Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1967, p. 1

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i ninerythirdyearno 17 authorized u second clan mill ty the port ottlce dat otuwi for poause paid in cuh at acton ontario acton ontario wednesday october 25 1967 eighteen pages ten cents cnr vicepresident answers dr hqrley on closing station dr barry harley halton mp notified the free press thlsweek he tad received a letter from the vicepresident of the cnr r t vaughan concerning the clos ing of acton station in view of what the letter says dr harley writes no firm de cision will be taken until the case is reviewed by the board of transport commissioners he urges all lnterestednartles how ever to write directly to cw rump secretary railway tran sport commission canadian transport commission 400 lan- rier avenue west ottawa 4 local industries are still greatly concerned over the proposed closing of the static chamber of commerce chairman paul mellsen told the free press this week several have written already to dr harley mr neilaen is canvassing those not previously contacted to get their reaction mayor les duby said council was officially notified by letter this week of the closing with no apologies enclosed for not noti fying them sooner council has already sent a letter of protest out however this week the lions club of acton sent an official protest to dr harley and to mr rump it is expected other boosters of the town will follow their lead following is the letter receiv ed by dr harley from the cn jt vicepresident canadian national railways ltontreal 13 october 1967 rt vaughan vicepresident secretary of the company dear mr harley i have your further letter of october 10 regarding tne station at acton ontario acton is in cluded in a group of stations that may eventually be brought under the kltcbenerguelph master ag ency plan in my letter to you of october 5 where i stated that no decision had been made res pecting the agency it was intend ed to indicate thatnodedslonhas yet been made as to whether an actual application will be made to the commission for tne removal of the agent and that such a fe ci sloe will not be made until af ter it has been given a full and proper trial as is customary in all our master agency projects a trial period is undertaken before any decision is made as to whether an application is to be made to the commission fox removal of the agents in the case of acton the first stages of implementa tion of the master agency are to be effected on november 6 all this means however is that the work will in fact be taken away from the station and placed into the master agency but the agent will be left on the premises al though he will be performing no function insofar as tne public is concerned the trial period in this instance will last probably until midjanuary or early feb ruary at which time the whole situation will be reviewed and the matter will then be looked at in the light of whether or not an application should be made to the commission for the removal of the agent under that particular master agency plan as you may be aware under a master agency plan all prev ious services are retained in the community but rather thandeal- ing directly- with an agent our patrons deal directly with a cen tralized master agency and their contact with that agency is gen erally by means of a free zenith telephone system this puts our patrons in contact with special ized people who are fully equip ped to give excellent service to the communities i trust the foregoing will more clearly define the companys po sition insofar as acton is con cerned kind regards yours sincerely r t vaughan rl school organizes walkathon car and window washes pancake social to raise unicef total a walkathon to raise moneyfor unicef is being arranged this week by an eager group of robert little students other groups are also planning other special events to raise money while the boys and girls in the lower grades will collect doortodoor as usual some of the older chlldrenprefer to enter into the novel projects for fundraising on saturday morning at eight oclock a group of energetic rl students will set out from or- angevlue to walk to acton with sponsors stores and parents promising 10 cents a mile the route highway 136 through to no 24 highway to brisbane down the seventh line to no 7 then along to acton the finish line is the frontdoor of the school and the distance has been measured at 33 miles steven van fleet and mary frances marcoux who are head ing the arrangements think itll taks 10 to 11 hours for the ones who finish others may drop out at any time as there will be cars along to pick them up about 30 boys and girls from grades 6 7 and 8 are expected to start out carrying their own lunches there are to be signs along the route cars behind teachers with them and waude talkies to keep in touch miss rlseborough who proved at expo what a good walker she is