronto he re ceived his bachelor of com merce degree his parents mr and mrs w e dawkins and miss karin heller were pres ent fred has accepted a position with clarkson gordon and co in toronto bers later identified as mrs williams jumped to her feet and disputed mr herringtons figures im down here for the business people she said those trucks are giving us bu siness and those truck drivers have as much right to be there as anyone ireeve george leslie interve ned asked mrs williams to sit down until mr herrington was finished then he asked mr herrington for his recom mendations a wide culvert there may be replied mr herrington im petrified afraid of some one getting killed questioned mr herrington admitted trucks werent speed ing councillor tom hill said the trucks were using 20 side- road because there was no al ternate route road superintendent bud snow an interested spectator agreed the road was too nar row and with reeve leslie that a natural waterway made it difficult to do anything ab out it even for a footpath it was agreed however council would look over the problem site at a special roads meeting next week a woman had the last word mrs williams when her rum came admitted mr herring ton had a point the road is too narrow but as far as bar ring trucks from using the road i think its ridiculous the final delegation heard by council consisted of 11 people including rev canon maxwell of stewarttown ang lican church mr w briggs was spokesman for the deleg ation re the state of the stew arttown cemetery mr briggs said the cemetery was in a bad state of repair and the health department wants something done al though the church owns the land the community uses it and to the best of the delegat ions knowledge no land has been sold or money received for perpetual care the delegation would like to work with council to have something done continued on page 2 ht jvttn mctt jltiess ninetysecond year no 49 acton ontario wednesday june 7 1967 sixteen pages ten cents officials clergy open dedicate library project hydro building as many witness ceremonies new library actons choice centennial project completed with a crowd of about 250 joining in formal dedicatory responses acton centennial li brary was officially opened un der summer blue skies an sat urday afternoon the happy occasion culmination of three years of hopes and planning brought townspeople and spec ial guests to cluster around the fine new building for the cere monies newly dammed the school creek has backed up and now passes the library flowing slow and stately reflected in the creeks new found width satur day were the scarlet coated bandsmen guests and the at tractive building itself members of acton citizens band seated in the shade by police report quiet week forofcp the stream played a concert while chatting groups assemb led for the opening ceremonies outdoors then a tour through the two floors and the serving of refreshments w a roedde provincial di rector of library services for the province of ontario de clared never did i expect to see such a charming library in such a charming location he unveiled the datestone outside the big glass front en trance and then placed actons centennial project in its larger context in recent years the emerging development in li brary service in ontario is re markable he told the assemb led group the two reasons for this are the development in regional library systems and the tremendous awareness shown by municipal libraries such as yours he gave credit to council and to the commun ity at large another unveiling required a small group to move inside the library and mrs isabel wat son chief librarian for over 40 vears was chosen to do the honors there this plaque is required to be placed marking may 28 4o june 3 1967 pro- rtucedarelatively quietweek any contcnmal projects hyi charue chamins no theyre really members of carol whartons dancers who staged a modern jazz dance as part of saturday evenings recital at the robert little school in the group are cathy hunter cindy lott carol ann marzo and lena jensen staff photo list exemptions for the acton opp the six man detachment pa trolled 731 miles in and for the town of acton during 228 duty hours fourteen occurrences al though the majority were of a minor nature saw two thefts reported with goods to the value of 25 being stolen and one man charged with having liquor in a place other than a residence contrary to the li quor control act of ontario two motor vehicle accidents one a hit and run with a total damage of 7000 together with five traffic citations and 18 warnings issued was the full extent of the traffic activities observed and dealt with by the local constabulary court activities resulting from previous patrol were min imal with two convictions for traffic offences resulting in 4600 in fines and costs being paid with the advent of warm summer weather upon us the illegal conveyance and having of alcoholic beverage will be come one of the more preval ent liquor control act viola tions dealt with by the police the liquor control act pro vides that you may take the beverage from the liquor out let to your place of residence or from one place of residence to another place of residence meaning at least an over night stay by adhering to the provi sions of the act you will most certainly avoid an unpleasant confrontation with the courts said corporal r mason mr watson was introduced by library board secretary doug copeland although he knew she is likely the person who needs an introduction least of anyone here and she is likely the one who looked forward the most to being continued on page 2 at acton high new building fills needs of commission flags whipped in a warm breeze beside an improvised platform on the front step of the new hydro building when a lineup of dark suited offic ials summed up their words of praise and commendation into the official opening of the new building after a short address the distinguished chairman of on tario hydro george gather cole unveiled the plaque in side the front door to comp lete the building many gathered in front of the building on alice st but they retreated back into the shade for the series of short speeches afterward there was a tour of the building followed by a salad supper in the band hall for about 65 in vited guests hydro commission chair man ted tyler sr introduced the members of the commis sion douglas dawkins orval brown wilfred meeachern and mayor les duby tor many years we have been handicapped