Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1967, p. 1

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x zht tfjwi stn tytt ninetythird yearno 8 acton ontario wednesday august 23 1967 authorizid is second class mall by the post office dtpt ottawa for postnsc paid in cash at acton ontario twelve pages ten cents dragged by gottygin aics a young erin girl formerly of batllnafad was burled on her eighth birthday in erin cemetery on friday brenda swlndleburst youngest daughter of mr and mrs lloyd 8wtadlehurst rr 1 erin was killed when her pet pony bolted and dragged hereon wednesday the girl was walking her pony to the swindlehurst barn when something scared the animal white bar mother watched help- lessty the girl became entang led in the narness and was drag ged along the ground badly in jured she passed away a short film later she is survived by her parents and four brothers and sisters brian allan lynn and connie the family moved several wears ago from baulnafad to above erin they were well- known and the weduan funeral home erin was crowded with aympathliing friends on thurs day evening private funeral service was held on friday tte girls birthday with burial to erin cemetery old fashioned days precede fall fair the hands of time will be turned back in acton when acton businessmen stage old fashioned days from september 5 until september 16 a total of 37 business places are taking part in the program and the town will be bustling with activity as merchants decor- ate their windows don old fashioned cloth es and stage sidewalk sales patrons will be able to win one of many fabulous prises which will be drawn for the last day of the program at the acton fall fair september 16 in most business places participating customers will receive a coupon for every 1 purchase alter they fill in their name address and phone number the coupon is deposited in a ben- in the place where the purchase is made at the iga food store ab super- teaoeoooa market and acton red white store customers will receive a coupon of differ ent denomination and color for every 35 purchase these will be completed as the others but a special prize will be offered by these business places only for coupons of the 5 value draws for the prizes take place at the fair on the saturday special sales will be advertised during the two week period in the acton free press and on each advertisment will be a special crest denoting participating mer chant the program is sponsored by the acton chamber of commerce which is hoping everyone in the district will take advant age of the special sales and join in the fun watch for the program to start septem ber 5 and be sure to ask for your coupons accordingly centennial traveller kathryn sinclair returns from twoweek trip to alberta ike con man reported to police posing as bank inspector monday evening fire destroyed a car driven by am fryer of guelph fire broke out in the engine and the car was driven into the ditch a neighbouring farmer lloyd mcenery rr 2 called acton firefighters since the car was beside a field of grain ready to cut the metal top of the 1960 consul had been cut off by the owner before the fire if anyone calls you identifying himself as a bank inspector or police officer dont believe itl acton police issue this warning this week following report of three phone calls last week from con men three older cluiens received phone calls inquiring about mon ey on thursday and friday of last week and promptly report ed all the details to the police ask for costs repair township offices jbrtesatve repairs to tte foar- yearulatwwaalaiiailiiilirlatiallon tntltttag will probably be under taken this fall members of es- qnaslng township council decid ed ltmdey evening ttoy authorised joe winder of bum chip ivuiig restorations milton to bring in a cost esti mate on tte necessary repairs for ttelr september meeting tte ann tad inspected tte building and recommended replacement of about 1000 cracked and de fective bricks repolntlng of open mortar joints sealing of mortar joints with a synthetic rubber liiatallatlon of flashings under all the sills installation of expan sion joint s on the sills and an application of silicone to water proof the building mr winder said leaks in the tnilviitig and a white salt appear ing on the laterior- walls was mainly an architectural fault water is penetrating tte brick through tte mortar joints they explained in other business the council instructed tte treasurer tobiu trailer owners at a norval trail er camp for taxes decided to review staff sala ries holiday periods and mileage payments annually following a request for a raise from one staffer gave third reading to a bylaw to close the road allowance be tween lots 27 and 27 concess ion 2 and sell the land to adjoin ing owners learned the townships share of warning signals at the five slderoad cnr crossing would be 12 12 per cent of the total 15000 cost one man thinks he might have seen the caller in a phone booth he provided a description and the first two numbers of the mans car license plate the first call reported was made to miss mz bonnet lake ave on thursday she talked with the man who said he was both a bank inspector and wind sor policeman but gave him no information she contacted the police and investigation began immediately other departments concerned were notified phone booths were checked and the po lice were on the alert for unfam iliar persons the house was watched but no further contact was made the caller on the phone had told her someone had attempted to break into her house and be was investigating he claimed to be with the windsor police and gave a name which on checking with windsor proved to be false he asked miss bennett what she thought the intruder would have been seeking if he had succeed ed in breaking into the house he said he was also a bank in spector and asked about her account miss bennett correctly gave him no information and immed iately called the police the former school principal for whom the mz bennett school was named one of the bestknown and highly respected citizens of the town was naturally upset by the incident she is leaving town at the end of this month and will be living in kitchener secretary art cooper recommended to fill parks recreation board vacancy parks and recreation commit tee had a reshuffle thursday ev ening which filled the board and tte secretarys position and me- mters considered adding even more members above their spec ified number for exchange of ideas art