Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1967, p. 4

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4 th acton fr pteaa weoway ayguat 23 w7 q f the sports spot iga senior ladies participate in oak drumquin tourney 1 looks as thoafh the station homirs and barbs delivery wul batik it oat tor th town teagaa softball title if tha dom inion hotel plays to form in to- ntfhfs came tatters lga wen put oat of their saniooal match by the station last night in alo-sstaud- off attar dropping tone straight tor the samlflue lga miss- ad chick mines pitching last night aahoagh jeff fryer hand led the storekeepers mound op until th early part of the ninth he gave in to brace carglq when ha began to tire lome peavoy and ed smith handkd the pitching chores tor tha station and both are needed to come up with a winning score sheet tor the innkeepers herbs delivery fares well on the same basis with howie lead er and fred archibald lga made too many errors daring tntir series with the sta tion to come up with a win even though the station made theirs they werent as consistent a team effort on behalf of the station hotel has brought them op against an equally as good team minded squad as herbs delivery for the final last four of seven playoff series acton meets drumquin at 145 pm i although acton isnt entered m actual league as yet they still have a lacrosse team actons team played an exhib ition game against fergus at the community centre saturday and wound up on the losing side but not by much considering the fact that fergus has been considered one of the better lacrosse teams in the area mosport features the players grand prix this coming sunday august 27 sporting the top driv ers in motor racing from all over the world eppie wietae and al pease a toroatonian are as yet the only two canadians driving in the competition jimmy clarke of scotland graham hill of england and den is hume of new zealand are featured drivers again in this years grand prix acton lga senior ladles soft- ball team ran up against some pretty stiff competition including hornby glen williams dixie and oakviue during the halton ladies softball tournament held last saturday and sunday the first half of the tourney took place in trafalgar park in oakviue while the second ses sion moved into drumquin park acton ladies fared rather well against their opposition with no overwhelming scores against them the green shirted store keepers last out in their first round against hornby 63 but came back that sem day to take a victory from glen william with a 1713 rally c sundays action saw them ag ain in the winners circle when they trounced dixie 25 5 at drumquin the ladies of green were put out on that same day by oakviue when they fellto a 74 defeat actons first victory overglen williams came father easy when rain caused a shutdown after the sixth inning and a continuation the next day sunday with the acton team ahead by four runs glen williams forfeited the game when they tailed to appeartoplay the remaining three innings janet brown centre fielder on the lga squad from acton was honored with a gift as the most valuable player during the tourney bonnie uacdougall and linda payzant sharedthepltchingchor- es for the acton ladies and did a very good job of it bonnie came up with six hits and four runs in actons first victory to share scoring honors with linda payzant gail fryer janet brown and patsy wheeler who copped double markers in turn joyce bridge liz kirby and brenda lawson mustered up singles to make the 1713 victory over glen williams stand acton came back on sunday to drumquin to put on a fine dis- sports page station hotel drops iga in three straight games although the lga senior lad- les dioht come up with thmgp spot in last saturdays tourney in oakviue charlie thomson and frank spievogel are stiu nfoud of their girls team as they should be the burlington ladies team walked away with the number one spot when they wauoped george town ladies 161 on sunday the acton girls wiu compete in another halton tournament held in glen wiulams this saturday dick tigerthe world heavy weight champion may forfeit bis crown to an interim fighter if he cant be found tiger is said to be detained in his homeland nigeria by a civil war and was given 30 days by the wba to sign for a title fight against roger rouse of an aconda hont or risk losing his title tiger originally defeated josse torres of new york to win the division championship in decem ber of 1966 and then beat torres again in may of this year station hotelers dropped lg a for the third straight time last night in the best three out of five semifinal playoff games in the town softball league lga feu to a decisive 103 victory for the station as the innkeepers pulled the clincher on this semifinal series the hotelers held the edge over lga throughout the game collecting 14 hits off the store keepers pitcher jeff fryer lga copped six tuts from ed smith on the stations mound jim buuough rallied up the lga spirit in the outfield dur ing the sixth inning when he grabbed three flys off the station bats out otihe air jan riddal and george will iamson put the icing on the cake for the station when they came up with home runs in the eighth this was williamsons third run for the night and riddals se cond john dunn scored on a three bagger in the fourth inning and returned again to home plate on a single brought in on william sons home run barrie elliott picked up a pair of pointers during the second and third while allan mcnabb scored in the second on a twobagger lgas tally came from bruce shulus on a double in the third roy shulus on a walk in the fourth and jim buuough on a single in the seventh inning ed philips umpired at the plate while scotty mccnstau and har