Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1967, p. 10

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6u4ia testament tc fiwtk sfifc k ideal weather blue skies with a puff of cloud here and there accom panied by warm temperatures contri buted to the success of community events over the weekend in the wake of success we are apt to forget the plan ning headaches that accompanied the two new buildings in the early stages actons centennial project r the beautiful new library in a setting which dignitaries present could not help but comment on will stand as a monu ment to perseverance and faith the mayor and library board had banked on when they initiated the project there were those who said acton need ed a new library like it needed an airport or a 40 storey office building once the centennial committee set their sights on a fibrary to replace in adequate facilities in the yaaca there was no stopping them they went ahead and the present building enhances what formerly was just a pleasant plot of grass beside a creek which grew weeds and was a reposi- bridge has proved to be another wrin kle which adds to the appeal of the building tall evergreens and weeping willows reflect in limpid pools making an idyllic setting for a library building a place of reflection its comparison piece the new hydro building has a different func tion it is intended as a building where the transaction of business will be plea sant and cordial irs workshop which approaches new heights in efficiency for a staff which found former quarters confining and inefficient the hydro commission too had its moments of doubt when tenders were opened for a new building but they were resolved and the present fine workshop and office will mark centen nial year as a milestone for hydro in acton both the library and hydro building stand as faith in the future of this com munity as well as enhancing its streets people of acton and district can point with pride to these centennial a h tory for rubbish thrown by children damming the creek at the highway projects and observe with satisfaction the town is moving ahead jfrtt pftss editorial page canada jaiutej her tieteraiu a wise nation preserves its rec ords decorates the graves of its illus trious dead and fosters national- pride and love of country by perpetual references to the sacrifices and glories of the past said joseph howe an il lustrious canadian tftil6na1veterahr week from june 11 to 17 is being sponsored as a part of canadas centennial celebrations by the federal government through the department of veterans affairs as a reminder of the part the veterans of this nation have played in building it op i- iljjl at the conclusion of canadas first century it seems fitting that the contri butions and sacrifices of this countrys veterans should be remembered there are approximately 975000 veterans of canadas wars living today veterans in acton and district will start off the week symbolically by dedicating a new plot in the cemetery a parade will leave the legion hall sunday at 2 pm and the legion ladies cditcriat nctea the trillium is ontarios floral em blem and it is diminishing in numbers we sponsor a motion to make the dandelion the national flower perhaps il will follow suit t art lmkletter who has run an after noon tv program for years was once introduced to an office worker who said mr lmkletter i always watch you when im sick the readers digest at first sight being your own boss looks like an additional freedom but in fact its an additional constraint if any of my staff are away for a day or two it isnt too important but if i am while the company still runs quite smoothly at least i feel that im not doing all i could do so that one ends up not taking holidays and working far more than one would if one was working for somebody else give sinclair 26yearold managing director of sinclair radionics of cambridge england heres a police comment quoted by the ontario safety league after twins picture jallerif oubts who toured the new hydro building after its official opening sat urday afternoon looked from the back doors out to the swampy meadow which used to be hendersons pond it was a popular spot for skating and swimming before it was drained a group of skaters was photographed in november 1898 by the late a t brown centennial reflections in the school creek shimmer in the midafternoon sun as the newly dammed school creek once a productive fishing stream regains some of its former grandeur it didnt take long for children to discover a new swimming pool and this weeks warm weather saw many cooling off in the cold springfed waters staff photo auxiliary will join in the service highlights of veterans week will be past presidents and veterans night on friday june 16 past presidents and first world war veterans will be guests of honor the jadies auxiliary who along with the veterans have been a leading social force in acton and district is sending a bouquet oflbses to rhesilver cross mothers in this district as anoth er part of veterans week acton branch of the legion has iwy jtafoiafpnt in town affairs and has played a prominent role in social services a special interest has been shown in minor sport and the benefits to participants can never be measured by any human yardstick as we pay tribute to the veterans who live there should be a special thought for those who died more than 112000 who made the greatest sacrifice of all and are buried in 70 countries around the world sugar and spice by bill smiley whats the most common question being batted about the country these days thats rightitsare you going to expo well are you if not why not you cant afford it of course you can you mean you cant afford to miss it yeah you say but what about bread loot gelt money nothing to it any body who cant make some fast money in this ridiculous world