Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 21, 1967, p. 11

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hure 4iflwau needed it it easy to understand the feelings 6f members of planning board after council turned down their recommenda tion for a plan of subdivision for the t seynuck c griese property they promptly resigned members of the board obviously feel theres not much use being on a board whose recommendations are turned down as regularlyas theirs are v it would be in order to ask whats the use of having a planning board at all under these circumstances actually however members of the board and council are not very far apart in their thinking both want the pro- pertyaoj have a proper plan planning board felt the town should absorb the cost until the property is developed then the money would be returned in small chunks council by a marginal 54 decision did not savor this part of the recom mendation they decided the owner should bear the 1300 cost since he was the one who would benefit most their decision was handed down with the delicacy of a lumberjack at a ladies tea party we think the cause would have been better served if the decision had been delayed until both parties met to discuss it but thats all water under the bridge now the planners have resigned and apparently theres not much chance theyll reconsider the board has served the town well they are able men and served without remuneration devoting hours to plan ning and research which are becoming more complex with each passing year council could be more diplomatic when they deal with a situation like this one editorial page thaijcr haj uide ihtereau it is indeed a privilege for acton to have a leader in mayor les duby who is not afraid to actively promote and belong to such organizations as the central ontario regional development association and the ontario municipal associations town and village section it is an honor not only to him but to the town he represents when hes chosen chairman of these two organiz ations first of all it is recognition of his talents in this field but it is also an awareness on the part of others with wide and varied interests that he rep resents an area with similar ideals it focusses attention on the town as a community which has its problems but is willing to go out in the market place in search of fresh ideas for their solution for this is what these boards are for discussion of mutual problems and advancement of new ideas as well as being a springboard for the provin cial governments attention two reso lutions advanced by the acton repre sentatives on one board have already been endorsed by corda for in stance and have been headed to the ontario government with the backing of the entire association these may have been problems which seemed purely local but obvious ly fdund a sympathetic chord in repre sentatives from other municipalities in dicating many are common speed and better roads have elimin ated much of the distance which nur tured parochial thinking and local rival ries in days gone by people now are discovering the person next door is not much different than they are in fact they may have the same set of prob lems how will they solve them what approaches have they tried what methods dont work these boards act as clearing houses for such iinformation representatives get a wide education and avoid many of the mistakes made by others- in simi lar straits as well as picking up useful ideas those who knock the idea of partic ipating in boards of this ilk because of cost are certainly not comparing the figures on the credit side of the ledger with those on the liability column a centennial picture calient mwa j okchbtka and band pictures bring back memories of musics popularity as a pasttima years ago both these pho tographs were lent by rudolph spiel- vogel and he appears in both himself the methodist sunday school orchestra shows in the front row william laird george king john hill rudolph spiel- vogel and chester matthews in the back row lottie mason ernie brown ethel coleman nelson moore and hazel mason the mason twins sisters of the late amos and charles mason were very talented musicians and could play several instruments the photograph of acton boy scout bugle band was taken july 12 1919 in the front row are william hawes ray agnew edwin landsborough roy brown adam orr lloyd forbes back row fred warren jack kennedy joe hynds lloyd mas- ales bandmaster nelson moore rud olph spielvogel william robertson george soper and thomas savage two of them ray agnew and mr spielvo gel still play with acton citizens band pub uv dwarf horses on the top rail of a fence no theyre really enjoying the lush vegetation in the field next to the rails june rains and warm humid wea ther have both contributed to the rapid growth of grass making the country side a veritable garden of eden staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley if you are about to enter an instit ution it helps considerably to know the written and unwritten rules what the grub is like and what you can get away with as a 20year inmate of that great in- stitution knowp as marriage may i be of help to those thousands who are going to leap before they look in this merry month of june in this particular institution unlike most the written rules are almost non existent even the vows are delivered verbally this of course is one of the great flaws of marriage in my opinion no wedding should take place until both parties in the pre sence of witnesses have signed a writ ten contract during the drawingup or the contract every man should be rep resented by a lawyer