Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1967, p. 10

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t t x gecretth exjuriment weti oe walihlfi0 with interest the dedslot of tha board of parks manage ment and recreation commtttaa to hlra a man to manage arena and parka in stead of r director h tha oontonhon of tha combined boards acton need a workar mora than art organizer thay believe moat or- ganlution can gat together and take caye of themselves thua ruling out a recreation onxwi this of oouraa is tha direct oppo site to that thinking of tha rocraation director h p ha recom- mandad that acton employ both a rac- raation dlractor and arena manager ha wamad if only tha latter was hired tha board couldnt expect him to organize programs make liaison with communi ty groups act as a staff trainer and still manage a facility as active as tha community centra there is of course an undercurrent playing on these opinions which isnt yislbta to tha average observer two of the three directors employed object ed to spending so much time looking after the arena whan they were train- ad to orgtntm recreation programs there was alio friction with the cyjt- ling club which felt since they were paying for it they ware entitled to good curling tea nona of the directors was a qualified ice maker and thay indicated to us at least they resented the attitude of some curlers when ice wasnt at its bast its quite possible this objection 1o tha job will vanish if the curlers build their own premises as they now plerw- however it la still unlikely acton would ever bo anything but a training ground for recreation directors on their way up to bigger and better opportunities certainly the move by the combin ed boards is an experiment but it has proved worthwhile in other places hiring harold townsley to take the new post solved some of the problems since he is acquainted with both ends of arena and parks management practi cal and administrative however harold will have a large load on his shoulders taking care of facilities which are the scene of more activity each year editorial pag jet in there ax4 fkt every so often someone approaches the editor with an idea for a real shock er of an editorial something that will set the hackles on peoples necks brist ling with indignation and be disruptive enough to disturb most of the commun ity you could compar them -distnth- chips fan where they may and when that time comes the axe will swing meanwhile those who clamor for the good old hellfire and brimstone kind of editorial column tend to forget that the rabid partisan emotional edi torials of yesteryear would make us laugh ourselve sick today ers to a boy who throws a rock into a placid mill pond to watch the ripples spread until they envelop the entire surface ifs amusing and shows that a stone thrown in tha right place can effect almost everything the g signalstar apparent ly rum into the same fypa of person over in western ontario which goes to prove people dont change much in spite of their geographical location however the editor of the goderich paper isnt impressed he says there are times when a sharp prod or an equally effective word of praise can get good results when seemingly nothing else will do there is a time for hewing to the line and letting the pet pnwri actually we believe those who want the disturber type of editorial are looking for amusement kicks or have a vindictive desire to have some one else throw their snowballs for get in there and fight boy well hold your coat they urge welcomelo the fray you are cor dially invited to metaphorically roll up your sleeves spit on your hands and wade in with your irish up write your editorial sign your name and address if we think it is worth publishing it will appear in the editorial column under your name and we will hold your coat while you get in there boy and fight fight fight be our guestt is the or isnt she if your tary is wearing one of the currently popular tent dresses and you cant toll it from a maternity dress the guessing will soon be over come fall there will be more shape in dresses belts which havent been worn for several seasons will make a comeback to help empha size tha shape reports from people in acton and district who have attended expo 67 praise the big exposition end urge oth ers to attend but there are some who remain unimpressed most complaints seem to be centred around the queues for food and buildings few complain ed about prices according to the experts prices could rise by more than the three per cent predicted by finance minister sharp despite visible easing of inflating pressures in recent months construc tion costs are likely to go on climbing house prices and rents are rising as are appliances clothing and many other consumer items if we havent yet named a national insect how about the mosquito paper dresses are the current rage one woman complained i saw another woman wearing a carbon copy centennial picture jaueiy rubadubdub three boys in a tub or is it a boat anyway the trio scott oakley bernie taylor and john nesset are enjoying themselves in the school creek which is a real magnet for children cooling off in the unseason ably hot june weather staff photo rav s by bill smiley some of you gent icjj readers un doubtedly live next don to bookies others live cheek by jowtwith bootleg gers but how many of you can boast of living right next door to a couple of bank robbers we can during the six years we have lived in this house one of the many banes of my wifes existence has been the house next door its a crummy old brick house shabby and dilapidated the tenants who change about every six months are in much the same condit ion as the old house that is not said un kindly they are poor they are tough its all they can afford invariably they have great gaggles of children invariably there is