and our ser vice facilities crowded mr tyler said we a ple principal e a hansen issu ed a list of students who re ceived exemption from writing examinations this morning also included are those 6tud- fred salt engaged h s board secretary fred salt was hired as the new secretarytreasurer of ac ton district high school board at their meeting on monday evening he replaces billy mid- dleton who is retiring from the- position but will assist his successor during the summer mr salt has retired from beardmore and co there is a good deal of work to be done in august preparing transportation schedules tran sportation chairman duncan moffat pointed out and other routine business matters con tinue during the holidays the resignation of mike sev an trom the staff was tabled and he ha been replaced by brent turnbull from london mr bevan will be teaching in north york other teachers who ire leaving are miss flax and oscar drijber but a full complement of staff is hired for next september five cement installations will be constructed so the track and field entrants can practice rain or shine teacher bruce andrews explained the need to the board with a big diagram of the old and proposed new locations for jump pits two- wav runways and circles for discuss hurling and shot put ting mr andrews said of 17 meets in the past year acton has won 12 but with better facilities for teaching and coaching next year ws can do better after hearing his review of the schools sports accomplish ments the board agreed to send a letter of congratula tions to the physical education staff twelve inspectors have visit ed the school with one yet to come rail fare will be paid for five teachers who will accompany the 80 sudents to expo next wednesday initial consideration was giv en to transportation next year for two students who will be attending classes in wheel chairs due to his extra work load members of the board agreed that the chairman should be paid an extra 5 per meeting retroactive to january this is in accordance with a recent ruling and is being done in other places it was pointed out concluding arrangements for the driver training course were made members present at the meetings were chairman tom watbon duncan moffat ches ter anderson kerwin mcphail and secretary mr middleton ents who received exemptions in all subjects but one exemptions in all subjects 9a jackie lemon 9b chris brunelle dianne fisher bonnie garvin steph en porty julie smith carol mccutcheon 10a valerie coles judy connell sylvia hanousek mark hurst marsha mckenzie nancy morris jacqueline pal mer benita pries marie tim bers 10b cheryl lee annie vuk debra winter ioc anne watson 11a allan gordon kath- ryn sinclair paul youngblut 11c irene anderson mari lyn mclntyre exemptions in ad subjecta but one 9a karen ashley peggy day raymond denny cather ine lasby joseph petric 9b carol masales brian sampson 9c kathleen orourke 9e lyndy lou moon 10a patricia last linda lawson ioc jacoba doornbos 11a bob bonnette barry buchanan michael joe dianne stewart ub susan allan barbara meeachern 11c susan rody i id marie frank frances higgins and proud to see the carrying out of these plans he announced to the crowd the news of the sudden illness which had taken meter reader newt hurst to the hospital a few hours before those from out of town were especially welcomed am ong those attending were two former chairmen and their wives mr and mrs j j stewart of guelph and mr and mrs bob macarthur of georgetown guest speaker was the chair man of ontario hydro george gathercole who made a giant plug for hydro power by say ing that 54 years ago when hydro electric power came to acton electricity cost 10 cents a kilowatt now when every thing else has soared in price the cost of power has decreas ed ten times the average acton bill he went on is about half the cost of a package of cigarettes a day foresight of the commission was commended and he con cluded as sure as anything acton is going to move a- head some of the officials moved from their hard chairs in the heat into the building briefly wth mr gathercole while he drew the curtaining to reveal the attractive plaque gordon stacey of guelph president of the association of municipal electrical utili ties included in his remarks the assurance that the staff will now have no excuses continued on page 3 lats nev in brief recognition of 24 years of service in limehouse post office came for mrs a w benton tuesday afternoon when a d fizzell district director presented a certificate signed by postmaster general jean pierre cote an accompanying letter of appreciation signed by the assistant deputy postmaster general p a fagny was read to mrs benton in the brief ceremony at acton post office mrs benton took over from her husbands father who operated limehouse po from 1935 to 1943 she retired last month when new owners took over mrs benton left mr benton and mr fizzell are shown top staff photo michael bennett ordained deacon on saturday michael ben nett was ordained as a deacon at the cathedral of christ the king in hamilton he has been studying at st peters seminary london and after one more year there he ex pects to be ordained as a priest his mother mrs kay ben nett and other relatives at tended the service in hamilton on saturday he will be working for the summer in a parish but does not know yet where be will bcj school teachers and acton public school board have still not settled their 1967 sched ule trustee william benson told the board last night teachers refused the last offer and then turned the matter over to the teachers federation however he advised fellow trus tees not to shiver in their boots as he con sidered the move was illadvised he said his committee could do no more the entire disagreement hinged on the fact the board would not pay two increments in one year in rebuttal principal elmer smith said the teachers considered the salary offers fair and were quite happy but there were two clauses objected to one concerned cumulative sick leaves the other was the matter of in crements which effect only three teachers it would cost the board only 300 to settle the dispute and offer the staff con tracts said mr smith he suggested this difference could be deducted from his salary so contracts could be finalized mr benson concluded the discussion by saying no resignations had been received by may 31 therefore teachers must tose the last offer as a schedule until november 30

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