Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1967, b1

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i at the l8s press rdidate to wssfiiilr vto t0 toy j ssssx linerythird year no 14 acton ontario wednesday october 4 1967 second section it be kerr lush or macdonald tuesday george kerr progressive conservative candidate it has been my privilege to be and substantial grants received your progressive conservative candidate for the ontario legis- urate i have had the honor of serving you as member for the last four years and i sincerely hope the progress we have made has earned your continuing sup port the record of the robarts government is one of achieve ment and is reflected in the rap id growth of the burlington and halton area the next four years is a cruc ial time for our province and many important decisions win have to be made in the fields of education tax reform munici pal government water and air polluttonphouslng etc ttlswtn require men and women with ex perience and proven ability during my term of office i have been working actively in your interests it has been my privilege to serve on select com mittees on conservation and con sumer credit i have been chair man of committees on govern ment commissions municipal af fairs and legal mils as your member ive worked for you in many ways including promoting highway improve ments on highway 403 queen euubeth way and highway 25 hospital expansion and con servation in this area since 1963 the most modern school anf hospital for deaf chil dren on the continent has been opened in milton to serve west ern ontario a community college for halt- on and peel counties will soon be built in this area a regional detention and re habilitation centre will lie built to replace ancient county jails a driver examination centre has been opened in burlington hilton region conservation authority has been established for reservoirs flood control and parks the home for the aged tor county residents has been doubl ed in sice ontario housing corporation projects are underway in burl ington and oakvlue my remarks and stand in this campaign have been that ontario government has a good record of service during the past four years and we have reached our main goal of maintaining high employment and a decent stand ard of living for our people we have done this not only be launch ing a massive trade crusade and coopetaung with industry in air its ramifications but also by providing the necessary govern ment services such as education al facilities highways social legislation antidiscrimination legislation minimum wage legis lation agricultural programsand assistance for agriculture lab our legislation securities legis lation consumer protection medical health insurance etc i recognize that we have some problems which are the result of our tremendous growth popula tion increase and the treiid to ward urbanization such things as pollution municipal taxes and a housing shortage are caused by such growth and change however i submit that the ontario government is doing something about these problems in the field of pollution we have conservation authorities the ontario water resources com mission and the air pollution control act under the provincial department of health industries are told they must cooperate and adopt anti pollution devices and stop disposing of their raw waste in our rivers and streams industries which do not cooper ate are prosecuted the same applies to air pollution and any industry which obtains a permit to build must adopt the latest anti pollution equipment the ontario housing corpor ation and the home program are helping to ease the housing crisis and if it had the coopera tion of the federal government particularly in the field of finan cing and low cost loans the situ ation would be much better than it is now however the federal government program of using housing as a barometer and the fluctuation of interest rates and the complete lack of low cost financing is aggravating the hou sing situation i hope that the smith report on taxation wlu be implemented at least partially so that the in equities in our tax system part icularly taxes on real estate will be changed and i feel of course that the adaption by the provin cial government of the basic ex emption home grant of up to two thousand dollars of assess ment will assist homeowners next year also of course the adoption of the total cost of administrat ion of justice by the province will help our municipalities in their financing and should ease mill rates next year during the progressive con servatives term of office ontar io has expanded immensely more jobs average wages are 18 per cent higher than anywhere else in canada make our prov ince a good place to work here personal endeavour is recogniz ed and rewarded since 1963 9000 new hospitals beds have been made available we financially assisted up to two thirds of the cost of building and equipping new hospitals youve beard a lot about educ ation lately for the past five years an average of one and a half new schools have been op ened every day and a brand new secondary school every two weeks grants have increased 600 per cent five new univer sities have been formed since 1963 i believe the robarts gov ernment is creating the educa tional facilities and opportunities everyone in the province needs in these times taxes we must pay but the robarts government is concern ed with keeping them down and spreading the burden fairly the 1967 budget showed no increase in taxes at all whats more two proposals of the smith re port on taxation have already been endorsed to reduce your lo cal tax bill one gives an allow ance of up to the first 2000 of assessment on property whether rented or owned the other shifts the entire cost of justice from the municipality to the province four thousand miles of high ways have been built or rebuilt in the last four years fifty- two miles of go system first government sponsored commut er service on the north ameri can continent have been created with more to come and our 98 continued on page 3 meet the candidates night thursday oct 12th 730 pm at acton high school auditorium 3 candidates george kerr jack lush ted macdon ald