a good deal of screaming and some cursing at these tads invariably there is wine drinking and fighting but they struggle on the men in ant out of work the women hanging endless miles of diapers on a clothes line that squeals like a banshee at ev ery yank they dont bother me they arent malicious one of the women used to come over and use our phone when she wanted a cab to go and get some beer one little boy age three told me to go to hell when 1 told him to stop using our lawn chair as a trampoline but no thing serious the only thing that bugs me is that the rotten old board fence between the properties keeps falling down and it al ways falls on mv side thev dont care its not their fence but the landlords he doesnt care so i prop it up this week however things livened up last thursday a bank in a nearbv village was held up bv two armed men they got away with about 6500 roadblocks were thrown up as they sav my assistant department head on her wav to the dentist was stopped three times bv scowling policemen brandish ing shotguns she weighs 82 pounds and couldnt even lift 6500 in s100 bills i heard all about it fridav morning at school in the meantime back at the ranch all hell was breaking loose first my wife got a call from the rectors wife how are you i mean are you all right fuie how is everybody at your place my wife did a very sensible thing she wen straight across the street for a cup of coffee with a neighbor from there in comparative safety they watched the show almost immediately carloads of the curious began driving by our house slow ing down looking hard by this time three provincial cruis ers and the local paddywagon were parked in front of our house and the house next door cops swarmed about the place next door with drawn guns the kids enjoyed it thoroughly chat tering at the police our neighbors phone rang madly as people demanded to know whether the smileys were really in on it my wife said she wouldnt look in the attic unless the neighbor went with her she refused on the grounds that she was afraid of the squirrels up there the police cars were there most of the day some kids came back to school from lunch and told their teacher that mr smilevs house was surrounded by police cars something to do with the bank robbery rumors are still flying they say that the money was found next door they say that two men not the ten ants were arrested there they say that the guns were found well i hope they are all wrong and that the original rumor was light one of these days im going to get up enough nerve to go up and check the attic and if the 6300 is still there 111 send vou a postcard from crete fine but are you all right 1e4rtk batuukhn was p on maneouwes on cobble hill before going to camp borden in 1916 induct ed in the group em mike kaley george withers edgar stuart fred creamer a swackhemer end others from acton the picture was lent by a j mclsaac rr 4 acton after more of this it turned out that the rectors wife and practically ev- eryoody else in town had beard a rumor probably springing from an erroneous radio report that the money from the bank robbery had been found in the at- tic of the old cranston home on hugel ave v it just happens that we live in the f old cranston home it was once pwned by bill cranston a wsekry editor who went straight the acton free press phone 8532010 business an editorial office founded in 117 and published every i 5 iltu si acton ontano miiilur of tit audit bureau u cirruutkmi the cwna aaadj ovxsa adrrti4nc run am rccfurtt setba ton pablr in adancr s440 caatadl 78 m all counirir other isaaj c taaad tiogjltt 10 authurufd m seooaid cls mail wmt office drpmrtmcnt otum atferrtmaf ta i lh tuodiiiuri thai in the ertl of iyi errof that ponton at the adhrrlsaaeaj cuparrf b ihf erroneous item lotmrdetr with rrawmbw alloajkr for ftuturf will gtm he turfed fur but the balance of the adfrt rtjattajtm will be paid for at the applicable rate la da eenl of a t pographscal error advrttaaaj sjcntaa or trratret at a wrong pnee food or a nut nui be sold adxertiajaej t am ruts aa offer to wl and mat be withdrawn at aanr time dtvtid at cmls fubuthrr han try cotes do ryder rnprsajat h47 a4v miaia 20 years 75 years ago taken from the taoe of the acton free frets thursday june 12 1ht the last social event of the school term for students of acton high school was the annual school picnic last week principal stewart expressed apprecia tion of the work done at the school by mrs r carton and mist e dryden both of whom are resigning from the staff replacements on the staff of the high school are mr e hansen of acton and mis shantz of kcnora the regular meeting of acton public utilities commission was held monday evening superintendent wlson and lambert were present and reported on progress being made in their respective departments mr vy j mason of rock- wood was present and discussed the position on the hydro staff he was hir ed at an annual salary of 2300 a miscellaneous shower was held for mr and mrs frank connelly of george town nee anna graff at the home of mr and mrs frank freeman rjr 2 acton june 4 about 50 friends and neighbors from tome school and chur- cnill were present for the occasion the june meeting of the womens association of the united church was hld at the home of mrs j ralston mrs l agar presided and said how sorry the association was to lose three members mrs john mowat mrs richardson and mrs a w fosbury 50 years ago taken from tha issue of the acton free press thursday june 9 itw acton whi have a grand celebration on dominion day the contractor is now making the excavations for the foundation of the new school the planting of shade trees have re ceived considerable attention in different sections of the country this spring the foundations for messrs w r kenneys new residence on church st and j p wordens on parke ave are completed