Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1967, p. 10

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rwffljvrw editorial page sift up pur heart thehkigiving day arrive in canada after the harvest it in the barns and the earrh is clothed in a coat of many colors canadians will be sitting down to the traditional meal of turkey and all the trimmings well stuff ourselves and mouth a tew pious platitudes never really appreciating our land of plenty perhaps if we had to trade places with someone in a land less blessed we would appreciate the bounty bo- stowed on ut in centennial year we can think back to the days when this land was a forest of trees and rock sturdy pioneers came on foot by ox team and wagon with a real faith they carved a home in the wilderness we say carved because they had primitive tools but large hearts and a vision of what canada would look like in the future thoy were not discouraged by set backs the separatists and rebels of their day were every bit as real and the problems as large as we face now they surmounted them we can too lift up your hearts the canadian people will be made strong in adver sity tempered by disagreements sober ed by a realization of our blessinas there is much to be thankful for alute t jinfykter it would be sufficient to be thank ful that acton has an efficient fire fight ing brigade on the eve of the thanks giving weekend but fire prevention week an annual reminder adds special significance activities of the acton firefighters are not limited to fighting fires they assist minor sports in acton and dist rict in a very tangible way as well as running a financial campaign to assist muscular dystrophy their efforts on behalf of he community shows an awareness of community life and a de- iire to share in making the town and district a better place to live we salute acton firefighters and brigades everywhere during fire pre vention week heed their advice take advantage of their experience with fire and check your own home for hazards the life you save may be your ownl ivov abcut the ntrth this abandoned rocking chair could be symbolic of many things os it sits on the boardwalk of a deserted ghost town near acton the late presi dent of the united states john f ken nedy popularized the rocker whilr he lived but this one could do with more than a new image perhaps its sturdy rocker was damaged convoying a stur dy pioneer into a land of dreams staff photo it is time residents of the north end of this riding took a cold calculating look at the platforms of the various political parties contesting the provin cial election since hal ton has been divided into two sections east and west acton and its environs is almost isolated from other voices in the north most of the politicians will be concentrating their efforts cm the south end of the county where votes are more plentiful the north end of the riding will be taken for granted it is time the various political par ties realized that once you climb the escarpment into nassagaweya and es- quesing you arent in the bush the population may not be as dense but voters are ust as keen if not keener than ifcctsetothesoplh voters in the north end of the riding could very well decide the issue we are a little tired of the plums going south of us we think its time for us to stick our necks out and de mand some of the goodies being pass ed around by the various governments were a trifle weary of being overlook ed someone said that when they divid ed the riding up they drew a line right through the centre of the county then it looked as if the east side didnt want us so they gave us to the west end as we said before its time we made our influence felt more threw a little weight around what are the various candidates go ing to do for the north end of the rid- mg sugar and spice b y i i s m i ley if you think its tough trying to get a son or daughter ready for college cooled out and settled in you should try it with a wife who hasnt been there for 20 years its an exhausting experience emmotlon- ally and financially all the kids want is that you should take all their stuff down help unload it press a large sum upon them and disappear back to hicksvllle so youll stop embarrassing them in front of their new classmates lets find out before we vote with mommaits no fust she had to save face and go through with it but not before tryingone more gambit it was impossible financially there was no way we could manage it father points out that with judicious borrowing we can keep one of the family going to college since hugh is no longer there and in fact lias a splendid job laying carpets it mig as well be shejthis pro- educes half a days tears of mingled rage and grief over hughs quitting 4itcrial hotej somebody who is good at arith metic can figure out how many months it is since the throne speech back in may in which the government pro posed a task force on agriculture he can also figure out how long it is since back at the time of the ottawa march by farmers that names of people on t force would be announced shortly remember that old expression there oughta be a law if it isnt heard so often nowadays thats be cause there probably is one columnist mary humphries writing in alaska highway news about propos ed regional districts thinks canadians need less government not more may- be we hardy vigorous n rt should start a new trend she says and see how much we can do without the government comes the tremendous decisionltselfcom- parable to moses making up his mind to lead the chlldren back to the promised land there are surges of confidence but they are outweighed by sudden despairs my brain is rusty ill never make it theyve probably lost my files therell be a rule refusing people over 30 the