cooper who resigned as secretarytreasurer was tte boards choice to fill the vacan cy on the board left when harold townsley resigned to become a- rena and parks manager tte board will recommend to council that the appointment be made mr coopers replacement is airs townsley who does office work la tte community centre as well as acting as board secret arytreasurer tte joint board follows tte re- qatrebwats for a parks board with five ctttaaas and two mem bers of council sitting on it however additional members could be appointed to tte reerea- ttaa committee and would be able to make reconuneadatioas and give advice bat couldnt vote whether this would be comber- aaata or aa asset was discusaed for awatle and tte matter was left over for conmoaiwtton peactlon to tte new system tried eapsritnentally this sum- mr of natricttag vemckis to the parking lot at tte park ea- from the park revenue has drop ped some outoftown picnick ers have left tte park on week ends refusing to pay the 1 for parking if they have to walk to the picnic and swimming areas what we have is an experi ment chairman john coy re minded tte board we have a choice more picnickers and more traffic or less revenue and no traffic some people cannot walk that distance ted tyler jr said he suggested an alternative way would be to allow angle parking on one side with guard rails a motion was passed that tte park superintendent be author ised to open and close the inner park gates to the public at his discretion for the rest of the season cars have been allow ed in since with chairman goy presiding members present were mrs hel en otterbeln hugh patterson earl masales and ted tyler jr art cooper who had to leave tte meeting early introduced his re placement mrs townsley say ing shes doing an admirable job now anna and parks manager harold townsley presented his continued on pagt 2 the next day friday two sim ilar incidents were reported mrs iva simmons mill st e had a phone call from a man claiming to be an inspector from the bank of nova scotia he en quired about the serial numbers on mils at her home saying be was checking the authenticity of the bills she became suspicious and called the police office phone booths were again check ed the banks were notified and had no knowledge of any such in vestigator or such unorthodox procedure her home also was watched the same day clarence gam ble park ave reported two calls one the previous day ask ing for george gamble on friday the caller again posing as an inspector said there was an entry on his account tor the toronto dominion bank and ask ed to know his balance account number and how be signed his name after mr gamble phoned the police he walked downtown and watched a man in the millwill ow pay phone booth walk across to the bank of montreal look in the window and then return- to the booth to make another call the man drove off with a com panion in a late model navy blue compact car with the license number beginning with the digits 36 he said the caller was be tween 30 and 40 between 5 foot 10 and six feet tall heavy built with a square face and black re ceding hair no repeat calls were made to either mrs simmons or mr gamble contact the police immediately if any such calls are made the police warn citizens this week if they are not in the office call zenith 50000 its in the phone book under ontario government provincial police and the local police will be contacted by car radio there is no toll charge continued on page two centennial traveller kathryn sinclair of baulnafad repre sented acton high school in the youth travel program this year she returned saturday from wetaskiwin alberta and holds the symbol of the city a peace pipe the 24 young people in her ontario group were given special white hats and travel bags for identification staff photo kathryn sinclair who hadnt been out of ontario before this summer has been both east and west now in the spring she joined the acton high school group on their expedition to expo and she returned saturday from wetasklwin alberta where she represented the acton high school as a centennial travel ler daughter of mr and mrs nor man sinclair of rr 1 glen williams near baulnafad she is going into grade 12 in the five year arts and sciences course at the high school it has really been exciting she exclaimed as she reminisced this week about some of the highlights of her hippy two weeks out west the group of 24 students and two chaperones left oakvhle on august 7 two weeks later than expected their chaperones were mr and mrs art raid of oak- vtue mr reld is a teacher at white oaks secondary school in oakvhle before the group left kathryn got to know sue mcdonald and george henderson from george town but by the return trip she tnew all of the two dozen really wonderful kids the youth travel program has been in operation the past couple of years and previously included acton students russell masales and murray jamldson this year however they were all called centennial travellers and issued with distinctive white hats travel bags and name tags the main purpose of the ex change was to get to know otter canadians and to see their way of life and to get to know more about them kathryn explained the group travelled by train having a car tothemselves they played cards and sang and thor oughly enjoyed tte time spent in covering ground wetasklwin has a population of 6001 the students were whet- ed kathryn and another girl from ontario stayed with dr and mrs bellara and their four children for a week there was a civic reception for the group and the city offic ials presented them with a little coin and a peace pipe the sym- conttnued on vage 2 hit by car girl injured on mill st threeyearold lfarlene hel en schonnop darted out from be tween parked cars sunday morn ing and was struck by a car on mill st in front of wiles bus de pot the car was driven by dr douglas c maptosdea rr 2 neshanlc station new jersey who jammed on his brakes and swerved but was unable to avoid hitting the child police report skid marks showed for 19 feet the car was nearly stoppedwhen it struck the child a witness said the daughter of mr and mrs g schonnop mill st was treat ed at the scene of the accident by dr d garrett and taken by john crelghton jr to guelph general hospital she received bruises abrasions and a broken left foot dr maplesdan formerly of acton and guelph van visiting here grade 13 graduates continue education there are 13 secondary school graduates at acton high school following announcement