say the students is going to walk right along with them peter morrison is chairman of the group ot youngsters who are pledged to wash windows of stores for 2 a store the day they chose what better than the morning after halloween tbeysft start desoaping the stores at 7 in the morning with three persons to each store an oldfashioned pancake social is the project of grade 8 classes its friday november 3 from 6 pm to 9 pm right in the school auditorium teacher mrs reed has donated real maple syrup therell be entertainment a door prize and a prize for the person who ate the most pancakes jack holmes whos in charge says everyones invited the time was set to catch weekend shoppers mr batklns grade seven class is room 205 in the stone school is sponsoring a car wash on frt- other students are all invited day oct 27 and sat oct 28 at there will be two draws for bill toms shell station on queen jnicef st itll run from 10 am to ffpnu tickets are already on sale at a card table outside simpsons- sears order office price is si a car james mcnabb is chairman of this project hiss braldas room of grade four and five students is having a bake sale on monday chalrlady is susan ancker the classroom the young organizers of all the school projects promise every cent goes to unicef originally the ideas for class and school events came from jack holmes riny schuts pete morrison harry lawson and steven van fleet then other students joined in to enlarge on the ideas snow leads skuce votes by 161 p c candidate jim snow s lead over liberal robin skuce in last tuesdays provincial election has been established at 161 votes halton east riding returning officer allan m rvasson reports his compilation of figures as reported from the deputy returning officers in the 163 polls and four advance polls shows snow with 9859 votes skuce with 9698 and n d p bill gillies trailing with 6359 there were 121 spoiled ballots about 65 per cent of those eligible voted at press time mr skuce had still not decided whether to call for a recount or not he was waiting to see the results of the armed forces vote which is expected to be counted within the next week or so if a recount is demanded some of the spoiled ballots may be counted as qualified votes the returning officer cannot make an official count until tuesday october 31 original figures from the returning officer on election night had snow leading by 160 votes but late in the evening a 40vote error was found then another mistake turned up to narrow his lead to 102 votes later it lumped to 104 and then back to 161 here are mr woman in collision on mrs ann mccoonell of rr 1 acton is still in guelph general hospital following an accident friday october 20 at 8 pm on main st at vimy st she suffered multiple fractured ribs internal injuries lacerations and abral- sions she was treated at the scene by dr c hutchison and taken by ambulance to hospital mrs mccoonell who had seen another vehicle approaching was stopped on the road when her car was struck by one driven by ken neth peacock of georgetown mr peacock travelling north of main passed a vehicle near the vtmy intersection lost control and collided with the front of the injured stopped mcconneu car he left the scene of the accident but was contacted soon after trylngtohlt- chhike a ride he suffered bruised neck and back abraislons and lacerations tick talk to be sure youre right about changing your clocks this saturday night re member the helpful saying spring forward fallback its back they gothls week end white mists add a wispy touch to the millpond placidity of fairy lake as it greets the early morning sun new de velopment in lakeview subdivision adds more reflection to the picture while dredging pipes stretch across the reach dredging is continuing now further up the lake near the breezes staff photo twoktw ensh recreation- parks board at mam corner the two cars involved were towed away from a crash at the minmain intersection on friday oct 20 at 7 pra david stanley acton driverof a westbound car was stopped at the intersection to turn left when his car was struck by another driven by john tutnbull acton neither car was drivaue after the collision the stanley vehicle having 475 damage and the tumbuu vehicle 800 mr stanley was slightly injur ed in the mishap cons hlldreth investigated set public skating prices firefighters sponsor campaign again this year acton fire fighters will be calling door-to- door for donations for the muscu lar dystrophy association of canada the drive continues from november 1 to november 15 on the campaign committee are herb dodds as chairman milliard price don van fleet andalf duby mdac will use money raised in the campaign to relieve the victims of muscular dystrophy in any way possible and to finance research into md the disease which causes progressive para lysis has its worst effects on children whose life expectancy it severely limits research aimed at finding a cure for