who has been mar ried for 20 years every woman by her mother what a deal of heartburning and soulsearching recrimination and retalia tion such a document could prevent what would be in the contract any thing- you like- who handles the money who does the dishes who gets up with the baby who gets out how many nights a week how high the bedroom window is to be up number of children the pos sibilities are illimitable there should also be a clause stating that the whole contract will be reviewed and redrawn every two years this would provide a regular and endless source of income for 20vearmarried lawyers bu lets gi on no matter how air tight the contract it is the unwritten rul es of the institution that will make vou come up gaspirg for lir for the men some things you should accept without question first voull never win an argument so dont argue just quietlv admit vou are wrong and then go ahead and do what vou know was right all the time second shes going to make vou a better man een though she thinks oure perfect on ddav shell soon find room for improvemo it the onlv defence against this is passive nonviolent resis tanc mv wife has been tring to remold me fo two decades and im proud to vi trr not a better oian than on mv wedding da in fact im worse as far as shes concerned hopeless is the wav she puts it and nowadays she tries to improi mc onk about once a month for the ladies you too u ill find the unwritten rules work best even though ou have to make them up as vou go i could wrte a book o unwritten mar- riaee rules hut will limit mself todav to oru a couple i for example the onlv wav vou re go ing to make the hum work hard and get ahead in the uorld is to keep him con stantly and deeplv in debt this is a cinch in these davs of caw credit second keep him on the defensive about everything compare him aloud with your brothers your father and your male neighbors he feel guilty all the time and you can make him jump to it like a trained chimpanzee for both sexes a few general tips marriage despite the womens magazin es is not a beautiful fusing of two minds hearts and souls nor is it simply a mat ter of give and take neither is it a form ula of sharing of communication of talking things out thats a lot of pop pycock written bv women who have been divorced twice marriage is a ruddy armed truce thats what it is the only difference is that there are no big powers to get invol ved if it turns into a cold war or a hot one depending on the situation you have to fight it out for yourself after a few year you get mighty good at skirmishing advancing and re treating consolidating your position and setting up an ambush about kids have them early and have lots after the first novelty of liv ing with a strange woman or man wears off it is in them that you will find your greatest joy and sorrow they keep you voung they drive you crazy and keep vou from going insane lets see i think there was one other item oh ves the grub its usually pret ty good after the first year or two bless vou mv children criteria httej definition of the automobile the automobile is a machine with four wheels a motor and not quite enough seats which enables people to get about with great rapidity and ease to places they never bothered going to before and where theyd just as soon not be now because now that theyre there theres no place to park the acton free press phone 85320 10 business and editorial officii foundrd in 1179 and putsjitrard rvr at 9 taiuo st atiun ontario le of um aum1i fturvau of cinulaikmt the cwna mel omna arftrrtumf rair on raqitctl jnhicrtp i ton pab4 in adtaikr 100 i canada f7jr in all luunttki othrr tsart canada atagjia copem 10c aolhonwd at settmd class mat foal offset drptnmmi oil adwitiaing it a aa live tundutun thai tn irer cvafil of typographical error thai pur t ton of tts advent ting apac oc cupard b trar rrruoroaaa itcaa togather wkl reasonable alkmam for ugjaaltsra nil not ew thargrd tor but the belaaecf of iha adi will be pasd fur ai the applicable rata la the cacti of j itpugraptitcal error advertising gone or rnk at a rof price good or ecrvecc nuv noi he mm adtcrtrtinf k menrr aa offer to self and ma be miltatfraavn al an tlnat 20 years ago taken from the issue of the acton five press of thursday june 19 1947 this week the acton free press was admitted into membership in the audit bureau of circulations chicago iii and copies of the initial audit have been re ceived neil patterson resident of acton and district for the past 45 years died of injuries received on friday about noon when the car he was driving rolled over into the ditch and crashed into a tele- phone pole it sure is a treat not to be question ed when you make a second pass at the butter dish rationing is off and an extra slice of toast is permissable the acton tennis club played hosts to the st clements tennis club of pres ton on tuesday night and started off the season with a decisive victory over their opponents the final score being 93 for acton knox presbyterian church wms held their monthly meeting in the class room of the church the meeting was in charge of the president mrs blow the devotional period was taken by mrs cordiner and prayer was offered by mrs mclellan the business of the meeting was the appointing of a committee to arrange for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the womens missionary society to be held in a few months on wednesday morning at the con cluding period of religious instruction given by the ministerial body to the pu pils of the public school mary maddox of grade 5 read an address of apprecia tion to rev mr fosbury and at the ap propriate