Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1967, p. 2

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th acton free press wednesday september 6 1947 pen mills kstftvte proud ol mentors mod village seen wt che let s play 8 ridge by bill coats ebenezer two fine congregations for 145th anniversary name john charlton to position at manor by mrsr wright the lam tf mrs w mclean st was the scene of eden mills womens institute meeting on wednesday afternoon fourteen ladles attending mrs r roy conducted the meeting after the insitute ode and mary stewart collect sev eral thank you letters from the sick were read another letter of praise was read upon the erection of our wl sign at both entrances to eden mills village this is quite commendable another letter received by one of our members was worthy of mention and was read to the meeting which fol lows enclosed is a small thank you from unicef for so generously loaning your 1867 village for dis play at the canadian national ex hibition it was so authentic and beautifully done that thousands of viewers were delighted with this look back at canada now the village is being viewed and ad- mired by visitors to the western fair in london unlcef com mittee members join me in this expression of thanks in sharing your centennial project with the world through unicef the unicef exhibit at canad ian national exhibition featured a canadian pioneer village crea ted as a centennial project by ima drysdale jack marshall hazel and clarence shoemaker of eden mills and guelph it was an authentic scene of 100 years ago when business and social life of every community revolved around the general store shelves of log sided buildings are stocked with miniature axes picks shovel castiron pots and pans the implements of dail living in canada store clerks customers in dians pioneerfamilies are hand made dolls dressed in authentic costume homemakers weargay prints complete with bustles re ticules bones and lace they visit and make purchases in dry goods and general ware ribbons outtofls and bows cor vtsbloom- ers hats bonnets quilts hand- sewn and colorful homemade soap tubs and washboard hore hound candy the tempting crack er barrel the roadway has its hitching posts horses buck- board stagecoach and conostoga wagon thobe were canadas horse and buggy days uhen neighbours drove for hours to help one another and in our jet age canadians still heft neighbours through un icef more than halfway around conservation of entries is just as important to the defense as it is to declarer in fact it can be more important since the defen ders do not usually have a sur plus of high cards here is a hand to illustrate the point four times the hand was played at no trump and in three of these the defenders failed to make the best use of their cards but one pair did manage to set the contract and this is how it was done north s 8 h aq974 d q964 c j 10 9 south s k q j 9 6 4 sk q j 9 6 4 h- k 5 d k 10 5 c- kq dealer north north south vulnerable the bidding north east pass pass 2h pass 3d pass south west pass pass 2s pass 3nt all pass west s 10 h 10 8 6 3 2 d83 c a 8 7 62 5 32 fcall s a7 h j d a j 7 2 c 54 3 this sign welcoming visitors to eden mills has been admir ed by many it was erected he eden mills womnv institute as a centennial pro iect staff photo we are proud to have ima dry- dale as a memberof ourlnstitute membership was renewed in the htstonal society several members will attend the area convention october 24 and 25 at the university and a bus trip to the winter fair has been ar ranged in november mrs mclean was thanked for her hdspiulitv mr and mrs ken spinks and famil of toronto visited with mr and mrs wilk wilson re- centl mr and mrs herb gilbertson attended the allan reunion on sundav the eden mills presbyterian choir took charge of the music sunday evening in ebenezer un ited church celebrating their an niversary mr and mrs howard vincent and son don of gravenhurst were weekend guests of mr and mrs r wright miss pat wright school of nursing in hamilton was home for the weekend also brenda mrs lawson or toronto the eden mills soft ball squirts went down to defeat saturday with greenwood but we are proud that they won the eramosa trophy ballinafad strrrdayschool has award day by mrs r mcenery mr and mrs morgan madiu mrs hattie price and mrs dh lindsay left by plane fridav morning for a two week visit to san francisco and los angeles mr andmrsdelbertlinstead mr and mrs gilpin spent the weekend at expo congratulations to mr and mrs dewitt who were married recently and are living in one of mr eddie smiths apartments welcome to our community congratulations to mr and mrs bill smith on the safe ar rival of a baby daughter quite a number from this com munity attended the big night at grand valley to hear guy lom- bardos orchestra on saturday night georgetown had a good fair on saturday with one of the finest parades sunday being award day for sunday school taking part in the service were sheila jamieson and lome sinclair assisted by rev mr johnson next sunday will be communion with rev mr johnson conducting the service opening lead 6 of clubs the bidding could vary depend ing on style but the no trump contract otters the best chance for a game declarer wins the opening lead and is faced with the choice of developing a suit spades should be the choice since a trick must be lost here in any case the king of spades drops the ten from wests hand which is both good and bad news it means three spade tricks for sure but it cuts off the chances for five tricks east should