old townsley checked the infield station hotel r 022 200 13 10 h 232 300 13 14 lga r 001 100 10 3 h 111 100 20 6 innkeepers drop iga in thurs 41 victory station hotelers dropped the lga squad for the second time in the semifinal playoffs in the town league softball last thurs day night the innkeepers came up with a 41 victory over the store clerks netting their runs in the fourth inning on three hits a tight game perststedthrough the bine innings with eddy smith and lome peavoy sharing the station moond and jeff fryer on the lga mound peavoy took over for smith late in the ninth fryer tallied up seven station strikeouts and six hits while smith counted four strikeouts and two hits from the lga stations runs came from john dunn ed smith barrie euiott and bob sheppard au in the four th george itattby collected a hit from ed smith in the second but it was jeff fryers single in the seventh that made the marker for the lga lineups station a wiuiams j rid dal g williamson j dunn u peavoy e smith b euiott a mcnabb a sheppard p hom er d ford lga d price j fryer b shulhs p alarzo g maltby k smiths d manes tmasales a cargiu f nightingale abwbftw awbs 9b world of ibh 9 outdoors oem art hawes rockwood two senior ball teams reach top spot in league by mrs f taylor congratulations are certainly doe to the two rockwood senior bau teams each have complet ed their first round of orsa and came out an top the mtercounty seniors are entered in the ojlsa intermed iate a division and the others in ojlsa junior a the seniors had their first round against pickering they took the first game in rockwood 50 dropped the second to pick ering 61 and came back home to give their fans the happy ex perience of seeing them win 53 ro pitcher john salmon in the last game had eighteen strikeouts and auowed only five hits the junior seniors met low- ville in their first round andtook the first game dropped the se cood by a narrow 32 score and went back to lowviue for an 11- 5 win the rockwood boys pride themselves in their versatility and it really pays off ken maltby the regular pitch er after burling a tremendous second game had an off night and was replaced by charlie milne in the third inning the lowville boys got the feel of the ball and although rockwood took a 30 lead in the first inning lowville tied the score in the first half of the third then norm beattle took over the pitcher mound and remained until halfwat through the fifth after murray taylors homer in the last of the third inning rockwood never looked back and there was a three way tie for first place this week at maple rock shooting range vleingfor top honors was brad mainprise ed hawes and john shadbolt au with 24 brad also had a pair of 21s as did ed other top scores were gord clow with 23 john cordes 22 and 21 brian hammon 21 and 20 art hawes 21 wayne llnd- stori 20 and 17 and keith maln- pn ze 19 some readers may have heard about the giant canada geese which were thought to be extinct however reports were occas ionally received by wildlife of ficials of an odd one being down ed by hunters five years ago some biologists rediscovered a flock of these giant geese in minnesota since then several other flocks have been located one of the nesting grounds of when murray taylor took over the pitching duties la the fifth they held lowville to their five previous runs several times there were yeus from the lowville bench as to how many pitchers rockwood had but the only answer they got from the rockwood bench was ho many more do you want the game ended with a 115 win for rockwood ho had 21 hits with 10 for lowville tnese geese which weigh in at 20 pounds or more was discov ered to be in a tract of marsh islands and meadows just north of the town of reykjavik mani toba a group of sportsmen in the winnipeg area started a cam- palng to have the nesting grounds protected by a sanctuary after two years of negotiation with the manitoba legislature permission was granted to have 6000 acres set aside as a sanctuary for the giant canada geese to be effective the area had to be more than a sanctuary in name so the winnipeg sports men began work erecting signs warning hunters unfamiliar with the area where the boundaries of the sanctuary were and also spent a great deal of time and money erecting fences in the marshes and bays to keep spawn ing carp from ruining the feeding grounds due to the cost of this endea vor the sportsmen from winni peg are selling conservation stamps at 100 per sheet to aid their drive to protect what was once thought to be the extinct giant canada geese these stamps can be obtained from the winnipeg game fish association 301289 12 garr st winnipeg 1 manitoba there is a possibility that these stamps may be available at the sportsmens show which runs in conjunction with the act on fall fair pickup leftover from last week add to end of leftover ontario department of lands and forests officials report the possibility of planting some of the giant canada geese in ont ario is under study it is hoped if the plan is put into effect that duck and geese hunters wiu re frain from shooting them until they have established a large papulation that can withstand hunting pressure must raise 3500 for minor hockey minor hockey season is rolling around again this year the operating cash will be in the neighbourhood of 3500 officials are planning in the near future another turkey shoot and sale of used comic books by the boys themselves please watch for further hockey- news untario grade 13 students had their letters of acceptance from the university of guelph weu before other universities this year there was the usual large crowd at the park on the week end many come from out-of- town to admire the facilities here wife to husband one of the