moment billie coon of grade 6 presented him with a copy of a paint ing by a canadian artist 50 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press of thursday june 14 1917 council met in regular session mon day evening all members were present and reeve hynds was in the chair two important bylaws were passed they regulate the sale of bread and the pro duction and sale of milk inspector for die bread bylaw is municipal officer reed dr h a coxe is inspector for the milk bylaw the board of education met on monday evening with the chairman mr robert scott presiding a resolution was passed that the following members of the teaching staff be reengaged w h stewart principal miss pearl z baker miss m z bennett miss mary black miss daisy folster miss ethel monteith died warren at walkerton on saturday june 9 1917 james warren d ls aged 80 years died kitching at rockwood on thursday may 25 1917 william kitch ing aged 79 years trinity church the united church of canada minister rev john may ba bj3 organist mr george elliott ma phd sunday june 25 1967 sunday school 1000 ajm junior school to gr 4 1115 ajn senior school gr 5 togrs services 1000 ajn trinity church acton nur sery provided 1115 am churchill church churchill rdn sacrament of holy communion both churches all welcome acton baptist church founded 1m2 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 8534615 sunday june 25 1967 iojoo esnchurch school and class 1115 a jn morning worship charac teristics of the church no evening service wednesday 730 pm4rayer and bible study thursday 7j0 pxn choir practice thought for the weak your huth aaooid show in your face mapi avsnur baptist church gaorgetowe sunday june 25 19s7 945 a jn sunday school 1100 ajoa fta sendee 700 pjn evening service wednesday pan prayer acton 53498 177efas tvanoa psnthcostal tamrnacu pajojc 39 churohir road rev s m tboman pastor 85mju sunday june 23 1947 1000 ajnv sunday school ujoo ajnmorning worship 7 xx pjn evangelistic service tuesday i pjnrrayer and brtlessnd thursday pjn christ 75 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press of thursday june 16 1192 a new incline railway at hamilton was opened on saturday band concert at franklin square this evening owing to the extreme heat on sun day the attendance at the churches was smaller than usual 84 degrees at an evening service is unusual last friday morning about half past seven the fire bell sounded an alarm and it was found that the bakery in the rear of the post office owned by james matthews and occupied by john grant was on fire scores of citizens went to work and in about 15 or 20 minutes had the flames under control the roof was partly burned off and the contents of the building were considerably damaged the sunday school at the brick church will be reopencd next sunday the local foresters attended service with their eden mills brethren in the church there last sunday afternoon the buildings in association terrace on bower ave recently purchased by mr w h storey have been very materially improved lately rev t albert moore leaves shortly for his new charge at niagara falls born swackhamer in acton on the uth inst the wife of william swack hamer of a son born moore in guelph on the 8th june the wife of t j moore principal st georges public school of a daughter 100 years ago taken from the issue of the ca champion june is 1867 the first of july next having been fixed by royal proclamation as the day of the union of canada nova scotia and new brunswick has been on that ac count set apart as a day of general re joicing and declared a public holiday there will be a parade or review on that day of the whole volunteer force of can ada at the respective head quarters of the different coips companies battel- lions or brigades as may be most convni- ent to the force and a feu de joie shall be fired in honor of the occasion officers shah receive their next pay and noncom missioned officers and men fifty cents each the provincial secretary also gives offieia notice to all her majestys loving subjects in the present province of can ada that they are invited to celebrate the 1st of july next as a day of rejoicing to this- invitation the loyal people of canada aridof old halton in particular will not be slow in responding and we trust every man will make it a day of rejoicing and a day long to be remember ed as the natal day of a great nation the birth day of renovated canada a canada commencing under better aus pices than that of 1841 church news prisrytbuan church m canada knox ctnnuao acton rev andrew h mckenxte ba ba minister mr b a hansen ba organist and choir master 3 to sunday june 25 1967 9 as ajn- church school for i 15 1100 ajnoivine worship and celebra tion of holy communion com munion homily on lay portion my cup preparatory service friday june 23 at 830 pjn combined summer services whh trtaky congregation begin sunday july 2 at loajn everyone most welcome christian ratormm church acton ontario sunday june 25 1967 1000 ajbv4ngttsh service n10 am runday school 2j0 paumrnatlng dutch and i saturday bute oaaees itujs i we thboiurchop st ajjaam thr lavurmi wsjow st and tun ritchie m mjl sjt j saturday june 24 the nanrlty of st john the baptist patron of all iojoo ajnvfjoly eucharist sunday june 25 1967 trinity v 9jq0om hob buoharisi 1000 amhnrchschool today church school doses for the ssainn sam av mm mvnd hvia eame 10joo iffl matlni the rev b mula of st georges georgetown wqi ha m charge of the pariah daring july while the sector is on vacation thursday june 29 feast of at and st paul the 104b rii

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