win the spade lead at once and return a club it is at this point that west must stop and think he has but one sure entry the club ace he must hope that east has three clubs when declarer plays the king west must reject the temptation to win the trick he must play low and conserve his ace declarer will continue spade and when they dont break he will switch to hearts on the spade leads west should discard two diamonds and a heart when hearts dont break declarer will lead a diamond again east must rise with the ace immediately and lead his last club west can now set the contact with three i club tricks if east ducks a diamond de clarer gels home with three spade three hearts two clubs and a diamond east must take his aces quickly to help set up wests club but west must hold his ace to conserve communica tion with his partner last weeks winners at the ac ton bridge club were first warren sadler and duke wilson second dave lidhea and bill coats third mr and mrs bob dickson fourth mr and mrs ken brown ospringe homemaking cluh church presentation in area news bv mrs dg robertson mrs man frasor of kinc- reich mill scotland is enjoving a three week visit with her son and daughterinlaw cameron and mrs fraser and famih on saturdav eveninr a present ation was held at the school for mr and mrs goidon vlanof the greenock section mr and mis david hi den third line visited over the weekend with relatives at hast ings on sundav the i ombuw v on- gregations of burns i hunli fcnn and the local kuo v hutch held their quaiterh lommunioit ser vice in the local ihunli vntti rev harbison m ihaige the junior choir with mrs norman mckenwe at the organ contribut ed a special number the first meeting of ttu os- pnnge thhomemakingclubwai held at the home of mrs d milt on with eight members present and the leaders mr r kuiiand mrs d milton the elected president is bren da bruce vice president patti elus and secretarv judv ellis working with wool is the project for this club and discus sions were held on wool fibre qualitv and w ood fabric donna milton demonstrated lusting next meeting will be held at mrs elli home when a name ull be chosen for the club cookies and jnice were served at the close of the meeting enumeration completed in halton west returning officer don mc millan said enumeration in the new riding of halton west has ben completed and voters lists have been ported there are 169 polls in haltoa west hj ol them in hurhngton 10 in vtcui si in nassagaweva and four in hquesing jvance polk wll be held on october 121311 fouradvaiue polls will t mtujted in burhng- ton and one each in acton tsques- ing and nasagauova ida murl nellis s funeral sept 18 ida murl nellis passed away at her home rr 1 acton on sept ember 15 eldest daughter of the late mr and mrs george nellis she was born in nassagaweya township on march 16 1904 and lived all her life in nassagaweya she is survivedbv two sisters mrs wm leader ada ofhill- sburg and mrs edith watson of acton the funeral service was held at the rumlev shoemaker funeral home on mondav september 18 with the rev gordon turner of cton united church officiating the pallbearers were mansell nellis cameron kitchen cj van goozen george robertson william frank and melvm bar ber interment was in fairview cemetarv town installs waste cans six attractive new waste con tainers installed in the main bus iness section will be joined by six more if people use the pre sent ones residents are urged to use the can to keep the town looking neat and clean cost of the containers has been absorbed by the town by mrs r mclean ebenezer observed her 145th anniversary with two fine con gregations in the morning rev geo dunlop ba preached on the subject my brothers keeper from matthew 25 he also quoted from job 31 jobs comforters had the idea that punishment foll owed sin this is notalwavsthe case in the east bread is sac ramental an american mission ary in a hurrv in africa gulped down his noon lunch not so his african guide who said i am eating mv wife he vent on to explain that his wife had put thought and affection intothe pre paration of his meal so he would not eat it thought lesslv back of the wheat is the snowy flour back of the flour is the mill back of the mill is the wheat and the shower and the sun and the fathers will all we receive is a coopera tive effort between god and man foodrclothesveverything-we-en- joy is the result of hard labor and we grumble we are dependent on each oth er i f one man doesnt spray his apples or kill his weeds the neighbours suffer when christianity does not share communism steps into the breach man shall not live by bread alone mrs sandra boles sang sweet ly when youre one step away from god the choirs anthem with sue ward at the organ wasgreen pastures at the evening service our pastor rev russel finlay gave an anecdoteladen address from matthew 6 1934 when jesus advised his followers not to be overly anxious how much more does his advice apply to us in this hurried period of time when you are in a state of anxiety keep busy when the grandfather clock was a young grandfather clock he started to worry about his ticks he calculated 120 ticks per minute thats 7200 ticksper hour that would work out to 63 072000 ticks in a year when the clock figured that in ten years he would have to tick 630 072000 times he had a nervous breakdown after awhile the grandfather clock realised that all he had to do was to tick one tick at a time so he measured the hours happily away until he was an old old clock we should be like the old sou thern workman who said when i