course is most likely a lot harder now ill feel like a fool with all those kids in mini skirts and eyeshadow and so on you patiently point out that rust can be removed any halfwit can pass fourth year universities never lose anyting except the letteryou wrote thetnlast week shes- more mature and the course will be a snap shes betterlooking now than she v as in third year away back centennial picture faltery mctuked at acton fair shortly after the first world war are four distinguish ed acton residents of the time fair pre sident george havill free press editor aar h p moore- the hon david hen derson aap- and fair secretary george hynds the picture was pedallv for this series by mr hendersons granddaughter the former edna hen derson now mrs herbert collins of toronto mr henderson retired as a member of parliament of 30 years standing exactly 50 years ago thus bolstered she sends off the appli cation nothing happens fear and frust ration mount so father has to write a letter in his inimitable st le with force and firmness straight back come s the good word this is the real crisis she cant believe it shes accepted its no longer castles in spain and the real panic begins its ridiculous i cant leave you and kim alone youll burn the house don youll forget to put out the garbage youll die of malnutrition ve cant afford it you cant get along without me andso on this of course is rank cowardice she simply is afraid to get her feet wet in the big cold world from which like all house wives she has been sheltered all thee years by guess who so she goes to visit her mother for three das as a sort of trial run comes home and is a bit dashed to find the houe still standing garbage out on schedule lawn cut kitchen tidy and kim and i living like orien tal potentates qucte ctf ueek today we live in an age when we can no longer take the simplest thing for granted the air ve breathe the water we drink the green grass that grows all around if we want fresh air pure water uncontam mated grass we have to provide for these things plan ahead engage in scientific reorch agriculture minister j j greene it also produces a guilt complex she vows that nobody has ever lived as cheaply at college as she will shes going to pig it in a grubby little room all she needs is a sleepingbag card table hotplate and electric kettle shell walk miles to save carfare hitchhike home on weekends hah have you tried to rent a cheap little room lately father took mother to the city and while she registeredat the college poured out an ale and pored over the class ified ads best he could find was a room share bath and kitchen at 20 a week uwasnt badr buhherewasastunibung block as usual the other inmates were college girls and the landlady had an iron rule that no men except her own husbamd were allowedinsldethefront door she- was inflexible so was i id planned to pad down with the old lady the odd week end saving the price of a hotel room to cut a long storv to ribbons the shabby little room first suggested has grown into an apartment furnished and i wouldnt tell mv closest friend let alone my banker what the rent is the acton free press phone 853 2010 business and editorial office b i jnj pub thcd ccr v drvridjy s a i onurhj vkmlvr ol the u o c u un the cw and j i n rxqucm sub-rrp- jj j c moo in canada s700 t i un onad unfit copies v mj cu- miipxmi office ot ij jw niiing iv epicd on i thjt n th- rxtni typographical urt yn i thv adirrtimng tpace oc hi ni rwrus item itfrtrxr with vun r for ifnaturr mill not be iarr j i ir hut trv hiurvc of the ajxirrtivcmcnt mii tx pjij i r it the jpplkjble rate- in ihv unl ul i nrnfjph fc error dentng food it ri r jt j wnnj pmc good or tkm mv n n n id advertising i rtvnrk an offer 11 jn ni th vmthdcaiti t in lime duit prlnilns mm pub4lahm cft lur- djvij ft oiik publisher own a luv 4 njn mjnury coles editor copnhl 1967 ad muufcr tmyymmmmmmmm back issues cj r t 20 years ago taken from the lira of the free press of thursday october 2 1947 fore electric products of acton axe constructing an oxtenalon to their present building on church 81 this addition to toe plant will be used eventually for the manu facturing of electrical appliances the athletes il ttie high school enjoyed cool but sunny weather for the annual field day in the park competition wu keen in ill events considerable rivalry was evi dent between the time teams into which ttie school had been divided the blue team captained by jim splel- vogel and june welkins won the greatest number of polnti edging out by a narrow margin the reds captained by men blow and joan coles the whites led by john agar and patsy chew were only four points behind the winners individual champions were jacqueline chew don davldeon patsy chew jim spielvcfel joan colea neb blow runner sup helen somervllle phil lip mccrlstall ray webster dena bralda crawford douglas shirley elliott john agar 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday october 4 1017 the acton fair hau made wonderfulstrld- es and is now rated as one of highest class shows of its slxe in ontario the entry list was tho highest and of the best quality since the inception of the fair between four and five thousand people crowded into the grounds and with automobiles and ve hicles every inch of space was utilised in the parade the boy scouts presented a fine appearance and the school children in their summer garb each bearing a flag looked very pretty indeed they sang a number of patriotic selections which were loudly applauded acton citizens band brought up the rear in president havill and secretary hynds the fair has very skill ed and efficient officers supported by a body of directors who work harmoniously the electrical department of the corp oration made a display of