Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1967, p. 10

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jfrtt frts editorial page heed tatfoh in fetch sign have become increasingly ap parent in the past few ears that can- i adian national railways intended to eventually close their acton station but the news this week that it was going to happen dropped like a bombshell in the community no one really believed it could hep- pen and the thought was apt to be scoffed at because the operation here unlike some of the other stations due to be shut has always been lucrative the volume of freight handled front tl station here is indicative of a bustling industrial town much larger than it really is first noticeable step in the long process was cutting off daily train pas- senger service to a single stop each way ironically the cnr continued to advertise special fares to toronto for instance but supplied service only one way on a saturday when most people would be inclined to take advantage of it this is typical of the technique ad vertise a service which is only partly there then cut it off because hardly anyone is taking advantage of it now we are told in the interests of economy and efficiency the entire operation would be better off central ized in guelph some towns which obviously had a few strings to pull will keep thejr stations open as satellites for a while at least lets not kid ourselves shutting the acton station will be a blow to the towns attraction for new industry as ill as a deterrent for expansionof plants already established here before the service can be closed for good a hearing before the board of transport commission must take place interested parties make submissions to prove the new master agency works or is inconvenient we would hope the town of acton will present a strong case for the reten tion of the present services otherwise the town could lose its identity as a centre of industrial expansion and suf fer the same fate as communities the railway has already bypassed 100 met hew mean with new homes sprouting up in acton if was interesting to note the ef fect 1 00 new homes have in a commu nity as prepared by dr e g pleva university of western ontario or plevas first statistic is startling of these 100 new homes all the direct municipal taxes collected will pay for xf what these homes require in services the rest of the money will come from assessments- on commercial and industrial property federal and provincial grants mostly income tax liquor tax and gasoline tax coming back home and borrowings one hundred new families will mean 149 more cars 472 more people which in turn means 118 more child ren in school broken down it means 69 in elementary school 40 in high school and nine in university more students means 25 new ele mentary school rooms 1 9 new high school rooms at a total cost of 145000 and 521 more teachers costing 28735 uitorial vetea a place to stand the entertaining 17niinute film shown in the ontario pavilion at expo will be seen by audi ences throughout the province techni cal difficulties involved in the reduction of the original 70 mm fitrn to 35 mm have been overcome and the theme song ontariariario should soon be as popular as the latest pop hit we wee fortunate enough to see the film and quite agree with a toronto daily which calls it superb fast ingenious informative entertaining 1 comparing spiralling costs of educa tion in 1962 and 1967 the central on tario regional development council notes the typical municipality paid 388 per cent of tax dollars lor education in 1962 in 1967 the same taxpayers put up 56 6 per cent a rise of nearly t8 per cent if youve been resisting the rosy glow of color teevision in your living room in anticipation of a price drop you are going to be disappointed basil jackson says in the financial post it is almost certain that there will be price increases soon canadian television manufacturers like their colleagues in the us are caught in a costprofit squeeze which is becoming more in tense they are betting on increased demand in what has been a relatively soft market insurance companies often get re markable explanations for accidents hereare some quoted by the ontario safety to avoid a collision i ran into the other car cow wandered into my car 1 after wards was informed that the cow was halfwitted i blew my horn but it would not work as it as stolen i knocked over a man he admitted it was his fault as he had been knocked over land required in the process of as similating new people will total 67 acres 1 61 acres for elementary school 11 acres for high school 19 acres parks and 21 acres playground the municipality will require new employees 094 in the police adding 6721 to the police budget 073 in fire department adding 4372 to fire budget and 589 new municipal staff adding 16405 to the payroll increased municipal services will re quire 576000 more gallons of water per day 207 hospital beds 055 addi tional visiting nurse 704 additional books in the library increasing library budget by 2228 and 021 additional cells in jail it is hard to realize the amount of extra services 100 new homes require uhjihe figures are compiled most of thp would be applicable to acton it is the problem growing com munities must cope with and the in crease is reflected in heavier work loads on municipal councils and com mittees with a provincial election less than three weeks away it seems awfully quiet are there any issues is there any interest unless things warm up a good deal in the next three weeks it may go down as one of the quietest elections in history and indeed there may be very little opposition left in the ontario house we think there are issues but they arent the glamorous ones that catch voter interest or on which the lines of party demarcation are very firm f 2s if v wg banks of grey clouds scudding across autumn skies are punctuated by shafts of brilliant sunshine which illum inate acton as seen from the high ele vation neatst josephs cemetery the vista stretches for many miles before it dips over the limestone cliffs of the niagara escarpment staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley some people take a beating and skulk away to lick their