trout you were ashing for last weekend called and left her num ber play of softball when they troun ced dixie 185 bonnie macdou- gau was hitting four for five to come up with three runs and sandra slingerland also scored three runs on a three for five hitting average double tallies came from gail fryer janet bridge patsy wheeler brenda lawson and eileen smith with linda payzant and janet brown on single not ches acton last out to oakviue later that afternoon 74 and were put out of the tourney losing the chance to go up against the re maining teams georgetown mil ton burlington and palermo burlington took top honors or the tournament when they downed georgetown 161 late sunday af ternoon refreshments including a chicken bar be quo were enjoyed by au the teams participating sunday night actons senior team will again see tournament action this week end when a lineup of teams meet in glen williams actons open er will be at 145 pm for any one wanting to be there to see girls softball at its best actons lineup includes bonnie macdougall p lynda payzant ss gail fryer lb joyce bridge c janet brown cf jiu hurst 2b liz kir by 3b brenda lawson if patsy wheeler rt eileen smith rf sandra slingerland c cellar squad victims again dominion hotel actons soft- ball cellar squad put up a good fight in sunday afternoons game but were overpowered by herbs delivery when they met a 40 defeat dominion still has one chance left if they can take herbs to night under the lights in ado-or- die battle scotty mccristall cornered two runs for herbs one in the first and third innings john goy rang in a single marker and don arch ibald tallied up a home run in the sixth herbs delivery collected sev en hits from the dominion pitch er and dominion came up with six hits three off ed pinups bat lineups herbs delivery mccnstau j goy g taillifer h townsley b turkosz d archibald h leader f arch ibald j slaven dominion gilbert r bastille b dunn e plubps h de forest far row emond tremberley acton arena schedule thursday august 24 810 p rn roller skating saturday august 26 79 p m roller skating with live band 911 45 p m dance admission si 25 includes skates quality ba products save you money gasolines motor oik diesel ftiel 1 fuel oils stove oils oil burner finance plan lo years to pay small carrying charges dependable service thompson fuels ltd moke s532370 acton after hours 1532174 ravoro8s0 f 2 pieces of chicken french fne 79c special picnic pak 8 piecesof flavor crisp chicken ot 1q read to serve al chicken in a box family pak 3 pieces of chikcvn french fries cote slaw buttered bun honev 139 8531201 14 piece of chicken rolls honey party pak 20 pieces of chicken 399 525 hood drive in comer of acton boulevard and queen st in acton acton arena roller skating and dance to live band the ides omaarch sat aug 26 7 to 1145 pm roller skating 79 dancing 9 1 1 45 admission 1 25 includes skates minor details saints fell victims to the dev ils angels in last wednesday nights novice hardball action when they were defeated 96 saints collected their 6 mark ers in the second inning of play from p van fleet b taylor b jordan r turkosz j lam bert and k jordon bernle taylor pitched a six hitter for the saints devils angels winning rally came from steve papillon ken swan j townsley jim mclnty re j krapek k kentner d allan and bluy mcgluoway with a pair o pointers bluy mcgluoway pitched a six hitter for the devils angels thursday nights results saw the saints turn around and beat the centennials out 1712 in a close decision hanson pitched for the saints and terry holmes pitched tor the centennials j pink and k jordan shared in six saints runs while b tay lor r turkosz j lambert robin inscoe and c jordan col lected pairs of points apiece e van fleet chalked up a single marker centennial score card came from chris tennant bob viasu pete pavell who shared equally in six runs john ifccutcheoo scott oakley steve brunelle bob pauw ed ensing and terry hol mes collected singles opener and cum up wltti a win over tha saint centennials doubted up on tte saints with a 147 daclaton double takas from terry hol mes john mccutcheco jim hur ley jim gentle bob pauw and bob vlnsu and alnrlea from chris tennant and stan dalgle made up tha centennial storing j cameron picked uptwosalnt runs while b taylor r turkosa bluy ware j pink afh hick holmes collected tingles novice playoff action started sunday afternoon when the devils angels dropped the bad boys 138 in the semifinal opener barry payne pitched a nine hitter for the bad boys and bluy mcgluoway let the bad boys away with two hits during the game the winning rally for the ang els came from tim mclntyre with three markers while d al len j krapek b mcgluoway and b robinson shared in elgtit runs k kentner and j towns- ley picked up single markers centennials met the saints monday night for their semifinal gjterti eerier 124 mm i at wmir how asaiio modelcraft and hobbycraft wo can supply you with materials for many pto- iects yew plan for ac fall fa plan to see our displays at the chamber of commerce sportsmans show peru ereer phillips w ltd georgetown would you believe weve run out of cream puffs but we do have some belter than average cars that an thoroughly reconditioned and ready to go heres a sample 1964 ford fairlane 500 4door sedan 47000 original mile custom radio full chroma discs new white walls finished in tan metallic with white accents one owner ik j123m only 1295oo telephone 8776481 schools open soon ifs backtoschool time again end may we suggest start your childrens school year off right with n exciting new haircut trust us to shape and cut their heir in a most becoming style barber shop norms 6 mill st east acton ont kv

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