conservative liberal new democrat come out and listen and ask questions everyone most welcome sponsored by r jack lush liberal candidate on tuesday october 17th we go to the polls to decide the fut ure of ontario and more partic ularly that of halton west in my judment anything that is good for halton west is good for the rest of ontario my conserva tive counterpart apparently does not think this way in his four years in office he has done noth ing constructive for acton or the rest of our riding the ontario governmentsgo- traln service originally was to have burlington as its western terminal hamiltons mayor ob jected- to this and as a result that city received token service this resulted in burlington being limited to two trains in the mor ning and evening this is a tar cry from the initial schedule in tended for burlington failure of our sitting member to voice objection to this arbitrary change has deprived burlington resid ents of a much needed service it takes approximately one hour to travel from burlington to downtown toronto about equal to the time required for residents of toronto who live in the north east and west ends of the city to reach their downtown i won der what this has cost our local merchants in new business from people who would like to live in the best town in canada had we better train service the two year delay in the pro vincial governments approval for the extension of the joseph brant hospital has seriously af fected hospital services for the citizens of this riding a con centrated effort by the sitting member could have resulted in earlier approval it is obvious that he is either unconcerned about the needs of his constitu ents or is lacking in ability to do a proper job on their behalf i am not satisfied that the health of the children and par ents of brldgevlew survey be al lowed to deteriorate through the pollution or lack of water while the provincial government stands idly by i pledge that my efforts in queens park wlu be forthe ben efit of residents of our riding first and foremost on the prom ise that what is good for halton west in turn is good for ont ario the present member has made extensive use in his campaign of a twelve page publicatlonentltled queens park report this re port is printed under the official ontario crest i therefore as sume that it is a government publication printed with the tax payers money this is one more example of the tory policy of using your tax dollars in an at tempt to buy your vote the liberal partys platform is designed to ease the burden of taxes on the citizens of ontario real property taxes are high simply because local municipal- ltlon have a large portion of the high cost of education a liber al government wi get t the root of this problem by rehevingthlt municipalities of 80 of these costs safeguards will be set up to ensure that these savings when implemented will result in a real decrease in property taxes a banking policy that requires a person to match dollar for dol lar to borrow money is not in step with the times this drives many people into the clutches of lenders who charge exhorbitant interest rates a persons re putation and future potential must and should be a major consider ation when borrowing money at reasonable interest rates the liberal party stands behind this philosophy and will offer low cost second mortgages to assist in financing the purchase of a home we will spark urban renewal through a program of lost cost housing and assist and encourage municipalities to service new lands in areas where housing should be developed the cost of living continues to soar our party will take con crete steps to halt creeping in flation which i hurts our senior citizens to a greater extent than anyone else we will initiate a consumer affairs committee to review price increases and the reasons behind them we will initiate government supervision of auto insurance rates and clas sification to lower the cost of government we propose to re duce the number of government departments from the present 21 to 15 we will fight water and air pollution by enforcing province wide standards to cuab same we will assist municipalities and industries to purchase and de velop pollution cohtrolequipment by providing long term low in terest loans for this purpose a liberal government will en act the agricultural industry act to integrate all government pro grams of assistance and subsid ies and wlu provide a well fin anced program to help iarmers meet the problems of automation less than 12 of our population are farmers they are vital to the health and prosperity of our province they must and will be protected my business and investment backgrounds needed in govern ment ot ensure that our tax dol lars are spent wisely increas- ig taxes to help pay for urgent ly needed programs is not the answer a sound business ap proach is needed instead i in tend to propose legislation that will result in additional service worth 50000000 without in creasing the present tax load this will be achieved by elimin ating costly programs which serve no useful purpose as an example i suggest the following eliminate grade 13 grade 13 started in the depression era and we and parts of british col- uirma are still living with it eve other province permit their hlldren to enter univer sity wit a grade 12 matricula tion gi ie 13 is costing the taxpayers of ontario millions of dollars annually three thousand secondary school teachers are employed in a business only half insured is hardly insured at au the acton chamber of commerce get a complete profile of protection with a business insurance plan from safeco insurance you may be risking serious losses if your business insurance contains dangerous gaps wasting precious money if it has costty over- ajrc laps- let us sit down with you and plan a muhaimii complete profile of protection that will cover all your neads no less no more well save you worry and may save you money too vsit or call i dennys insurance agency 17 mill st w acton 8530150 resldljnces milt 8532243 bill 8532645 harold 8532565 where vou are treated uke a person not a number ted macdonald new democratic candidate in halton west your new dem ocratic candidate is ted mac donald he