wounds not me like diet i believe that when the going gets tough the tough get going just to digress for a moment didnt you admire the old leaders courage during that convention though he was caught in a web of his own creation he had enough guts to die fighting politically rather than and for himself a soft spot to land on his last flight and the mixed metaphor spotters can go to work on that one back to business you cant say im not game two years ago i launched one member of the family into a university car eer he went into orbit tottered around in the stratosphere ran out of fuel fizzled and sank though not without a trace that was son hugh he did pretty well in high school scraped through first year college changed courses in second year lasted till late november one day after listening to a particularly putrid lecture and you have no idea how numerous they are he turned to a class mate and said thats it i cant take any more walked out and hasnt been back since after wintering in mexico and other sou thern climes during which he lived on grass for a threeday stretch he came home for a while with a busted finger the pian ist left in midsummer to get a job a month later we had a card from cape cod where he was about to get a job cutting fish whatever that is silence this week we had a letter he had a job at bens delicatessen in montreal hoped to nail down something at expo and was planning to enroll at university of mex ico some time undaunted im about to launch another missile at the university kim is too young to go i wouldnt go back to university if they paid me 100 a day and theres only one other member of the family 8671867 centennial picture atletif youre right the old battleaxe is go ing to hack and hew her way through fourth year honor english she hopes why we marked our 21st anniversary the other day or rather the day alter the other day because we both forgot and clont think that wont cost me youd think that like most women shed be quite con tent to keep my nose to the grindstone and enjoy life the answers are several first shes one of those exasperating people who like to finish something theyve begun even if its two decades later ridiculous but thats the way she it so why didnt she finish her course in the first place well to put it in the vern acular she got a bun in the oven the bun turned out to be our firstborn she strug gled bravely to carry on at lectures but de cided that the bunnow spelled bum was more important than the romantic poets and the modern novel secondly the idea has been percolating for several years she has too much intel lectual curiosity to sink into the familiar morass of teas and bridge and curling and gold and gossip thirdly the kids are out of the shell the son is a young rooster the daughter a healthy chick the days of diapers bottles halloween costumes and helping with homework are over and fourth theres the economic factor she has listened to me groan andcrunchout of bed in the morning she has taken a long hard look at the bags under my eyes the bulge under my belt she has heard me hacking in the morning wheezing after one flight of stairs its good insurance tohave a college degree that will get you a job when midas kicks the can she doesnt know it but the minute she graduates i retire so its josephine college off to lect ures full of ideals and worries about the mess shell come home to every weekend there are only a few things that trouble me a trifle i hope she isnt arrested in one of those student demonstrations i hope she doesnt fall in love with a freshman and i hope i can run that blasted washing- machine dolly warden around the turn of the century presented a much different scene than today this picture tent by mr and mrs gerry skirrow was taken from a tinplate owned by rev john lawson of guelph- notice the feed mill long since torn down the house to the right and the stone house to the left the lawson homestead where the sor rows now live believed to be 135 years old it has 22inch solid stone walls a fireplace built in each end with no pro jection the black creek meanders down the valley after passing under the rail way tracks saplings have now obscur ed much of this view the acton free press phone 3532010 business and editor al 0f jt w w uj i buo cnw xjw lxr j fjhvj t ncdrvsjjv orj mvmtvr of ise tai in rrum subwrif ihvi- in lijjj tinftc cipw j j- sj ci mji pm offue o jwj jnriirm i jkvcptrd on vijir tn v ewnt ul tvpofriprsual rrjr i x f t vri t hc ij cmun pce oc upjci h tu- rnrv uv item luje her tth ciru v jhjnv t ijnjiurr will rot be sjrj ir j fv tj-irk- if the jrhnnt taiil jv rjl r r- iplijhlc rale in the pv irmr jtjirrtimng foods ri a vro pruc trvwj or rrv ace rt si j ajttivi mervk in offer jnj mjv k- j- tk tunc duh frtntlni mm putllhta co ltd davij r oijiv publisher mrtvr coles don ryder ath vuruvrr 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday september 25 1947 at a recent meeting of the acton free library board rev l pickering was el ected chairman replacing rev walter fos- bury it was also decided that starting october 1 the library will open wednesday afternoon from 3 to 40 oclock for the con venience of the school children replacing the saturday afternoon hour which is to be discontinued everyone who attended a special citizens meeting held in the town hall to discuss the swimming pool was in favor of going abead with the pool it was felt there was sufflc- 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday september 29 1892 everything is in readiness for actons attractive union exhibition next tuesday and wednesday entries are now coming in rapidly and with fine weather chose who vi sit acton next week will be favored withthe finest exhibition ever held in haton now that the big exhibitions are over the sharpers who ply their nefarious games are giving the smaller shows heir attent ion one of the most successful schemes a is the pea or walnut racket last week at a circus in brampton numbers of people parted with 5 and 10 bills to sharpers lent capital in thetown of acton to put up a who manipulate cf this trie pool parents said they were not happy about their children hitchhiking to rock- wood and all over to swim vi m gowdy said we should be able to keep