deserves to starve to death let alone not go to expo i have a few suggestions in fact i have quite a few because ive been giv ing the matter of our own trip some thought ive discarded one or two of them for various reasons but its every man to his own taste and one or more of them might be just the ticket for you put your wife to work if shes al ready working and you still cant afford the trip have an auction sale and get rid of a lot of that old junk youve accumu lated over the years this does not refer to your wite if you havent any old junk think of something throw a bingo party chicken feed you say all right then how about throwing a martini party at 5 a rattle on the monday of a holiday weekend when everybody has run out of booze youd clear about 300 youve heard two eyewitnesses ac counts of a car accident you begin to wonder about history for the first time protestants and catholics are beginning to read and pray from the same bible in the unit ed states the way has been cleared for catholics to read the identical text of the bible authorized by the 30- denomination national council of churches of christ in the usa the acton a free press phone 853 2010 business and editorial office fovivsrj in llt and pwbhthed otrv imednetday at tetlu si ation ontaria member of the aua1 borru ul inulaliur the cwna and omna ajtfriitinf rate un mtuem subacn tnni pawmi in jjtafmir 14 00 in canada 700 in all luumrhi other san canada tingle cop lflt amihurid 4 scvund cua vail fuel office vpimmni ottawa a4irruina ii accepted oa in tiffhjittun ihh in the etent uf ufjographical error that puttion uf the adiermlne aace or tupred b the rrruneou item laeethirr with rraeonabw allosrhe for ufnelure will not b narfej lo but the balance of ihr adterttaeraenl mill he paid lix at rhr applicable rat in the etenl of a lipurphkai rrror edtertialrif good or cnifi at a wrong pece food or milc ina not be vim adcermmd rt enrrerr an offer 10 ell and m he withdrawn at amr irme hartley com cdltor datld otria fyh don redar ccewrbjta lt7 ad miinnai buy some veterans calendars cut off one of your a a sell th door to door come on you can figure out a gim mick send your kids out mowing lawns if you have no kids send your mother- in law out mowing lawns and if shes too decrepit insure her heavily and push her off a cliff arrange with a friend to bump your car gently from behind at a stop light then run screaming to the doctor and claim you have a whiplash and collect bags of insurance no how about some blackmail know anyboy whos running around with somebody who shouldnt be run ning around with anybody have a moving van come in the mid dle of the night remove all your furnit ure then you set fire to the house and claim insurance for it and the furniture you could clear 3000 on this one speaking of moving vans how about pushing your wife or husband in front of a moving moving van provided you have a joint account and mutual insur ance all of these are too coarse or com mon or complicated for vou my vou are an old poke so run a bookie joint self pot hold up a bank if vou want something simple against your principles well all right all right but it shows the depths of depravitv to which i can sink in the middle of the night as i try to figure out how we can expo plus all the re decorating mv wife is doing well you and your danged principles have forced me into it heres the deal were going to have a contest now we all love contests dont we i have been writing this column for about 14 years without missing a week i want a ueek off to go to expo still with me i have a great many faithful readers and no doubt a fair smattering of un faithful ones too many of them write vcrv uell as i know from letters re ceived for the best guest column submit ted 1 vmii personally send a cheque for s2s along with an autographed copv of m latest book the latest one is the oik i havent unttcn for macmillan com pany the other book i havent wnttcn vjre not published bv mclelland-stew- art and prenticehall this handsome award so im not j p morgan will be supplemented by the tdoyram news service 440 front st w toronto 2b thev will either double or triple the cash award depending on their altitude when thev read this which is the tirst theyve heard of it topic anything you like length ab out 700 words send all entries to above address and here vou are cash if you win vou can take vour choice you can hitch hike to expo and blow the whole bundle on high living or vou can bet it on a horse fly to montreal and rough it at the queen elizabeth this is real get cracking today 20 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press of thursday june s 1m7 following the spring road grading op erations and surveying portions of high way 25 between milton and acton stan ley hall mpj for halton announced to the free press that widening grading and the laying of a granular base in pre paration for a hard surface wul begin mrs earl masales was hostess at a shower at her home on tuesday evening in honor of miss bunny anderson whose marriage to mr jack stewart will take place in june rev w h wallace minister to the baptist church of acton for the past three years preached his farewell ser mons last sunday mr roy smith of erin who was ap pointed postmaster in the late fall ten dered his resignation to the department and elmer miller was recently appointed to the position mr miller has been in charge over a week miss blanche over land is his assistant acton friends congratulate mr bev arnold who graduated in the engineer ing class at mcgill university montreal mr jack mainprize was successful in passing his first year exams in mech anical engineering at toronto university miss frances dills has received word that she was successful in passing the recent examinations at the univer sity of toronto the degree of bachelor of arts will be conferred 50 