is an educator and a family man who has a unique de votion to the problems of this tiding ted macdonald was born in southern saskatchewan in what is known as the dust bowl region he took a teachers training course at moose jaw normal school and taught for one year before joining the royal canad ian air force after serving 3 12 years in the rcaf he was honourably discharged and re turned to further his education in 1949 ted graduated from queens university with a bach elor of arts degree until 1958 he was the manager of the farm equipment department of united cooperatives of ontario but be cause this position entailed a great deal of travel and he had a young family he returned to his previous interest of teaching for seven years he taught at burlington central high school at this point in his career he was approximately solsecondary izzz c lmo approached trteach-attheontar- schools teaching the various subjects required to complete grade 13 the salaries of these teachers alone account for an expenditure of over 30000000 each year leading university presidents and secondary school educators agree that grade 13 can be pyas- ed out surely they are the ex perts in this field i as a busi nessman want to get the job done why not let me start now standardization ot textbooks in our school system would result in a saving of over 10000000 per year there are many other areas in the educational field where substantial savings can be af fected without impairing our ed ucation standards government today is no differ ent than any other business ex cept that it is lacking in repre sentation of men like myself who are expeiiencedlneffectlve- ly running private enterprise i am proud to be a resident of halton west and intend to see that our riding receives the rec ognition that it rightfully de serves i earnestly seek your sup port on october nth h s holden optometrist 36 cock st eat guelph phone ta 2713 io college of education in tor onto this opportunity took him professionally from burlington and he now teaches at oceand is the head of the geography de partment at alderwood colleg iate his home and public inter ests are still in halton west where he continues to live with his wife joan and their three children gary heather and janice at 52b3 spruce avenue in burlington he is an energetic member of the ontariosecondary school teachers federation and is a leading member of appleby united church ted macdonalds wife joan shares his concern and interest in the community she serves in an executive capacity on the nome and school association and the cub and scout auxiliary she also teaches sunday school and is an active member of the halton branch of the canadian mental health association the macdonalds have already personally canvassed 3200 homes throughout the riding from acton to- burlington before the october 17 election they will have talked to nearly 5000 households on this doortodoor persoo-to- person campaign in their can vassing this husband and wife team have found a tremendous surge of sympathy for thendp the tories apparently are aware of this since the conservative- press has once more begun to make oblique references to mr kerr the conservative incum- bowl for pleasure bowl for health family can bowl together make h a data bowl where ithe action isi acton bowling lanes io main st n membbt ojlpa tssfljlto bent receiving a cabinet post this of course is sheer non sense based on contributions to de bate in the legislature the con servative candidate is so far down on the list of tory hopefuls to the cabinet as to make these hints almost ludicrous why did the conservative press drop this obviously cynical remark was it to bribe the electors of halton west if so the conservative party is impressed by the ndp strength and is clearly clutching at straws are they afraid that the present cabinet will be so shattered that they are now scraping the bottom of the barrel it is unworthy of a once great party to stoop to such ends in or der to attempt to elect one of their weaker brethren sympa thy must be extended to the elec torate who despite this red her ring have to dig out the basic issues of this election the foremost issue in this campaign is that it is time for achange the present govern ment has given the residents of ontario programs that are always too little and too late there is much to be done and they give us little hope that they are willing to do it tor they simply claim that ontario is prospering and so why rock the boat but this is a province in which an employer can still legally get away with paying his worker a dollar an hour in this province the cost of drugs during a medical crisis can make paupers of a middle class family for two decades there have been empty promises to solve the recognized housing problem but still thousands of hardworking men and women have no adequate housing for their families the problem has stea dily worsened and is now gaining momentum it will take guts and imagination to solve it the pre sent government has done nothing to show that it has either ontario is a province where the waters are so foul the people cannot use them and find it dif ficult to even live near them the air in many sectors is so stricken it has become danger ous to breathe the halfheart ed attempts the present party in power has made to control those who pollute these natural re sources for personal gain are laughable ontario is also a province where the privileged are protec ted and the public ignored it allowed a nnaaclla colossus to collapse to nobodys detriment but the small shareholders this province has been run by a political dynasty whose motto has always been do nothing at all about anything until youre puched t o the wall and then do as little as possible if it were not for the vigilance of donald macdonaldandhls ded icated band of progressives the little would be much less it is also a concern of the n dp that the government has been using the smith report as an excuse for inactivity as so frequently happens the recom mendations of this report tuna been some of those urged by the ndp in the legislature how ever we lathe njxp are most continued on page 3

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