works i works easy when i sits i sits loose and when 1 worries i sleep we need a faith deep enough for the chang ing times like the plant in ari zona in the shifting sands his roots go deep enough to reach water in the catacombs where the need help guide and brownie leaders are still urgenth needed anvone who would like to assist is asked to call mrs ginger helpersare required as well fflfibj call us fiiowri tavtv xtfkatincy for all your plumbing and heating installations c repairs business location 17 mill st w behind acton ezewash bvalow dennys insurance for any service work call acton 8530640 guelph 8212264 l riemer equipment company quality ba products save you money gasolines motor oils disol fuel i f imi oils stove oils m isoummaif oil burner finance plan i o years to py small carrying charges dependable service thompson fuels ltd acton phone 8532370 after hours 8532174 thurs fri sat sept 28 29 30 in technicolor battle of the bulge with an ah star cast coming soon vvw drivein theatre 1 mil e e of guelph iity limits list of hv phonl 34 mj anytime dat or nllf pius viva maria starring v a baroo v vs moreau showtime 745 pm 5 mon tues wed oct 234 qm la d0lca vita plus ii cyborg 2087 show starts at 745 fm close your etes if you must this may be the nest shocking motion picture you have ever en youth beware early martyrs are burled the pictures carved into the stones are all of jesus his hazards hiss cross and his crown remember that you and i dont have fi run this universe its gods kingdom gods world he can make use of us its a thrill to knem he can use us however hes not turning his back on us and leaving us to run the world when we make plans and say were going to do thus and so theres a god who likes to go his wav jesus knows the way all we have to do is follow him let us learn patience to walk by his side the eden mills presbvterian choir with mrs don blacklock at the organ sang two splendid anthems o magnif the lord and the lords my shepherd mrs wilson bewle and mrs william bewlev have returned from a trip to victoria bc mr and mrs chas thomson formerly of acton district now residing at rr 3 arthur are on a trip west to attend a wed ding the community is deeply sorry about the loss by fire of the bob fittons barn at arkell the 12 neighbours who managed to save the milking equipment deserve a great deal of credit a neighbour has offered bob the use of his stable tor the winter more pow er to you bob the church bulletins were printed on a gestetner which was purchased witli the money from the del moffat t memorial fund it will continue to be used weekly in his memory among those attending the evening service was mrs carter whose late husband was minister at the time thepresent church was built she now lives in brantford and was the guest of the misses norrish of guelph john w charlton of milton has beep named assistant superint endent at the halton centennial manor in milton superintendent stan allen explained mr charl tons duties and responsibilities would be many and varied thev include everything from general maintenance to recreation and eventually he will back mr allen up and take over his responsib ilities in his absence i hope that eventually mr charlton will be trained in all phases of management and ad ministration mr allen said the new assistant was born and raised in milton and left his job at pl robertson manufact uring to accept the position at the manor he worked in the ship ping department and held var ious supervisory positions while with the firm his last position was as job analyst mr charlton has been active with young people in both minor ball and optimist work after working with the youth of the community he is looking forward to his work with the senior cit izens begin centennial building at founty museum monday construction of the 38000 centennial building at halton countv museum will begin next mondav on tuesday morning the contract was signed between the county and zanattamccarthy construction company conser vation authority approval pre ceded the signing of the contract aniie meeting oflhe museum board mondav an immediate start had been urged the countys centennial pro ject is the building which wiu house carriage and large pieces of farm equipment and mach inery it will be built south of the barn in kelso conservation authority park which presently houses tlie main bod of museum exhibits the building has been in th planning sta for many months waiting a seriesof town ship council county council au thority and government appro vals mrs isham tells of hope workshop unit three of the ucw heard mrs isham speak on the hope enterprises workshop at their regular meeting in the church on wednesday evening of last week she showed films and told of the work with mentally retarded ad ults a joint meeting with the ang lican ladies is being planned plans were also made for the santa fair r acton pharmacy bill yundt manager 2 main st n acton 8531620 i i i i films cameras supplies mm woo mr ml wtl m mr ttfltt mi unl sui mm west ngho use likes nice people to handle their products thats why we are pleased to announce wilmer davidson as our representative in acton end surrounding district drop in tuesday october 3rd at daveys appliances furniture 12 mill st w acton ontario see the line of westinghouse refrigerators ranges laundry equipment amd all the other products you can be sure of watch for our grand opening to be announced at a later date daveys appliances furniture 853orsoo 12 mill 5t w acton drivein theatre i

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