electric lamps and fixtures wired and connected it made an attractive exhibit the midway bad its usual babel of noises and attractions the fair night concert was a fitting cli max and numbers were turned away the ionic quartette at brampton and charles leroy kenney whose star is in the ascend ant were manifestly successful the fin ancial returns reached a high water mark first draft men from 20 to 34 unmar ried or widowers without children will be called next week harold wiles will convert his ice cream parlor into a tea room for the winter a memorial service will be held in ball- inafad church in memory of the late private clarence hume who was recently killed in action in france the sunday school building at speyside through the initiative of mr heyrn sayers presented an improved appearance 75 years ago taken from tho issue of the froe press of thursday october 6 1892 the township council has decided to make some very necessary improvements to the big hill at silver creek the loose tones will be removed the dltchos cleaned and a good coat of gravel put onr acton union exhibition was a good show especially of livestock but bad weather prevented a large attendance on tuesday and wednesday in the park when morning broke and the ground was seen to he hi with snow and the temperature flirting with tero the spirits of those interested also had a downward tendency however the result was really better than expected edisons phonograph was on tho grounds and many took the opportunity of hearing it the exhibit of harnesses robes and harnessmens recaitsires by mattho vrs har ness emporium was creditable theslnger sewing machines did some wondorful work in collection of apples mr alox waldlo had no less than 35 varieties in the dairy department the quality and quantity were very noticeable a splendid lot of butter and cheese was shown thorev was a fine exhibits of animals machinery and equipment the nassagaweya fall show had a good a and the day passed off pleasant ly the only casualty was in the novelty race when two young men got the wheels of thejjlbu8alqcfcedjrithjhe result that one of the rigs was pretty badly wrecked lord tennysons illness is causing anx iety he is suffering from influenza and gout messrs henderson mcrae and co in vite the public to their fall millinery open ings on saturday 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton october 3 1867 mr jay conrad jeweller milton will give another lecture on phrenolody elec tricity etc at bells school house nelson on wednesday next ttie oth inst at the close of the lecture there will be a spelling match open to the world and a clock will be given to the successful one the clock to re main in the school as the property of the section donated in the name of the victor mr conrad has presented a clock to the zimmerman school at the close of his sec ond lecture to no 6 co 20th halton battalion the members of the company hwo have not al ready done so are requested forthwith to return into store at my office the rifles bayonets and scabbards snapcaps muzzle stoppers and ammunition in their possess ion as the new snider rifles have been re ceived c t bastedo captain we understand that it is contemplated to organize a literary society for milton to engage the attention of the young men dur ing the winter months we think the idea is a good one and shall give it all the encour agement in our power the great drawback hasheretoforefaeenthewa room but we are confident that the council room in the new hall will be granted a meeting for organization will take place at the town hall on saturday evening next wggsfc an8jemtm t f 4frtc jjrtss church notices presbyterian church in canada knox chvrch acton rev andrew h mckenzie b-a- bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master trinity church the united church of canada minister rev gordon b turner b a b d organist- dr george elliott ma ph d sunda octob 1363l sunday october 8 1967 thanksgiving sunday 9 45 a m church school for ages 3 to- 15 years 1 1 00 am public worship sermon theme too late for sacrifice everyone most welcome beth christian reformed church minister rev p brouwer acton ontario harvest thanksgiving sunday 1000 am trinity united harvest thanksgiving a parable nurserv provided 1130 am churchill united sunday school 1000 am junicr school to gr 4 1 1 15 ajn senior school gr 5 to gr 8 sunday october 8 1967 1000 am english service 1 1 10 ajn sunday school 2 jo pm alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 1012 am everyone welcome make avenui rafttst church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor robert c lohnet acton baptist church founded 1842 fastor- rev stanley gammon res 144 tidcy ave ph 8531615 sunday october 8 1967 945 ajn sunday school 1 1 00 am morning service 700 pjn evening service wednesday 745 pjn prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown stmees evangel pentecostal tahuwacu paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday october 8 1967 10 00 ajn sunday school 1100 ajn morning- worship 700 pjn- evangelistic worship tuesday 8 pjn prayer service and bible study thursday at 8 pjn christ ambassa dors sunday october 8 1967 thanksgiving day ii 15 am morning worship the god who is father our evening service will be shared at hillsburg for their anniversary wednesday 7jo prayer it bible study thursday 630 explorers thursday 730 choir practice friday 700 pjn b h f meets text a contrite heart o god thou wilt not despise ps 51- 17 all are welcome the church of st alavam the martyr anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stjb sunday october 8 1967 trinity xx 900 ajn the holy eucharist 10j0 ajn chuorcb school 1030 ajn morning prayer

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