the telephone deal by which the ontario telephone company is to be absorbed by he bell was practically consummated last night at the annual meeting of the former there was a good attendance of shareholders and president kcndrys report placed before the meet ing in a very concise way the present pos ition of the company and the reasons tor the deal in which the directors are lead ing after a very full and frank discus sion the report was unanimously adopt ed prof campbell who is at present rus ticating in the vicinity of credit forks paid erin a short visit last week i takes a thinker to make another thinker think 100 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press thursday june 1 1917 the boy scouts under scoutmaster harwood have been taking many enjoy able hikes into the country lately the synod of the diocese of niagara is aiming to make the minimum salary of the ministers 1000 and free house tiling has been laid in frederick street to be used in connecting up the sewers at the comer of mill street to draw off more effectively the surface drainage at that point the damage to dr bells propertv and the annoyance to pedestrians at that place have been considerable the duke of devonshire chapter of the iodr offered two prizes one to the girl and the other to the boy of piihlir fhnol for writing th twt says or our fmpire these were won by isabel mcniven and willie stewart who read their essays at the meeting of the chapter on victoria day rev h w avison majbj has been stationed at welland and rev r s e large ba bd of hamilton is com ing to the charge of the methodist church here the university of toronto will es tablish a department of military instruc tion married browncoleman on tuesday may 29 1917 at the home of mr james a colemant uncle of the bride at hamiota man bv rev w ferguson rev james ralston brown ba of halkirk alta youngest son of mr a h brown acton to ethel only daughter of mr john s coleman late of acton taken aram me issue of the champlftw june is let the first of july next having been fixed by royal proclamation as the day of the union of canada nova scotia and new brunswick has been on that ac count set apart as a day of general re joicing and declared a public holiday there will be a parade or review on that day of the whole volunteer force of can ada at the respective head quarters of the different corps companies battal- lions or brigades as may be most convnl- ent to the force and a feu de joie shall be fired in honor of the occasion officers shah receive their next pay and noncom missioned officers and men fifty cents each the provincial secretary also gives official notice to all her majestys loving subjects in the present province of can ada that they are invited to celebrate the 1st of july next as c day of rejoicing to- this invitation the l p canada and of old halton in particular will not be slow in responding and we trust every man will make it a day of rejoicing and a day long to be reroemb ed as the natal day of a great nation the birth day of renovated canada a canada commencing under better aus pices than that of 1641 we trust the whole volunteer force of halton will assemble at the head quarters milton as there could be no better day for their assembling and we are sure that milton will provide accom modations for them we would recom mend that a committee formed as on the queens birthday and that a volun tary subscription be raised for games fireworks and other objects we would also suggest that this committee meet soon as the time for organizing is but short church news trinity church the united church of canada minister rev john may ba bj organist mr george elliott mx phd presrytbuan church m canada knox church acton rev andrew h mzarmfa bit ba aunlster mr e a hansen bjl organist and choir master sunday june 18 1967 sunday school 10ooj ajna jun school cto gr 4 1115 am senior school gr 5 to gr 8 services 1000 am trinity church acton nur sery provided 1115 ajn churchill church churchill d n sunday june 25 sacrament of holy communion both churches all welcome acton raptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley fi res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 3to- sunday june 18 1967 45airu church schooifori 15 1100 a jn divine worship and dedica tion of memorial gifts sermon theme their name liveth for evermore sunday june 25 11 ajn summer quarterly celebration of holy com munion everyone most welcome urn christian rjpormto church acton ontario sunday june 18 1967 1000 ajnvchurch school and adust class ii 15 ajn morning worship both lord and christ 7 00 pjn evening service the fall of man wednesday 7j0 pjn prayer and bible study thursday 730 pjn choir practice thought for the week your faith should show in your face thi church op st a1ran tm martyr anglican corner willow st and st arwns drive rev ritchie mcmurray mjl sxb sunday june 18 1967 1000 ajn english serrloa 1110 ajxtv sunday school 2j0 pjn alternating dutch and eng lish service saturday bible classes 101230 ajn everyone welcome sunday june 18 1967 the patr0nal festival of st alban the martyr 900 am holy eucharist i0j0 ajn church school 1030 ajn the holy eucharist of st alban martyr saturday june 24 the nativity of st john the baptist patron of all can ada 1000 ajn holy eucharist mama avtnui raptist church georgetown sunday june 18 1967 945 ajn sunday school 1100 ajn morning service 7j00 pjn evening service wednesday 8 pjn prayer meeting acton 833195 georgetown 8776663 kvanon ptmtfcostal tabarnacu pjlojc 31 ctercldb road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 i sunday june 18 1967 1000 ajn sonday school 1100 ajnmnmlng worship 7joo pjn evangelistic service con tinuing on the subject of the war in the middle east in the tight of bible prophesy tlnusuvsy 8 aa carlet

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