muscular dystrophy is being carried on in north amer ica europe and japan as far as this season goes were off and running commen ted recreation and parks chair man john goy after arena man ager harold townsley gave a re port to the board on tha obstacles encountered installing ice in the community centre because of a new law making it mandatory to have a 24 hour engineer on duty with motors over 50 hp the committee acquired a 50 h p unit from beardmore and co to replace the present 75 h p however when it was inst alled it wouldnt run and was sent away to be repaired back again the 50 tup went about 30 seconds before it blew p making a major repair neces sary a phone call to the department of labour telling of the boards plight resulted in the information being passed along that the act forbidding motors over 50 hp without anengineer gave a three year grace period which wouldnt expire until 1968 the 75 hp motor was speed ily reinstalled and ice making re sumed on tuesday of last week mr townsley was asked to get a price on rewinding the 50 hp motor and prices on brand new and used 30 tup motors since it was obvious the plant needed more than 50 hp to run it areading last spring showed the ice plant was drawing 62 h p on the 75 h p motor mr townsley reported the closed brine system was working well he found it much faster than under the old system after much discussion on how negotiation were coming between the curling club and concession aire roy goodwin the committee decided curlers could have use of the entire facilities for 70 a day previously on special occas ion there was an additional 25 charge to the curlers for special occasions chairman goy said it was agreed the 25 charge would only be levied until the facilities which were installed at the cur lers request were paid for he cms qiamberhia is h0w with fine actons newest police officer is cons frank chamberlain who replaces cons pat thwaltes who has resigned cons chamber lain was transferred from the oakvllle detachment and began his duties here on friday re is still commuting from oakviue the fiveman force includes corp ray mason cons bruce mcarthur cons fete campbell cons bob hlldreth and cons chamberlain suggested the charge was exces sive and more reasonable rent could now be charged and the committee agreed vicechairman brendan aher- ne asked if the curlers had met with mr goodwin regarding use of the concession but was told they had perused the contract slgnea with the concessionaire and felt it wasnt necessary who countermanded our or der asked mr aherne referring to the last meeting when a del egation of curlers was told to see mr goodwin to iron problems out mr goy said two members of the board discussed the issue with dick lee curling club pre sident and it wasdecldednothlng could be accomplished by another meeting with mr goodwin mr aherne dldnt agree the point is said he two members of this board went against tha decision at the last meeting and countermanded the order given continued on page 6 open deer season still uncertainly the holding of an open deer hunt in halton county on novem ber 6 7 and 8 was uncertain at county councils october meet ing last week council bad earlier agreed to an open season providing neigh boring counties also participated it was reported wentworth and masons figures polls 1 4 advance 2635 esquesing 3460 georgetown 6177 aailton 78fis oakviue north 5 hwy 8698 oakviue north queen e 90161 oakviue w 16 mi cr 1 02188 oakviue e 16 mi cr gillies 54 382 1034 561 265 662 2749 652 skuce 156 658 1219 985 497 846 3496 1841 snow reiect 322 813 1306 928 510 693 3083 2204 10 29 24 4 10 33 11 wellington were believed aoow- lng the season but a final report had not bean received from tha department of lands a forests reeve h merry told council oakviue would not support an open season and no hunting would be allowed in the town limits it was also reported burlington had a bylaw prohibiting discharge of firearms in the south section of the municipality 6359 9698 9859 121 modern architecture beautiful setting and functional interior combine to make rockwcods new centennial school one of the most uptodate among educational institutions in the province classroom school grant aacree is principal of the 13- staff photo sprinkler system has gall stone the human digestive tract isnt the only place yon can find gall stones arena manager harold towns- ley can testify the aprlnuar sy stem at the community centra has suffered from the ailment for years certain parts of the system had low water pressure so ex perts from the bnrnall co were called in to assist in locating tha trouble an incision was made in the pipes and tha expert pall ed out a smooth atone suggest ing it had been in tha system for years thafs what yon call a system with gall stones parks and recreation john goy at thursdays i of the twinhatted hoard the pressure if s una i

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