up with fergus a committee was named on thursday last the womens institute played host to the boys and girls band in honor of the bands victory at the cnfi mr and mrs c w mason mr and mrs torn ware rev and mrs pickering mem bers of the band and some of the drivers sat down to a delicious meal mr mason thanked the ladles for their 25 cheque mrs davidson institute president saidttte ladies were happy to congratulate the win ners in this manner coats were brought out of the closets in a hurry 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday september 27 1917 the conservative members of the house of commons and senate joined last thurs day in paying tribute to our venerable fel lowcitizen hon david henderson the member of this county who is retiring af ter 30 years experience in parliamentary life sir sam hughes made the presentation of a comfortable arm chair mr henderson is in his 76th y ear and is the oldest member of the commons he fought ten elections and has sat continuous ly since 1891 he first ran in 1887 when he was defeated the fall fair on tuesday and yesterday was again a gratifying success the fair has become a great meeting place for friends and the automobile has greatly fac ilitated travel interesting letter from sapper j v cole man sussex eng from our parade ground here we look away out to sea des troyers come into view often brighton is a regular town full of pep and fun 1 am trying to follow the political situa tion it seems a calamity the country should be divided and racial cleavage made when it has taken years of the past to heal such a cement walk from the gtr station to the mill st crossing would be appreci ated pedestrians have plowed through cin ders and loose coal for a decade or more crimson halos now crown the woodland rev father cavanaugh officiated at the regular monthly services at st josephs church last sunday quite a contingent of acton young people go daily to georgetown to attend high school mr p barry is turning out an immense number of barrels for apples at rockwopd he boasts of having the fastest cooper in america his name is mckay this man turned out 80 barrels one day last week advertisement hard backbxeaking toil at the wash tub inhaling hot steam and bad smell has broken down many a womans health but millions of women throughout the world have been rescued from this un happy condition by the use of sunlight soap which almost does the wash itself dont be humbugged by cheaper imitations the new electric lights erected at horse mans hill guelph can be seen from mr franklin ramshaws house at knatchbuu a distance of 12 miles 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton september 26 1867 the great cheese intended to be exhibited at the forthcoming show was to have been brought down by steamer this morning but did not arrive owing to its immense size the gangway was not wide enough to receive it so that it could not be got aboard at hamilton it will have to be sent by rail the monster weighs 7000 pounds the volunteers will be pleased to learn that new breech loading for the 20th batta lion have arrived together with a supply of ammunition the snider is a very effective weapon and we hope the men of the 20th will pay great attention to their drill so as to be able in case of trouble to use them against our foes in consequence of the change of arms some alteration has been made in the different movements of the companies and battalions a few weeks ago mr robert simpson license inspector of nelson who has been active in the discharge of his duties suffer ed a severe loss by having all the trees of his orchard girdled his orchard is a large and valuable one and consisting chiefly of young trees w do not know if they have done so already but it would be very prop er for the township to offer a reward for the discovery of the perpetrators of this foul deed 3ii tj 4frec jress church notices trinity church the united church of canada minister rev gordon b turner ba bd organist dr george elliott ma ph d presbytfrian church in canada knox- church acton rev andrew h mckcnrie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday october 1 1967 worldwide communion sunday 1000 am trinity united sacrament of holy communion nursery provided i 130 am churchill united sacrament ol holy communion sunday school io0o am junior school to gr 4 1 115 am senior school gr 5 to gr 8 sunday october i 1967 945 am church school for ages 3 to 15 years 1 1 00 am worship and holy commun ion communion meditation lov ing god is letting god love us 730 pm youth fellowship everyone most welcome bethel christian reformed church minister rev pj brouwer acton ontario sunday october i 1967 1000 am english service 1 110 am sunday school 230pm alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 1012 am everyone welcome maple avenue baptist church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor robert c lohnes acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 sunday october 1 1967 945 am sunday school 1 loo am morning service 70o pm evening service wednesday 745 pm prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 evangel pentecostal tabernlaclfc paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday october 1 1967 1000 am sunday school i loo am morning worship 700 pjn evangelistic worship tuesday 8 pm prayer service and bible study thursday at 8 pm christ ambassa dors sunday october 1 1967 1115 am morning worship tools in the hand of god no evening service to allow our people to go to a service of witness in varsity arena toronto at 715 monday oct 2 ladies thank offering 8 pm dr cserepha of bolivia guest speaker wednesday 730 prayer st bible study thursday 73fl choir practice friday 700 pm b h f meets text a contrite heart o god thou wilt not despise ps 51 17 all are welcome the church of st alban thi martyr anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb fri sept 23 feast ofst michael and all angels 1000 am holy eucharist for mothers and children and shift workerc 430 pjn holy eucharist for all teen agers sunday october 1 1967 trinity xix 900 ajn the holy eucharist 1030 ajnu oturoh school 1030 ajohoty eucharist ai3dvs ohdi w i rn

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