of grade 13 results last wednesday there were 18 students eligible for diplomas and 13 will receive them at graduation tf s rea sonably close to what we ex pected principal ted hansen said 862 per cent of papers writ ten were passed there was no restriction or fee charged this year for persons with low marks during the year last year 18 students received diplomas from 24 eligible this years class was smaller the streaming has likely cut down on misfits the principal com mented for the second year in suc- csslon the two top students are very close nancy winter re ceived 754 per cent on nine cre dits susan clark has 742 per cent on 10 credits in their top seven papers their average is just 1 per cent apart seven credits are required for a dip loma last year tom ifckeown and steven coles sharedtheproblem the top scholarships were split between them nancy winter received four firsts among her nine credits she was accepted at water loo un iversity in may and expects to take mathematics susan clarke with three firsts will be taking science at the un iversity of guelph she also bad zoology from a previous year eleanor heard with eight cre dits will be attending the univer sity of toronto she was one of only two students who took latin with airs marundale the other was gayle withers another of this years graduates with eight credits elisabeth cook expects to take lab technology at sheridan col lege herl harris will be attending the university of guelph ex pecting to spedallae in marine biology kathryn mckende graduates with seven credits joanne landsborough will be studying physical education in the cooperative course at the university of waterloo so she might be employed as assigned or studying during the summer and would be unable to return as actons playground supervisor she earned eight credits rita mccrea will be jig toronto teachers college martha hoey who completed grade 13 this year hopes to study fine arts at sir george williams university montreal linda linham who is away in maryland on a4h tour got part of her grade 13 last year she will be attending lakeshore teachers college dan arhtc and vera danny al so completed tte course this year lome scots on guard this past week only the lome scots regiment was officially in charge of the ontario parliament buildings in queens park tor onto in a centennial year ceremony on wednesday evening the peel rjufferin and halton regiment of the lome scots participated in the guard ceremony at queens park the scots an acting aa tte new guard to relieve the royal regiment tonight wednesday they will be relieved of tte command when tte 48th fflghlaaders of canada will march up to replace tte old guard of lome scots 450 gallons of oil lost detergent found in tanks a 24tonr watch is being main tained da equipment at the park fouowlagtte loss of 450 gallons of foal oil soma time friday mgtt or saturday mcrnlsg deter gent was poured into tte foal tanks of five machines involved la tte dfradgtag project at fairy samoa traffic has been cat oft tte foreman bui wsatterby spotted tte soap sods before work was parted in the morning whan be investigated be dtecov- eredgjftar tanks tlso had the liberal amounts of detergent powder in them cummins const lost 450 gal lons of fuel oil including 350 that had to be drained from the sad dle tank of a tractor acton constable pat thwaltes found fingerprints on ore of tte empty detergent boxes and tte investigation is continuing tte foreman spent the balance of last weekend on guard since then guards have arrived to stay fulltime in tte park to keep watch on tte ecnjpment wants own fire brigade esquesing planning hall london imooc frames eager young pupils at the vacation bible school at the united church the twoweeklong sessions conclude this friday after a closing concert thursday over 110 children registered leaders directing the popular game above are sandra irwin and terri dowding staff photo esquesing council is serious about starting its own fire brig ade to serve the northeast cor ner of the township councillors are upset over new financial arrangements to have tte georgetown brigade cover tte sector surrounding george town which tte esqueslftg coun cillors describe as over three times as high as last year and containing a clause which would allow the town to opt our of the agraenasnt on three months not ice i at mondays meeting of town ship council architect bay shupe of nobleton was interviewed and given authorisation to prepare sketches of a new township fire hall it would be erected on the south portion of the townships flveecxe municipal administra tion site on tte seventh line ideas expressed at mondays bmettng indicate the township wants a hall about 36 by 64 feet with a doable bay to hold two fire tracks and an attached meeting room for the brigade the arch itect said he would have soma sketches ready for a meeting next monday mr shape was caqed in after a committee of councillors tour ed several township and village fira halls in the district he de signed the fire halls at nobleton caledon east and bradford councillors wondered how soon they should start advertising for volunteer firefighters they de cided it would be unwise to start gathering tte men until they have something more concrete set up on the fire hall bat most coun cillors felt there would be no problem in organizing a suffic ient staff of volunteers to man thshall esquesing would sttb continue its coatsharing agreamenta with tte fira dnpartanaata to milton and acton when tte new brigade is organised few tte georgetown area milton covers tte town ship as far north as is smeroad while acton covers thenorthand east to the fourth lin land hassle cut short a conflict between owners ad joining a street in glen williams started to get aired before the esquesing council on monday but ttedscusslcaensdabriath at tte request of cosneuaor pat patterson dlseaastons on closing glen st from guelph st to credit st was postponed nail septembers mr patterson ob- jected to tte towojps solicitor terreace balnea of georgetown representing one of the era involved lathe cause ms part tint work for tte council blight reprasent a um ul merest ha tte mr balnea agreed to a post- so faattallpsjrtlmeoukl rsprs i involves norn hor ses to close tte road aotecoauavta caw title to ms neighbouring lacaa sad gary cooper win ob jected tocloatsgantntlaaof the tt an mr balnea was mr ifortoa wtea tmrd rf the byrlaw c euobmoaday the ivfflbbfwas sanert

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