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press of thursday may 31 1917 contractor ritchie has commenced his work of cutting down silvercreek hill and straightening the road on the sev enth line of esquesing it is a long time since trout of any size have been caught in corporation pond but on saturday jordan lawson son of chief lawson landed a beauty it measured over a foot in length and tipped the scales at a pound e very-week- sccsfamnc rv driving town with new motor cars this is as it should be the automobile is a real bene- fit to our farmer friends a highly interesting time was spent at guelph on thursday bv members of the masonic craft of district no 8 in a lodge instruction under the auspices of no iad a banquet was tendered by speed lodge at which numbers of brief ad dresses were delivered past masters bros murray macdonald w m cooper john r kennedy john wood and bros n p mclam wildgust alex kean w mainprize and w l graham were present from acton commencing next wednesday june 6 the business people of acton will by mutual agreement close their respective places of business every wednesday af ternoon and evening from 12 jo oclock noon during june july and august trinity church the united church of canada minister mr john may ba bd organist mr george elliott wa phd sunday june 11 1967 sunday school 1000 a jn junior school to gr 4 1113 a jn senior school gr 5 to gr 8 6 er vices 1000 ajn trinity church acton nur sery provided churchill united church 1115 am and 7 jo pm anniversary services guest preacher rev wil liam gibb all welcome evangel pentecostal ta1ernaclb prvoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532714 sunday june 11 1967 1000 ajn sunday school 1100 ajn morning worship 700 pjn evangelistic service tuesday 8 pjn prayer and bible study thursday 8 pan christ ambassa dors friday 645 pjn crusaders acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley fiamrnnti res 144 tldey avfc ph 8531615 iiifi i sunday june 11 1967 iojoo aaii cburch sohool and ads class 1115 jum morning worship living the commission 700 pjn evening service walk and worship wednesday 7 jo pjn prayer and bible study thursday 7 jo pjn choir practioa saturday june 10 ss picnic meet at church at 2 oclock thought for the week your faith should show in your faoa 75 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press of june 2 1892 the urgent demand for houses con tinues and cannot be supplied eggs are down to nine cents with prospects of a still lower figure four tramps with a couple of bears passed through town sunday afternoon bread is now selling at 10 cents and milk has dropped to the summer price five cents the new pastures have already af fected the prices of butter it has been down as low as 11 cents the past week a social under the auspices of the ladies aid of knox church will be held next wednesday evening at the home of john stalker 3rd line esquesing ottawa may 30 hon george a kirkpatrick mp for frontenac ex- speaker of the house of commons and a member of the privy council for can ada has been appointed lieutenant- governor of ontario mr kirkpatrick will be sworn in today and will leave for toronto at once the appointment is re garded as a satisfactory one 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian milton june 6 1867 we regret to jearn some wretched incendiary set fire to the little cottage of mrs stewart near omagh she had just erected a dwelling and was so poor she had received aid from council to do so a more inhuman act has rarely been perpetrated and we trust she and her little family may receive substantial aid from the charitably inclined and that the council of trafalgar may again grant her aid to the editor i learned today regt mentals military cloths red coats and white pants with hat and feather are be ing made for the boys- attending com mon school in this town now sir in the very dangerous position in which we find ourselves today it is i admit only a nec essary act of prudence to drill the school nys but i fnr nni must protest against familiarizing their minds and habits to the peacock toggery of the military be fore theyare out of schoolandwiuhed in the field william king last saturday a young emeralder named kelly who has the honor to be the brotherinlaw of hugh mccutcheon of the east end was concluding the fes tivities of the 24th and 25th at ken- neys saloon and having imbibed half a gallon of the double distilled essence of irelands wrong challenged anyone to tread on the tail of my coat as i am getting blue mouldy for want of a bait ing finding no one willing to accept the challenge he proceeded to smash the doors chairs etc and in conclusion fell foul of jimmy mogee the cooper and wounded him over the peepers severely for this he was brought before the mayor and sent up a month to ruminate on the changes of fortune church news presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenxle ba bj minis ter mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday june 11 1967 945 ajn church school for ages 3 to 15 11 do ajn divine worship sermon subject nevertheless sunday june 18 11 ajn dedication of centennial memorial gifts everyone most welcome iuhe christian reformed church acton ontario sunday june ii 1967 1000 ajn english service 1110 ajn sunday school 2j0 pjn alternating dutch and eng lish service saturday bible classes 1012j0 ajn everyone welcome mapi avfnui baptist church georgetown sunday june 11 196 945 ajn sunday school 1100 ajn morning service 700 pjn evening servioa wednesday 8 pjn prayer tg acton 8531956 georgatown 8776665 st tm church op a1ban tm martyr anglican comer willow st mad st arwas dhw rev ritchie iklcmurray mx sta sunday june 11 1967 feast of st barnabas apostle trinity hi 9j00 ajnhory bnotertst 10j0 ajn chun 10j0 ajn matins

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